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NYT: Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation


So the "if this had really happened he would tell everyone immediately/he's incompetent if this did happen and he didn't tell everyone immediately" dual arguments seem to be how republicans willing to deflect on this are proceeding.

And speaking of "republicans who are willing," has that included any big names yet or people from competitive districts or states in 2018?

the problem with that current attempt at defense is that it sounds like it is a memo filed at the FBI and sent to the DoJ. If true....Comey did do something....why didn't Sessions and the DOJ?
the problem with that current attempt at defense is that it sounds like it is a memo filed at the FBI and sent to the DoJ. If true....Comey did do something....why didn't Sessions and the DOJ?

They did. They fired Comey per Trump's request because Comey didn't drop the investigation.


And it's going to look particularly shitty when Comey replies 'I was in the middle of conducting an investigation and didn't want to expose myself'.

Again, I really thought they would have bailed by now. Maybe they're waiting for Comey to confirm that the memo actually exists?

Exactly. And through the same friends that are reading these memos to reporters, he's basically said that precisely. Jake Tapper had it last night, I'll see if I can find it.


Donald Trump Jr., you aren't that bright are you?


The resignation argument is hilarious. If I bribe an investigator, should he or she quit? Or should they, like, investigate me and throw me in jail? Hmmmm.

Ryan's essentially making it clear that if he was in the position of investigator: he'd either completely drop the ball on this investigation because of some principle that is wholly unclear or literally pocket the bribe and fall in line before his briber were even finished making an offer. Somehow staying on the investigation to gather more evidence is not something law enforcement at any level should consider.


I don't expect the Republicans to just up and drop Trump but it's really sad how much they're willing to abide for the illusion of power. Because the best they're doing with total control of the federal government is a shit slate of bills even they can't stand. They're evil AND they're bad at it.

And there's a much bigger risk than just giving up on one year's worth of legislative movement by standing by Donald Trump. They won't look like they're just putting up with the president or controlling his worst impulses anymore, which was their big excuse in the general election. They're aiding and abetting him as he engages in really abusive, incompetent, crazy activity. Hardcore Trump supporters won't care. Wavering voters and inactive Democrats and independents probably will.

And what will they see? "A party interested in small and fair government?" Surely not. The Republican brand will risk being totally conflated with this creepozoid of a president.

The problem is that after one of the least liked presidents in history the Republican party decided to go the low road and get worse and worse and it has helped their brand. I don't mean to you and me, but they were just handed the most power since like the 1930s. There hasn't been any consequences to being the biggest pile of treasonous snakes in history, so we can't really expect them to think of or fear that. The electorate sucks. Even if Trump drags them all done I'd be willing to bed the effects last all of like one election cycle. The news media and republican propaganda apparatus will be sucking off guys like Kasich faster than you can blink and the whole party will be given cover. They'll pretend like they weren't complacent in all of this.


So sad and desperate to keep Trump in office so they don't look like fools for supporting him. Well too bad, you already look like fools and now you look like villains. Keep it up. Trump will eventually go down and he's taking people with him.
Trump and his administration is going to wipe this off like some dirt of their shoulders. Sad but true I don't know what this guy will have to do to be impeached.

Seriously? Like hell they just brush this off. To say nothing of the fact that a LOT of people are really pissed at Trump's colossal Israel blunder. It's only a matter of time but Donny is fucked.


I don't get it.

If what you're all saying is true, and this Comey memo would indeed be permissible in court, why the fuck are Republicans not distancing themselves from this?

It's getting to the point now where it seems inevitable that Trump is going to go down. I thought by now the party would have bailed. I'm sure they'd rather have Pence in the WH anyway.

I'm thinking that many of them don't want the investigation to continue because they would be implicated as well. Ryan being one of them.


So his dumbass son just confirmed last nights stories.....this coming after Trump admitted to the intelligence spilling yesterday. They just can't stop telling on themselves. This administration (and I use that lightly) lol.....



Ryan is probably implicated too. I'm not even sure if Hatch isn't.

Mattis is probably the first guy on the line of succession that isn't.
I'd like to know if any of you who were on the fence about Trump or supported him during the election have completely changed your opinion of him now. I'm not looking to ridicule anyone, I'm just hoping that some people have come to their senses amidst all of this shit. I need a glimmer of hope that I'm not losing my mind because people who supported him before continue to support him.

