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NPD Sales Results for June 2007

TheRipDizz said:
1. Other versions? You mean the PS2 port? I was under the assumption that it only did a little better than the Gamecube verion. Something about an apathetic, pissed off fanbase? : / Hmm....
2. Microsoft beating their 360 projectons in Japan?

1. The GameCube version alone sold over 800k in the US alone, and the PS2 version sold like 700k in the US alone.

2. Is the XBox360 a 2.5 year old, cheapo, repackaged XBox that's been released 3 times already? What the **** is your point?

Capcom signed off on the project and set a goal of 450,000 units LTD for its profitability. It'll be hitting that by the end of July WW (assuming Euro release?).
Cheesemeister said:
Plugging the leak floodgates isn't nothing.
It's legal necessity, not something GAF administrators can offer as part of a bargain. GAF stops providing their product, they don't take action against GAF and even throw us a bone. "Plugging the floodgates" on English magazine scans doesn't mean EGM owes us something.
DarkMage619 said:
I am not so sure. OK RE4 does OK, but its far from being a top seller compared to Nintendo's own titles. Look at what else sold really well on the Wii. ALL of the other titles were published by Nintendo! How can that be a good sign to 3rd parties that their games are going to do well on the Wii?
There's no 3D Mario platformer among the top software sales. Nintendo can't be taking that as a good sign as to how Super Mario Galaxy will perform.


AniHawk said:
Eh, late. I know.


I like. :D


AdmiralViscen said:
1. The GameCube version alone sold over 800k in the US alone, and the PS2 version sold like 700k in the US alone.

2. Is the XBox360 a 2.5 year old, cheapo, repackaged XBox that's been released 3 times already? What the **** is your point?

Capcom signed off on the project and set a goal of 450,000 units LTD for its profitability. It'll be hitting that by the end of July WW (assuming Euro release?).
The European one came out June 29. It's at around 250k-300k now without European sales accounted for.
AdmiralViscen said:
1. The GameCube version alone sold over 800k in the US alone, and the PS2 version sold like 700k in the US alone.

2. Is the XBox360 a 2.5 year old, cheapo, repackaged XBox that's been released 3 times already? What the **** is your point?

Capcom signed off on the project and set a goal of 450,000 units LTD for its profitability. It'll be hitting that by the end of July WW (assuming Euro release?).
1. Respectable. No where near what it's preacessors did on a much, much smaller userbase. I'd say my original point still applies.
2. My point was low expectations. Nothing more. And ease the **** up there tough guy. This shit isn't that important.


TheRipDizz said:
1. Respectable. No where near what it's preacessors did on a much, much smaller userbase. I'd say my original point still applies.

It actually doesn't. But that's me. I like to back up things with facts and logic.

Like, say, the GC had a userbase of about 10m in the states when RE4 sold 300k its first month. The Wii has a userbases of about 3m when RE4 sold about 150k its first month.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Did you decide to simply ignore the "software" and "services" qualifier there? People are as interested in bleeding edge software as ever, it's just a matter of getting it to them at a more reasonable price point.
Which is exactly the problem Sony has, you see, no new interest. Good software will always be wanted, regardless of platform. However, in order to hook the mass market (which has a short attention span in this industry) you need new appeal in order to make it stand out.

Make no mistake, Wii Sports has, by itself, toppled cinematic gaming from its glittering throne. There's no going back from the new hotness to the old until the wheel turns once more.

AltogetherAndrews said:
You are being quite shortsighted if you assume that this position, in terms of pricing and subsequently marketing appeal, is somehow the goal for Sony.
It wasn't their goal to go niche, just as it wasn't Nintendo's goal a generations ago. It's rather that they had rather over-optimistic ideas about the size of the pool they jumped into. They already targeted their customer and are discovering much to their chagrin that this customer isn't terribly lucrative.

Same thing happened with the PSP. Hence the recent marketing towards children. "Dude, get your own" was a reaction to disappointing sales in relation to their sales targets and expectations.

