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Official NFL Week 13 Thread - RIP Sean Taylor 1983-2007 Edition

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Comcast can suck an egg, but having to pay only $10 for a five month subscription to the NFL Network is pretty sweet. I'd pay $10 just to see this week's game.
charter communications can suck my balls.

can't wait until i move out of my apartment in april/may and can once again reclaim Directv with NFL network and Sunday Ticket!


soulja224466 said:
thats what sopcast is for.

I would never watch Sopcast if I had an option. Thankfully, I do. And as soon as NFL Sunday Ticket is on cable (or I get another satellite dish), I'll never have to use that crappy program again.
Gigglepoo said:
I would never watch Sopcast if I had an option. Thankfully, I do. And as soon as NFL Sunday Ticket is on cable (or I get another satellite dish), I'll never have to use that crappy program again.


it might be crappy to some, but its a lifesaver to many others.
You know what sucks is that it would be super easy for the nfl to stream all the games online. I know because DirectTV is doing it this year and I've been using it all season. But nooo they have to make it DirectTV exclusive and even then you have to get the superfan package.
Tamanon said:
I think David Carr killed them all.


and gigglepoo, ricky smoked to help deal with all the stress that came with the job. he couldnt deal with it for whatever reason on his own so he turned to pot. technically barry sanders was more of a quitter considering ricky was suspended from the NFL whereas barry decided he didnt want to do it anymore. once the league allowed him back he came back, twice... to the same team. so why not root for some1 getting their life together rather than cheer that hes just had another huge setback he couldnt control after he finally gets clean and seemingly is ready to handle the spotlight.



Jason Witlock is an asshole, but whenever I read one of his columns, i find it hard to disagree with him.

There's a reason I call them the Black KKK. The pain, the fear and the destruction are all the same.

Someone who loved Sean Taylor is crying right now. The life they knew has been destroyed, an 18-month-old baby lost her father, and, if you're a black man living in America, you've been reminded once again that your life is in constant jeopardy of violent death.

The Black KKK claimed another victim, a high-profile professional football player with a checkered past this time.

No, we don't know for certain the circumstances surrounding Taylor's death. I could very well be proven wrong for engaging in this sort of aggressive speculation. But it's no different than if you saw a fat man fall to the ground clutching his chest. You'd assume a heart attack, and you'd know, no matter the cause, the man needed to lose weight.

Well, when shots are fired and a black man hits the pavement, there's every statistical reason to believe another black man pulled the trigger. That's not some negative, unfair stereotype. It's a reality we've been living with, tolerating and rationalizing for far too long.

When the traditional, white KKK lynched, terrorized and intimidated black folks at a slower rate than its modern-day dark-skinned replacement, at least we had the good sense to be outraged and in no mood to contemplate rationalizations or be fooled by distractions.

Our new millennium strategy is to pray the Black KKK goes away or ignores us. How's that working?

About as well as the attempt to shift attention away from this uniquely African-American crisis by focusing on an alleged injustice the white media allegedly perpetrated against Sean Taylor.

Within hours of his death, there was a story circulating that members of the black press were complaining that news outlets were disrespecting Taylor's victimhood by reporting on his troubled past

No disrespect to Taylor, but he controlled the way he would be remembered by the way he lived. His immature, undisciplined behavior with his employer, his run-ins with law enforcement, which included allegedly threatening a man with a loaded gun, and the fact a vehicle he owned was once sprayed with bullets are all pertinent details when you've been murdered.

Marcellus Wiley, a former NFL player, made the radio circuit Wednesday, singing the tune that athletes are targets. That was his explanation for the murders of Taylor and Broncos cornerback Darrent Williams and the armed robberies of NBA players Antoine Walker and Eddy Curry.


Let's cut through the bull(manure) and deal with reality. Black men are targets of black men. Period. Go check the coroner's office and talk with a police detective. These bullets aren't checking W-2s.

Rather than whine about white folks' insensitivity or reserve a special place of sorrow for rich athletes, we'd be better served mustering the kind of outrage and courage it took in the 1950s and 1960s to stop the white KKK from hanging black men from trees.

But we don't want to deal with ourselves. We take great joy in prescribing medicine to cure the hate in other people's hearts. Meanwhile, our self-hatred, on full display for the world to see, remains untreated, undiagnosed and unrepentant.

Our self-hatred has been set to music and reinforced by a pervasive culture that promotes a crab-in-barrel mentality.

You're damn straight I blame hip hop for playing a role in the genocide of American black men. When your leading causes of death and dysfunction are murder, ignorance and incarceration, there's no reason to give a free pass to a culture that celebrates murder, ignorance and incarceration.

Of course there are other catalysts, but until we recapture the minds of black youth, convince them that it's not OK to "super man dat ho" and end any and every dispute by "cocking on your bitch," nothing will change.

Does a Soulja Boy want an education?

HBO did a fascinating documentary on Little Rock Central High School, the Arkansas school that required the National Guard so that nine black kids could attend in the 1950s. Fifty years later, the school is one of the nation's best in terms of funding and educational opportunities. It's 60 percent black and located in a poor black community.

