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ReCore |OT| Rock Your Core for a Prime Bot

Is there any patches in the pipeline? Any advice on settings or gameplay before jumping in?

What's the status of the missing bot? I hope they don't charge for it...

The latest on the Tank Frame is here, some feedback on the most recent patch (from 10/5/16) here, and some good advice for beginners: Link 1 / Link 2 / Link 3 / Link 4

Nothing much in the way of news since the 10/5/16 patch (best places to check for updates: here and here). The latest post at the official web site is dated 10/12/16, and while it does refer to both the 30-minute demo and the 10/5/16 patch, it does not indicate anything specific about future updates: "Also, thanks to our great ReCore community, we’ve received a lot of helpful feedback on the game and will be releasing several key updates. You can read about them here. We’re committed to making your ReCore experience even more enjoyable, so stay tuned to our social channels and ReCoreGame[.]com for future ReCore news. Until then, happy adventuring in Far Eden!"

There are also two or three dungeons that I couldn't get the cellbots required to open. I don't like looking into guides, but is there any hint? I noticed that they change in colors, are the colors some distance based code?

...Most of [the cellbots] are in the general vicinity of the dungeon they unlock, but some of them can be way off where you'd expect them to be.... It would help if you could unlock some way of getting a general clue as to their location...

For folks going for 100%, the TrueAchievements forum thread is a good place to look, or to just ask for advice. For the optional side dungeons in the Shifting Sands section of the Overworld (just checked, there are 6 of them), my recollection is that when you come across 3 of them (this happens pretty naturally, while exploring the area), you only need Prismatic Cores to enter. The other 3 require Cellbots to enter:

Armory Flux: Yellow-Color Cellbots
Cellbot Locations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH36C0kks5w
Forsaken Hall: Green-Color Cellbots
Cellbot Locations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfM1fsdayE4
Pit of Oblivion: Red-Color Cellbots
Cellbot Locations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCuZKY3EzSE

I didn't have too much trouble with either Armory Flux or Forsaken Hall: my recollection is that the Cellbots were within a reasonable distance from the dungeon itself. But for me, finding the Red Cellbots (for the Pit of Oblivion side dungeon) was distinctly more challenging than any other set of Cellbots in the game: they are spread across the full range of the Shifting Sands map. Other than recommending the YouTube video, not sure I know how to give good spoiler-free advice!

The last two that I found were in the
region of the map (you will need to use the
-- flier --
frame) and the
region of the map, and I was actually pretty lucky to come across them (it was partly inadvertent). Since I had already finished the story (I was able to comfortably grab enough cores from the Overworld and the other optional side dungeons, as outlined [URL="http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=219692285&postcount=1035"]here[/URL]), I looked at this particularly challenging Quest for Cellbots as a nice reward for thorough exploration. But if you're really depending on these Cellbots in order to get more Prismatic Cores and progress in the story, I would say it's better to check the video guides than to give up on the game!

I know that many other folks in this thread (skilled players!) have commented on the high difficulty level of the Shifting Sands 'Cellbot Challenge' (Link 1 / Link 2 / Link 3), so you could hardly be blamed/shamed for checking the guide in this one case! I also think that naitosan and outsida eventually got all the cores in the game, so perhaps they have better advice. I'll also try to edit this post later, if I can think of anything more useful.

...only makes it harder for reviewers to keep in mind the game's constraints (smaller team, smaller-budget, lower price, Unity engine), when coming upon those aforementioned technical shortcomings. On the other hand, they could have put out stuff like this earlier, which would simultaneously highlight the game's constraints (Unity engine), its ambition (aiming for things that haven't been done in Unity before), and accomplishment (achieving many of those things within Unity, sometimes at the unfortunate expense of longer-than-AAA loading times)...