PS: Marketing appeal is more than just price. 2nd hand Wii systems have been known to sell at over twice retail.
Meh, these numbers are a bit underwhelming. Only PSP and DS really impress me. Wii actually sold better in May (based on weekly averages).
TheRipDizz said:
1. Respectable. No where near what it's preacessors did on a much, much smaller userbase. I'd say my original point still applies.
2. My point was low expectations. Nothing more. And ease the **** up there tough guy. This shit isn't that important.

PS1 wasn't much smaller than PS2 at the time of this game's release. They were about the same, in fact. I don't know why you're comparing games from a series in its stride in the late 90s to one that had gotten lost for a few years by the time 2004 rolled around. RE4 was not a poor seller to the point where it's fourth release is supposed to release some kind of decade-old pent-up demand for the series as a whole.

I'm at ease, your comments lack logic. You are offering no reason why Capcom should have ludicrously high expectations for this game. In any case, it's racking up sales on low investment, so Capcom is happily profiting from it.

RE4Wii is going to outsell Tomb Raider Legend on 360 btw. By the end of its second month in the US.

edit: Oh, when you said 'its predecessors' you meant ITSELF. In that case, see Anihawk's post.

editx2: Wait, you WERE saying the PS1 sold worse than GameCube.
AniHawk said:
It actually doesn't. But that's me. I like to back up things with facts and logic.

Like, say, the GC had a userbase of about 10m in the states when RE4 sold 300k its first month. The Wii has a userbases of about 3m when RE4 sold about 150k its first month.
I wasn't talking about RE4 GC. I was refering to RE4 GC/PS2 compared to what the original REs did on just the PSX.
What confuses me, AltogetherAndrews, is the differentiation you make between the previous market composition and the current composition.

The previous market had these compositions. (If you feel I am wrong, please, correct me. : ) )

Hardcore: The guy who bought a game or two (probably more) per month and squeezed the most he could out of his games. Probably did his research before making a purchase, knows a developer or two.

Casual: Bought games based on cover art/name, or hype. Plays a game to get to the end, and just leaves the game/console there till the next time they get another game.

Genre fan: Likes a genre and will check out games, or not look at them, based on their genre. Games range in all sorts of quality, but they focus on a genre or two.

Nintendo is now targeting a new segment. They are bringing the non-gamer, the one who would not look at a game previously and the lapsed gamer, who liked simple games back in the SNES days but quit due to the mounting complexity.

Now, from what I can understand, you make two arguments.

The PS3 can capitalize on the market make up from the previous generation, which is obviously alive and well, still purchasing a great variety of PS2 games. This market makeup is made up of the Hardcore, Casual, and Genre Fan.

Then there's the idea that the Wii is expanding the market, which means that they are targeting the previous market as well as the non-gamer and the lapsed gamer.

Since the market overlaps, that means that, at some level, the Wii is directly competing with the PS3.

If the Wii's userbase grows, more of all these groups will join the userbase and buy the games in greater quantity. Which means more copies sold and happier publishers, which then commission more games.

As you can see, the second argument contradicts the first. Well, of course, there's the audience that goes for HD graphics, which there is. But it seems they are a very vocal but very small minority at the moment. Will they grow? Not in my view. Instead of ravenously seeking HD, the masses will just come to see them as the standard next generation.

Currently, people seem to go for the new gameplay possibilities available by the Wii. Sure, it may be presenting an alternative for current working schemes, but it is a bit more immersive*, and that seems to be enough for this generation.

*(couldn't think of the proper word, sorry)

If I miss understood you, then I'm sorry.
AdmiralViscen said:
PS1 wasn't much smaller than PS2 at the time of this game's release. They were about the same, in fact. I don't know why you're comparing games from a series in its stride in the late 90s to one that had gotten lost for a few years by the time 2004 rolled around. RE4 was not a poor seller to the point where it's fourth release is supposed to release some kind of decade-old pent-up demand for the series as a whole.

I'm at ease, your comments lack logic.
On the other hand, most people agree RE4 was the pinnacle of the series by far. It should have brought back its faithful to a much larger degree. Especially since it was available to a much larger gamer populace. My opinion.

