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Ok, Sony now reminds me of previous gen MS


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Sony never changed. They've always been the same corporate entity making predictably good and bad ideas, for them. It's funny because it seems like everyone always knows exactly what Sony is going to do in a given situation, and yet many still act surprised when Sony does exactly what everyone was expecting them to do.


ps3 wouldnt have gotten anywhere near 85m sold without the good library of games it had
The massive price drop that made PS3 the cheapest "Blue Ray Player" on the market helped a lot. It was the insider tip for every movie fan. Even when it was just slighlty more expensive.
All of this 'Sony is Doomed' shit, is the same shite i heard at the end of the PSwii60 generation.

"Sony going bankrupt"
"Sony selling real estate"
"There will be no PS5" (lulz)
"PS4 will be underpowered"

None of which Sony responded to, probably because they knew it was baloney. And at the same time we had reviewers fawning and falling over themselves to praise:

"power of the cloud"
"Always online is a good thing and here's why"
"Most powerful xbox ever"
"Beta tested in the future"

Meanwhile, the MS shills were in full force.

Adam Orths : "I won't buy a vacuum cleaner because the power goes out"
Mattrick " We have a console for people who don't want to play online"
Penello (On this very forum!!!) "Power of the cloud technical fellows, crackdown 3 will be amazing"

Some people must have the memory of a goldfish, or be new to gaming 🤷‍♂️
Neither a bad memory, or new to gaming.

While you're correct that many of those things were said at the end of the PS360wii gen, you're comparing that to what's being heard now... 6 months into the start of a new gen. Those two don't correlate.

The PS4/XB1 as well as PS5/XB Series both released in November. So if you're wanting an apt comparison, then compare the overall sentiment now to April of 2014. When you do that, you'll find that this place was all about...

People still insisting that the XB1 wouldn't play used games, or even work at all if it wasn't online. The constant meme posting of those kids running past the XB1's in order to rush the PS4s with Mattrick pleading "No.". Verifying that despite the XB1's superior launch lineup of exclusive games at that point, that not even Titanfall could save it. It was also at this specific time when it really became obvious that the leadership at Xbox was leading it down the wrong path, and people began to call for MS to axe Mattrick, ultimately ending up with Mattrick leaving only a few months later in June of that year.

So yeah, we've seen this dog and pony show before. Despite both consoles launching and selling well, it was obvious after 6 months that while overall enthusiasm was mostly directed on one console, there were disturbing signs on the other, which led to some suggesting that perhaps leadership needed to be changed. The only difference being that the roles the two companies played have been reversed.

And just as there were blind Xbox fanboys in denial then, so is there the blind Sony fanboys now.... As expected, in denial.


Neither a bad memory, or new to gaming.

While you're correct that many of those things were said at the end of the PS360wii gen, you're comparing that to what's being heard now... 6 months into the start of a new gen. Those two don't correlate.

The PS4/XB1 as well as PS5/XB Series both released in November. So if you're wanting an apt comparison, then compare the overall sentiment now to April of 2014. When you do that, you'll find that this place was all about...

People still insisting that the XB1 wouldn't play used games, or even work at all if it wasn't online. The constant meme posting of those kids running past the XB1's in order to rush the PS4s with Mattrick pleading "No.". Verifying that despite the XB1's superior launch lineup of exclusive games at that point, that not even Titanfall could save it. It was also at this specific time when it really became obvious that the leadership at Xbox was leading it down the wrong path, and people began to call for MS to axe Mattrick, ultimately ending up with Mattrick leaving only a few months later in June of that year.

So yeah, we've seen this dog and pony show before. Despite both consoles launching and selling well, it was obvious after 6 months that while overall enthusiasm was mostly directed on one console, there were disturbing signs on the other, which led to some suggesting that perhaps leadership needed to be changed. The only difference being that the roles the two companies played have been reversed.

And just as there were blind Xbox fanboys in denial then, so is there the blind Sony fanboys now.... As expected, in denial.

Xbone launch, the biggest flop of a console since the Phillips CD-I, is not comparable, at all, in no way shape or form, to the current PS5/Playstation department.

Xbone couldn't play used games, it had 3 OS's, the game weren't coded properly, we were lied to about the power of the cloud, crackdown 3 was late and a lie (halo infinite comparisons?), Mattrick proved he had no idea what he was doing from 2011, not six month in to launch. We Albert Penello on this very forum spreading a load of old horse shit, which GAF members called him out for. You HAD to have Kinect 2.0 plugged in before the console would run. Microsoft pushed "Tv Tv Tv" when they had a severe lack of games (pre-xbone launch) and did a $1 billion with the NFL for exclusive rights, which only worked in one country; America. Then there was the world-wide launch of the console that came in 3 tiers and 2 stages. The TV tuner never functioned properly outside of America (The TV Tuner being an integral part of the 'multi-media' capabilities)

Compare that to the bollocks that was spread about Sony and the PS4, and you can see that the Xbone accusations/negative PR were the fault of Microsoft, and the negative Sony/PS4 news was all lies. All of it. And i'm still yet to see innovation from MS like Sony are pushing. Microsoft has two store fronts and zero VR headsets.


