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Returning Gamecube Or Selling It...


Now mods please do not lock this topic without reading it... and people do not start flaming...

I bought Resident Evil: Remake and Resident Evil: 0 a few months ago... I was going to buy Gamecube for Resident Evil:4 eventually...

Well, after buying a buddy an X-Box and returning all of his old systems... I bought a Gamecube with the store credit at Gamestop.

I plan on selling the Gamecube to someone at work or returning it for some store credit... but I am going to get rid of it...

I played Resident Evil: 0 and Remake for about 60 minutes a piece... I just cannot play with the tanks after the fluid control of Ninja Gaiden. If they made these controls similar to Ninja Gaiden's free movement and still retain to 180 turn it would be great...

But Resident Evil is just too damn slow for me...

I was thinking of getting Viewtiful Joe, but I honestly do not have time for two systems in my life... I have a 10 month old baby girl and she takes up most of my time... plus the wife and I work a lot around the house...

So I am getting rid of the Gamecube, I ONLY WANTED IT FOR RESIDENT EVIL... I just have no time for "you"! - Plus I need speed in my games, not slow marching zombie, tank movement...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I thought you wanted it for Resident Evil 4, though?

You should have KNOWN about RE:0 and Remake before buying them, though. You can't tell me you've never had hands-on time with an older RE title before.

Regardless, you KNOW a flame war is coming... :p


I had some soup for lunch.
I was going to make lasagna, but I have a sickly grandmother to take care of and I don't have time to be makin' no lasagna.
I have no time for "it". Soup will have to do.


I loved Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2 on PS1... One of my favorite games on the Dreamcast was Resident Evil: Code Name Veronica.

But Resident Evil has not evolved... the tank movement really killed it for me... so "yes" I am familiar with Resident Evil, I just cannot play it with the old control... they need to free the characters, it would make it so much more fun...

Giving the player the option to turn off the tank doesn't take away from the scary nature of the game...

From what I read, RE:4 still has the tank... it just changed the way the gun is fired... the character slides to the corner of the screen.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
From what I read, RE:4 still has the tank... it just changed the way the gun is fired

Tis not the same thing. It plays more like Splinter Cell than the older RE games...


BojTrek said:
I loved Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2 on PS1... One of my favorite games on the Dreamcast was Resident Evil: Code Name Veronica.

But Resident Evil has not evolved... the tank movement really killed it for me... so "yes" I am familiar with Resident Evil, I just cannot play it with the old control... they need to free the characters, it would make it so much more fun...

Giving the player the option to turn off the tank doesn't take away from the scary nature of the game...

From what I read, RE:4 still has the tank... it just changed the way the gun is fired... the character slides to the corner of the screen.

RE4 has the same control scheme, but the game is more free and paced faster because of the completely 3D camera. RE4 is the change in the series like you said you wanted, just not to the degree you wanted. I don't think we'll see leon wall jumping and doing backflips over zombies.


It hasn't even been 30 days yet, has it? Take it back for a full refund. Trade in those crusty RE games and get yourself some more Xbox sweetness and with the spare change get your little girl a doll.


Someone I know sold his DC collection (hardware and software) for an Used Xbox which shortly after the warrenty stopped working so he then returned that for store credit and was able to buy the MATRIX GAME....yes.....he sold his 20+ DC games his DC his controllers and VMUs for the fucking MATRIX GAME

your story isn't near as retarded as the one I just told but I just wanted to get that out.

Selling games or game systems for store credit is just about the dumbest thing possible, yet people continue to do it...but that's besides the point. First things first: you made a really silly move by buying 2 RE games without beng familiar of that series utterly backwards and assinine controls (which, I might add, is not hard to get information on...especially with the cheap used PSX game prices and places like teh GAF™) and for buying a system JUST to play a single franchise. Even sillier is that you are going to sell your GC without even giving your reason to buy it in the first place a chance...especially since the gameplay changes in that game alliviate your complaints against the series.

But do what you want to do :b
I give this thread a 3.5. You've played resident evil before haven't you? You heard the reviews and complaints right? You should have known the control would be like that. :lame


Console Market Analyst
I knew this guy once. He made a thread about the only value of Gamecube being Resident Evil. And then he went on to say how Resident Evil controls like a dead hooker in a kiddie pool. But get this. The best part was, he already KNEW how hackneyed that kind of thread was, but thought he could get away with it by bossing the mods around!

And then he vanished, leaving nothing behind but a bloody smear.


