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NPD Sales Results for July 2010


Cheech said:
Sony has a long row to hoe this year.

All they really have is GT5 to push units, and who knows how relevant that franchise still is (speaking about the US only, being an NPD thread and all). LBP2 is not going to move hardware units at all due to being a Euro-centric game, and... what else does Sony have?

2011 doesn't really improve the picture much. The only market for Killzone 3 is current PS3-only owners; nobody is going to buy a PS3 to play that in the face of Gears 3.

The 360, OTOH, is loaded for bear. Even in the unlikely event that Kinect flops, they are still the system to beat.

It is hard for me to rationally discuss the Wii. Sure, they will sell a shit ton of hardware during the holidays, but those people simply do not buy third party software that isn't shovelware or exercise games. It is a difficult system to take seriously. If they were seriously damaging the PS3/360 sales that would be one thing, but I honestly think they (more than ever) are selling to a different audience.

That said, I am very curious how many of these 360 slim sales are going to people with Wiis who are "upgrading". Despite fanboy banter, the MW2 sales bump put on full display that plenty of new Xbox customers bought the slim.

I agree, in the US PS3 will not come even remotely close to the 360 let alone the Wii. Halo: Reach will do amazing numbers in NA, to the point that I can asafely say that it will beat Killzone 3, inFamous 2, LBP2, GT5, TLG numbers combined.

That is NA though, WW is a completely different matter, in EU GT5 will outsell any 360 title and will probably cause a huge spike in sales there, will sell well in Japan as well. Wii will still take a piss on both this holiday so yet another year of fighting over scraps. :/

Also on the Wii, I think Donkey Kong is going to sell absolute gangbusters, my guess is at worst half what NSMB Wii has sold and same for Kirby but to a lesser extent.


Weekly averages month to month;

X360 90.2K
Wii 84.4K
PS3 60.8K

X360 110.8K
Wii 63.5K
PS3 53.6K

As for the Reach discussion my thought is at this point it's not going to be H3 numbers out the gate, but it's also not going to be an ODST either. Perhaps somewhere on the higher end of that spectrum however. I do think it could have even better legs than H3 maybe. First month all depends on those scores, word of mouth, ect to really push it. With MS starting TV marketing this early it may help a bit as well. I've seen the one commercial on multiple channels already. Generally though I think most are aware this isn't an ODST, but it's got the full fledged multi and all. That bundle will likely help to make Sept a very nice month HW wise though.


I got grudge sucked!
Has DQ ever made a top 10 before? Great for it!. I wonder what drove 360 sales. Crackdown2 + NCAA 10 + Slim = win? I think PS3 and Wii did okay for July


About those Lego Harry Potter numbers - I think they show once again just how much money is being left on the table. When video game companies release feature equivalent major games with broad appeal on all consoles, Nintendo consoles frequently equal or exceed the sales of the HD consoles(see Lego Harry Potter, Guitar Hero, etc. etc.)

Now look at the rest of the top 10. EA didn't even release a version of NCAA on Wii. How many missed sales is that? 200,000? 300,000? 500,000?

Then, hanging out at the bottom of the top 10, there's Cod:MW2. How many Wii customers are they missing out on? Sales of Reflex show there's an audience - but will they be tired of waiting by the time a release eventually comes out? What is Activision smoking?

This has all been discussed a thousand times, and it's beating a dead horse at this point - third parties won't change course this late in the console cycle. Still, I think the major third parties deserve having their face shoved in what they've done.

PS NSMB is a great Mario game, and deserves every sale it got. The only games it looks poor in comparison to are still greater Mario games - I'm not going to hold that against it.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
truly101 said:
Has DQ ever made a top 10 before? Great for it!. I wonder what drove 360 sales. Crackdown2 + NCAA 10 + Slim = win? I think PS3 and Wii did okay for July

Xbox 360 S launch I guess? (I know it was launched June)


LM4sure said:
Yikes, wii really fell off. I think this trend is likely to continue until November since the release schedule is pretty barren. It'll pick up around the holidays though.
wii party is comming out soon
Pociask said:
Then, hanging out at the bottom of the top 10, there's Cod:MW2. How many Wii customers are they missing out on? Sales of Reflex show there's an audience - but will they be tired of waiting by the time a release eventually comes out? What is Activision smoking?
The issue is less that Activision wants to throw away money and more that Infinity Ward doesn't have a Wii dev team and/or has a "thing" against the Wii.


