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NPD Sales Results for June 2007


Eh, late. I know.



formerly sane
speculawyer said:
It's ability to sell 3rd party software is still in question . . . $29.99 RE:4 coming in at the bottom of the Top 10 doesn't kill the complaint, IMHO.

Only by the tards, Wii is selling better for 3rd parties than PS3 despite the difference in the line up, queue up the price point excuse. Ubisoft managed to have 2 million sellers relatively quick how long did it take for the other 2? What wii 3rd party games that haven't sold decent deserved to sell?


Lightning said:
One thing I will never do is hop on this Wii train.

I like my 360 much more than my Wii. But this is one statement people make that I'll never understand. Why limit yourself and refuse to experience fantastic games, just because you disagree with the maker of the plastic. Jesus dude, Wii Sports is pretty much the best thing you can do at a party besides having an orgy. Why sit in a corner with bitter tears on your cheeks when you could be having fun?
AltogetherAndrews said:
Meh, third parties. They will come back (if they ever leave) once these machines hit a mainstream price point. For now, we'll just have to get by on incredible first party efforts instead.
You are aware that Nintendo fans were saying the exact same thing during the N64 generation and again during the Gamecube generation?


TheGreatDave said:
Calling Pokemon crap is just retarded. I mean, it has a 10,000 post + thread here, it's sold millions and millions, it always gets great reviews...you risk coming off as a shitty "I only play mature games!" gamer.

I think that post right there proves wii and 360/ps3 are not competing. LOL

Gong to list those 6 games from the top 10 you bought Davey boy?


vicious_killer_squirrel said:
You are aware that Nintendo fans were saying the exact same thing during the N64 generation and again during the Gamecube generation?

don't mind him. while he should be used to adjusting, seeing as how he has switched sides in console wars several times and changes his stance on games in general by the day, this one happens to elude him for now.
Norse said:
I think that post right there proves wii and 360/ps3 are not competing. LOL

Gong to list those 6 games from the top 10 you bought Davey boy?

I'm talking about a DS game. How's that relate to the home consoles?

I bought Wii Play, Mario Party, Pokemon Diamond, Forza 2 (although I haven't played it yet), RE:4 and Guitar Hero 360. Is this...shameful?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
speculawyer said:
It's ability to sell 3rd party software is still in question . . . $29.99 RE:4 coming in at the bottom of the Top 10 doesn't kill the complaint, IMHO.

Dude, I like you, but you seem to come off differently every so often. I'll see you post some pretty intelligent, sensible things, then out of nowhere you'll come up with some ignorant comments like the above. Stick to the non-dumb remarks, yo. ;)


TheGreatDave said:
Calling Pokemon crap is just retarded. I mean, it has a 10,000 post + thread here, it's sold millions and millions, it always gets great reviews...you risk coming off as a shitty "I only play mature games!" gamer.

You didn't know? Pokemon is 'for babby' :lol


TheGreatDave said:
I'm talking about a DS game. How's that relate to the home consoles?

I bought Wii Play, Mario Party, Pokemon Diamond, Forza 2 (although I haven't played it yet), RE:4 and Guitar Hero 360. Is this...shameful?

not at all...matter of fact it shows you are a much more diverse gamer than I. I salute you, for you are not the typical nintendo fanboy. No way they would admit to owning another gaming platform's game.


Norse said:
not at all...matter of fact it shows you are a much more diverse gamer than I. I salute you, for you are not the typical nintendo fanboy. No way they would admit to owning another gaming platform's game.
My jaw is hanging open.
Norse said:
not at all...matter of fact it shows you are a much more diverse gamer than I. I salute you, for you are not the typical nintendo fanboy. No way they would admit to owning another gaming platform's game.

The hell are you talking about? How many people at this forum are Wii-only?
Norse said:
not at all...matter of fact it shows you are a much more diverse gamer than I. I salute you, for you are not the typical nintendo fanboy. No way they would admit to owning another gaming platform's game.

Dude I play my 360 a lot more than my Wii. You'll never hear me argue that Wii's library at this point is superior to the 360s. What I do debate is the idea that the console has nothing worth playing on it or that it never will.
TheGreatDave said:
Calling Pokemon crap is just retarded. I mean, it has a 10,000 post + thread here, it's sold millions and millions, it always gets great reviews...you risk coming off as a shitty "I only play mature games!" gamer.

