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Rainbow Six Siege updates system to handle toxic players


Gold Member
Picked this up from Mark Kern's twitter - going to be using automated bans

Full article from PCgamesn

“Starting next week, we will be implementing an improvement on the system we have been using to ban players that use racial and homophobic slurs, or hate speech, in game,” wrote Robinson, who goes by Its_Epi online.

Bans will be handed out for violations of the Rainbow Six Siege Code of Conduct, which specifically reads, “Any language or content deemed illegal, dangerous, threatening, abusive, obscene, vulgar, defamatory, hateful, racist, sexist, ethically offensive or constituting harrassment is forbidden.”

In the game's terms of use, Ubisoft explicitly reserves the right to suspend, ban, or delete user accounts if they violate the Code of Conduct.

"For those of you concerned, don't use racial slurs, homophobic slurs, or tell people to kill themselves and you'll be fine.

"And before anyone says it, no, we really don't care at all about the "context" of the string of slurs you dropped in chat."

He followed up to a comment asking whether a player who uses "my nigga," used in a congratulatory way, should stop now that this new system is being tested, saying that, yes, implying that will be flagged under this new system.

Craig Robinson -community dev

Robinson writes that bans will be handed out in varying durations - two days, seven days, 15 days, and permanent - depending on the severity of the violation.

I think Mark Kern's thoughts on this are interesting, especially this tweet in the chain which is what I guess newGAF is aiming for. But also about the bowing down of these companies. Unfortunately censorship and draconian measures will be the answer to queelig the outrage mobs. In this case, I think word and speech learning has probably advanced to a level where it will be fairly accurate listening and logging specific words, with each reference probably being vetted by a human for verification. Ultimately if I'm in a crowd of people and one starts throwing toxic insults around I have to listen to them, at least in a game I have the option to mute them. I actually think a better interface for muting users etc. would work as well. Instead of the current afterthoughts. I guess there is a case to protect minors preemptively......

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I am not sure what the problem is.

As long as pro-KKK, pro-ISIS and pro-Antifa fall into the permaban category I am all for it.


Banning people screaming insults at other players isn't silencing the voices of political or cultural dissent. It's silencing assholes.


Banning people screaming insults at other players isn't silencing the voices of political or cultural dissent. It's silencing assholes.

My mistake. You guys talk about games where there is actual voice chat?
Jeez, yeah that is cancerous and nothing to do with "free expressions of ideas".
Last time in XLB I heard something like "gonna cut your moms throat and then I'll fuck her new throat pussy.'
Jesus christ.

Voice chat is cancer.

I prefer Dark Souls 3. No chat at all.
At worst, you can do edgy Legion Etiquette before a fight or Point Down (and throw poop) after the fight.
Much better. Pretty much any/every game is better if they just drop voice chat completely.

Deleted member 738645

Unconfirmed Member
I am not sure what the problem is.

As long as pro-KKK, pro-ISIS and pro-Antifa fall into the permaban category I am all for it.

Are not most people antifacsists though? Like if you are not, are you pro facsism?


Are not most people antifacsists though? Like if you are not, are you pro facsism?
Antifa are basically terrorists in my Country. They want to destory the gov. and the state, they are attacking police forces, burning cars, and using other sort of violent acts this goes so far that the right wing party has to get a huge police security when holding their meet ups etc. Antifa is the other extreme to a Nazi and they are not your friends. Also selfjustice and violence against people you do not agree with are against the law. So yes they should be treated the same.

Deleted member 738645

Unconfirmed Member
Antifa are basically terrorists in my Country. They want to destory the gov. and the state, they are attacking police forces, burning cars, and using other sort of violent acts this goes so far that the right wing party has to get a huge police security when holding their meet ups etc. Antifa is the other extreme to a Nazi and they are not your friends. Also selfjustice and violence against people you do not agree with are against the law. So yes they should be treated the same.

In my country they just protest together with other groups and organization, nothing else, so to me and my country, they are not a terror group. They are pretty much never in the news.
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I am not sure what the problem is.

As long as pro-KKK, pro-ISIS and pro-Antifa fall into the permaban category I am all for it.