RSTEIN said:
As was said above, the PS3 was "done" a long time ago.

How exactly is it "done"? If you mean it's cemented in 3rd place then yes, you're most likely right. Otherwise, I see no reason to call it "done"

PSP on the other hand...that thing might as well be placed into a casket already.


I saw a request for PR. Here are the Sony and MS statements, which I don't think are in this thread.

Sony said:
NPD: July 2010
Top PlayStation Highlights
- PS3 hardware sold 214k units in the month of July 2010.
- There are 13 million PS3 units in living rooms across the U.S. to date
- July marks 12 months of consecutive year on year growth for PS3 platform
- PS3 hardware unit sales are up 76% since July 2009 and is up 45% year to date (Jan-July 09 vs Jan –July 10).

SCEA Statement
“With the holidays just around the corner, there’s no question the critical role video games will play to drive consumer interest and entertainment spend this season. We know consumers are looking for more reasons to gather in their living rooms and are looking for content options that are compelling, relevant and offer fun for the entire family. PlayStation is the best company to deliver this total entertainment solution for every consumer. We’re also amply prepared to feed the consumer demand with new innovations like PlayStation Move coming next month, and unbelievably realistic 3D gaming experiences like Gran Turismo 5, in addition to anticipated games such as LittleBigPlanet 2 and EyePet coming later this holiday.” -- Patrick Seybold, Sr. Director of Corporate Communications at SCEA

Microsoft said:
Continued demand for the Xbox 360 console and anticipation for the forthcoming Kinect technology led to an increase in Microsoft’s console hardware sales compared to July 2009, up 118% year-over-year. Industry-wide trends show console sales remain strong, but Xbox 360 had its strongest July, and best calendar year to-date, on record.

· More than 443,000 Xbox 360 consoles were sold in the U.S. in July, surpassing both other current generation consoles. For the seventh consecutive month, the Xbox 360 continued to outsell PlayStation 3 at retail, and this was the second consecutive month the Xbox 360 has outsold the Wii at retail. Overall, the increased console sales contributed to $290 million in total spend at retail on Xbox 360 hardware, software and accessories in July.
· Four of July’s best-selling console games are on Xbox 360. “NCAA Football 11” for Xbox 360 was the overall #1 selling console game in July, with more than 368,000 units sold. In addition, three other Xbox 360 game titles took top sales honors in July, including: “Crackdown 2,” “Red Dead Redemption,” and “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2,” which were #3, #5, and #8 in the console market, respectively.
· Bucking the industry trend of slowing software sales, sales have been consistent on the Xbox 360 platform as Microsoft had at least two games in the top 10 every month in 2010. In addition, the value of the recently introduced Xbox 360 4GB console and the forthcoming Kinect technology continue to drive console adoption.
· U.S. consumers spent more than $125 million on Xbox 360 games alone last month, driving Microsoft’s industry-leading software attach rate of 8.9.

Retail demand for the new Xbox 360 250GB console remains high, and strong momentum is expected to continue for the next several months given the recent introduction of the Xbox 360 4GB model.
Emphasis in original MS PR.


So it is 8.9 then. Clears up the confusion on that. Total would put it at about 34% of total revenue for the month.


Comics, serious business!
Bizzyb said:
How exactly is it "done"? If you mean it's cemented in 3rd place then yes, you're most likely right. Otherwise, I see no reason to call it "done"

PSP on the other hand...that thing might as well be placed into a casket already.

Yes, I meant its last place position was cemented a long time ago. It has been quite clear for some time now that the PS3 would be the loser of this console war (with respect to financial results and number of units sold).

Games, technology, etc., is obviously subjective.
Penguin said:
But that describes EXACTLY what he is saying.

It will sell to an audience that already has a 360 for Halo 3 or Wars or ODST.

