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NYT: Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation


Yeah I feel like this confirms that Ryan is compromised too

Honestly I'm not so sure. I think he's just a piece of shit that wants tax cuts and to stop giving any money to the poor. That's what he lives for. That's his idea of what America should be. He sees himself as a true patriot and it drives him.

If Trump does get impeached, which I doubt, I'd rather have Pence than Ryan and mad as that might sound.


In other Trump news.




I don't see how anyone can support the GOP unless you are fine with them selling out the country in order to get tax cuts.

This is pathetic and disgusting.
This seals it for me. He is dirty and involved in Russian collusion. There can't be any other explanation at this point.

When I first heard the conspiracy theories about Ryan and McConnell being involved, I thought they were ridiculous, but they become slightly less ridiculous every day. I think I'd almost prefer there to be a giant money-laundering conspiracy, as opposed to Ryan really just being that hell-bent on killing poor people. Greed I can understand, but that level of disregard of one's fellow humans I cannot.

Time to get in the happening bunker?
Honestly I'm not so sure. I think he's just a piece of shit that wants tax cuts and to stop giving any money to the poor. That's what he lives for. That's his idea of what America should be. He sees himself as a true patriot and it drives him.

If Trump does get impeached, which I doubt, I'd rather have Pence than Ryan and mad as that might sound.

How can you see yourself as a "true patriot" while willingly turning a blind eye to the president's discretions?

A true patriot wouldn't stand for this, no matter his /her party affiliation. All Repubs who do not publicly denounce Trump are party over Country.
Honestly I'm not so sure. I think he's just a piece of shit that wants tax cuts and to stop giving any money to the poor. That's what he lives for. That's his idea of what America should be. He sees himself as a true patriot and it drives him.

If Trump does get impeached, which I doubt, I'd rather have Pence than Ryan and mad as that might sound.

This is exactly it, Ryan feels if he can't "deliver" to his donors, they won't support him in the future. He wants to get his Laundry list done before Trump gets so bad that he can't associate with him, which honestly, we are already there. 2018 will be a huge Shellacking. If it isn't there is no justice.

How can you see yourself as a "true patriot" while willingly turning a blind eye to the president's discretions?

Patriotism is just the right's form of Political Correctness. Its fake. Its ment to try and get a moral high ground over your opponents, because after all, "they arn't good americans."


Coney was asking for it. What he wore to dinner with Trump just screamed "commit obstruction on me." Trump is just a man with needs. Comey could've said no at any point.

Funky Papa

I don't like the characterization of Miller as some kind of dumb college dropout (not that dropping out from college means that you are dumb anyway). He may not be politically savvy and he's clearly very shortsighted, but he's also smart enough to be a good propagandist. He'll pick his words well enough.


This country can be burning in a fire and they'll stand there with the hose and hope the fire burns itself out.

This goes beyond the usual 'they suck and they don't care about the country, only themselves' narrative.

They're fucked if this brings down Trump. For a party that's always about self-preservation, they're seemingly not very good at it.


IC is out for blood and leaking like a fire hose. Every day we'll get something new, hell most likely multiple times a day from here on out.

Yep. And without an opponent for the news to switch their coverage to occasionally for "fairness", all eyes will be on Trump and the story of him as a Russian stooge should snowball out of control with any luck.

Oh, it feels like this has been a long time coming.


Used to be daily we'd get bombshells now it seems like it's hourly lol.....

WikiLeaks ain't got shit on DonnyLeaks....


I feel this past fortnight has been the biggest in terms of Trump news.

Sally Yates Testimony.
Firing of Dir Comey.
Trump meeting Kislyak and Lavrov.
Trump contradicting the white house about Comey being fired.
The leak about Trump leaking classified information.
White House denying leak.
Trump confirming leak.
Trump wanting to end Flynn investigation.

It feels particularly big to me because the story keeps shifting from one to the other. I am also expecting we will hear from Comey in the next week or so.

You just described the last FUCKING WEEK.


Of course.

Am I right in thinking it's impossible for Trump to hide money trails like this? The IC must know quite a bit, they would have his tax returns, bank accounts etc. already right?

Out of curiosity, does the IRS play any kind of role in these investigations? Or are they a neutral party? I would imagine if there was anything even remotely criminal about the way Trump's company has been moving money around, the IRS would have some information or participate in some way.


Just saw the Ryan and Hatch statements. What a fucking joke. These clowns pretend to work for the people... They need to be removed from Washington.

Government's "leaders" have failed us.


The Republican brand you're referring to is mystical. Donald Trump is the Republican brand. That's a big part of the reason why he won.

The issue is can the Democrats make a better argument than they're a lesser evil. We know empirically that's not good enough for the wavering voter, the inactive voter, and the small group of independents (exclude all the pretenders). Democrats need to be better in order to put the GOP away for good.

Even I don't think the party was conflated with some of Donald Trump's nonsense in the eyes of wavering independents and money-more-than-social-issues Republicans, and I'm an ardent left-winger GOP hater. What will suburban voters think about all of this in six months, or six days by the speed of this? And as for your point about inactive voters, wasn't the margin of victory for this president from inactive rural voters who decided to show up?


How can you see yourself as a "true patriot" while willingly turning a blind eye to the president's discretions?

A true patriot wouldn't stand for this, no matter his /her party affiliation. All Repubs who do not publicly denounce Trump are party over Country.

Well of course you're not wrong. They just don't value the same kind of principles that you and I do. They value making money before all else. And really, making money has become the American way. That's their perspective. Money before all else.

But it's not my America.
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