Correction. You just fail to grasp it.

The Sphinx said:
There are literally thousands of posts on GAF praising the game.

EDIT: Incidentally, :lol at linking me to a Drinky thread.
:lol at you thinking a thousand opinions mean anything when I've done nothing but state facts. The game has flaws, things to bitch about other than how kiddy it is, I have no idea why this is so objectionable.

But seeing as how you want this to continue, how many of those thousands would have said the same about any Pokemon game? Because that's essentially what Pearl/Diamond are, online DS Pokemon games.


wow wii/ds/psp numbers make the x360 and ps3 look so bad. Everyone is saying the PSP is a failure yet outsells the x360 every month it seems.

PS3 needs some major help and i'm not even sure a another $100 price cut can help it at this point. It might be a lost cause at this point.

I still have never seen a wii in stock. Crazy how big of a hit it is.


AdmiralViscen said:
The hell are you talking about? How many people at this forum are Wii-only?

Wii/Gamecube/Ps2 here

although my Ps2 is broken so I use my roomates. I was raving about Klonoa2 ever since I finally managed to find it used at Ebgames.


Kbsmoker said:
wow wii/ds/psp numbers make the x360 and ps3 look so bad. Everyone is saying the PSP is a failure yet outsells the x360 every month it seems.

PSP hardware sells well, but software sales are exceedingly poor. X360 hardware sales are rather mediocre, but software sales are incredible.


TheRipDizz said:
On the other hand, most people agree RE4 was the pinnacle of the series by far. It should have brought back its faithful to a much larger degree. My opinion.

Correction. You just fail to grasp it.


Who does "most people" refer to? RE4 is easily the best installment in the series, but a game's quality isn't directly proportional to its sales. Why, if Okami has anything to say about it, quality and sales must be inversely proportional!
Kbsmoker said:
wow wii/ds/psp numbers make the x360 and ps3 look so bad. Everyone is saying the PSP is a failure yet outsells the x360 every month it seems.

PS3 needs some major help and i'm not even sure a another $100 price cut can help it at this point. It might be a lost cause at this point.

I still have never seen a wii in stock. Crazy how big of a hit it is.
WTF are all these people doing with them though? They sure as hell aren't buying any games for the thing. : /
TheRipDizz said:
On the other hand, most people agree RE4 was the pinnacle of the series by far. It should have brought back its faithful to a much larger degree. Especially since it was available to a much larger gamer populace. My opinion.

Correction. You just fail to grasp it.


Yea, Gamecube sold way better than PS1.

PS1 and PS2 were about even in userbase circa 2004 btw.

Your point sucks, you just fail to grasp why.

DMC3 didn't sell well despite being the pinnacle of that series. Why? It had a few years where it got lost (DMC2), just like RE (platform switching). If it was rereleased on PS3 and sold 150,000 units in ten days, that'd be just grand. Except for all the HD assets and investment it would require.

The fact is that you can't expect a fourth port on Wii to magically spur the RE series back to its 1998 heights. It's asinine. If Capcom's projections were profitable, which they surely were, and the game is SHITTING ON THEM, then it's a success, period. Jesus.
AniHawk said:
PSP hardware sells well, but software sales are exceedingly poor. X360 hardware sales are rather mediocre, but software sales are incredible.

It's all in the achievements. I'm convinced 7000% of the people who buy XBLA games do so solely to collect their 200 points.


TheRipDizz said:
WTF are all these people doing with them though? They sure as hell aren't buying any games for the thing. : /

PSPs are so easily hacked. sony im surprised dint release a new version sooner. They make an Excellent Portable SNES for those who are too image sensative to own a GBA or DS.

They also make for great porn on the go


TheRipDizz said:
WTF are all these people doing with them though? They sure as hell aren't buying any games for the thing. : /
Well they are buying games but most likely the $20 ones you can get now. There really haven't been any big psp games released lately. At least i haven't notice any....