No one is denying the game will sell well.
The shooter audience (or more generally, the online multiplayer audience) for consoles is still growing. If Reach is a better and more fully featured game than 3, it's not outside the realm of possibility that it could cause a significant short term burst. MW2 was the 5th COD game on 360, and MS moved over 100k hw bundles, to say nothing of all the people who bought HD consoles last Christmas just to play COD.

360 is a lock for 400k or more in September.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
The shooter audience (or more generally, the online multiplayer audience) for consoles is still growing. If Reach is a better and more fully featured game than 3, it's not outside the realm of possibility that it could cause a significant short term burst. MW2 was the 5th COD game on 360, and MS moved over 100k hw bundles, to say nothing of all the people who bought HD consoles last Christmas just to play COD.

360 is a lock for 400k or more in September.

I agree. The shooter audience really can grow quite a bit. Reach adds so many features in one package that there will be a reasonable amount of people buying a 360 for that worldwide. I expect the 360 to clean up this year in the US.


RSTEIN said:
Yes, I meant its last place position was cemented a long time ago. It has been quite clear for some time now that the PS3 would be the loser of this console war (with respect to financial results and number of units sold).

Games, technology, etc., is obviously subjective.

Are you just talking about NPDs or worldwide? This is an NPD thread but phrases like 'loser of this console war' seem to be referring to the big picture.

Because you'd be right about NPDs, but ignorant about worldwide. The gap WW has continued decreasing, and it seems pretty clear that the two consoles will be neck and neck for the remainder of this generation.


ULTROS! said:
What is PS3's and 360's 2011 lineup?


Twisted Metal
New Sly or Jak game
Resistance 3
Killzone 3


Gears 3

Microsoft plays their cards way closer to their chest than Sony so they are harder to gauge; but regardless, what about that PS3 lineup is going to move consoles?

The thing is, you can say, "Well, there may be X game that we don't know about yet...", and that is certainly true. However, the games I listed are the names with the biggest cachet in the PS3's arsenal (again, at least in NA), and who is going to buy a PS3 to play any of those titles?

Gran Turismo 5, IMO, is the last hope for Sony to not see PS3 sales dive off a cliff next year.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
The shooter audience (or more generally, the online multiplayer audience) for consoles is still growing. If Reach is a better and more fully featured game than 3, it's not outside the realm of possibility that it could cause a significant short term burst. MW2 was the 5th COD game on 360, and MS moved over 100k hw bundles, to say nothing of all the people who bought HD consoles last Christmas just to play COD.

360 is a lock for 400k or more in September.

I mean its within the realm of possibility I guess.

But between CoD MW 2 and Halo 3/ODST, I would think the folks who are really into online shooters to that degree own the console.

I guess we shall see. Like said, expect Halo Reach to do well, don't think it will do as well as 3 but the game will sell.

I just don't see it giving the 360 much of a bump, though at this point, guess more sustained growth since its been rocking these past 2 months.


LM4sure said:
Yikes, wii really fell off. I think this trend is likely to continue until November since the release schedule is pretty barren. It'll pick up around the holidays though.

Wii is just about even YoY. The 360 being abnormally high makes it not look like that.

Cheech said:
It is hard for me to rationally discuss the Wii. Sure, they will sell a shit ton of hardware during the holidays, but those people simply do not buy third party software that isn't shovelware or exercise games. It is a difficult system to take seriously. If they were seriously damaging the PS3/360 sales that would be one thing, but I honestly think they (more than ever) are selling to a different audience.

Naw, that shit doesn't even sell anymore. 1st party Wii software sales, as of last month, were flat YoY. The drop in Wii software is all 3rd party.


Is it me or has this generation really slowed down?
Sales numbers aren't that high, there aren't many big releases in the near (or even far) future and the new hardware (Move/Natal) doesn't seem too interesting (at least for me).

Not to mention the fact that most people would agree that the #1 system has the worst library.


Cheech said:

Twisted Metal
New Sly or Jak game
Resistance 3
Killzone 3


Gears 3

Microsoft plays their cards way closer to their chest than Sony so they are harder to gauge; but regardless, what about that PS3 lineup is going to move consoles?