Well, to be fair we've had this discussion already and the general conclusion was that Pearl/Diamond go to great lengths to sodomize the player. It's only selling because it's an (online) Pokemon game.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Norse said:
not at all...matter of fact it shows you are a much more diverse gamer than I. I salute you, for you are not the typical nintendo fanboy. No way they would admit to owning another gaming platform's game.

Yeah, cause other console fans are so much more open minded, rite?

Lightning said:
One thing I will never do is hop on this Wii train.


Narag said:
... what?

Are you mistaking the typical Nintendo fan with the vocal minority?

think hes mistaking Nintendo fans for the other side of the aisle. Its a capital offense to admit you like Nintendo if you own a 360 or PS3
Norse said:
not at all...matter of fact it shows you are a much more diverse gamer than I. I salute you, for you are not the typical nintendo fanboy. No way they would admit to owning another gaming platform's game.

The typical Nintendo fan is that unreasonable? That's ridiculous. It's people like you that start needless flame wars.


TheGreatDave said:
Dude I play my 360 a lot more than my Wii. You'll never hear me argue that Wii's library at this point is superior to the 360s. What I do debate is the idea that the console has nothing worth playing on it or that it never will.

I didnt say that...what I said is that the wii isnt made for me....the ps3 and 360 are. At the moment, 360 is my top gaming choice.
vicious_killer_squirrel said:
You are aware that Nintendo fans were saying the exact same thing during the N64 generation and again during the Gamecube generation?

Nintendo suffered quite a bit from being out of touch with what type of software and level of services that new market wanted, something Sony has shown no sign of suffering from; the price is really the only barrier at this point, and that will be adjusted over the next months, and years. The first party and otherwise exclusive library of games is set to be better than ever, and with a variety that is so sorely lacking from certain other current console manufacturers. Nintendo will continue to grow its own market and attract these new "gamers", while Sony captures the higher end market and a chunk of the mainstream as the price drops. Whether it catches up to Wii in terms of raw install base numbers is largely irrelevant.

Quite frankly, I'm not sure why people are so hesitant to admit that there are several markets here; it was the cool thing to talk about before the Wii launches, yet now we're supposed to buy into the idea that the market that Sony dominated last generation does not exist? Has the Wii created a new market or not? And if the answer is yes, what on earth is it that suggests that the same is not true for development efforts as well?


AdmiralViscen said:
The hell are you talking about? How many people at this forum are Wii-only?

mii. I was also gamecube only. I had a dreamcast but sony killed it... SWEET REVENGE!!!


TheGreatDave said:
I'm talking about a DS game. How's that relate to the home consoles?

I bought Wii Play, Mario Party, Pokemon Diamond, Forza 2 (although I haven't played it yet), RE:4 and Guitar Hero 360. Is this...shameful?

You have a wide variety of tastes going by that list. Fun is fun, and **** anyone who says otherwise.

Oh, and Norse...



Son of Godzilla said:
Well, to be fair we've had this discussion already and the general conclusion was that Pearl/Diamond go to great lengths to sodomize the player. It's only selling because it's an (online) Pokemon game.
I think it's selling because a lot of people like Pokemon. I bought one copy because I'd never played Pokemon and thought it sounded fun. I bought a second copy as a birthday present for a friend because it WAS fun, and thought he would think it was fun too.

Don't know why I typed all that because I think your post was just a troll. Most posts that start with "to be fair" are.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Quite frankly, I'm not sure why people are so hesitant to admit that there are several markets here; it was the cool thing to talk about before the Wii launches, yet now we're supposed to buy into the idea that the market that Sony dominated last generation does not exist? Has the Wii created a new market or not? And if the answer is yes, what on earth is it that suggests that the same is not true for development efforts as well?

Good point. I'm not sure if Nintendo's new market necessitates new development efforts though. If you've been following the Media Create threads, Dragon Quest Swords on the Wii had the strongest weekend debut of all other Dragon Quest spin offs, significantly beating the sales of two other games similar in sales potential on the PS2. I don't think we can conclude what the new market means for future development until the Wii gets more "typical" games so we observe how the larger, more inclusive market reacts.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
AltogetherAndrews said:
Nintendo suffered quite a bit from being out of touch with what type of software and level of services that new market wanted, something Sony has shown no sign of suffering from;

Erm..whatever problems Nintendo had during those times were due to them sticking with cartridges. Third parties left them, but as a game maker, Nintendo definitely had games that people want. If you honestly think any of Sony's titles will go near Mario 64, Goldeneye or Ocarina of Time, you're sadly mistaken.

the price is really the only barrier at this point, and that will be adjusted over the next months, and years. The first party and otherwise exclusive library of games is set to be better than ever, and with a variety that is so sorely lacking from certain other current console manufacturers. Nintendo will continue to grow its own market and attract these new "gamers", while Sony captures the higher end market and a chunk of the mainstream as the price drops. Whether it catches up to Wii in terms of raw install base numbers is largely irrelevant.