Only things that surprised me this month were Tenchu's relative success, and The Darkness's relative failure. It was only out 5 days, so maybe July will be kind too it, but I really expected it to do better than that.

edit: No Overlord is pretty sad too, but it too was only out for 4 days, it could be a word of mouth slow burner still.


This is off-topic,but I want to thank everyone who was in the "Why are people so excited about Wii's success?" thread. That was painfully funny, and really made my night.


Son of Godzilla said:
It's all in the achievements. I'm convinced 7000% of the people who buy XBLA games do so solely to collect their 200 points.
Do achievements do anything? Do you get points to spend on future XBL stuff?
AdmiralViscen said:
PS1 wasn't much smaller than PS2 at the time of this game's release. They were about the same, in fact. I don't know why you're comparing games from a series in its stride in the late 90s to one that had gotten lost for a few years by the time 2004 rolled around. RE4 was not a poor seller to the point where it's fourth release is supposed to release some kind of decade-old pent-up demand for the series as a whole.

I'm at ease, your comments lack logic. You are offering no reason why Capcom should have ludicrously high expectations for this game. In any case, it's racking up sales on low investment, so Capcom is happily profiting from it.

RE4Wii is going to outsell Tomb Raider Legend on 360 btw. By the end of its second month in the US.

edit: Oh, when you said 'its predecessors' you meant ITSELF. In that case, see Anihawk's post.

editx2: Wait, you WERE saying the PS1 sold worse than GameCube.

"I'm at ease, your comments lack logic. "

Correction. You just fail to grasp it.
**puts head into hands**


Sucks at viral marketing
For all this talk about how poor Wii 3rd party sales are, has anyone noticed that the 360 only has one 3rd party title that's higher than the Wii's (and only by about 30k)? There really isn't enough here to claim a moral victory like a few people are... especially when that game is an insanely popular, last-gen port that probably would have done better on the Wii.

The fact that we are already having these types of discussions is very telling. This time last year the 360 had only 1 game at all that would have outsold RE4... and not by much. Wii software sales are already comparable to the 360's current sales and its only going to get stronger. We're already back to reffering to all 3rd parties as one collective entity in order to balance these numbers ... we can't go much lower than that.
voodoojohn said:
Meh, these numbers are a bit underwhelming. Only PSP and DS really impress me. Wii actually sold better in May (based on weekly averages).

I think that might be a more useful benchmark for the Wii if it wasn't still supply limited. I mean the only way to get 1 on Amazon, for example, is through resellers, and the price starts around $350, so you get the impression people are still having trouble finding them...


FitzOfRage said:
I think that might be a more useful benchmark for the Wii if it wasn't still supply limited. I mean the only way to get 1 on Amazon, for example, is through resellers, and the price starts around $350, so you get the impression people are still having trouble finding them...

i still haven't seen a wii in a store. granted, it's not like i spend a whole heckuva lot of time looking for them, but i haven't seen one.

i saw five elites at best buy on saturday, though. for whatever that's worth.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
JJConrad said:
For all this talk about how poor Wii 3rd party sales are, has anyone noticed that the 360 only has one 3rd party title that's higher than the Wii's (and only by about 30k)? There really isn't enough here to claim a moral victory like a few people are... especially when that game is an insanely popular, last-gen port that probably would have done better on the Wii.

The fact that we are already having these types of discussions is very telling. This time last year the 360 had only 1 game at all that would have outsold RE4... and not by much. Wii software sales are already comparable to the 360's current sales and its only going to get stronger. We're already back to reffering to all 3rd parties as one collective entity in order to balance these numbers ... we can't go much lower than that.

Well, it's not really a fair comparison as 360 has a lot of high profile third party games, meaning big budget, flashy games that have similarly large marketing budgets behind them, being pushed by big publishers. Wii does not really have a comparable stable of third party exclusiveness. I think if they did get games like that they would probably put up numbers pretty close to the 360s. Wii is selling to a much wider audience than the gamecube, which was primary directed to the hardcore who only bought the console for Nintendo games.