The thing is, you can say, "Well, there may be X game that we don't know about yet...", and that is certainly true. However, the games I listed are the names with the biggest cachet in the PS3's arsenal (again, at least in NA), and who is going to buy a PS3 to play any of those titles?

Gran Turismo 5, IMO, is the last hope for Sony to not see PS3 sales dive off a cliff next year.

Personally I've been thinking about this a bit and it really does look like Sony is lining some nice content next year. I would also say that Uncharted 3 is next fall too with a likely debut in the December GI this year just like the reveal with U2. Also LG is likely next year too if I had to guess. That makes for at least a decent to very good first party title every other month at least. The impact with these games alone may not be much, but the total offering could be stellar. A price drop is likely in the cards as well, but it looks like MS is pushing the next price drop into next year as well so they may even out in the end. SW however MS is really going to have to step up next year first party wise with just Gears 3 so far, no Fable and at least no Bungie Halo. Possibly Codenamed: Kingdoms for next year but who knows how that will turn out.

SW wise Sony has it hands down next year(so far) in my book and well MS is really going to have to dig deep to fill those gaps in between unlike this year. Likely there will be no Lionhead game for two years with PM already stating they will start work on the next project after Fable 3 releases unless they have had a second project in secret. That really just leaves 343 and Rare and of course who knows if Rare has any core projects cooking. I think they may, but Kinect has thrown a real curveball in that. I don’t really see too many more 3rd party Splinter Cell like deals happening either going forward. The real test for the PS3 will come in September and beyond as far as a measure of YoY sales going forward, but they have a nice lineup for next year at least plus likely price drop. So I don’t really see them falling off a cliff, but keeping up with the YoY comparisons maybe tough post Sept.

Paco said:
Do they count Live Arcade and Games on Demand?

Nope, that is a NPD figure based on retail sales. This would also put it right around 187 million SW units sold LTD in the US if my math is correct.


Cromat said:
Is it me or has this generation really slowed down?
Sales numbers aren't that high, there aren't many big releases in the near (or even far) future and the new hardware (Move/Natal) doesn't seem too interesting (at least for me).

Not to mention the fact that most people would agree that the #1 system has the worst library.

No, it's not just you. Generation fatigue and competition of new games with a console's backlog are precisely why this "10 year life span" thing is a load of crap.


farnham said:
wii party is comming out soon

Wii Party ain't going to do much relative to the sort of software that has sold the system in the past though. The game will likely sell, but push the system at new users? Not so much.


Penguin said:
But that describes EXACTLY what he is saying.

It will sell to an audience that already has a 360 for Halo 3 or Wars or ODST.

No one is denying the game will sell well.

No. I'm talking about the effect of a lot of people talking about it as their multi-player game of choice around their friends who do not yet own a 360. This in the months leading up to the holiday. If they want to play online with their friends then they will have to jump in.

Take the brand of Halo out of the equation. It's going to be one of the biggest online multi-player console games this generation and it's only available on the 360. If you want to get in on that then you really don't have an alternative in asking for a PS3 or Wii for xmas.


Sept. numbers will ve very interesting. I'll be picking up Reach bundle 360. Speaking of which, anyone need a 120 gb elite?


Jtyettis said:
Personally I've been thinking about this a bit and it really does look like Sony is lining some nice content next year. I would also say that Uncharted 3 is next fall too with a likely debut in the December GI this year just like the reveal with U2. Also LG is likely next year too if I had to guess. That makes for at least a decent to very good first party title every other month at least. The impact with these games alone may not be much, but the total offering could be stellar. A price drop is likely in the cards as well, but it looks like MS is pushing the next price drop into next year as well so they may even out in the end. SW however MS is really going to have to step up next year first party wise with just Gears 3 so far, no Fable and at least no Bungie Halo. Possibly Codenamed: Kingdoms for next year but who knows how that will turn out.

