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Rage PC perfomance thread


well huh.. after deleting the .cfg file and now going with the new in-game settings (everything at max) i seem to have more.. pop-in? as in, now textures have like 3 different states when i approach them, first they are blurry and they get better as i get closer, but this process is more noticeable than with the cfg file for some reason :/

can anyone confirm? is that even possible? dont these options do exactly what the config file did?


SalsaShark said:
well huh.. after deleting the .cfg file and now going with the new in-game settings (everything at max) i seem to have more.. pop-in? as in, now textures have like 3 different states when i approach them, first they are blurry and they get better as i get closer, but this process is more noticeable than with the cfg file for some reason :/

can anyone confirm? is that even possible? dont these options do exactly what the config file did?

I think this is a result of them changing the maxPPF cvar to adjust itself downward. You might be able to force it back to 128 via the CFG (or via +vt_maxPPF 128 as a launch property).


Wallach said:
I think this is a result of them changing the maxPPF cvar to adjust itself downward. You might be able to force it back to 128 via the CFG (or via +vt_maxPPF 128 as a launch property).

alright, will try. Could it also be that the game isnt using that folder i had to made on C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local etc?

the issue is pretty clear: as i walk around town after the first load, every time i get near a new object, it goes from blurry to clear. After that happened once, it clearly gets stored in the cache as i can walk back and go anywhere else and come back and it'll still be clear.

Problem here is that before this patch all textures would be sharp after just loading the area, no need to go around looking at stuff.


JaseC said:
Don't worry, you've not missed out on anything; the level still sports certifiably horrible textures. Quite frankly, at certain points it looked as though the game had tripped and fallen into a Zalgo'd rendition of Half-Life's Black Mesa.

I am serious, by the way.

Disappointing. We really need a texture patch :(


they probably just capped PPF internally, since setting a different option (a higher one, lower works) does absolutely nothing.

Fuck. This blows.


You millionaires with your $8000 PCs may not like it but at least the people with five year old hardware will no longer feel inferior in those screenshot threads! I'm loving the new all-inclusive id!
Is there a newer AMD driver out than the one in the OP? My CCC says its up to date but sounds like some people have updated again since the one in the OP

edit: nevermind should have searched google before asking :p


fizzelopeguss said:
Salsa's on a 560ti iirc, bloodforge i will fucking lol if you've got an ATi card and we've had a complete performance reversal.

to be fair my problem aint THAAAAAAT terrible, its just.. worse than before, and its really annoying to have an issue after the game running so so good. Its like they capped what you could force with texture streaming, i described it in the steam forums:

yup, same here.

Easiest way to notice is that before this patch every time i loaded a save everything would just appear around me in a second. Now every time i load it up i need to do a 360 in order to look at everything and make the textures load.

Basically texture streaming is suddenly lower, yup. Every time i walk into a new area or get near any object, the game takes a milisecond to load the texture properly, but if i go back and return to it its already loaded. Its like i have to load every new thing i see.

I can confirm that this wasnt here with the .cfg + launch option tweaks. Step backwards for me :/

edit: btw, tried with +set vt_maxPPF 128 on launch options and it does nothing. Seems like these new in-game options overrun everything.


Texture streaming 100 times worse confirmed. It's very noticeable when turning most corners now, not just in extreme cases.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
So, uh, should I not patch the game then? It was running just fine for me with a custom .cfg, I'm not sure if it's even worth risking.
Have you tried fiddling with AA? I ended up forcing Combined SS with 4xaa in nv inspector because rages ingame AA was screwing up the texture streaming. (very bizarre issues with this game)


So.. I'm reading the patch notes for today. They added Vsync options, although it was easy enough to do by yourself anyway. The amusing thing about it, is that they only added double buffered vsync, pretty amazing shit from id.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Why did I think I could still play this without having to update? Wow, I swore I did that in the past with some Steam games. Maybe not though.