Yes, that's all they'll ban:

Any language or content deemed illegal, dangerous, threatening, abusive, obscene, vulgar, defamatory, hateful, racist, sexist, ethically offensive or constituting harrassment is forbidden

The list certainly isn't completely vague allowing the dev to ban whoever the fuck they want for the tiniest infraction. Even if I thought of buying this and Overwatch I won't anymore, fuck this authoritarian shit and their vague descriptions about "toxicity".


I could not care less what poeple say i just mute them problem solved however the team killing in this game is another story
How long before trash talk is a bannable offense, period? It's like the people complaining have never played a competitive sport before - they would probably break down and cry as the D-line talks shit on the football field.

He followed up to a comment asking whether a player who uses "my nigga," used in a congratulatory way, should stop now that this new system is being tested, saying that, yes, implying that will be flagged under this new system.
Wow, their system is so advanced it can't even tell the difference between nigga and the actual slur. This won't backfire at all! /s
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As you mentioned in your OP making it easy to mute people is probably the most effective method. Some games it is not that easy to figure out how to mute someone. I do think an effective feedback system is important though.
The problem with some of these automated processes is that they get it wrong.

I can think of a couple of times where I was playing Rainbow six where I joined a game as a solo person and had a bad round and was kicked from the game by an obvious 3 or 4 person group and had a 15 minute suspension. I never said a word to them( I don’t generally use my head set except to listen). My only fault was not playing up to their “standards”.


Can people get banned for saying stuff on mic though? I never understood how mods check who said what during matches


There are some really horrible people that play Rainbow. Make one mistake and you're getting called a horrible slur of things, I mean it doesn't bug me personally I find it funny. An automated system deciding if you're happy or angry is kind of unneeded though, might see a lot of wrongful bans.


Gold Member
Hmmm my take on this...people need to learn the power of dictating what offends them and what doesn't.

As a black man, I have a lot of friends from a lot of different backgrounds. They often slip up and say things that would be considered racial slurs, though not done maliciously.

I've learned that strength doesn't come from the ability to punish or retaliate against those who speak in this manner, but rather to show them that their petty racial jabs don't actually affect me in the way they are hoping it will.

If you choose what offends you, you take away the satisfaction people of lower states of consciousness (and frankly, intelligence) get from the act itself.
lol at some people trying to defend how "unnecessary" it is.
Ubi can ban hate speech and slurs on their game. If you don't like it, maybe don't be a racist or don't play.


This is dumb, the mute button exists for a reason. Speech shouldn't be a bannable offense and no I don't care how badly it made you felt. If you don't like it, don't play it and leave it to people who can handle a distasteful conversation without having a fit.
lol at some people trying to defend how "unnecessary" it is.
Ubi can ban hate speech and slurs on their game. If you don't like it, maybe don't be a racist or don't play.
Ah, gotta love that line of discussion. If you disagree, just leave and don't play anymore. It's as easy as 123.


I was disappointed in this, when I read the topic title I thought they meant the constant teamkilling or otherwise toxic behavior in the actual game. Oh well.


I don't have problems with banning for racial/homophobic slur.

But this list, bold parts in particular: "dangerous, threatening, abusive, obscene, vulgar, ethically offensive" sounds too generic to me.
This is dumb, the mute button exists for a reason. Speech shouldn't be a bannable offense and no I don't care how badly it made you felt. If you don't like it, don't play it and leave it to people who can handle a distasteful conversation without having a fit.

Ah, gotta love that line of discussion. If you disagree, just leave and don't play anymore. It's as easy as 123.

Are you seriously having a problem with banning users who say racial slurs? Haha I love that this has you folks mad lmao


Times really have changed huh.

Used to be, people could say anything over voice chat, now there's a heavy moderation specifically designed to combat hate speech and racism.
i have a mute button, i don't need ubisoft to protect me from anything

hackers, team killers, and people dropping out of ranked matches is a more prevalent problem than language on siege
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There is very few games that need voice chat to play properly.
In the lower skills a limited communication system is more than enough.
Voice chat should always be opt-in and after that, well you know what you signed for.

Silencing people no matter how much of an assholes they are doesn't do any good.

If you need voice chat, well go on teamspeak, skype, of any of the dozen voice chat software that exist.

Boss Mog

I'm disappointed, I thought this was about addressing the assholes that just team kill you at the start. I could care less about what morons say since I'm either in party chat with friends or I disable voice If I'm playing alone. And please don't give me any BS about you need to talk to your teammates for strategy and such. I've never talked to strangers while playing any FPS and I do just fine, it's pretty obvious that the chats in these games are filled with trolls and barely literate people most of the time.