SW wise Sony has it hands down next year(so far) in my book and well MS is really going to have to dig deep to fill those gaps in between unlike this year. Likely there will be no Lionhead game for two years with PM already stating they will start work on the next project after Fable 3 releases unless they have had a second project in secret. That really just leaves 343 and Rare and of course who knows if Rare has any core projects cooking. I think they may, but Kinect has thrown a real curveball in that. I don’t really see too many more 3rd party Splinter Cell like deals happening either going forward. The real test for the PS3 will come in September and beyond as far as a measure of YoY sales going forward, but they have a nice lineup for next year at least plus likely price drop. So I don’t really see them falling off a cliff, but keeping up with the YoY comparisons maybe tough post Sept.

Nope, that is a NPD figure based on retail sales.

You forgot Forza 4.

Sipowicz said:
it's probably done well over a million if you count downloads.

Err... they announced that it had sold through over 1.5 million after 48 hours, so yeah, I think it probably has. :lol

thcsquad said:
Because you'd be right about NPDs, but ignorant about worldwide. The gap WW has continued decreasing, and it seems pretty clear that the two consoles will be neck and neck for the remainder of this generation.

There are basically two different ways to look at the worldwide console war here.

The first, least useful way, is to just look at worldwide sales numbers, and this is actually the one that is less favorable to PS3. They're millions behind, they're in no position to change that at the rates they're gaining on the 360, the generation will end with one or the other squeaking over the competition by a few million but with 360 having spent the entire time with a worldwide lead.

Alternately, you can (more sensibly) look at worldwide sales in terms of orders of magnitude and effect on a console's life and health, in which case all this kind of jockeying is totally irrelevant: both systems have the support they have, 99% of all third-party games are reliant on the unholy symbiosis between the two HD systems to produce a sufficiently large market, and nothing either Sony or Microsoft can do at this point will cause a shift large enough to change either fact.

At this point, relative sales comparisons for 360 vs. PS3 are mostly interesting for how their local-to-one-territory sales will help each system prepare a good landing strip for its eventual successor, or maybe a little bit if (big if here) one of them looks posed to suddenly become profitable in a significant way.


Vinci said:
Wii Party ain't going to do much relative to the sort of software that has sold the system in the past though. The game will likely sell, but push the system at new users? Not so much.
i dont know. its a wii... title and most likely to be the key title this holiday for nintendo.

also it will probably be released with wiimote bundles.

if it does, what most of the wii... titles did in the past (10 million worldwide +), then it will push some systems at least.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
PSP games have exactly three more chances to chart with the announced software they have.

FF XIII Agito, GoW, and KH BBS.

KH BBS has the best chance. GoW depends on what comes out in the same month, and Agito has to make it out before the system folds up completely.


charlequin said:
Err... they announced that it had sold through over 1.5 million after 48 hours, so yeah, I think it probably has. :lol

was that just in america? it's frigin awesome regardless
Paco said:
No. I'm talking about the effect of a lot of people talking about it as their multi-player game of choice around their friends who do not yet own a 360. This in the months leading up to the holiday. If they want to play online with their friends then they will have to jump in.

Take the brand of Halo out of the equation. It's going to be one of the biggest online multi-player console games this generation and it's only available on the 360. If you want to get in on that then you really don't have an alternative in asking for a PS3 or Wii for xmas.


Just because it's exclusive to 360, it doesn't mean anything.

I don't know if it will bring more new customers to 360 than Halo 3, but it surely will sell at least like Halo 3 did.

It's just crazy thinking otherwise, looking at the installed base the 360 now has.

Not everyone with an xbox likes Halo or liked Halo 3.

There surely are players who never played a Halo game, and yet they have a 360.

So Reach has a much wider audience now.

It's the last Halo by Bungie, the last exclusive by Bungie, and the last big game aside from Gears that Ms can push: it will be bundled from here to eternity and the marketing campaign is said to be even bigger than the Halo 3's one.

Just my two cents, of course. But I'm pretty sure that Reach will sell more than Halo 3.

ODST's numbers don't count: it was an expansion pack with no new multiplayer sold at full retail price. And still it managed to move 1.5m on day one.


listen to the mad man
Cheech said:

Twisted Metal
New Sly or Jak game
Resistance 3
Killzone 3

This is such a bad answer to the question. It includes two games that aren't announced and fails to include many of the games that are announced. :p


farnham said:
i dont know. its a wii... title and most likely to be the key title this holiday for nintendo.

also it will probably be released with wiimote bundles.

if it does, what most of the wii... titles did in the past (10 million worldwide +), then it will push some systems at least.