The tank controls help build the tension in a horror game. Otherwise, it would simply be just an action game, not survival horror.


hmm...guess i should have read your second post before typing all that out.

That makes your decision even more illogical...especially when asking any of us about the controls in those games would have cost you 5 minutes of your life

NotMSRP: that's a great way for the developers to say that their game's claim to fame is A) their laziness in not changing the controls B) their game's lack of an true horror

That excuse has to be one of the least thought out ones a developer has ever spewed


olimario said:
I had some soup for lunch.
I was going to make lasagna, but I have a sickly grandmother to take care of and I don't have time to be makin' no lasagna.
I have no time for "it". Soup will have to do.

where's the mention of your girlfriend here? i demand humor!


Gattsu25 said:
Someone I know sold his DC collection (hardware and software) for an Used Xbox which shortly after the warrenty stopped working so he then returned that for store credit and was able to buy the MATRIX GAME....yes.....he sold his 20+ DC games his DC his controllers and VMUs for the fucking MATRIX GAME

That sad bastard...what'd he do with the game?


He actually beat it and went on for over two weeks saying how it was a good game before ultimately realizing that he was trying to justify his fucking retarded moves :)


Queen of Denmark
Gattsu25 said:
Someone I know sold his DC collection (hardware and software) for an Used Xbox which shortly after the warrenty stopped working so he then returned that for store credit and was able to buy the MATRIX GAME....yes.....he sold his 20+ DC games his DC his controllers and VMUs for the fucking MATRIX GAME
Did you then kill him?

Something else that occurred to me while reading this thread: unless you're incredibly closed-minded, you should really never be getting rid of any systems (unless it's to trade up to a system you want more, because you don't have the money to own both). No matter what any hater says, all of the current consoles have incredible games on them that should be played at least once before passing judgement. Almost everyone I know who sold off a system eventually regretted it.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
BojTrek said:
So I am getting rid of the Gamecube, I ONLY WANTED IT FOR RESIDENT EVIL... I just have no time for "you"! - Plus I need speed in my games, not slow marching zombie, tank movement...



Basically, I should have said... "thinking of selling"

Do I wait for RE:4 and hold onto the Gamecube since it is paid for?

I only put the offer to sell here at work... if I sell it back to Gamestop I only get $45...

But seriously, with the baby... I only have time for sports games... it took me months to beat Ninja Gaiden... I still have to play untouched James Bond Everything or Nothing and Max Payne 2...


If you want the free controls, you're going to have to change something else too to keep the tension in a survival horror game. One candidate is the restriction of types and choices of weapons.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
BojTrek said:
Basically, I should have said... "thinking of selling"

Do I wait for RE:4 and hold onto the Gamecube since it is paid for?

I only put the offer to sell here at work... if I sell it back to Gamestop I only get $45...

But seriously, with the baby... I only have time for sports games... it took me months to beat Ninja Gaiden... I still have to play untouched James Bond Everything or Nothing and Max Payne 2...

Err, if you play so few games, why not just hang on to it and play RE4 when it is released? It isn't like you are getting a lot of value out of XBOX either...

If you want the free controls, you're going to have to change something else too to keep the tension in a survival horror game. One candidate is the restriction of types and choices of weapons.

Untrue. The recent Silent Hill titles are FAR more intense than any Resident Evil game to date...but starting with SH2, they have offered fully analog controls and Zelda-style lock-on. It works very well and plays great...but the games remain scarier than anything Capcom has ever dreamed of producing. Both Fatal Frame games also use this type of control scheme (and even offer first person combat).


I bought RE:0 and had about the same conclusions.. I couldn't stand it. I'm not a big advocate of the GC. It's received by far the least playtime. I bought it with thoughts of old school Nintendo nostalgia, but it unfortunately turns out I don't like old school Nintendo stuff anymore. I've changed into FPS + RPG new hotness!

With that said, unless you get a full refund it would be silly to return it for $50 or something. There are some really fun games on the GC. The Monkey Ball games are just pure mindless fun! They have an extremely addictive single player mode plus their nice multiplayer party type games.

So here's the breakdown:

Monkey Ball > $50 store credit
Monkey Ball > Your ass
Monkey Ball > All of Sega's new 3rd party work post-DC


human5892, Nope. I never really knew him as he only showed up during 'game night' a handful of times but I did find it to be a hilarious and sad story at the same time. :b

Boj: I'm hoping you mean the PC version of Max Payne 2 =(


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
seismologist said:
RE4 >>>> Ninja Gaiden

Why in the hell would you even post something so...foolish? What does this accomplish? Nothing. It just creates flames.

