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Pillars of Eternity |OT| You must gather your party before venturing forth.

I think that's unfair on both HP_W and Evilore. There were crossed wires in the initial case, meaning the first OT was, through unfortunate necessity, a last minute rush job which I'm sure the author wasn't prepped for. Evilore decided the game deserved better and/or more of a focus on the GAF community elements and, according to the last post in the beta thread, then stayed up until 6am to get this second OT made and posted. I'm grateful to both. That there was a mix-up with the initial responsibility is unfortunate but egh, shit happens.
I guess people's concern is that this isn't a AAA FPS or a Bloodborne or whatever else that is going to sell boatloads of copies by default. The OP may actually be useful in intriguing and converting people who don't yet know about this game. And their sales may be essential to us ever getting a Pillars of Eternity 2.

On the other hand, it's the No. 1 seller on Steam right now.

Didn't follow the game much so I go in blind. There is really one thing I'm worried about: Pause spamming. It's something I hate in RTwP battles (and so in every IE game) and the reason I always preferredturn-based cRPGs (Wizardry, Wasteland, Divinity:OS). Really curious about PoE in this regard.
It's very pause-spammy, with very little AI assistance. You are going to be issuing a command to every party member every second or two or three, more or less.

Brought my gaming laptop to work today, just so I could unlock along with everyone else. And then just sit on the title screen...
It's finally here, you guys, and I'm so freaking excited :')
I should have done this, damn. Could have closed my office door and messed around with character creation.


Unconfirmed Member
I think that's unfair on both HP_W and Evilore. There were crossed wires in the initial case, meaning the first OT was, through unfortunate necessity, a last minute rush job which I'm sure the author wasn't prepped for. Evilore decided the game deserved better and/or more of a focus on the GAF community elements and, according to the last post in the beta thread, then stayed up until 6am to get this second OT made and posted. I'm grateful to both. That there was a mix-up with the initial responsibility is unfortunate but egh, shit happens.

I was answering 90% of the questions in the previous OT. All that info I contributed was insantly dumped when that OT was locked. Then EviLore got mad because 0 emphasis on NeoGaf's contribution to Pillars's kickstarter. Now we get a OT that is barebones and gushing over NeoGaf's involvement with the game. Seems like some kind of advertising.

If someone gives me control of this OT, I can make it good.
I guess people's concern is that this isn't a AAA FPS or a Bloodborne or whatever else that is going to sell boatloads of copies by default. The OP may actually be useful in intriguing and converting people who don't yet know about this game. And their sales may be essential to us ever getting a Pillars of Eternity 2.

On the other hand, it's the No. 1 seller on Steam right now.
... and on GOG and GMG. :)
I was answering 90% of the questions in the previous OT. All that info I contributed was insantly dumped when that OT was locked. Then EviLore got mad because 0 emphasis on NeoGaf's contribution to Pillars's kickstarter. Now we get a OT that is barebones and gushing over NeoGaf's involvement with the game. Seems like some kind of advertising.

If someone gives me control of this OT, I can make it good.

At the very least, it needs the proper title.


Didn't follow the game much so I go in blind. There is really only one thing I'm worried about: Pause spamming. It's something I hate in RTwP battles (and so in every IE game) and the reason I always preferred turn-based cRPGs (Wizardry, Wasteland, Divinity:OS). Really curious about PoE in this regard.

You should be able to mitigate some of that by going with a party that's more focused on auto attacks and passive talents/abilities. And I guess if you're just interested in the story/characters set it to easy.


Can hardly believe this day is finally here.

I put in an extra $25 for the Beta because I couldn't stand to wait any longer than I had to...
But I still only played it a couple of times, because I wanted to wait until the full release before really getting into it.

This game looks like a dream come true.
I'm going to get so absorbed in this <3


Didn't follow the game much so I go in blind. There is really only one thing I'm worried about: Pause spamming. It's something I hate in RTwP battles (and so in every IE game) and the reason I always preferred turn-based cRPGs (Wizardry, Wasteland, Divinity:OS). Really curious about PoE in this regard.

as far as I'm concerned turn-based combat is just permanent pause spamming :]

this was probably already mentioned somewhere but when exactly does the game unlock?