Yes, that's all they'll ban:

The list certainly isn't completely vague allowing the dev to ban whoever the fuck they want for the tiniest infraction. Even if I thought of buying this and Overwatch I won't anymore, fuck this authoritarian shit and their vague descriptions about "toxicity".

rofl, feel threatened because people don't want to put up with you screaming racial, sexual and other hateful discriminatory remarks at others?

I don't think you know what actual authoritarianism is

This is dumb, the mute button exists for a reason. Speech shouldn't be a bannable offense and no I don't care how badly it made you felt. If you don't like it, don't play it and leave it to people who can handle a distasteful conversation without having a fit.

Ah, gotta love that line of discussion. If you disagree, just leave and don't play anymore. It's as easy as 123.

The only way you will ever be effected by this is if you're screaming the very bullshit that gets people banned.

Not other peoples problem if you can't act like a decent person online

If you don't go around the game being racist, sexist or threatening to find other people and kill them irl, then you literally won't have an issue.
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interesting. Wonder how well the system handles words typed incorrectly on purpose by using different (or more) letters as well as numbers.
As somebody with over a thousand hours in Siege across PS4/PC. I'm 100% okay with this. though I'd prefer if they also banned trolls/griefers/intentional team killers and the like.
I know the game like the back of my hand, but I've had far too many experiences with shitters that don't understand advantageous angles and shit. Like opening up the bed room wall on Oregon to get a line of site down white stairs, etc. Got verbal off some Cyka Blyat for opening that wall, and shot in game because he wanted it reinforced for some daft reason.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
This is dumb, the mute button exists for a reason. Speech shouldn't be a bannable offense and no I don't care how badly it made you felt. If you don't like it, don't play it and leave it to people who can handle a distasteful conversation without having a fit.

Ah, gotta love that line of discussion. If you disagree, just leave and don't play anymore. It's as easy as 123.

Is this a serious post? You literally just told us to leave and don’t play if we don’t like racial slurs. Since by your own admission it’s only a matter of picking sides, why do you think we should be siding with the racists and assholes?

Apologies if you were trying to be ironic, but it’s impossible to tell on altGAF.


This is dumb, the mute button exists for a reason. Speech shouldn't be a bannable offense and no I don't care how badly it made you felt. If you don't like it, don't play it and leave it to people who can handle a distasteful conversation without having a fit.

Ah, gotta love that line of discussion. If you disagree, just leave and don't play anymore. It's as easy as 123.
You can't expect to be able to be endlessly offensive in what's effectively a public space run by a private company. They want people other than you to show up and give them money.


This is dumb, the mute button exists for a reason. Speech shouldn't be a bannable offense and no I don't care how badly it made you felt. If you don't like it, don't play it and leave it to people who can handle a distasteful conversation without having a fit.

I don't want to dogpile, but please reconsider. Just hurling racial and sexist abuse is not free speech, it is being a toxic asshole and maybe companies do not want to associate their products with such.

I think that either
1, you are trolling
2, you have never played a multiplayer shooter on say XBL or
3, you have but you think it is all fine in which case maybe you are part of the subgroup they want to get rid of?


I prefer Dark Souls 3. No chat at all.
At worst, you can do edgy Legion Etiquette before a fight or Point Down (and throw poop) after the fight.
Much better. Pretty much any/every game is better if they just drop voice chat completely.

I'm not sure why but I'd rather have someone tell me to kill myself then taunt or teabag me in a game. Granted the taunting is just as meaningless as the words, the taunts just really get my rage going. Say w/e you want to me, don't care, but don't you dare teabag my lifeless body boi.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Why talk about politics and/or social issues in your shooting game, anyway? Get a Discord or something.


Slippery slope. Is it not a 17+ game with warnings about language in and out of the game?

Trying to equate words like "fuck" and "shit" to "nigger", "dyke", "cunt", and what ever vile things are thrown around commonly on public VOIP's is peak bad faith argument considering you know that

1) The game doesn't have those words in it from the characters
2) The ESRB always has disclaimers on about being unable to verify the online content and interactions.