You can enjoy Sony's admittedly awesome first party lineup all you want, but don't think that those games will turn the tide in the console war. And don't think that consumers or developers/publishers will be waiting til Sony reaches the sweet spot, and suddenly jump out of bed to get a PS3.

Quite frankly, I'm not sure why people are so hesitant to admit that there are several markets here; it was the cool thing to talk about before the Wii launches, yet now we're supposed to buy into the idea that the market that Sony dominated last generation does not exist?

And what happened to that Nintendo market that existed at the end of the SNES lifecycle?


Not sure if this has already been posted. This is an email that NOA sent out to all major videogame news websites.

10 Fast Facts from Nintendo – First Half 2007*

--Through the first half of 2007, the total Wii™ hardware sell-through in
the United States and Canada combined is more than 2.3 million units (2.1
million United States, 222,000 Canada).

--For the first half of 2007, Nintendo represents nearly 70 percent of the
industry growth in the United States and Canada combined.

--In June alone, Wii was once again the top-selling home console with
nearly 435,000 units sold in the United States and Canada combined (381,800
United States, 53,000 Canada).

--In June alone, Nintendo DS™ was the top-selling video game system overall
with nearly 608,000 units sold in the United States and Canada combined
(562,000 United States, 46,000 Canada).

--Nintendo remained the top video game publisher in the United States and
Canada in June, as well as the top publisher for all of 2007.

--In June alone, Nintendo has six of the top 10 best-selling games in the
United States, including the top four: Mario Party® 8 and Wii Play™ for
Wii, and Pokémon® Diamond and Pokémon® Pearl for Nintendo DS.

--Of the top 30 best-selling games in the United States for all of 2007,
half are for Nintendo systems.

--The three best-selling games in the United States for all of 2007 are for
Nintendo systems: Pokémon Diamond, Wii Play and Pokémon Pearl.

--Wii already boasts more than 180 games, including 120 downloadable
Virtual Console™ titles. By the end of the year, that total number will
climb to about 330 games, including an additional 100 new games from every
major third-party publisher, along with an additional 50 Virtual Console

--Approximately 300 games are already available for Nintendo DS, with
another 140 titles expected by the end of the year from every major third-
party publisher.


J-Rzez said:
No, it's arguing that VIDEOGAMES are not a necessity of life like autmobiles can be... VG's are a frill, a luxury... That's my arguement... When i'm buying a toy, I don't buy one that's more practical, I buy one that's more fun... and, I'd wager a Ferrari maybe more fun than a Beetle... It's a poor analogy... A Wii is not a "get you to work" type of necessity... It's not much cheaper than a 360, and it's games aren't either... unless $50-150 = $275,000 :lol

personally, the wii IS more fun than a 360/Ps3 to me.
That it is also cheaper is just icing on the cake.
Oblivion said:
You can enjoy Sony's admittedly awesome first party lineup all you want, but don't think that those games will turn the tide in the console war. And don't think that consumers or developers/publishers will be waiting til Sony reaches the sweet spot, and suddenly jump out of bed to get a PS3.

Who said anything about "waiting"? 3rd party developers will go where the pasture is good, and a reasonably priced PS3 will be such a pasture. The market will jump on a cheaper PS3 that is already stacked with high quality first party software and certain notable 3rd party games, and with that comes support for the remainder 3rd party efforts.

And as it is so very popular to say, Nintendo is expanding the market, so why shouldn't the same be true about 3rd party development?
AltogetherAndrews said:
Nintendo suffered quite a bit from being out of touch with what type of software and level of services that new market wanted, something Sony has shown no sign of suffering from; the price is really the only barrier at this point, and that will be adjusted over the next months, and years. The first party and otherwise exclusive library of games is set to be better than ever, and with a variety that is so sorely lacking from certain other current console manufacturers. Nintendo will continue to grow its own market and attract these new "gamers", while Sony captures the higher end market and a chunk of the mainstream as the price drops. Whether it catches up to Wii in terms of raw install base numbers is largely irrelevant.
Yes, you are correct. Nintendo was out of touch with what the market wanted the previous two generations, just as Sony was out of touch with what the market wants today. The market today does not want convergence or bleeding edge technology in their consoles nearly as much as they want fun.