Wii Party strikes me as being more like Wii Music than Wii Fit or Wii Sports. It'll sell better than Wii Music, but I don't see how it could move consoles.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
evangd007 said:
No, it's not just you. Generation fatigue and competition of new games with a console's backlog are precisely why this "10 year life span" thing is a load of crap.

I'd say a big part of this generation's "fatigue" is not due to lack of new consoles with shiny new graphics to impress people for 2 years, but the fact that publishers have been riding genres into the ground. That's the reason why they can't compete with their own back catalog.

The typical industry solution is to wait for Xbox 720 then release Call of Duty 8 and let the new graphics front-load a ton of sales because people they it looks "new".

But because there is no Xbox 720, the fact that everyone keeps making the same FPS, racer, sports game, etc, over and over again, is exposing how bankrupt the industry is for content.

Everyone in the industry is going to do their best to avoid owning up to this fact because the industry thrives on an ass-backwards model of using hardware to sell software - make new hardware with the latest graphics, and slap a fresh coat of paint on the same old games. However, it is all about the games.

It's interesting to compare this situation to the PC, where a platform by its nature has to compete directly with like 20 years of its own back catalog. Sure, the upgradability of PC hardware means fresh shaders and higher resolutions come along every year in increments. But it is much more common on PC to see people play ten year old games than on consoles, where people sell off their old library and buy a new console for new graphics.

It's interesting that one of the most successful PC developers, Blizzard, tends to not focus on technology and graphics (Starcraft II, in terms of cool new visual toys, is very conservative), must compete with their own back catalog of incredibly strong games still being played today by millions, yet still succeeds when they release new software.

(I know some will try to say that, for example, Starcraft II is the same old game with new paint, but that isn't true. Its single player content is rich and brings much to the table, because surprise surprise, tons of people still want single player content. Its multiplayer can't screw too much with the system for Korea would revolt, but is still rich and brings many changes at higher levels, for longevity. The average recycled HD console game - and generic PC FPSes that fail - is becoming shockingly samey under a remixed surface gloss, all within far too short of a timeframe for releasing these exploitive games back to back.)


Comics, serious business!
thcsquad said:
Are you just talking about NPDs or worldwide? This is an NPD thread but phrases like 'loser of this console war' seem to be referring to the big picture.

Because you'd be right about NPDs, but ignorant about worldwide. The gap WW has continued decreasing, and it seems pretty clear that the two consoles will be neck and neck for the remainder of this generation.

I am talking about the US (being a NPD thread and all).

But the worldwide picture is more or less the same. The PS3 will certainly be the loser financially and most likely the loser in total units sold.

As someone else said, the generation has more years behind it now than in front of it so the order is set and it doesn't really matter. The PS3 has sold enough to ensure it receives lots of attention. On all fronts we've had some amazing games, interesting technological developments, etc. etc., so we might as well just enjoy it until the generation ends.

Then war will begin anew!


evangd007 said:
No, it's not just you. Generation fatigue and competition of new games with a console's backlog are precisely why this "10 year life span" thing is a load of crap.
The 10 year cycle is fine. If carmack can get rage running on a damn iPhone then the ps360 are far from maxed out. The problem is the prices are still too high. Way too high. Nintendo is being effected by strong yen so can't drop price, Sony is still trying to recoup from blu ray and ms is still trying to recoup from rrod. None of the 3 have any incentive whatsoever to release a new system and all of them still have room for price drops to make this gen explode.

The only player in any real danger is nintendo. MS and maybe Sony have room to grow with hd on the up and now having motion control while the wii is just stuck outside of first party offerings. I could totally see them throwing all their major support behind 3ds while only keeping wii up with 1st party support drying up and moving to the hd twins.


What boggles my mind is that people are still bothering with the '360 to PS3 gap.' It's a bullshit, useless metric that isn't going to change a damn thing - and hasn't changed a damn thing since Sony proved it was mortal after all.


Elios83 said:
Because all the people interested in Halo already have the console 5 years into the lifecycle.

