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Overwatch |OT| My Onlywatch Has Ended

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It's great watching Quake legends like Rapha and Zero4 competing in the first Overwatch LAN and committing to it.

"It's more MOBA with shooter elements than it is shooter with MOBA elements."

Rapha said that and the more I play and watch it the more I realize how right he is. Individual skill and aim is much less important than managing active and ults and combining them with your team. I think this game will have some legs because it has a lower entry barrier a good skill ceiling and takes a lot about what made MOBA so popular.
I'm hoping in ranked you can only pick one of each character like a true moba.

None of that double rein and a bastion on the payload please. If ranked dies come out they really need to incentivise a balanced team more.
Here's what I'd like to see in the first patch. I expect I'll get crucified for some of these suggestions, but here goes:

- Hanzo arrow hitbox nerf. It's way too efficient to just spray arrows downfield and hope for derp hitbox headshots and basically makes Widowmaker irrelevant (unless you're a 1-percenter PC player).

- If they're not going to fix Roadhog chain hit detection glitches, like random chain-through-geometry and random double chain distance, then increase his cooldowns by a second or more so at least it's not as spammable.

- McCree is fun to play, but there's only a few people crazy enough to claim that he isn't OP. He hard-counters every attacker in the game currently, besides Genji and basically makes picking any other DPS a bad choice. I would remove the instant auto-reload from his tactical roll but then knock a few seconds off it's cooldown, trading some of his ridiculous DPS burst for increased mobility and positioning.

- Tune down the aim assist on D.Va's pistol.

- Bastion isn't OP but just annoying as shit and can become OP with certain hero combos. Something like doubling his reload time in turret form (or adding a "overheating barrels" mechanic) would create opportunities for more of the cast to fight back and also force Bastion players to think more tactically about how and when they use their ammo.

- Slightly reduce the speed of which Torb's turret rotates, but only when acquiring new targets.


I get stomped every match. I literally paid $60 for a game i never actually get to play.

I'm seriously considering not playing anymore.


I'm not sure what you're driving at here, only winning matches counts as playing? Are you five?

"Blizzard ripped me off because I never win."

Evaluate your life.

Has nothing to do with winning or losing.

Spawn, leave spawn room, die within 30 secinds, repeat.

That's all I ever get to do. I just had 3 matches in a row where they spawn camped us.

That's not fun.

Also you need to chill.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Has nothing to do with winning or losing.

Spawn, leave spawn room, die within 30 secinds, repeat.

That's all I ever get to do. I just had 3 matches in a row where they spawn camped us.

That's not fun.

Also you need to chill.

Are you on console or pc? Im just trying to understand why some people srem to be playing a different game than me


Man, I got into a escort game on Numbani and was thinking about trying out Zarya. But I see 3 of my teammates had already picked Tracer and I was like, "Oh it's going to be one of those lobbies."

So I said, "Fuck it." I pick Tracer, then the other 2 teammates pick Tracer and we steam rolled the other team

It was a super silly, but at the same time really fun. It got dicey at the end there, where I was contemplating switching to a tank. I didn't want to be "that guy" so I stuck it out with Tracer.


Whenever I see two Mei's on the same team, I know it's a loss.


This game has serious balance problems.


Some characters needs to be looked at, but no one dominates the game so thoroughly to allow what you claim.

Not to mention, this game's biggest strength is the ability to swap out heroes.


- Hanzo arrow hitbox nerf. It's way too efficient to just spray arrows downfield and hope for derp hitbox headshots and basically makes Widowmaker irrelevant (unless you're a 1-percenter PC player).

whaaat. widowmaker is the OP one, not hanzo! hitscan, zoom, insanely fast charge, can 1-shot most of the cast, good at close range with her machine gun, good mobility. hanzo actually takes supreme effort to be beyond just mediocre.

- If they're not going to fix Roadhog chain hit detection glitches, like random chain-through-geometry and random double chain distance, then increase his cooldowns by a second or more so at least it's not as spammable.

can't agree with that at all. yeah they do need to fix chain through geometry but the cooldown feels balanced imo especially with his low ammo count.

