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NYT: Democrats: ‘Our Brand Is Worse Than Trump’

It's easy to make the argument at this point that Pelosi hurts the party more than helps it. It's not just random people on forums discussing this, it's people on Capital Hill. That was a decade ago, this is now. Politicians have a shelf life, unless you're someone very special.

Sure, and Tim Ryan lost his bid for speakership when he tried earlier this year.

"Very special" totally means "not a woman" by the way :lol


Hot take: Democrats won the popular vote, are making huge gains in special elections in deeply red districts, and have way more popular policies. They are doing everything right and should keep it up.
The Democrats are being slowly wiped out in every branch of government, and yet delusional people continue to insist "just wait, just wait, the future is ours."

Just when, pray tell, will that future arrive?


Special like John McCain?

He's been useless for years, I don't know what the point is here.

Hatch has been around for what seems like a millennia as well. Just because you can get re-elected in Congress (Hint- They all fucking do) doesn't make you special. At all.

Sure, and Tim Ryan lost his bid for speakership when he tried earlier this year.

"Very special" totally means "not a woman" by the way :lol

Great... Point? But it could mean a black man, and does actually.
Does nothing for them. Minority turnout was depressed (black) or stable (latino) at best in 2016.

Which is one of the reasons Hillary lost, she shifted strategies on trying to get unreliable voters, moderate Republicans. If you want your base to vote then you give a reason to vote because you will have to gain voters from your opposition which can be an unreliable strategy because those voters are firmly in their camp already.

Ask yourself this way do Republicans target minorities to depress their vote and barely attempt to gain their vote, while at the same time energizing their own base?


Still boggles my mind that the lady who won doesn't agree with a livable wage and still gets voted in. I mean, that is really scary. Low times for the Democrats. They have to find a way to win. I don't think America or the world can handle 4-8 years of Trump.

GA-6 is a wealthy district. Voters there aren't concerned about whether or not they'll be able to make a livable wage, it's already baked into their lives.

I do think climate change hasn't been messaged correctly. Nobody ties it to national defense or job creation. People say go green, lower temps/co2! But they don't go further and talk about a new economy with it or being able to abandon dependence on foreign sources. That stuff could get more people excited I think.

But I'm not an expert.

eh, I used to think this way too, but we've seen this kind of messaging on the Paris deal and it hasn't really pushed the needle much either.
"Let's give up things that democrats like in order to make democrats more palatable to republicans, like civil rights and open support for minorities and women." ~the thread


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
You guys are going to have to drop support for gun control and abortion if you want to win the house.

I think dropping support of abortion would do far more damage to the Democrats base than good. It, along with many other woman's rights issues, have been a cornerstone of the Democratic party for a long time now.
I forgot that being pro abortion was a winning strategy for Democrats.

I mean, the democratic policy of being pro choice (not pro abortion whatever weird shit you're trying to peddle) has been a staple of the party for a fucking while now, including the last time they won the house and senate.
The Democrats are beings slowly wiped out in every branch of government, and yet delusional people continue to insist "just wait, just wait, the future is ours."

Just when, pray tell, will that future arrive?

Eight years of a president typically results in losses for that president's party.

The racist right-wing machine kicked into overdrive with Obama, exacerbating the Democrats' losses, but the trend held true.

You act as though 2006, 2008, and 2012, when Democrats kept the Senate and would have regained the House under old district lines, never happened.


Show of hands, who's surprised the Dems answer is "alright well we'll just huck women and brown people to the side again and deal with their shit when we deal with it"?

Cause I sure ain't.

Is this in reference to the article in the OP? Serious question: can you highlight for me the parts where it mentions Dems are looking to abandon civil rights and abortion rights? Because I see that prospect floated in GAF threads exponentially more than do I in a news article about Democratic party thinking.
If the Dems throw civil rights under the bus, I will do everything in my power to bring it back to the forefront.

Bernie wing, regular dems, doesn't matter.

Fuck over the real base and lose.

And don't act coy, the code is all over the place.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Eight years of a president typically results in losses for that president's party.