Oh boy. Hopefully this isn't a complete mess.


fizzelopeguss said:
If you've used nvinspector before salsa, give the 8xS setting a try and override application setting, i have the same card as you.

im not forcing anything through drivers. Everything was .cfg files and launch settings, now i tried keeping those/removing them and i still get the bad texture streaming.
Have a few questions.

I just updated to the 11.10 preview 2 AMD drivers, removed the custom .cfg file and took everything out of launch options except for:

+set com_skipIntroVideo 1 +cvaradd g_fov 20

With the newest patch is setting the textures to "large" the same as 8K ?

Is there a benefit to having vsync set to "smart" instead of "on" ?

for the few minutes I tested it seems to be running fine, still notice some texture pop-in but its about the same as using the custom .cfg file was

I do still get some random stuttering tho even tho FRAPS says my FPS is usually around 55-60. Is there anything that I can do to help that?

Also is there anything I could still keep in the custom .cfg file that would still benefit me with the new patch?


Cool Smoke Luke
SuicideUZI said:
Have a few questions.

I just updated to the 11.10 preview 2 AMD drivers, removed the custom .cfg file and took everything out of launch options except for:

+set com_skipIntroVideo 1 +cvaradd g_fov 20

With the newest patch is setting the textures to "large" the same as 8K ?

Is there a benefit to having vsync set to "smart" instead of "on" ?

for the few minutes I tested it seems to be running fine, still notice some texture pop-in but its about the same as using the custom .cfg file was

I do still get some random stuttering tho even tho FRAPS says my FPS is usually around 55-60. Is there anything that I can do to help that?

Also is there anything I could still keep in the custom .cfg file that would still benefit me with the new patch?
the benifit of vsync set to smart is this:
with vsync forced if you drop below 60 it will lower you to 30 by its nature.
with smart it will lock you at 60 unless you drop below for that time you are below it will unlock the sync till you hit 60 again if that means your only dropping to 55 in a couple areas for a couple secs you won't feel sluggish like being forced down to 30.


So I take it it's simply not worth purchasing this game now?

Have the latest nVidia drivers and GTX570.

Is ANYONE running this game ok? Was thinking of picking up a retail copy but sounds like it's going to be too much dicking about.


Mohonky said:
So I take it it's simply not worth purchasing this game now?

huh? game is amazing, runs great and looks great.

This patch made the game go back to low texture stream for some (including me) and its a bummer, but im looking forward to someone finding a way around it. Buy it.
SalsaShark said:
huh? game is amazing, runs great and looks great.

This patch made the game go back to low texture stream for some (including me) and its a bummer, but im looking forward to someone finding a way around it. Buy it.

So setting it to "Large" in the game doesn't improve things at all?


I'm seemingly able to still use a custom config because when I took it out and tried the cache size set to Large, texture pop-in was waaay worse than with my config, which I have set to 16k. Oh, and Dead City's textures are fucking embarrassing. They look like Resident Evil 4 on Dolphin.


Robobandit said:
So setting it to "Large" in the game doesn't improve things at all?
No, that only makes it so that the game tends to load the clearest textures in the end instead of stopping with the crappier stuff. Doesn't affect the streaming/pop-in.


Robobandit said:
So setting it to "Large" in the game doesn't improve things at all?

Game looks pretty much exactly like it did with the .cfg file before the patch, BUT now every time i run around/turn around etc on new places, textures take a milisecond to load. Again, its nothing GAMEBREAKING, but im annoyed by it in the sense that im 100 percent sure it didnt happen before (when using .cfg files), and now using those files does nothing. Guessing they capped something internally for some fucking myserious reason.


Mohonky said:
Is ANYONE running this game ok? Was thinking of picking up a retail copy but sounds like it's going to be too much dicking about.

Yes. It's worth pointing out, people are more inclined to report when things aren't working than when they are.
SalsaShark said:
Game looks pretty much exactly like it did with the .cfg file before the patch, BUT now every time i run around/turn around etc on new places, textures take a milisecond to load. Again, its nothing GAMEBREAKING, but im annoyed by it in the sense that im 100 percent sure it didnt happen before (when using .cfg files), and now using those files does nothing. Guessing they capped something internally for some fucking myserious reason.