You are in the middle of a news spin cycle where half the industry is pushing a dumb a fuck "Are big blockbuster games bad?" narrative because Xbox can only play old games at the moment.

Just chill out. So people are going crazy with hype because they can rent the ability to play Skyrim in 2021. Who cares?

You say you have been around for a long time. So this isn't your first console launch. You know these can be light on the games, heavy on the drama. This year it's even more insane with the VID. Sony has tons of games announced and ready. Just have some patience.
Thats not the news.

The news is, if you only focus on blockbuster AAA games, do you alienate a certain part of your userbase who enjoys variety?
The massive price drop that made PS3 the cheapest "Blue Ray Player" on the market helped a lot. It was the insider tip for every movie fan. Even when it was just slighlty more expensive.

but would it have gotten anywhere close to 85m without its library of games? would the original xbox have got anywhere near 25m without halo? how did the original playstation sell over 100m when it was just a newbie coming into a area dominated by nintendo? would the xbox brand have a positive outlook on the future without all the aquisitions they made to bring more games to the platform? i dont know why anyone would argue that its the games that make or break a platform! its their main and primary purpose! would mobile phones be as popular if you couldnt make calls or text people on them? all the other shit is just extra but people mainly buy them to be able to make calls and be contacted. just as people mainly buy games consoles to play games. the dvd and blu ray's and playing mp3 are a bonus.
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but would it have gotten anywhere close to 85m without its library of games? would the original xbox have got anywhere near 25m without halo? how did the original playstation sell over 100m when it was just a newbie coming into a area dominated by nintendo? would the xbox brand have a positive outlook on the future without all the aquisitions they made to bring more games to the platform? i dont know why anyone would argue that its the games that make or break a platform! its their main and primary purpose! would mobile phones be as popular if you couldnt make calls or text people on them? all the other shit is just extra but people mainly buy them to be able to make calls and be contacted. just as people mainly buy games consoles to play games. the dvd and blu ray's and playing mp3 are a bonus.
If you mean by library a good selection of games i agree, if you mean just exclusive games i disagree. I think they would have sold around 70 million consoles without any exclusive game. Most people aka casuals are more than happy with their BF/COD/FIFA/GTA/RDR/Madden ect.
If you mean by library a good selection of games i agree, if you mean just exclusive games i disagree. I think they would have sold around 70 million consoles without any exclusive game. Most people aka casuals are more than happy with their BF/COD/FIFA/GTA/RDR/Madden ect.

the overall library including the exclusives. every game counts and adds up but i agree that to alot of casual players, playstation is the default place to play games so they were always going to sell a certain amount of consoles. on the ps4, i think exclusives played a much bigger role than on ps3. some of them selling close to 20m which is fifa/cod level.


I can't understand what are you talking about.
And belive me or not this is due to fact that the architecture between the two generations of console is the same for BOTH microsoft and sony consoles.

Back to PS2 > PS3 and PS3 > PS4 transitions developers choices were:

Choose if develop a new game for an old console (PS2) or developing a game for the new console PS3
Choose if develop a new game for an old console (PS3) or developing a game for the new console PS4

Noone would risk in developing a game for a console that most of the gamer will stop use due to the new generation product.
That wasn't true for MS consoles, but Sony choice forced developers to use new consoles only.

What's happening now that both consoles has the same issue (yeah, it's an issue for me) and that developers keep doing games for old gen consoles, and do shitty next-gen patches to 'unlock' some improvements with new consoles.

What do you think would happened if PS5 and XSX used a completely new architecture (that would have prevent developers from 'easily porting' games from one gen to another or maybe if both consoles didnt' have backward compatibility? The same thing that happpened in the past, no more games for old gen console, and only new games for new gen consoles, games specifically developed for the new hardware, with all the benefits linked to that.

This could sound crazy but i think that it's exactly what is happened this generation.


but would it have gotten anywhere close to 85m without its library of games? would the original xbox have got anywhere near 25m without halo? how did the original playstation sell over 100m when it was just a newbie coming into a area dominated by nintendo? would the xbox brand have a positive outlook on the future wuthout all the aquisitions they made to bring more games to the platform? i dont know why anyone would argue that its the games that make or break a platform! its their main and primary purpose! would mobile phones be as popular if you couldnt make calls of text people on them? all the other shit is just extra but people mainly buy them to be able to make calls and be contacted. just as people mainly buy games consoles to play games.