Watch the documentary and ask yourself why nine poor kids in the '50s risked their lives to get a good education and a thousand poor black kids today ignore the opportunity that is served to them on a platter.

Blame drugs, blame Ronald Reagan, blame George Bush, blame it on the rain or whatever. There's only one group of people who can change the rotten, anti-education, pro-violence culture our kids have adopted. We have to do it.

According to reports, Sean Taylor had difficulty breaking free from the unsavory characters he associated with during his youth.

The "keepin' it real" mantra of hip hop is in direct defiance to evolution. There's always someone ready to tell you you're selling out if you move away from the immature and dangerous activities you used to do, you're selling out if you speak proper English, embrace education, dress like a grown man, do anything mainstream.

The Black KKK is enforcing the same crippling standards as its parent organization. It wants to keep black men in their place — uneducated, outside the mainstream and six feet deep.

In all likelihood, the Black Klan and its mentality buried Sean Taylor, and any black man or boy reading this could be next.


Junior Member
this is probably off topic as hell, but the giant raging douchebag that is Tiki Barber is on project runway right now...the entire episode is devoted to making an outift for him on the today show.



From Vic Ketchman on the Jags official site:


It was a disgrace. This is the NFL. Mud is no longer permitted. We’re above such primitive playing conditions.

Don’t you feel that way about the playing conditions at Heinz Field on Monday night? It was pathetic. Hands and feet were sinking six inches or more into the turf. Nobody could score until 17 seconds remained to be played in the game and, then, it was only a chip-shot field goal that is usually about as exciting as, well, an extra point attempt.

The Steelers and the league have been skewered by the media for permitting world-class athletes to ply their trade in such dreadful conditions. Somebody could’ve pulled a muscle. A muscle, I tell you.

Can you imagine what it must’ve been like falling on that turf? Imagine drowning in a sea of wet pillows. Terrible!

Two days later and the outrage hasn’t subsided a bit. Everybody is up in arms. Everybody, that is, except ESPN. Oh, how the entertaining and sports programming boys are lovin’ this one.

You hated it, didn’t you? Your tastes have become too sophisticated to waste time on such slop. You need to see finally-tuned athletes executing at precision level on a pristine field. Turned it off, didn’t you?

That’s not what the ratings say you did. The ratings say you not only didn’t turn it off, you called your friends and told them what you were watching and then they turned it on.

The NFL remake of “Swamp Thing” produced the third-highest rating of the Monday Night Football season. Only Dallas at Buffalo and the overtime Green Bay at Denver game, two thrillers, out-pointed the Miami at Pittsburgh 3-0 mess. Here’s the big one: The national household rating for this past Monday night’s game peaked the latest of any MNF game this season; in the 11:15 to 11:30 period, as the Steelers were driving for the game-winning kick.

What would the ESPN boys have said before it started raining if you had told them the rating for their Monday night stinker, featuring the 0-10 Dolphins, would peak late in the fourth quarter? What do you think the ESPN boys would’ve said if you had told them Miami at Pittsburgh would’ve produced such a ratings bonanza?

You know what they would've said? Only if we get severe weather. They did.

That’s what weather does to TV ratings for football games. It makes the ratings spike. Snow always works. Now we know a mud field will do it, too.

The NFL will do everything in its power to make sure the playing conditions we saw on Monday night don’t occur again, but don’t think for one second the league isn’t smiling about the TV rating that muddy field delivered. It was a money-maker for both and, you know, the ratings say you liked it a lot more than you’re letting on.


Lion Heart said:
Im not sure but I think NFL network games are played on TSN in Canada for free. Yay!

Its retarded that TSN blacks out the NFL Network during the games and steals their signal and shows it on their own station. I don't want to have some ass hat like Blake Price or whoever interrupting the game, though I will let it slide if its Jennifer Hedger.


Jeff-DSA said:
Uh, you can totally tell he goes out of his way to step on him...he even pulls his knee up in anticipation of the stomp. It was mean to pin him on the ground after the fumble. It was dirty and cheap.

Why would the Steelers want to intentionally injure Ricky Williams? It's not like he was a threat to their game plan... :lol


Drunky McMurder
Tamanon said:
From Vic Ketchman on the Jags official site:


There's also the little part that is missing, which is that those three games were won by what are likely the three most popular teams in the NFL(or at least three of the top five). Sure, some people turned in because of how ridiculous it all was, but the Steelers get ratings. People watch the Cowboys. And Brett Favre, as much as it annoys most of us right-minded individuals, brings viewers.


soulja224466 said:
it might be crappy to some, but its a lifesaver to many others.

No, it's crappy to all. I still need it, though. I would have missed that Patriots/Cowboys game without it.

TheDrizzlerJ11 said:
and gigglepoo, ricky smoked to help deal with all the stress that came with the job.

I love the excuses fans come up with to defend players on their favorite team. I understand completely - I'm a Pacers fan after all.


goddamit, Griese!
It didn't work for me the first time either. For some reason I just reopened it and it's worked everytime since then.