I think you've hit on a number of good points there. For me, I think they probably went about the marketing for ReCore a bit backwards. The people who like the game the most have often been seen describing it as kind of a retro experience; something that evokes PS2 games or even the earlier "collectathon" platformers like Banjo Kazooie. It's pretty much the definition of a AA game. Then you've got the original unveiling at e3 2015, where the game is announced at the very start of the Microsoft conference with a lavish pre-rendered trailer that evokes not only a legendary creator, but also an all-time fan favourite Nintendo franchise. Phil Spencer gets up in front of the crowd and pimps it as a brand new, XBOX-exclusive IP. Right off the bat, people's expectations are set at the highest level. Had they sold this game to people as a smaller title, perhaps even one small enough to not merit a physical release, I think folks would've been kinder to it. There clearly wasn't a AAA budget available to Armature, so I've no idea why anyone thought that treating it like a AAA property was a good idea.

Great post, agree completely. From the August 2015 info release: “...Microsoft has big plans for the game and the IP over the coming year...work with the Game Director to develop the creative vision and high-level narrative for a brand new AAA IP...” The problems with this were pointed out immediately, well before any actual/real-time footage was released:
...Even talented devs like Obsidian, Red Thread Games, Inxile, etc struggle on the [Unity] engine. If a game is halfway ambitious it tends to have performance issues...

I can only echo the sentiment that Unity engine games feel like they are put together with tape, have bizarre performance on hardware that should crush them...

...Armature is not a big studio... and [they] have more ports in the pipeline. So I question the spring release date, because they are wearing too many hats it would seem to deliver all those ports and this game for X1 with as small of a studio they have. I get the feeling some people think this is going to be a AAA title and I just don't see how, at least not by spring 2016...

In the blog it does say AAA

If that's the case it will be very interesting to see the gameplay reveal for this. I am sure they have some talent there, but they have a lot going on and are a small team as well...

...I had no idea they were using Unity before skimming through this thread today. That's bad news IMO...

[In May 2016, on the subject of Yooka-Laylee's use of Unity] The problem isn't their programmers, rather, Unity itself. The developer is ultimately limited by the engine and its flaws. I understand threading was improved in March but I'm skeptical that a game with large open levels will run well on consoles using Unity.


Only played for a couple of hours but so far I'm really really liking it

Might be my Sunset Overdrive of the year if it keeps up
OK. Just finished the main story. I didn't think the ending was anywhere near as abrupt as being described in some of these posts. I was satisfied with it. Especially the part after the end credits which alludes to either a sequel or future DLC. I'm guessing the latter.

I went into Eden Tower for the first time with 58 cores. Corebots all around level 27 or so. Joule's gun at the same. Went through the tower with a bit of ease since I was at that level. Now it's time to head back and do some of the other dungeons.

The game sure is fun!
Haven't gotten very far (end of third dungeon) but my impressions so far:

Outside of Nintendo's titles, the platforming in this game is probably the best I've played in years. Combining dash and jump to reach places that don't immediately look accessible is so satisfying. The shooting mechanics are also fun.
Be warned, if you want 1,000G, tracking down every last hardware pickup is a *very* big ask.

Just checking out my achievements atm and it says I've got 92% of the pickups in the Cradle, 79% in the Lonely Basin and 65% in the Shifting Sands. I reckon it's doable, load up a guide after I finish the game, fire up a podcast or five and just zone out.


Just checking out my achievements atm and it says I've got 92% of the pickups in the Cradle, 79% in the Lonely Basin and 65% in the Shifting Sands. I reckon it's doable, load up a guide after I finish the game, fire up a podcast or five and just zone out.
Ah, but there lies the problem - to my knowledge (and I've looked) no such guide exists. If you manage to find one, let me know as I'm close enough to 100% myself that I'd push for it, with a little help.
Heading up
Far Eden Tower
so I think I'm pretty close to done with this game. I have REALLY enjoyed my time with the game. Sure it's rough as hell visually, the sheer size of the voerworld and how sparse it is confuses me, I 'm not sure why it isn't just a bit smaller and tighter. However, I really love the gameplay, the platforming and the puzzling. The atmosphere is really nice, and some fantastic music (even if feels like there isn't many tracks). I would love to see what they could do with a sequel. Although, if Sunset Overdrive got no sequel, I'm not sure this will.