I'm glad that I backed this. Between Bloodborne, Pillars, and soon to be released Witcher 3, I am knee-deep in RPGs to play.

I hope Obsidian is able to make a massive amount of money on the project.
So is hard mode basically the actual normal difficulty? aka the way it is meant to be played.
I think this is overstated, and I wouldn't want it to lead to frustration for anyone, but I believe the developers implied that it had their preferred encounter design.

as far as I'm concerned turn-based combat is just permanent pause spamming :]

this was probably already mentioned somewhere but when exactly does the game unlock?
9am Pacific, noon Eastern, 4pm GMT, 5pm CET.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I guess people's concern is that this isn't a AAA FPS or a Bloodborne or whatever else that is going to sell boatloads of copies by default. The OP may actually be useful in intriguing and converting people who don't yet know about this game. And their sales may be essential to us ever getting a Pillars of Eternity 2.

On the other hand, it's the No. 1 seller on Steam right now.

It also might be helpful if it had resources for people who dont breath IE games. Lots of people are asking questions about basic information on isoparty rpgs.

Edit: Thats a start.


I think this is overstated, and I wouldn't want it to lead to frustration for anyone, but I believe the developers implied that it had their preferred encounter design.

I believe hard mode has the developer intended encounter design.

That being said, normal for me. I was terrible in Baldurs Gate 1 & 2.

Thanks, I'll probably play it on hard. I never really had a problem with the difficulty in any of the IE games back when I used to play them.

well that's true for every game these days, isn't it
Ya, as long as hard mode in a game isn't just turning everything into damage sponges I'm good (it doesn't seem like that is the case with this game).


You should be able to mitigate some of that by going with a party that's more focused on auto attacks and passive talents/abilities. And I guess if you're just interested in the story/characters set it to easy.

The solution I had in other titles like Icewind Dale was auto pause at certain events (enemy encountered, enemy dead, critically wounded,...) and just rolled with it. Still I prefer the more tactical/strategy oriented turn based action-point combat.


Unconfirmed Member
Go to sleep TrueMenace. I've added some more to the first page.
I did go to sleep at 1am. Woke up at 5:30 am EST. Got college classes to attend to soon.

Feel free to PM me if you want to let me edit the OP (I feel like this won't happen) when I get back from classes.


Ya, as long as hard mode in a game isn't just turning everything into damage sponges I'm good (it doesn't seem like that is the case with this game).

hard difficulty changes the encounter design (aka more and higher-level enemies), but not their stats


I was answering 90% of the questions in the previous OT. All that info I contributed was insantly dumped when that OT was locked. Then EviLore got mad because 0 emphasis on NeoGaf's contribution to Pillars's kickstarter. Now we get a OT that is barebones and gushing over NeoGaf's involvement with the game. Seems like some kind of advertising.

If someone gives me control of this OT, I can make it good.
I guess people's concern is that this isn't a AAA FPS or a Bloodborne or whatever else that is going to sell boatloads of copies by default. The OP may actually be useful in intriguing and converting people who don't yet know about this game. And their sales may be essential to us ever getting a Pillars of Eternity 2.

On the other hand, it's the No. 1 seller on Steam right now.
With respect TrueMenace, it's simply the complaining, somewhat accusatory tone I found a little off; I posted my reply because I think credit is due to both the authors rather than ire, their respective circumstances taken into consideration. I completely agree there's lots of extra useful info that could be included in the OP and I wouldn't be at all surprised to see it added post-posting, as happens commonly with OTs. My assumption though is that the OP is currently very, very asleep, or at least waking up on only a couple of hours' rest and, given his position and how the boards are set up, may possibly even have non-mod-editable status on his posts.

EDIT: neat, TDM gallops in!


Unconfirmed Member
TrueMenace, the simplest thing to do is put all the resources you want shared in a new post, and then a mod can quote you in the OP.

I have OCD when it comes to making OT's. I need full control.




Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I did go to sleep at 1am. Woke up at 5:30 am EST. Got college classes to attend to soon.