Try again.
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I find it rather amusing that we hear how rampant the vulgar language is online but when you come to the forums nobody admits it's them.


Neo Member
I'm all for free speech and freedom of expression, but some people simply aren't rational.

I follow a Texas streamer on Twitch that regularly plays R6 Siege with randoms.
One time, he joined a no-mic team with his Canadian friend and made call-outs, as usual.
They did okay but lost the round.
While preparing for the next round, some guy turns his mic on and says, "You know what I hate? ...," and proceeded to hurl insults, slurs, and team kill.
Completely unprovoked behavior, initiated solely because of the sound of his voice!!
And that wasn't the last time I witnessed that.

Although a part of me thinks that they should be entitled to their opinion, some people are needlessly hateful.
I don't know if this solution is right, but what fair alternative is there in this situation?


Trying to equate words like "fuck" and "shit" to "nigger", "dyke", "cunt", and what ever vile things are thrown around commonly on public VOIP's is peak bad faith argument considering you know that

1) The game doesn't have those words in it from the characters
2) The ESRB always has disclaimers on about being unable to verify the online content and interactions.

Try again.
Wow, I haven't gotten a "you're arguing in bad faith" response in a while. Please tell me what else am I trying to say? You can fuck off with your lazy 'bad faith' canned response.
Some people just don't care if people are using childish insults online. There is a mute option, you can play with a team or clan that fits your sheltered and fragile mind so you wont ever hear those bad people ever again.
The point is you have options to use without becoming some fascist and straight up banning people for wrong speak. Have you ever played GTA Online? Have you ever played Overwatch? Have you ever played LoL? Have you ever played an online game at all? If you want to go back and live in your protected bubble where people cant use bad words cuz it 'makes me upset' then MUTE THEM. My god people have become such whiny, entitled, crybabies.


I'd rather have them fix the teamkilling and leaving during the middle of a match, than someone insulting me in any way. I honestly don't give a fuck what someone says about me, over the internet, that I do not even know and will never meet/see ever again.

I also instantly turn off voice chat in games that support it. It's completely unnecessary as Discord and TS (or any other) are still superior.

If you get insulted and stepped on your toes that quickly, you might not want to play online games in general. The real world is a lot tougher even without the insults...
Wow, I haven't gotten a "you're arguing in bad faith" response in a while. Please tell me what else am I trying to say? You can fuck off with your lazy 'bad faith' canned response.
Some people just don't care if people are using childish insults online. There is a mute option, you can play with a team or clan that fits your sheltered and fragile mind so you wont ever hear those bad people ever again.
The point is you have options to use without becoming some fascist and straight up banning people for wrong speak. Have you ever played GTA Online? Have you ever played Overwatch? Have you ever played LoL? Have you ever played an online game at all? If you want to go back and live in your protected bubble where people cant use bad words cuz it 'makes me upset' then MUTE THEM. My god people have become such whiny, entitled, crybabies.

Why should everyone have the mute the same person instead of just removing that user? How are they ever going to curb the behaviour if nobody says anything or just ignores it. That's being lazy. If people cannot control themselves then they can fuck off. I get tired of this free speech bullshit, and if you're too dense to know the difference between competitive jabs and hate/racists comments then you're part of the problem.
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Wow, I haven't gotten a "you're arguing in bad faith" response in a while. Please tell me what else am I trying to say? You can fuck off with your lazy 'bad faith' canned response.
Some people just don't care if people are using childish insults online. There is a mute option, you can play with a team or clan that fits your sheltered and fragile mind so you wont ever hear those bad people ever again.
The point is you have options to use without becoming some fascist and straight up banning people for wrong speak. Have you ever played GTA Online? Have you ever played Overwatch? Have you ever played LoL? Have you ever played an online game at all? If you want to go back and live in your protected bubble where people cant use bad words cuz it 'makes me upset' then MUTE THEM. My god people have become such whiny, entitled, crybabies.

Sure, you clearly don't care if people use hateful language and create a beyond toxic environment. I'm not going to ask why you don't care, but I'm sure I can guess a few.

It goes beyond childish when you have grown adults spewing the constant dribble because they can do so with any repercussions. In the real world acting like such a horrible person has actual consequences, extending that to the online environment where companies choose to not stand idly by is the adult thing to do.