On a side note, obviously now I'm close to the end I realised I still had a frame missing/some area son the map that were super difficult to traverse and reading up about the whole tank thing, lol. Yea, this game is janky. I feel like they did well for what seems to be the time frame and budget though, a sequel that gets 3 years in the pot and a decent engine could be incredible.

As it is, I think this will just be a really nice gem in the library to recommend to new console purchasers if they like old school 3d platforms and action/adventure games.
Yeah, I see it as a game that, if you ever enjoyed platforming and can deal with some quirks, you have no reason not to snap it up cheap if getting an Xbox. Adds some variety to the lineup, and a fully-cooked sequel could be immense.
Played the demo last night and came away impressed enough to buy it once I'm done with Gears 4. Apart from the loading times, it was pretty good. Shooting and platforming felt good, graphics and music were nice as well.


So, how Long is the game?
Duncan joined my time and I am on my way to the Tower eden, I guess

Game is really great. Owning a Xbone for a week now with FH3, Gears4, Rare Replay and Elite and this is by far my most played game. Had a 7 hour session yesterday and really love it.
So, how Long is the game?
Duncan joined my time and I am on my way to the Tower eden, I guess

Game is really great. Owning a Xbone for a week now with FH3, Gears4, Rare Replay and Elite and this is by far my most played game. Had a 7 hour session yesterday and really love it.

I'd say it takes as long as you want it to, to an extent. I'm about 13 hours and heading up the final location.
The tower is the final location. You could go to ever dungeon and do every core and that would easily double that time though, or you could do the bare minimum and have got there quicker I guess. Seems like there is a min number of cores you need though
I would say my time is probably a nice average of having done some stuff but not all and not nothing.


I used my time to play the 30 minute trial of the game that I had sitting on my hard drive for weeks. Damn, this game is right up my alley. I'll probably buy it at the end of this year or during a good sale.


I enjoyed the 30 minute demo on Xbox, while janky it was a lot of fun. It's going to be $15-$20 on black Friday so I might pick it up then.
I haven't played the game in ages - FH3 and Gears have just been my go to games for the last few weeks now. I'm on the final stretch and just need to collect enough cores together to the final levels.

Reading the last few pages of this thread and I need to make the time to play it as I have really enjoyed it for the most part.


I used my time to play the 30 minute trial of the game that I had sitting on my hard drive for weeks. Damn, this game is right up my alley. I'll probably buy it at the end of this year or during a good sale.

It should be on sale come Thursday this week. If it's 50% off I am definitely buying it; I'm apprehensive about the end game but I really enjoyed my time with the trial too.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Awesome to keep seeing fans of this game popping up. If I'm gonna be doomed to keep falling in love with broadly unpopular games, it's at least nice to have company.

This IP definitely deserves a second shot. Bigger budget, more time, more polish and Unreal Engine 4.




Hmm. I don't see this but there is a 7.20GB patch on PC.

Yup had that yesterday. Wondered if this just replaced the whole game, I guess so.
Core Foundry still shows 2/5 prismatic cores for me.
It's really heartbreaking. Want to like and beat this game, it certainly has potential, but theres just so many bugs, issues and a missing robot to top it all off, just keep me from going back to it.
Core Foundry still shows 2/5 prismatic cores for me.

After the 10/5/16 patch, some folks at reddit reported that their achievement/tracking glitches were fixed. The Core Foundry issue, for instance, doesn't affect achievements or progression, but I'd be interested to hear if there are others who have continued to have that type of glitch after the 10/5/16 patch (affecting either achievements or progression), as well as what happens once they try out this newest update.
I'm hoping this goes on sale digitally over Black Friday/Cyber Monday. (same for Gears 4)

I see you can get it for a great price physically in some Black Friday ads, but I'd definitely prefer to have it digitally so I could get it on PC.