AltogetherAndrews said:
Quite frankly, I'm not sure why people are so hesitant to admit that there are several markets here; it was the cool thing to talk about before the Wii launches, yet now we're supposed to buy into the idea that the market that Sony dominated last generation does not exist? Has the Wii created a new market or not? And if the answer is yes, what on earth is it that suggests that the same is not true for development efforts as well?
I also agree that there are two markets. They've always been there, you see and were (up to now) serviced by the same products. It just so happens that the market Sony and Microsoft are after is ridiculously small.
But the mistake you make is assuming that the Wii will be standing still that entire time.

The Wii will have an even greener and lusher pasture, according to your analogy.

Of course, the PS3 will be a nice fit for games like FF13. Super focused on graphical power, and better able to flesh out genre's that were limited by last-gen's hardware; see GTA.

Replying to AltogetherAndrews.
vicious_killer_squirrel said:
Yes, you are correct. Nintendo was out of touch with what the market wanted the previous two generations, just as Sony was out of touch with what the market wants today. The market today does not want convergence or bleeding edge technology in their consoles nearly as much as they want fun.

Did you decide to simply ignore the "software" and "services" qualifier there? People are as interested in bleeding edge software as ever, it's just a matter of getting it to them at a more reasonable price point.

vicious_killer_squirrel said:
I also agree that there are two markets. They've always been there, you see and were (up to now) serviced by the same products. It just so happens that the market Sony and Microsoft are after is ridiculously small.

You are being quite shortsighted if you assume that this position, in terms of pricing and subsequently marketing appeal, is somehow the goal for Sony.

FlightOfHeaven said:
But the mistake you make is assuming that the Wii will be standing still that entire time.

The Wii will have an even greener and lusher pasture, according to your analogy.

Of course, the PS3 will be a nice fit for games like FF13. Super focused on graphical power, and better able to flesh out genre's that were limited by last-gen's hardware; see GTA.

Are you talking to me? Because I quite clearly said that I think Nintendo will continue expanding the market.
The Sphinx said:
I think it's selling because a lot of people like Pokemon. I bought one copy because I'd never played Pokemon and thought it sounded fun. I bought a second copy as a birthday present for a friend because it WAS fun, and thought he would think it was fun too.

Don't know why I typed all that because I think your post was just a troll. Most posts that start with "to be fair" are.

"To be fair" meant that there are plenty of reasons to hate on Pearl/Diamond other than it being kiddy. And there are.
Jammy said:
Tenchu Z isn't third party... It was definitely published by Microsoft. :lol

How is RE4: Wii Edition's sales just OK? The game came out two and a half years ago, has been on GCN, PS2, and PC, and sold 150,000 in just TEN days. It's surpassing Capcom's expectations by quite a bit (450,000 worldwide), which is way more than you can say for Tecmo's Ninja Gaiden Sigma (who shipped half a million worldwide only to sell this little).

You have a port of Tiger Woods on Wii that sold as good as the 360 version and shattered the PS3 version, despite not being out for the holiday season like the other versions.

Sonic and the Secret Rings sold twice as well as Sonic and the Hedgehog (360/PS3) did combined worldwide.

Both Red Steel and Rayman: RR are million sellers worldwide. There are only two PS3 million sellers worldwide and both of them are... guess what... FIRST PARTY.

Call of Duty 3, Marvel: UA, The Bigs, Harry Potter, you name it... all sold better than their PS3 versions and a few of them hold their own against their 360 ones.

Trauma Center Wii was Atlus' most successful game in the U.S.! And these games take nowhere near the amount of development time and money on Wii than they do elsewhere.
Don't forget that the game is a all time classic, really didn't sell to too many people last gen and hence there are ALOT of people who havent played it and, most importantly, has retailed brand new for $29.99 since day one. Just saying, it's not like this is all roses in Capcom's eyes.