They're not going to come out of the woodwork. I'd hope that such people would be too busy contacting their reps in an effort to do something to correct the horrible mistake they made rather than surfing GAF. More likely however, the person you're describing voted for Trump in the first place knowing his policies wouldn't affect them and now that his administration is showing it's true colors, they're just ignoring it so they don't have to take responsibility for their support. Like with the Ann Coulter statement from before, it's easy for her to say now that she's come to her senses when she's already benefited from Trump. The people who have voted for him got their laugh and will now hide that they ever did so they don't have to confront any harsh truths. Mainly that the Trump they voted for is the exact same one who is fucking up now. Nothing's "changed" about him.


This is the occasional reminder that your representatives have telephones and mailboxes which you should be filling with your expressed opinion on impeachment, special prosecutors, and the behavior of the President.

Make sure you're being heard by your representatives.


I kept it short and sweet:

"yeah it would be great if this buffoon could be removed from office ASAP."


Wow Republicans really have no fucks to give. Guess they aren't nervous about 2018 after all. We'll see how that plays out for them.


This seals it for me. He is dirty and involved in Russian collusion. There can't be any other explanation at this point.

Well he's definitely complicit. Many have already forgotten that he was an integral part of Devin Nunez' Senate Intelligence Committee fiasco.

He was shown the planted information and ok'ed the release after Nunez showed not only the White House but him as well.

And lol @ McCain. He has nothing to lose now and is still choosing party over country. Let that sink in. The only noteworthy news that will come from McCain is that he died a sad angry fuck.


If we've learned anything here its that, when the GOP tried to call Obama out for "If you like your plan you can keep you plan" instead of trying to explain the nuances of healthcare to people, Democrats should have just said "He wasn't talking about everyone. He was just talking about that guy. YOU can keep your plan. You over there. Jim. In the back." See, its all fine now.


Wow Republicans really have no fucks to give. Guess they aren't nervous about 2018 after all. We'll see how that plays out for them.

This country can be burning in a fire and they'll stand there with the hose and hope the fire burns itself out.
I don't expect the Republicans to just up and drop Trump but it's really sad how much they're willing to abide for the illusion of power. Because the best they're doing with total control of the federal government is a shit slate of bills even they can't stand. They're evil AND they're bad at it.

And there's a much bigger risk than just giving up on one year's worth of legislative movement by standing by Donald Trump. They won't look like they're just putting up with the president or controlling his worst impulses anymore, which was their big excuse in the general election. They're aiding and abetting him as he engages in really abusive, incompetent, crazy activity. Hardcore Trump supporters won't care. Wavering voters and inactive Democrats and independents probably will.

And what will they see? "A party interested in small and fair government?" Surely not. The Republican brand will risk being totally conflated with this creepozoid of a president.

The Republican brand you're referring to is mystical. Donald Trump is the Republican brand. That's a big part of the reason why he won.

The issue is can the Democrats make a better argument than they're a lesser evil. We know empirically that's not good enough for the wavering voter, the inactive voter, and the small group of independents (exclude all the pretenders). Democrats need to be better in order to put the GOP away for good.
Description for those that can't watch?

Video is of Lawrence O'Donnell talking about how precise, detailed and weighty memos from law enforcement like FBI agents are and how much Trump and his camp are underestimating it. Also comments on how close Trump's shut down request is to Nixon's shut down request.


Ryan is probably implicated too. I'm not even sure if Hatch isn't.

Mattis is probably the first guy on the line of succession that isn't.

I don't think Hatch would take the job at his age. He knows the stress involved.

Could fall to Tillerson. He has, relatively, and surprisingly, speaking, kept his hands clean.


Wow Republicans really have no fucks to give. Guess they aren't nervous about 2018 after all. We'll see how that plays out for them.

They could be on fire and not care. Trump has an (R) next to him, so anything goes.

Until donors start pulling out. Then they will backstab and scurry like mad.
Description for those that can't watch?

Lawrence O'Donnell explains the thing everyone working in government knows – but Donald Trump doesn't. That's the real story of the James Comey memo about his conversation with President Trump.

Essentially they're speaking about how every pertinent conversation is recorded in memo, and everyone in Washington knows this...except Trump.

Here's another. Lawrence To Donald Trump White House Staff: 'Lawyer Up'
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