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PS3's Blu-Ray has backed HD-DVD into a corner, can they save face?

Izzy said:
May I suggest an IQ text?

By crap Sony format I mean BetaMAX, UMD, Blu-Ray and whatever else they had that failed. I'm not saying Blu-Ray will fail I'm just saying its not needed at this point, most people are just now building their DVD collections. The UMD is crap because they could have just put a HDD in the PSP and they could have had software that let you download DVDs to it which would have been much more convenient and you wouldn't have to pay $19+$19 for one movie wherever you wanted to see it, UMD and DVD.

Just a cheap shot for Sony to make more money.


Rage Bait Youtuber
JadedGamer said:
By crap Sony format I mean BetaMAX, UMD, Blu-Ray and whatever else they had that failed. I'm not saying Blu-Ray will fail I'm just saying its not needed at this point, most people are just now building their DVD collections. The UMD is crap because they could have just put a HDD in the PSP and they could have had software that let you download DVDs to it which would have been much more convenient.

All the UMD movies being released say you're an idiot.
ManaByte said:
All the UMD movies being released say you're an idiot.

UMD is a cheap shot for Sony to make money and you know it. If they were generous and put an HDD into the PSP it would have been so much better. Just think, do you really want to buy two of the same movies? Hell ****ing no. Do you know what thats like? Its like buying a CD for your car and having to buy another one for your iPod. It makes absolutely no sense.


Rage Bait Youtuber
JadedGamer said:
UMD is a cheap shot for Sony to make money and you know it. If they were generous and put an HDD into the PSP it would have been so much better. Just think, do you really want to buy two of the same movies? Hell ****ing no. Do you know what thats like? Its like buying a CD for your car and having to buy another one for your iPod. It makes absolutely no sense.

So instead of releasing UMD movies, you want Sony to support movie piracy? The MPAA would rip them a new one.
ManaByte said:
So instead of releasing UMD movies, you want Sony to support movie piracy? The MPAA would rip them a new one.

Why is it piracy? So if I rip a CD to my iPod its piracy?! They could just have a protected format right? If not then I guess iPods are illegal.


Rage Bait Youtuber
JadedGamer said:
Why is it piracy? So if I rip a CD to my iPod its piracy?! They could just have a protected format right? If not then I guess iPods are illegal.

No one was talking about CDs. You were talking about ripping and downloading DVDs, which IS illegal.

CDs do not have CSS encryption.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
JadedGamer said:
Just think, do you really want to buy two of the same movies?

UMD movie sales seemed to have answered that question quite nicely...


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
JadedGamer said:
Considering the current PSP games I'm not suprised, I'm selling my PSP.

Are there people who really think that folks go in to videogame stores to buy PSP videogames and since they can't find anything they want they "settle" for a UMD movie?

BTW PSP software seems to be selling fairly well as well, regardless of the lack of new titles.


Rage Bait Youtuber
JadedGamer said:
Considering the current PSP games I'm not suprised, I'm selling my PSP.

DarienA said:
Are there people who really think that folks go in to videogame stores to buy PSP videogames and since they can't find anything they want they "settle" for a UMD movie?

BTW PSP software seems to be selling fairly well as well, regardless of the lack of new titles.

Considering how Sony has said since day 1 they want to make the PSP the new Walkman, it shouldn't surprise you to see UMD movies and soon UMD music.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
ManaByte said:
Considering how Sony has said since day 1 they want to make the PSP the new Walkman, it shouldn't surprise you to see UMD movies and soon UMD music.

Were you talking to me? I'm not surprised at all. I see where they are going, I just don't get the "logic" that someone goes to buy an interactive experience in a VG store and instead settles for something they can just watch... it doesn't work like that.


Rage Bait Youtuber
DarienA said:
Were you talking to me? I'm not surprised at all. I see where they are going, I just don't get the "logic" that someone goes to buy an interactive experience in a VG store and instead settles for something they can just watch... it doesn't work like that.

No, just using your post as a backup against the Junior Member.

There are people who own NO games for their PSP and just use it for movies & music. When Sony first announced the PSP at E3 they said they wanted it to be the "Walkman of the 21st Century", and the UMD movie format is getting a ton of support with just about every major studio outside of Warner releasing movies on the format.


I hope Bluray continues to gain more momentum, but there is one bad thing for me with all this. When HD-DVD comes out tanking, I will have to push it to every customer that walks into my department like it is gold :(


"GAF's biggest wanker"
JadedGamer said:
Considering the current PSP games I'm not suprised, I'm selling my PSP.
>2:1 Game software tie ratio for the PSP suggests that few others feel the same way as you do.


HD-DVD is faltering because there is pressure from duplication plants and studios to have only one format.

So how does that play into the hands of Bluray? Surely when bluray launches the same message will be passed onto them? i.e. one format or we don't launch our titles

That could actually be worse for bluray, because PS3 has to launch. Its not like some vapour HD-DVD player from Toshiba that was only going to ship in the 000's anyway. Delaying that isn't so bad. You can't delay PS3

Crag Dweller

aka kindbudmaster
I have a few questions that I'd like to hear some thoughts on.

If the ps3 is the monster hit that its predicted to be, There are going to be alot of blu-ray players hooked up to tvs that can't fully take advantage of the technology that blu-ray has over dvd. How are movie studios going to convince those people to switch from dvds to blu-ray?

What effect will it have if the dominant movie player in the blu-ray userbase is the ps3? Is there a danger of blu-ray becoming "those movies that play on that playstation" to the mass market? Is that even a bad thing?
The thing is, to the average person, IMO, the value of BR and HD-DVD isn't clear or obvious...certainly nothing like it was going from VHS to DVD was. That's the weakest element about the next-gen disc media.


early buyers of PS3 are more likely to be aware of Bluray/have HDTVs.

Even if you don't have a HDTV, having a bluray/HD source under your TV might mean that when you come to buy Spiderman 3 on DVD, you get the slightly more expensive bluray version, because you know that you'll still get the same great DVD quality on your TV now, but when you inevitably replace your TV (with a HDTV), you'll benefit from the higher definition.


MightyHedgehog said:
The thing is, to the average person, IMO, the value of BR and HD-DVD isn't clear or obvious...certainly nothing like it was going from VHS to DVD was. That's the weakest element about the next-gen disc media.

That's true to a certain extent... mainly because most of the world still has TVs only capable of SD.

But in the next few years as HDTV ramps up quickly, along with introduction of revolutionary technologies like CNT, which if all goes right should drive down the costs of high quality large flat panel displays dramatically, allowing for massive HDTV penetration...

the average person should have no troubles discerning normal DVDs from BRDs on a good quality display... at least if I'm not overestimating the masses.
Sure, I agree. But that's a pretty big gamble on top of another gamble. Basing success of one format mainly on the adoption of another completely different and potentially expensive item is pretty sketchy, in terms of timing. By then, there might be far better alternatives in the marketplace that not only make HD-DVD and Blu Ray look like the rushed stop-gap formats they are, but that come in at the right time for the mass market. For now, I can't see BR and HD-DVD going much past the enthusiast market for active use. For DVD, the wait was easy, because it came down to scaling in costs and a build up of content...that's not the case for these new formats that have a real dependancy on another purchase to make the new media able to be fully taken advantage of.
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