is this game a platformer or an rpg? From the trail I played it reminded me of Zelda/Metroid with more platforming and Joule's base seem to indicate more RPG mechanics.
Maybe it's just my game but after installing the new patch, the battle music will continue to play after finishing a fight and it won't stop until the area is reloaded or you travel to another location.
I tried the game after the update and it loads 20 seconds after dying. It's an improvement I guess.
Thanks for sharing. I was planning to play it with my SO (whom is not really good at games) and I've been holding starting the game because of those 2-3 minutes respawns people reported. Time to wrap up Rayman Leyends and more to ReCore :)
Man, I love this game.
My goty. Beat out ds3. Just wish it was longer.
Awesome to keep seeing fans of this game popping up. If I'm gonna be doomed to keep falling in love with broadly unpopular games, it's at least nice to have company.
Hah, I am in that club.

In case you guys are interested, looks like something new popped up at the website:
November 16, 2016
...Each week we will be running a “Community Time Challenge” for our dungeons in Recore... Your challenge is to beat our time with a perfect run (Obtain Yellow Key/All Switches) and you’ll be entered to win an Ultimate Recore Swag Package!!! We’ll be sharing some of our favorite dungeon runs and feel free to use our videos as tutorials as well to carve time off your entries... SO for our first challenge we have the dungeon “Cavern Rush”, this easy low level dungeon should be a breeze so bring your A game and see if you’re up for the challenge. Here’s our run below with the final dungeon time of 2min3seconds... Entries due by Tuesday 11/22 @ 11:59PM PT...
Ultimate Recore Swag Package
1. Exclusive limited signed posters from the Recore Team
2. A digital copy of Recore (bonus for a friend!)
3. Recore Art Book
4. Recore Cardboardcraft
5. Recore Headgear
6. Maybe a few secret prizes also...


New patch seems to have borked fast travel. No matter which terminal I go to, I can't select where to fast travel too. Since there's no cursor on that screen.

After 3 restarts it works now. Lol wth.
New patch seems to have borked fast travel. No matter which terminal I go to, I can't select where to fast travel too. Since there's no cursor on that screen.

After 3 restarts it works now. Lol wth.

On PC, this latest patch seems to have addressed a fast travel cursor issue that has come up a few times in this thread (not sure if it's the same issue you were having just now). I went to a bunch of terminals and it checked out OK. Pretty weird if you had to restart to get it to work, though.
Maybe it's just my game but after installing the new patch, the battle music will continue to play after finishing a fight and it won't stop until the area is reloaded or you travel to another location.

Yikes! I don't think I've seen that one before.


Gold Member
So I am pretty much near the end of the game. A couple of days ago I cleared
floor 1 of the tower
, which was pretty tough at the time and there was a fight that had me nearly turn off the console. Since then I leveled up a bit and Joule is currently level 26. Is this high enough to tackle the rest of the game or should I level up some more? Health is currently at ~302 I believe.

And on the subject of leveling: Can you recommend a good grinding spot? I have been farming the level 22 arena dungeon in the middle of the shifting sands over and over, but it's starting to get pretty boring. -_-


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
Got 1000g about 3 weeks ago. I really liked this game. Lots of flaws, like the combat being somewhat lackluster, and a general feeling of incompleteness, but the platforming is wonderful.

So I am pretty much near the end of the game. A couple of days ago I cleared
floor 1 of the tower
, which was pretty tough at the time and there was a fight that had me nearly turn off the console. Since then I leveled up a bit and Joule is currently level 26. Is this high enough to tackle the rest of the game or should I level up some more? Health is currently at ~302 I believe.

And on the subject of leveling: Can you recommend a good grinding spot? I have been farming the level 22 arena dungeon in the middle of the shifting sands over and over, but it's starting to get pretty boring. -_-

You shouldn't have too much trouble beating the game at that level. the highest available arena dungeons all work though. Max level is 30. Unless you're going for 100%, there's no reason to level further. If you are, you'll probably hit 30 before you're done naturally.

Pit of Oblivion is also good cause it has tons of currency pickups so it's a good way to rake in that while you're at it.
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