Feel free to PM me if you want to let me edit the OP (I feel like this won't happen) when I get back from classes.

If you wanna add to the OT, its best to prepare it and then PM a mod that frequents the thread.

And that was a warning to lay off.


Corporate Apologist
I haven't really kept up with the game at all since backing it like 3 years ago, so I don't really know what I'm getting into. Is this the sort of game the player is expected to replay multiple times? How long is a single playthough expected to take?
With respect TrueMenace, it's simply the complaining, somewhat accusatory tone I found a little off; I posted my reply because I think credit is due to both the authors rather than ire, their respective circumstances taken into consideration.
I agree, but he's probably just on edge because the game he adores is about to come out.

I have OCD when it comes to making OT's. I need full control.
You won't get it, so just make a post.

I haven't really kept up with the game at all since backing it like 3 years ago, so I don't really know what I'm getting into. Is this the sort of game the player is expected to replay multiple times? How long is a single playthough expected to take?
A single playthrough can take dozens of hours. I believe people have finished it in 30 by skipping all dialogue and only doing the critical path. You aren't expected to replay it, but it will be eminently replayable because of all the permutations of character creation.


Unconfirmed Member
If you wanna add to the OT, its best to prepare it and then PM a mod that frequents the thread.

And that was a warning to lay off.
I guess I'll draft something after class and post it here.


TrueMenace, the simplest thing to do is put all the resources you want shared in a new post, and then a mod can quote you in the OP.

I'm not sure I want to quote someone who seems to be more concerned about the "contributions" he made by answering questions in the previous thread rather than the community spirit of the forum in celebrating the fact that we managed to get represented with an inn in the first major CRPG from Black Isles since they originally shut down.

Maybe I'm being petty here, but lots of people contribute around here in terms of answering questions and helping other people out, and usually not because we want credit or fame, just because we enjoy talking to other people with similar interests. The tone he has expressed just disgusts me.


That EviLore portrait is awesome, I can't wait to see it in game. Also love the fact that the GAF Inn made it in the game. Also can't wait to see that lol


Unconfirmed Member
I haven't really kept up with the game at all since backing it like 3 years ago, so I don't really know what I'm getting into. Is this the sort of game the player is expected to replay multiple times? How long is a single playthough expected to take?

Game has ~170 maps which means it's longer than BG1 and and shorter than BG2.

Critical Path 30-50 hours. (30 hours if you skip the conversations).

3/4 of the content is optional.

Looking at a 60-100+ hour game.

Playtimes will vary of course.


Gonna go out on a limb and make an educated guess (based on standard Paradox practice) that the review embargo lifts in 80 minutes from the time of this post.

e: unsure if that guess will be undermined by the globally staggered daylight savings transition we're in.

speaking of which, heads up Europe, clocks go forward this saturday night.


What is the opposite of buyer's remorse?

I am now regretting missing this opportunity to have my visage immortalized in the game.
Maybe I'm being petty here, but lots of people contribute around here in terms of answering questions and helping other people out, and usually not because we want credit or fame, just because we enjoy talking to other people with similar interests. The tone he has expressed just disgusts me.
That's fair, but I'd like to think that at heart he just wants to give newcomers information they might find useful.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
What is the opposite of buyer's remorse?

I am now regretting missing this opportunity to have my visage immortalized in the game.

Agreed. I've kickstarted a couple of games already and really regret missing this one for some reason. Not sure why it was never on my radar up until now since I love games like these.


Unconfirmed Member
#1 Top seller on Steam, that must be great for the devs.


Its great that games like Pillars of Eternity are competing for sales digitally against other AAA games, prior it was Cities: Skylines, prior that it was Divinity: Original Sin and Darkest Dungeons somewhere on the charts in-between for a fraction of the timeline.

I see a slow shift in trend, where the games/consumers are dictating what they want (instead of the AAA publishers shooting recycled formulas for a safer route every time).


"Hey Bill, what you going to be playing on that new fancy Titan X you just overpaid for?"

"Pillars baby! Pillars!"

You can't put a price on a quality RPG. Hyped.
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