Nobody KNOWS if RE4 is going to best Ninja Gaiden...and even if the consensus was that RE4 was superior, there is still a matter of opinion.


I was just looking around and might get the Sonic compilation disk that has the "bean" game...

The wife and I love puzzle games, I could hook the Gamecube up in our bedroom...

I'm old and confused... I have made so many purchases in my life that I said "why"...

I am also in 3 softball leagues... I just don't game in the summer...

Wahh... Wahh... Wah... I sound like a confused little B'Yotch...


NotMSRP said:
If you want the free controls, you're going to have to change something else too to keep the tension in a survival horror game. One candidate is the restriction of types and choices of weapons.

How about NOT adding restrictions JUST for the sake of adding tension? Tension and fear are what those games are SUPPOSED to offer us, and I don't mean by simply giving us half a game froma gameplay standpoint. Play System Shock 2 to see how tension should be handled in a game then get back to me. Just playing the limited selections on consoles and listening to those developers excuses for shipping ill designed games is going to skew your view of what a horror SHOULD be.


Queen of Denmark
BojTrek said:
I'm old and confused...
I don't knwo why, but this made me laugh really hard. I just imagined an 80 year-old man dottering around the house, occasionally trying to play REmake through his bifocals and wondering how the hell to do it.


This guy thought the RE0 and RE controls would be different even after all the bitching for the past two years that they were not? Hummm...


Alright, you bought it for RE and RE0 now and RE4 in the future. If you sell it back now, you'll get $50, right? Then when RE4 comes out in November, and every review gives it really good ratings*, you know you'll break down and buy another GCN. So now you've just bought a $150 GCN.

*I'm assuming this because 99% of the feedback from E3 was positive. Not only that, but many magazines/websites gave it Best in Show or Best for GCN. Even the control-haters who played the game (like Matt from IGN), said the controls -- even though are the same -- felt different because of the camera. Now I personally haven't played the game, but many people around here have. Also, read the E3 info from IGN, GameSpot, and others.

I second/third/whatever the purchase of Super Monkey Ball. You said the Mrs. likes puzzle games? I'd bet she likes this game. And it's only $20.

You said you like speed? F-Zero GX for $15 at CC right now.

You said you like sports games? Buy Beach Spikers! Best volleyball game, period. Easy to learn, but very deep. And I'd bet your wife will play with you. [blanket statement] Women/girls seem to enjoy that game. [/blanket statement]

I've know a couple of friends who have sold back their respective consoles and only regretted it later. But priorities are priorities.


AirBrian said:
*..Even the haters who played the game (like Matt from IGN)...

Are you thinking of Matt Cassamania (i so guessed on that spelling)? Isn't he the one who's had a boner for RE4 since it was first shown in Jan or Feb?
What was the point to this thread? To tell us you're selling your Gamecube? Do you need our approval or our permission or something? Do you want one of us to talk you out of it?


BuddyChrist83 said:
Are you thinking of Matt Cassamania (i so guessed on that spelling)? Isn't he the one who's had a boner for RE4 since it was first shown in Jan or Feb?
Yeah, but he's a huge hater of the controls, which is what BojTrek is complaining about.

Kon Tiki

keeblerdrow said:
What was the point to this thread? To tell us you're selling your Gamecube? Do you need our approval or our permission or something? Do you want one of us to talk you out of it?

He is asking how should he dispose of his Gamecube.


Gattsu25 said:
How about NOT adding restrictions JUST for the sake of adding tension? Tension and fear are what those games are SUPPOSED to offer us, and I don't mean by simply giving us half a game froma gameplay standpoint. Play System Shock 2 to see how tension should be handled in a game then get back to me. Just playing the limited selections on consoles and listening to those developers excuses for shipping ill designed games is going to skew your view of what a horror SHOULD be.

I won't be able to check out SS2 for awhile. So why not just give us the full definition of a horror game in your terms, and why your definition is correct.


I'd go with what dark said and just keep it. If you have so little time for games, selling your GC won't exactly change your situation. Ultimately, I would think about how badly you want to play RE4. You shouldn't use REmake and RE0 as a gauge for what you expect from RE4--all information seems to point a substantially changed experince (including controls). And if you get bored with that game--the Players Choice list is quite big right now and is constantly growing. I know you're a sports freak, but there are some gems if you could find the time to play them.
Who buys a GC just for the Resident Evil games? There are many, many, games on the Game Cube to buy and enjoy, as there are for all of the systems. Don't be so closed minded, foo'.
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