And if their next game is better than RE4, it may have a chance to compete with Mario Party 9.
:D Start crackin' Capcom! : P


Everything is tsundere to me
speculawyer said:
It's ability to sell 3rd party software is still in question . . . $29.99 RE:4 coming in at the bottom of the Top 10 doesn't kill the complaint, IMHO.
someone has probably posted against this or something like it, but at the risk of lateness...

i bought RE4 for the cube last june for something to play after school ended. it was the first M game i bought and i have played through it 9 times until i bought it for the Wii, putting more than 90 hours into the game, more than any game i have ever played. this game has been bought by people all over, and played to death like me to many of them as well. part of it was because it was a damn good game and i was excited for the improved controls. the other half was because i wanted a good core game that would take advantage of waggle, and ironically a Wii-make did it well. what RE4 shows is that there is a signifigant demand for solid core games that look at the least top level gamecube. furthermore, it shows that traditional genres can be applied to Wii well, and it sell well too. nintendo will further prove this with corruption, galaxy, and brawl, but nintendo can't do it alone. sony sure as hell couldnt have with the ps2, and neither M$ with the 360 now. RE4 proves that 3rd party wii software can and will do well. besides, is there any other "core" Wii game on that top 10? how about a PS3 game, like, any of them? what has drawn many away from 3rd parties on the Wii is the quality. Red Steel is a prime example of that. if the game is improved, and word gets around that it does, i will wager quite a bit that it does twice as well.


Son of Godzilla said:
"To be fair" meant that there are plenty of reasons to hate on Pearl/Diamond other than it being kiddy. And there are.
No, "to be fair" meant "I'm going to state my opinion as fact".
TheRipDizz said:
Don't forget that the game is a all time classic, really didn't sell to too many people last gen and hence there are ALOT of people who havent played it and, most importantly, has retailed brand new for $29.99 since day one. Just saying, it's not like this is all roses in Capcom's eyes.

And if their next game is better than RE4, it may have a chance to compete with Mario Party 9.
:D Start crackin' Capcom! : P

1. RE4 sold millions across its other versions.
2. How is it not all roses if it's blowing away their profitability projection?
AdmiralViscen said:
1. RE4 sold millions across its other versions.
2. How is it not all roses if it's blowing away their profitability projection?
1. Other versions? You mean the PS2 port? I was under the assumption that it only did a little better than the Gamecube verion. Something about an apathetic, pissed off fanbase? : / Hmm....
2. Microsoft beating their 360 projectons in Japan?


Son of Godzilla said:
Just no. I said that GAF pretty much agreed the game hates whoever plays it, which is true. Nowhere did I say anything even close to an opinion. The game has flaws, big ones.
There are literally thousands of posts on GAF praising the game.

EDIT: Incidentally, :lol at linking me to a Drinky thread.


I'm not going to read all the posts, but in my opinion The Wii is selling because playing a 5 minute game of Wii Tennis is still more fun then anything else I've played this year. Including Zelda, God of War, and Gears. Sure it's shallow, but it's damn fun, and an instant hit to just about everyone I show it to, gamer or non-gamer. It's just that simple.

OMG!! I solved the riddle.
Kaeru said:
How many PS3 3rd partys were in the top 20?

Some people think relative success is better than actual sales, which I never understood. So if the PS3 top 10 has 8 3rd party titles, and those titles combined all sold less than RE4 on the Wii, somehow 3rd parties are snickering at Capcom's misfortune...

And the whole thing about sales of 3rd parties on Nintendo consoles is just so tiresome. It's a complete non-argument.

I can understand questioning whether 3rd parties will really start strongly supporting the Wii. And I can understand people questioning whether the Wii will continue to sell well.

But I don't get how anyone realistically can believe that even if those 2 things fall into place, some nebulous force will make people vomit any time they think about buying a 3rd party game on the Wii.

I mean some people try to use history as proof, but of course they really only mean recent history. Which is to say if you take out the Nintendo consoles with strong 3rd party support, 3rd parties don't sell well on Nintendo consoles.

Now obviously Nintendo knows exactly how to cater to its buyers, and they will do extremely well. Without a doubt, the best selling 3rd party on the Wii will be #2 at best, but again that goes back to the first point - actual success trumps relative success. If #2 on 1 platform is far and away more profitable than #1 on another platform, whomever is at #2 will "get over" being in that position.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
AltogetherAndrews said:
Who said anything about "waiting"? 3rd party developers will go where the pasture is good, and a reasonably priced PS3 will be such a pasture. The market will jump on a cheaper PS3 that is already stacked with high quality first party software and certain notable 3rd party games, and with that comes support for the remainder 3rd party efforts.

But that's the point I'm trying to make. If you have a console that keeps growing at a high rate, compared to one that seems to be stumbling, the publisher will go to the one where they can make more money, of course.

When will PS3's price drop to a good enough amount where people would buy it? If it takes too long, people will move elsewhere. It happened with the GC.

And as it is so very popular to say, Nintendo is expanding the market, so why shouldn't the same be true about 3rd party development?

Can you clarify this? Do you mean third party studios will be expanded, more third parties, etc?
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