AniHawk said:
Do achievements do anything? Do you get points to spend on future XBL stuff?

It's just e-peen. But still, don't underestimate the power of achievements. I think it's the best thing put into gaming for a long time. Gives you a reason to pick up a game and try something silly.


bmf said:
Apparently some people masturbate to them. It's like an alternative to porn or something.
:lol :lol :lol

But yeah, you don't get anything..except for a much larger e-penis..
I love how some of my friends are like "Oh, I gotta get more games to get more achievements!!" ..even when they have like 25,000+ points...
AdmiralViscen said:
Yea, Gamecube sold way better than PS1.

PS1 and PS2 were about even in userbase circa 2004 btw.

Your point sucks, you just fail to grasp why.

DMC3 didn't sell well despite being the pinnacle of that series. Why? It had a few years where it got lost (DMC2), just like RE (platform switching). If it was rereleased on PS3 and sold 150,000 units in ten days, that'd be just grand. Except for all the HD assets and investment it would require.

The fact is that you can't expect a fourth port on Wii to magically spur the RE series back to its 1998 heights. It's asinine. If Capcom's projections were profitable, which they surely were, and the game is SHITTING ON THEM, then it's a success, period. Jesus.
You aren't even adressing my points. Go look at what each of the Resident Evils did on the PSX and look what its userbase was at the time it did it. Now compare that to what the combined userbase of the PS2 and GC were at the time of RE4's release and you will then come to the conclusion, much as I already have, that you absolutly have not a f***** clue. :lol
TheRipDizz said:
You aren't even adressing my points. Go look at what each of the Resident Evils did on the PSX and look what its userbase was at the time it did it. Now compare that to what the combined userbase of the PS2 and GC were at the time of RE4's release and you will then come to the conclusion, much as I already have, that you absolutly have not a f***** clue. :lol


Expecting the Wii to restore it to prominence after 5 years of decline MAKES NO SENSE period, I already covered this aspect of your post. Unless you have another reason for dredging up 3 year old sales? Your point is to say that the game's "poor" performance on PS2/Cube should result in a sales balloon on Wii, right?

I already ****ing said everything you said in this post, but I'm clueless.
does anyone have a link to that analyst article where he was saying if ps3 was less than 100,000 again devs were gonna start cutting and running en masse or something.
they did come close though


Odysseus said:
i still haven't seen a wii in a store. granted, it's not like i spend a whole heckuva lot of time looking for them, but i haven't seen one.

i saw five elites at best buy on saturday, though. for whatever that's worth.
OK, I'll take the bait and read into this anecdotal information:

The PS3 is selling poorly.


The Autumn Wind
Innotech said:
I was raving about Klonoa2 ever since I finally managed to find it used at Ebgames.
Good man. Now where's my Klonoa 3, Namco?

avatar299 said:
This is off-topic,but I want to thank everyone who was in the "Why are people so excited about Wii's success?" thread. That was painfully funny, and really made my night.
You're welcome.
JJConrad said:
For all this talk about how poor Wii 3rd party sales are, has anyone noticed that the 360 only has one 3rd party title that's higher than the Wii's (and only by about 30k)? There really isn't enough here to claim a moral victory like a few people are... especially when that game is an insanely popular, last-gen port that probably would have done better on the Wii.

The fact that we are already having these types of discussions is very telling. This time last year the 360 had only 1 game at all that would have outsold RE4... and not by much. Wii software sales are already comparable to the 360's current sales and its only going to get stronger. We're already back to reffering to all 3rd parties as one collective entity in order to balance these numbers ... we can't go much lower than that.

What are you talking about? Is there some other reality out there where RE4 did more than 150k its first month? What the hell does "This time last year the 360 had only 1 game at all that would have outsold RE4... and not by much." even mean? A port of the best game of last gen actually appears on a sales chart and some people damn lose their minds.


Bildi said:
OK, I'll take the bait and read into this anecdotal information:

The PS3 is selling poorly.

couldn't say. in my time at best buy, i didn't see a single person purchase a video game system. crash confirmed?
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