DMczaf said:
"Well Tim Rattay is starting for the Bucs..."

We are so under the radar that people are using our 2006 roster :(
(22:39:14) 118: lol,do you listen to the sascast?
(22:39:40) HA wakubo: it's horrible
(22:39:41) HA wakubo: I can't
(22:39:59) 118: lol
(22:40:02) 118: I like it :(
(22:40:04) HA wakubo: the three of them don't know a lot about football and don't watch a lot, but that petey (PD?) guy is unbearable
(22:40:07) HA wakubo: he just plays madden or something
(22:40:09) the only ep I've listened to though
(22:40:11) yeah
(22:40:14) HA wakubo: he doesn't watch football at all
(22:40:23) HA wakubo: and the sound quality ><
(22:40:27) you should one up them!

I think I will!




Karakand said:
Fuckin' FF injuries. Don't need them right now with the postseason race so close!

Marshawn Lynch and Santonio Holmes :(
Santonio's ankle cost me my shot at the fantasy playoffs.
Nothing hurts more than being 2nd overall in total points in a 12-team league and not making the playoffs. I wound up in 7th.
Karakand said:
Fuckin' FF injuries. Don't need them right now with the postseason race so close!

Marshawn Lynch and Santonio Holmes :(

tell me about it, i went from 2nd to 4th with marvin harrison and larry johnson out. keep losing games by like 15 points -.-


A lot of you have been asking whether the 49ers might go after prolific Browns quarterback Derek Anderson, who is scheduled to become a restricted free agent after the season. The answer is even if they wanted Anderson, they more than likely won't be able to get him. Look for the Browns to put the highest RFA tender on Anderson, meaning that another team would have to fork over a first- and a third-round pick in the 2008 draft to nab him. Profootballtalk.com wrote the other day that the 49ers would be out of the running in this scenario because they don't have their own first-round pick, which of course was traded to the Harlem Globetr ... er ... the New England Patriots last April. That's not exactly the case. The 49ers' do have a first-round pick, one that originally belonged to the Colts. According to the league, in order to use what was originally another team's pick in a restricted-free-agent scenario, that pick has to be more valuable than the team's own selection. That is, the Colts would have to finish with a worse record than the 49ers. The most wins the 49ers can hope (and I mean really wish upon a star) for is eight. The Colts have already won nine games. Bye-bye, Derek. We hardly knew ya ....



Tamanon said:
Wait....can't they wait to sign Anderson until after the draft? Or is there a deadline beforehand?

Its before, teams can start to go after Anderson whenever Free Agency normally starts. Early March?

Edit: Can't the team bypass certain criteria if they want to? I forgot what player but last year or the year before I remember the team making the offer didn't have a 1st round pick at all but they worked something else out to get the restricted FA.

I've said before, we are at a point in football where most teams are either set at QB or have a young prospect whom the jury is still out on, so I don't think the market will be that hectic for Anderson, so hopefully we can work something out-- or atleast have one of the good QBs in the draft fall to us. The Ravens are the only team that needs a QB as bad as us and theres no way the Browns will let Anderson go to a division rival.


B-Rad Lascelle said:
Santonio's ankle cost me my shot at the fantasy playoffs.
Nothing hurts more than being 2nd overall in total points in a 12-team league and not making the playoffs. I wound up in 7th.
That stinks man. The GAF league is going to go down to the wire and my bench WR is Santana Moss. Now the Skins could very well go above and beyond the call of duty and play great football but no one is (or should) expect them to.

5 game win streak had to end sometime. :(


Karakand said:
That stinks man. The GAF league is going to go down to the wire and my bench WR is Santana Moss. Now the Skins could very well go above and beyond the call of duty and play great football but no one is (or should) expect them to.

5 game win streak had to end sometime. :(

Speaking of the GAF leagues maybe we should post the standings for each. It would be nice if we had a fantasy thread stickied :<


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion


keep your strippers out of my American football
Tamanon said:
Wait....can't they wait to sign Anderson until after the draft? Or is there a deadline beforehand?

Why can't the Browns just Franchise him and see if he is the real deal next season?


dskillzhtown said:
Why can't the Browns just Franchise him and see if he is the real deal next season?

Knowing the Browns, it'd be too expensive. Franchising a QB has gotta be 8 or 9 million at least.:lol


dskillzhtown said:
Why can't the Browns just Franchise him and see if he is the real deal next season?

IMO, it wouldn't make sense to do so... they need to either make a play to keep him long term (and figure out what to do with Quinn) or they should go the RFA route... franchising a QB costs $12M. That's more than 10% of the cap.


Rorschach said:
Woah! That #1 guy must be the best guy ever! Look at all those moves! I bet he only has 2 guys from his original roster and continues to kick ass. I'd like to meet him some day!
Watch as you choke Raiders style in the playoffs.

To me.

If my team makes it. :-/


Rorschach said:
Woah! That #1 guy must be the best guy ever! Look at all those moves! I bet he only has 2 guys from his original roster and continues to kick ass. I'd like to meet him some day!

I move like 5 guys a week. I'm not on top of my league though. Cause my team is ass.
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