People interested in Halo or have recently became interested in Halo may not have 360s. Im focusing on friends that play Halo with you but don't iwn 360s, and keep saying to themselves they need to pick one up.

Reach will almost certainly bump sales, even if its a slight bump, im expecting forward momentum when Reach drops.


Wii Party already sold a ton the few weeks it came out in Japan.

But I agree it probably won't be a console-moving title. At this stage (4-5 years into cycle), it won't be a 'single' title to move console. It will be a combination of several factors such as price drop, library of titles, console popularity and reputation etc.


So what do you suppose nintendo is going to do if move and kinect take off? Besides 1st party there will be no reason to buy a wii. It will have the oldest motion tech of the 3 and the hardware is approaching what 10 years old? People will no doubt tire of sub hd hardware when they can now upgrade. And did you Watch the epic mickey portion of bonus round a couple weeks back? If not do yourself a favor and head over to gametrailers.


thirty said:
So what do you suppose nintendo is going to do if move and kinect take off?
I don't see much chance of them taking off to a degree that seriously threatens Nintendo, and regardless, they're going to have Wii 2 out by Q2 2012 at the latest, if they're not insane.
Vinci said:
What boggles my mind is that people are still bothering with the '360 to PS3 gap.' It's a bullshit, useless metric that isn't going to change a damn thing - and hasn't changed a damn thing since Sony proved it was mortal after all.

Nope, nothing at all changes. Nothing at all.


listen to the mad man
OldJadedGamer said:
Nope, nothing at all changes. Nothing at all.

It doesn't though.

If Microsoft "beats" Sony by 2 million units or Sony "beats" Microsoft by 2 million units, what does it matter, besides to people who obsessively need to rank things? Would last generation have been manifestly different if the GameCube had beat the OG Xbox by 5 million units rather than vice versa?


Impressive 360 numbers. It got a bigger bump than I thought it would. I figured the $150 Arcade would move units. Hell, after all the misery I went through with the 360 I was tempted to jump back in at that price. Once the fire sale on old models is over the sales will likely return to Earth. But with the slim, Reach, Fable, a new CoD and Kinect, I expect the 360 to have it's strongest holiday yet.


thirty said:
So what do you suppose nintendo is going to do if move and kinect take off?

Keep making software for their hardware and continue making money, which is what they've always done. Say Move and Kinect do take off... so what? Is that going to lose Nintendo 3rd party support? Not likely, they hardly have any to begin with - and what they have isn't responsible for their success at any rate. Are people going to choose 360 or PS3 over the Wii due to them suddenly having motion controls? I guess it's possible, but when the Wii has sold to 1/3rd of the households in America and is still selling at a faster rate than the PS2, it's a drop in the bucket. You're talking about statistical noise here.

Besides 1st party there will be no reason to buy a wii.

1st party is the ONLY reason people own a Wii in the first place. Unless Nintendo is hit by an asteroid and wiped out of existence, this advantage isn't going away. Ever. And since that's the dominant advantage of this generation, I'd say they're still in decent shape.

It will have the oldest motion tech of the 3 and the hardware is approaching what 10 years old?

News flash: No one cares. The mainstream consumer doesn't care about technology - they care about the software. And this generation? They care about Nintendo's software. Can MS and Sony replicate that? Perhaps it's possible, but think about how successful Nintendo's software is - not only this generation but over the entirety of the videogame industry's history and you start to notice that... no one has successfully ever replicated the same levels of success consistently that Nintendo has. No one. Not in software.

In other words, they could conceivably do it... but it's a tough thing to do.

People will no doubt tire of sub hd hardware when they can now upgrade.

Mainstream doesn't care about HD the same way you do. This issue has been driven into dust over the last several years - it's a non-issue.
thirty said:
It will have the oldest motion tech of the 3 and the hardware is approaching what 10 years old? People will no doubt tire of sub hd hardware when they can now upgrade.

This is completely wrong. Video games are not a tech driven industry. They are a content driven industry. People are buying the Wii not because they can't afford a PS3/360 but they're buying it for Wii Sports, Wii Fit, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Mario Kart Wii, etc etc.
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