The racist right-wing machine kicked into overdrive with Obama, exacerbating the Democrats' losses, but the trend held true.

You act as though 2006, 2008, and 2012, when Democrats kept the Senate and would have regained the House under old district lines, never happened.

People have really short memories when they want to.


Which is one of the reasons Hillary lost, she shifted strategies on trying to get unreliable voters, moderate Republicans. If you want your base to vote then you give a reason to vote because you will have to gain voters from your opposition which can be an unreliable strategy because those voters are firmly in their camp already.

Ask yourself this way do Republicans target minorities to depress their vote and barely attempt to gain their vote, while at the same time energizing their own base?

So what I'm hearing from all of you debating me on this is that Hillary was a shitty candidate.


Eight years of a president typically results in losses for that president's party.

The racist right-wing machine kicked into overdrive with Obama, exacerbating the Democrats' losses, but the trend held true.

You act as though 2006, 2008, and 2012, when Democrats kept the Senate and would have regained the House under old district lines, never happened.
Boy, wait till they get to American History in high school and take a look at what happened in 1976->1980!
He's been useless for years, I don't know what the point is here.

Hatch has been around for what seems like a millennia as well. Just because you can get re-elected in Congress (Hint- They all fucking do) doesn't make you special. At all.

Well you weren't very specific about what you meant by "shelf life" so....


Show of hands, who's surprised the Dems answer is "alright well we'll just huck women and brown people to the side again and deal with their shit when we deal with it"?

Cause I sure ain't.
Not surprising at all.

After finally breaking away from all the right wing shit I was raised on, to see Democrats eat up this garbage makes me depressed.


This needs to be solved, and quickly. 2018 will be here soon, if the tide doesn't start reversing by then I'm going to really start losing all hope.
Its insane to me how badly democrats constantly lose.

Eight years of a president typically results in losses for that president's party.

The racist right-wing machine kicked into overdrive with Obama, exacerbating the Democrats' losses, but the trend held true.

You act as though 2006, 2008, and 2012, when Democrats kept the Senate and would have regained the House under old district lines, never happened.


They also gained seats last November.


lol you lost to Donald fucking Trump.

It's a two party system. The joke used to be that one of the parties could nominate a cabbage and still have a good shot. Last year we learned that's true even if the cabbage is a white supremacist. That doesn't mean we need to change our platform to be more pro-cabbage.


This election was a bit hyped, disappointing that they dropped a lot of funds just to lose but it's still impressive that it was a nail biter in a safe R district. Not going to make this an indicator of what's to come as the Dems still have opportunities to recuperate

Yes, but it won't stick as effectively with someone new.

Pelosi has the taint of Clinton's monumental failure and it's unshakeable. At some point, the party will be *forced* to move in a different direction if they keep losing. When? At what point will the losing be too much?

Dems seriously have to scrap that New Democrat brand they're trying to sell, not saying they should swing too far left and be Berniecrats but their message should be a center-left/progressive platform. Going to be a challenge trying to articulate that message but as long as remnants of the Clintoncrats (Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Donna Brazille) keep their traps shut, they should be fine moving forward


Eight years of a president typically results in losses for that president's party.

The racist right-wing machine kicked into overdrive with Obama, exacerbating the Democrats' losses, but the trend held true.

You act as though 2006, 2008, and 2012, when Democrats kept the Senate and would have regained the House under old district lines, never happened.

Oh, the real defeatists.

Nothing you can do. This is normal. We shouldn't even try. Everything is alright. Keep trucking along.


Good to see you actually admit that you think women shouldn't be elevated to positions of power in the Democratic Party I guess.

Haha good lord.

Okay. That's exactly what I was saying?

How about this for a novel concept: Pelosi is failing at her job, and members of the party are questioning her fitness for the position. It may *gasp* have nothing to do with the fact that she's a woman.
Is this in reference to the article in the OP? Serious question: can you highlight for me the parts where it mentions Dems are looking to abandon civil rights and abortion rights? Because I see that prospect floated in GAF threads exponentially more than do I in a news article about Democratic party thinking.