- McCree is fun to play, but there's only a few people crazy enough to claim that he isn't OP. He hard-counters every attacker in the game currently, besides Genji and basically makes picking any other DPS a bad choice. I would remove the instant auto-reload from his tactical roll but then knock a few seconds off it's cooldown, trading some of his ridiculous DPS burst for increased mobility and positioning.

agree he is OP, don't agree with your change. think he needs severely more damage drop off

- Tune down the aim assist on D.Va's pistol.

no comment as i play on PC

- Bastion isn't OP but just annoying as shit and can become OP with certain hero combos. Something like doubling his reload time in turret form (or adding a "overheating barrels" mechanic) would create opportunities for more of the cast to fight back and also force Bastion players to think more tactically about how and when they use their ammo.

feels balanced to me, if they work as a team then you equally need to coordinate as a team to beat it

- Slightly reduce the speed of which Torb's turret rotates, but only when acquiring new targets.

no comment as i don't feel the issue w/ torb's turret turn-rate on PC


I've started to get slightly better pub games now that I'm ranked 36 getting matched with 40's and 50's and at least a fair majority of people that high already know how to play decently.
Got my 2nd legendary today. Sharkbait for roadhog, can't say I've played him a ton though
Spontaneous collaborative art is my favorite feature of Overwatch
on Dorado (attack team) whole Sqaud starting hitting the Bells in the home base and making music. This is my new favorite pregame thing.


I get stomped every match. I literally paid $60 for a game i never actually get to play.

I'm seriously considering not playing anymore.

Had a day of loses today as well.

I think the important thing is to improve your skill and derive satisfaction not necessarily in winning, but in personally performing well.

Also, play against medium-level bots in order to polish your skill and strategies or to just get a win when you are having a bad day.


Zarya is brawl, you never die, laser is at full power all the time. It's so fun. lol.

Had a crazy game right now, I had 10 minutes objective time. Most of the match was in overtime. These Meis and winstons refused to die too lol.

Everyone spamming ults but the game never slows down. very impressive overall.
Has nothing to do with winning or losing.

Spawn, leave spawn room, die within 30 secinds, repeat.

That's all I ever get to do. I just had 3 matches in a row where they spawn camped us.

That's not fun.

Also you need to chill.

There is literally a counter to every situation you are going to encounter in the game. They allow you to change characters for a reason.



Or tell us what you're actually doing; who you're using and let people help. Otherwise it sounds like you just need to move onto a game that doesn't upset you.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
getting real tired of these hanzo shots that land nowhere near me.

Getting real tired of dying behind walls, dying when I hit Tracers rewind or when I have Genj's reflect up. The 20 tick has to go. It makes the game a lot less skilled when you just randomly fall over dead when you shouldn't.


How is increasing his drop off going to do anything when the whole problem is his burst DPS in flashbang range?

because i don't agree that's his problem. i think he's too good in mid/long-range being able to knock out 75 dmg per headshot, pretty much instagibbing most heroes. i think his flash bang + right click combo are balanced.


whaaat. widowmaker is the OP one, not hanzo! hitscan, zoom, insanely fast charge, can 1-shot most of the cast, good at close range with her machine gun, good mobility. hanzo actually takes supreme effort to be beyond just mediocre.

can't agree with that at all. yeah they do need to fix chain through geometry but the cooldown feels balanced imo especially with his low ammo count.

agree he is OP, don't agree with your change. think he needs severely more damage drop off

no comment as i play on PC

feels balanced to me, if they work as a team then you equally need to coordinate as a team to beat it

no comment as i don't feel the issue w/ torb's turret turn-rate on PC

his hook is fine (a little long for my taste but whatever) but its the pulling you through walls/payload that annoys me, or even hooking me through them when I'm clearly already safe


I don't get the people who keep complaining about Hanzo. He is ridiculously hard to be good or great at since his arrows have travel time and drop. Widowmaker on the other hand is instant shot/hit. One seems easier than the other.
On the topic of balance, I think some characters need to have their ultimates charge a little more slowly. Hanzo and especially Mercy seem like they get theirs extremely often and they're such game changing ults.
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