Seeing as I'm happy with how it runs with my CFG file and the ATI 11.10 preview2 driver that was released yesterday.. I think I'll keep my machine off of the internet until i can configure Rage not to auto-update..


Robobandit said:
Seeing as I'm happy with how it runs with my CFG file and the ATI 11.10 preview2 driver that was released yesterday.. I think I'll keep my machine off of the internet until i can configure Rage not to auto-update..

right click -> properties -> update -> change from "always keep this game up to date"

wish ive done that D:


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Just deleted my custom.cfg, then loaded up and walked around a bit in Wellspring. Went outside, back into Wellspring, then did a couple races. Only difference I noticed is that it takes maybe an extra half a second for textures to pop in when I load into a new area. I'll play around more in a bit, but it's not a disaster so far, on my end at least.


Loves Robotech S1
Patch fixed almost all performance issues I had. Outside of initial loading pop-in is almost completely nonexistent, and performance is solid. I'm still getting texture compression artifacts here and there, but that should be gone once crossfire is officially supported. I'm happy.

I still can't figure out why opengl games have that weirdly subtle microstutter/hitching on my machine that keeps it from looking perfectly smooth at 60 fps though. I've noticed it in all id tech 4 games (except wolfenstein as that was re-engineered for directx) and now this. Never in anything else.


I wonder if this guy from the steam forums is right:

They've seemed to limit the amount of vram used by the game now. I can't get it to go over 869mb vram used (by the game and Aero) and that's what causing the massive texture popins. Before this patch I had it running near 1400mb used and all was perfect. Pagefile usage is near identical at 571mb.

None of the changes in cfg files work anymore.

The GPU usage has gone from 70% all the way down to 35%. I'm getting a smooth 60fps, but the texture pop ins are just horrible. I had it working perfectly a few hours ago before their little patch.

Its weird, cause if that's the case it shouldnt really affect me that much cause i dont even have 1400mb of v-ram :/

wish i had checked my gpu usage pre-patch


Wierd, I'm getting better texture streaming than before (faster). Maybe because of this addition in the patch?

"- Automatically adjust vt_maxPPF based on the number of available cores."

Maybe it's taking better advantage of my i7 to manage the textures, I dunno.

edit: never bothered to make a cfg file for the game before the patch.


Pimpbaa said:
Wierd, I'm getting better texture streaming than before (faster). Maybe because of this addition in the patch?

"- Automatically adjust vt_maxPPF based on the number of available cores."

Maybe it's taking better advantage of my i7 to manage the textures, I dunno.

edit: never bothered to make a cfg file for the game before the patch.

I think that's precisely what's fucking me. vt-maxPPF must be set to a lower number for me now, and i cant seem to force any higher.
SuicideUZI said:
Have a few questions.
With the newest patch is setting the textures to "large" the same as 8K ?

As far as I could tell "large" sets everything to 8k and "small" to 4k.
"Low" aniso seems to be 2x and "High" is 4x.

Not too familiar with checking stuff in the console, but it seems to perform the same way as with the custom config before for me.

vt_maxPPF defaults to 128 now (had it set to 16 before and didn't notice any difference, even though I've got an i7)

I still use "+fc_maxcachememoryMB 1024" as a launch option.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
SalsaShark said:
I think that's precisely what's fucking me. vt-maxPPF must be set to a lower number for me now, and i cant seem to force any higher.

What CPU do you have?
Might keep mine from updating, then. At least until I do a little research and can be sure performance is/can be tweaked to the level of the custom config.


subversus said:
No, it's highly unlikely that I will buy this game in a near future.

why? i mean, im bummed that the patch worked backwards for me, but im not ruling out a solution, since previously it also required some tweaking. This patch also seems to have helped a lot of users with lower-end systems.

The game is fucking fantastic and im loving it, you should check the stuff im posting in the OT.


I increased the default FOV by 10 and it's much better now. Before it was giving me slight motion sickness but now it's perfect.
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