They aren't "abandoning it", per say. But this is a cycle that always happens. There's bluster and bravado, maybe a key piece of the party platform is based on civil rights and womens rights, but then losses start coming so those issues get back burnered. Yes they are still technically "there", but it's more "we'll get to this later, right now we need to work on our messaging about the economy! (to the majority white populated areas)".

It's a fairly consistent shift in party priorities and messaging, shit we even saw it under the Obama administration.


Its insane to me how badly democrats constantly lose.

These aren't bad losses. Well, they certainly feel bad, but they're close losses in deep-red areas of the country that just seven months ago elected Republicans by significantly higher margins.

I would've preferred Ossoff, et al. to win their races than lose. Obviously. But there's a clear trend forming here. And if we can run candidates that only lose by 3-4 points in areas like GA-6 and SC-5, or 6 points in Kansas and Montana, then what does that mean for the 70+ districts where the margins are already thinner?

They aren't "abandoning it", per say. But this is a cycle that always happens. There's bluster and bravado, maybe a key piece of the party platform is based on civil rights and womens rights, but then losses start coming so those issues get back burnered. Yes they are still technically "there", but it's more "we'll get to this later, right now we need to work on our messaging about the economy! (to the majority white populated areas)".

It's a fairly consistent shift in party priorities and messaging, shit we even saw it under the Obama administration.

but can you actually show me the parts in the article where this is happening
In a lot of the anti-Ossoff attack ads I saw, the two people they were trying to link him to were Pelosi and Sanders, they'll pick any prominent Democrat (for their purposes Bernie counts) on a national level to attack. I wouldn't underestimate how quickly the right can whip up some hate for someone.

I might be naive, but the first thing the left and liberals should to do is swallow their pride. Ultimately, we had our time to see which side was right and in the end we were both wrong so maybe its time to fully work together? And not just "get behind this person or else", but actually find people most of us can get behind and excited about, or at least understand when those people might not be available for every race? Now that I wrote this all out it sounds kinda dumb, "Just find someone everyone kinda likes and we'll win! Easy!". But its all I got.

Republican opinion about Democratic leadership have no say in the matter. The problem lies in the results. Democrats have been losing seats overall, local and national. It shouldn't matter where you are in the blue spectrum to see that we're bleeding. Things are not fine and Pelosi has been leading for over six years since Republicans pushed back in 2010 and it has only become worse. Other leadership changes should be considered.
Haha good lord.

Okay. That's exactly what I was saying?

How about this for a novel concept: Pelosi is failing at her job, and members of the party are questioning her fitness for the position. It may *gasp* have nothing to do with the fact that she's a woman.

How has she failed at her job as house rep? Serious question, on what issue has she failed to bring the house together against policy the party doesn't agree on? Because that's her job, not helping every single rep win an election.


It is? Almost turning a red district that has been red like for decades blue is because we have a worse message then Trump?

Okay then. /s


Haha good lord.

Okay. That's exactly what I was saying?

How about this for a novel concept: Pelosi is failing at her job, and members of the party are questioning her fitness for the position. It may *gasp* have nothing to do with the fact that she's a woman.
What do you think Nancy Pelosi's job is?

(It's corralling votes in the House and fundraising. It's not recruiting candidates and organizing campaigns. That falls on the DNC/DCCC/DSCC.)


Republican opinion about Democratic leadership have no say in the matter. The problem lies in the results. Democrats have been losing seats overall, local and national. It shouldn't matter where you are in the blue spectrum to see that we're bleeding. Things are not fine and Pelosi has been leading for over six years since Republicans pushed back in 2010 and it has only become worse. Other leadership changes should be considered.

Why not change the guys whose job is to deal with elections though?
Please please please please read this - https://www.voterstudygroup.org/reports/2016-elections/political-divisions-in-2016-and-beyond

The Dems didn't draw the dividing lines - https://www.voterstudygroup.org/reports/2016-elections/political-divisions-in-2016-and-beyond

But we have to fight on them.