Of course, if you think that telling a women she is a cunt or stupid dyke online is just "bad words that make them upset" and not years of constant bullshit that people put up with in the online gaming sphere, then you are an idiot who can't see beyond the edge of a pool in the context of the greater ocean of shit the internet produces without consiquence.

But I don't think you're stupid, I think you're afraid that companies and people are actually starting to move forward and progress the medium and by extension the gaming community by making communities live up to higher standards than the type of shit I'll find on 4chan. You're afraid that gaming isn't just going to be for your little safe space of assholes who are allowed to freely attack and be unrepentant assholes.

The only people who is a "whiny entitled crybabies" in this situation are the people who are whining because companies are creating actual standards for their communities. Trying to bring up "mah free speech" isn't going to save you considering companies have every right of controlling their own communities.

Time to move outside of your entitled safe space.
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I'd rather have them fix the teamkilling and leaving during the middle of a match, than someone insulting me in any way. I honestly don't give a fuck what someone says about me, over the internet, that I do not even know and will never meet/see ever again.

I also instantly turn off voice chat in games that support it. It's completely unnecessary as Discord and TS (or any other) are still superior.

If you get insulted and stepped on your toes that quickly, you might not want to play online games in general. The real world is a lot tougher even without the insults...

No, if you actually live in the outside world, normal people in general avoid conflict and don't go around spewing hateful language on a constant basis. It's why it's so prominent online, it's the only safe space they have left that has little repercussions for such behavior.


Why should everyone have the mute the same person instead of just removing that user? How are they ever going to curb the behaviour if nobody says anything or just ignores it. That's being lazy. If people cannot control themselves then they can fuck off. I get tired of this free speech bullshit, and if you're too dense to know the difference between competitive jabs and hate/racists comments then you're part of the problem.

You think banning people will curb the behavior of kids using slurs as an insult? LOL ok bud. Then you better go to every school and give kids a speech about how the language they are using offends you. Because if you are planting your flag to push for socal justice in VIDEO GAMES then your fooling yourself or just being lazy. You know not everyone gets offended when a 10 year old calls them a 'fag'.

Sure, you clearly don't care if people use hateful language and create a beyond toxic environment. I'm not going to ask why you don't care, but I'm sure I can guess a few.

It goes beyond childish when you have grown adults spewing the constant dribble because they can do so with any repercussions. In the real world acting like such a horrible person has actual consequences, extending that to the online environment where companies choose to not stand idly by is the adult thing to do.

Of course, if you think that telling a women she is a cunt or stupid dyke online is just "bad words that make them upset" and not years of constant bullshit that people put up with in the online gaming sphere, then you are an idiot who can't see beyond the edge of a pool in the context of the greater ocean of shit the internet produces without consiquence.

But I don't think you're stupid, I think you're afraid that companies and people are actually starting to move forward and progress the medium and by extension the gaming community by making communities live up to higher standards than the type of shit I'll find on 4chan. You're afraid that gaming isn't just going to be for your little safe space of assholes who are allowed to freely attack and be unrepentant assholes.

The only people who is a "whiny entitled crybabies" in this situation are the people who are whining because companies are creating actual standards for their communities. Trying to bring up "mah free speech" isn't going to save you considering companies have every right of controlling their own communities.

Time to move outside of your entitled safe space.

Its almost like video games ISN'T the real world and a different set of rules apply. Weird. Its almost like people don't form teams and go around shooting people for points in the real world. Weird. You don't have to put up with anything in gaming, ITS YOUR CHOICE. I haven't played R6S for about a year, I don't care. about having it be my safe space. I don't use slurs like that as you probably assume I do. It just doesn't bother me as much as it bothers you. My advice to you would be if it is that much of a detriment to your psyche then maybe you shouldn't be playing online.


I'd rather have them fix the teamkilling and leaving during the middle of a match, than someone insulting me in any way. I honestly don't give a fuck what someone says about me, over the internet, that I do not even know and will never meet/see ever again.

I also instantly turn off voice chat in games that support it. It's completely unnecessary as Discord and TS (or any other) are still superior.

If you get insulted and stepped on your toes that quickly, you might not want to play online games in general. The real world is a lot tougher even without the insults...

Its almost like you have options to use if the community that is rated MATURE is too offensive to you. Shocking!