Exclusives are a thing of the past, especially when there's just a few of them on each platform nowadays, most popular/most played titles are 3rd party games, and now with cross-play being more available then ever people really couldn't care less whether they game on PS or XB, if anything, it's the price that lures the customers, as seen with X360 and PS4, but now with both consoles priced evenly people just walk out of the store with whatever consoles was available. Going by your mobile phone analogy - CoD, FiFa, Assasin, GTA, Fortnite etc. - that your calls and SMS, whereas exclusives are all those Huawei, Samsung etc. proprietary build-in apps no one really cares about, it's cool that they're there once you already bought the phone, but you don't even notice something's missing if you decide to go with another brand.


the overall library including the exclusives. every game counts and adds up but i agree that to alot of casual players, playstation is the default place to play games so they were always going to sell a certain amount of consoles. on the ps4, i think exclusives played a much bigger role than on ps3. some of them selling close to 20m which is fifa/cod level.
And still they would have sold easily 100 million consoles without them thanks to Microsoft's mistakes and the price advantage. The first noteworthy exclusive game came more than 2,5 years after the release and by that time they already sold dozens of millions of PS4s. I agree that some of the exclusives sold well, but you have to look at what insane amounts of money Sony had to spend for marketing those games last gen to reach those numbers. My favorite example is Spider-Man. They paid 10 million dollars for just one tv spot just in the USA and we are talking about heavy worldwide marketing with billboards, tv spots, radio, internet ads, Sony truck and so on. The games without that huge marketing budget sold not so well, not even close. Also many of the exclusives are gven away almost for free with bundles and those count as sales as well.

If i had to throw in a number i would say 20% of the gamers care about exclusive games and 80% don't.
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The Alien

Doesn't Sony typically start gens pretty weak?

Microsoft has a lot of news lately...good on them. But all this drama/clickbait about Sonybcrumbling is a bit much.

It will all disappear when they release their first "banger" of this new gen.

On Demand

Well congratulations on "calling me" on a personal feeling based on anecdotal evidence of my own opinions. You win my friend. In MY OPINION, if the Xbox Series X finishes the gen with better multiplatform performance and a slew of console exclusives that are excellent, it could easily be the "winner" in many people's eyes including mine. You never really asked what I meant by my original post, not that you give a shit about people's opinions beyond your ability to try and contradict them with your own impression of what they may have meant. I don't remember posting or quoting any news articles so I don't know why you've brought that up multiple times.

Now you can bask in the glow of your many loved ones and recount the time you misconstrued a post and brow beat the random person on the internet into blocking your future posts.

Uhhhh ok. No need to get upset and hostile.

You need to go read back how this conversation started. You made a prediction on this generation based on your opinions and reasons. I disagreed with those based off very realistic and historical reasons.

Anyway we are clearly misunderstanding each other so whatever. Time to move on.
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I can't understand what are you talking about.
And belive me or not this is due to fact that the architecture between the two generations of console is the same for BOTH microsoft and sony consoles.

Back to PS2 > PS3 and PS3 > PS4 transitions developers choices were:

Choose if develop a new game for an old console (PS2) or developing a game for the new console PS3
Choose if develop a new game for an old console (PS3) or developing a game for the new console PS4

Noone would risk in developing a game for a console that most of the gamer will stop use due to the new generation product.
That wasn't true for MS consoles, but Sony choice forced developers to use new consoles only.

What's happening now that both consoles has the same issue (yeah, it's an issue for me) and that developers keep doing games for old gen consoles, and do shitty next-gen patches to 'unlock' some improvements with new consoles.

What do you think would happened if PS5 and XSX used a completely new architecture (that would have prevent developers from 'easily porting' games from one gen to another or maybe if both consoles didnt' have backward compatibility? The same thing that happpened in the past, no more games for old gen console, and only new games for new gen consoles, games specifically developed for the new hardware, with all the benefits linked to that.

This could sound crazy but i think that it's exactly what is happened this generation.
That’s is indeed an interesting thought. I remember back in the N64 days devs were forced to transfer existing titles to new console only (starfox for example). The same goes with PS2 (+backwards compatibility which nobody used back then, at least from people I knew). Yeah that’s the reality, there weren’t multiplats back then. New console, new games etc.
Back to PS2 > PS3 and PS3 > PS4 transitions developers choices were:

Choose if develop a new game for an old console (PS2) or developing a game for the new console PS3
Choose if develop a new game for an old console (PS3) or developing a game for the new console PS4
PS3 was fully backwards compatible at launch, so this really only applies to the PS3-PS4 transition.
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