The whole "throw minorities under the bus in order to get massive social benefits" thing that worked for FDR won't fly in 2020.

The idea is integrating minority benefits into massive social programs that recover the non-corporate class. Poor white family X doesn't have time to care about social equalization when their health insurance premiums are going up every year for every person in their family, and their deductible is being raised for every person in the family too, and then they seemingly have to switch around insurance companies because companies aren't interested in insuring independent families on the same basis as those involved in large corporate institutions.

Without some sort of pendulum swing back towards re empowering individuals vs corporate entities, we won't have any political capital to go back and improve upon social injustices.

Topic Switch:
No one should care about the special election loss. However, it's a loss to Democrats and Republicans alike for how much money was wasted in Georgia.


This needs to be solved, and quickly. 2018 will be here soon, if the tide doesn't start reversing by then I'm going to really start losing all hope.

The current movements are a tide.

The fact that so many do not understand that red districts are hard to win/entrenched but that coming within sub-4 points means a lot, means to many of you are looking for Trump's brand of "winning" and not the actual undercurrents.

These special elections were for districts that should not have been competitive. That's why the people were selected. That is the major take away. They are now competitive. This is a terrifying sign for the GOP come 2018. They cannot afford to spent 4x the capital per district for every region that should never have been competitive to begin with.

These are not good signs for the GOP. Voters are being galvanized into action and showing turn out that is not anticipated or voting against party affiliations.
Haha good lord.

Okay. That's exactly what I was saying?

How about this for a novel concept: Pelosi is failing at her job, and members of the party are questioning her fitness for the position. It may *gasp* have nothing to do with the fact that she's a woman.

I mean, you're the one who said you have to be a special politician to not have a shelf life.

Is there a reason why old men like Biden, Bernie, etc aren't seen the same way as old women like Pelosi and Hillary? Other than their gender.
Republican opinion about Democratic leadership have no say in the matter. The problem lies in the results. Democrats have been losing seats overall, local and national. It shouldn't matter where you are in the blue spectrum to see that we're bleeding. Things are not fine and Pelosi has been leading for over six years since Republicans pushed back in 2010 and it has only become worse. Other leadership changes should be considered.

Pelosi doesn't really have any direct control over Democrat candidates. She's just a fundraiser and organizer of votes. She's very good at both.

But at this point they have to question whether all of that is worth having every Democrat in the country tied to her (which may cost elections)


The Democrats are being slowly wiped out in every branch of government, and yet delusional people continue to insist "just wait, just wait, the future is ours."

Just when, pray tell, will that future arrive?

We gained House seats in 2016. Doesn't comport well with your "slow wipe out" narrative.

If you think my take is delusional a good place to start would be identifying where it's wrong.

My hot take: last year, starting with Bernie, a group of young white heterosexual malcontents decided that a party focused on women and minorities should change itself to accommodate them. (Whom do you think "economic issues" benefit most?) They've been taught from birth that they should control everything and everything should be about them, so why not the Democratic Party?
Literally everyone in the entire country except millionaires. Literally.


I'm sure this will get skipped over, but a helpful explanation for who is in charge of what when it comes to elections, so people don't get confused being angry at the wrong organization.

DNC, DCCC, DSCC: How to decipher the alphabet soup of Democratic Party organizations

I hope that guys won't be running around complaining about the DNC or Tom Perez for this election, or generically just "Democrats" instead of "Republicans". A little information can go a long way.


Republican opinion about Democratic leadership have no say in the matter. The problem lies in the results. Democrats have been losing seats overall, local and national. It shouldn't matter where you are in the blue spectrum to see that we're bleeding. Things are not fine and Pelosi has been leading for over six years since Republicans pushed back in 2010 and it has only become worse. Other leadership changes should be considered.
Pelosi became leader of the House Democrats in 2002. You apparently forgot about the 8 years before 2010.

Also, why are you even talking about Pelosi in relation to local elections?
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