You think banning people will curb the behavior of kids using slurs as an insult? LOL ok bud. Then you better go to every school and give kids a speech about how the language they are using offends you. Because if you are planting your flag to push for socal justice in VIDEO GAMES then your fooling yourself or just being lazy. You know not everyone gets offended when a 10 year old calls them a 'fag'.

Its almost like video games ISN'T the real world and a different set of rules apply. Weird. Its almost like people don't form teams and go around shooting people for points in the real world. Weird. You don't have to put up with anything in gaming, ITS YOUR CHOICE. I haven't played R6S for about a year, I don't care. about having it be my safe space. I don't use slurs like that as you probably assume I do. It just doesn't bother me as much as it bothers you. My advice to you would be if it is that much of a detriment to your psyche then maybe you shouldn't be playing online.

Wow you seem to have such a dog in the fight considering you keep saying you don't care.

It's almost like you do care.

Human interactions online are real, trying to raise the point that the game is a game is probably the silliest thing you've said yet. If it doesn't bother you, then why can't you have the slightest bit of empathy for anyone who isn't a white male who want to play games online without having racism and sexism thrown their way over VOIP?

Do you not think years of dealing with childish hateful remarks have created a tough skin? I mean, if they have been playing games for years then obviously they aren't these hyper sensitive snowflakes you try and portray them as. The only difference is now communities are becoming more like actual communities in which companies have a hands in crafting and keeping alive. Companies have a vested interest in not having their games as service be populated by child like attitudes who think other people should put up with their hateful language.

It's literally a child like mind, the world revolves around them, people have to bow down to their needs and rights to spew hate.

You're right, it is a choice. Now the companies and communities are giving people a choice. Stop creating toxic environments or leave.
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Wow you seem to have such a dog in the fight considering you keep saying you don't care.

It's almost like you do care.

Human interactions online are real, trying to raise the point that the game is a game is probably the silliest thing you've said yet. If it doesn't bother you, then why can't you have the slightest bit of empathy for anyone who isn't a white male who want to play games online without having racism and sexism thrown their way over VOIP?

Do you not think years of dealing with childish hateful remarks have created a tough skin? I mean, if they have been playing games for years then obviously they aren't these hyper sensitive snowflakes you try and portray them as. The only difference is now communities are becoming more like actual communities in which companies have a hands in crafting and keeping alive. Companies have a vested interest in not having their games as service be populated by child like attitudes who think other people should put up with their hateful language.

It's literally a child like mind, the world revolves around them, people have to bow down to their needs and rights to spew hate.

You're right, it is a choice. Now the companies and communities are giving people a choice. Stop creating toxic environments or leave.

Yeah I care about free speech. I don't want people being banned from a GAME for saying a word. But you are right its the publishers game and they can do what they want with it. I don't have to like it sure. I'm glad they are making a safe space for people who complained about being called a bad name. Good for them for sticking up for that vocal minority! They should pat themselves on the back!


Yeah I care about free speech. I don't want people being banned from a GAME for saying a word. But you are right its the publishers game and they can do what they want with it. I don't have to like it sure. I'm glad they are making a safe space for people who complained about being called a bad name. Good for them for sticking up for that vocal minority! They should pat themselves on the back!

You keep saying free speech, the government isn't cracking down on people in Overwatch games or R6 games.

Everyone is free to say what they want, nobody is denying the right of those who want to spew hate, the only thing changing are the consequences for spewing hate.

I would say you lack that understanding, but unfortunately I'm pretty familiar with your talking points and spin on this subject of the consequences of hate speech being attacked by those who pretend to advocate for free speech, when in reality you're advocating for communities which are filled with toxic, hateful, childish individuals who never face consequences for their actions.


You keep saying free speech, the government isn't cracking down on people in Overwatch games or R6 games.

Everyone is free to say what they want, nobody is denying the right of those who want to spew hate, the only thing changing are the consequences for spewing hate.

I would say you lack that understanding, but unfortunately I'm pretty familiar with your talking points and spin on this subject of the consequences of hate speech being attacked by those who pretend to advocate for free speech, when in reality you're advocating for communities which are filled with toxic, hateful, childish individuals who never face consequences for their actions.

.....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand blocked. Clearly all you want to do is put words in my mouth and NOT have a conversation. I tried. Have a nice life friend. ------^^
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