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Rock Band 4 announced for PS4 and Xbox One


this is great news... wonder how they will bring the songs on RB3 disc to RB4 though
(now I can really retire my PS3 and sell the games away)


What happened to their PR guy who was tight with Giant Bomb? His name escapes me right now

He's w/ Sony.

"John Drake is the Director of Portfolio Strategy at PlayStation. He was formerly the Director of Publishing & PR at Harmonix."


Holy shit yes! My old instruments are basically broken so it looks like I'll have to get new ones.


That's awesome. I'm actually looking forward to playing another Rock Band. I got rid of all my instruments years ago, though. I hope they put out some kind of bundle with everything included.


That girl in the bunny hat
Rock Band 1 was pretty much the reason I got a 360, stands to reason that RB4 would be the reason I got an XBox One.

Obviously I'm very curious how RBN songs are going to play out in the process.


So question, when they say disc imports, that means te entirety of the on-disc song library for each previous game, right? I never owned Rock Band (since all my friends did) but if I bought the discs for 1, 2, and 3, would I be able to later import their libraries to Rock Band 4? How would that work? Or does it mean DLC that was already on-disc and you had to unlock with a key? I'm assuming the latter because the former would be insane.

Each disc came with a key. When the next game came out you could pay $10 to export (almost) all the old songs to your hard drive.

So Rock Band 1 songs could play in RB2, RB3, Blitz, etc.

Any disc that has been exported in this way should work.

Rock Band 3 and Rock Band Beatles never had exports. RB3 because there wasn't a game to export to (aside from RB Blitz) and Beatles because it was standalone.

sith ewok

I am honestly more excited about this news than I have been for a video game in years.

Definitely would have bought an X1 for this if I didn't already have one - the amount of dlc I have on 360 is ridiculous.

Cannot freaking wait.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
The Xbox One will be my Killer Instinct and Rock Band box, plus the multimedia, TV and snap stuff is pretty neat.
I have a massive RB DLC collection and a ton of instruments.
Totally worth it for me.

Yeah I mean I have Ion drums and 3 guitars and microphones out the butt... Harmonix made my decision for me and I'm just going to have to come to terms with that.

Every passing moment means my hype rises a little.

Also all that incoming DLC? Be still my aching pants.
Count me amongst those who have all their RB content on 360, but own a PS4 instead of an Xone. I will be interested to see what sort of changes they make and if the transfer is worth any kind of extra expenditure of if I can live with the old stuff on the old system.


Rock Band 1 was pretty much the reason I got a 360, stands to reason that RB4 would be the reason I got an XBox One.

Obviously I'm very curious how RBN songs are going to play out in the process.

Ditto, I better be able to play my shitty song on NEXT-GEN HARDWARE


I always knew RB would dictate what current gen console I'd get and now it has made it's decision! It sucks that keyboard won't be supported, but I'm a pro drummer mainly so I'm super glad that is still in (probably because it is so easy to keep in). I wonder if harmonies will return.

All this amazing backwards compatibility totally puts it ahead of Activision's obvious cash-in for the next Guitar Hero. They are going to have to put a new team together and I doubt old DLC will work and old instruments will probably work only because Harmonix made it happen first (if they manage to).

Anyways, this is the best day I've had in a long time and am so happy right now!!!
Look I don't know about you guys but there is only one thing I want out of Rock Band 4.

Muse. C3 has made customs for them but official support would be amazing.
I have 1000+ songs for Rock Band and because they carries over witch I did not expect I will buy RB4.

Awesome move Harmonix fantastic opener video too great job.


Nice. Would be great if we could import 360 -> PS4 as well.

Yeah, this ^

Honestly the only way I could see this happen is if they had some sort of central Rock Band account that you could link your systems with, and then allow you to do a one time transfer to a completely new system, ie Xbox 360 to PS4. But then again, what do I know. The thing I just described could be way more complicated than that.


I don't know why people would want to use the instruments that came out 7 years ago for games developed on lesser consoles. I'm all in for the entire package!


That girl in the bunny hat
Ditto, I better be able to play my shitty song on NEXT-GEN HARDWARE

Hey, you just get to play your shitty song. I get to manage business around a bunch of shitty songs.

(And a couple good ones, I'll defend those)


Q: Will my old DLC work if I bought a different next gen console, i.e. Xbox 360 -> PS4?
A: Cross platform DLC compatibility is not entirely within our control, as DLC ownership is managed by the 1st parties.


360 -> PS4 user :_(

EDIT: also no keys suxxxx

same here, we are fucked = /


I wish I could say I was excited for this but I simply can't see why anyone would be. The fact that the old library will work with this new version solidifies the fact that the game will play exactly like the old ones did. What's the reason for basicly buying a 60$ song list ? Why not just continue playing the version you already have?

But new features they havnt announced! You say. What new features could they give us if the core game is 100% the same? A new tour mode? Some new hair styles? A partnership with Gibson? The enticing feature of the old games was the pro mode and learning to play a real guitar, and it looks like they are scraping that as well.

Tell ya what Harmonix, give me a mode that lets me move about the audience and heckle the band on stage into fucking up , and I'll buy your silly game.
I wish I could say I was excited for this but I simply can't see why anyone would be. The fact that the old library will work with this new version solidifies the fact that the game will play exactly like the old ones did. What's the reason for basicly buying a 60$ song list ? Why not just continue playing the version you already have?

But new features they havnt announced! You say. What new features could they give us if the core game is 100% the same? A new tour mode? Some new hair styles? A partnership with Gibson? The enticing feature of the old games was the pro mode and learning to play a real guitar, and it looks like they are scraping that as well.

Tell ya what Harmonix, give me a mode that lets me move about the audience and heckle the band on stage into fucking up , and I'll buy your silly game.

Every single RB expanded on the game in incredible ways without changing the core experience: challenges, expanded tour, better multiplayer features, etc.

Why would this be any different?

Lady Gaia

Sigh. I've been looking forward to this and I'm even prepared to get an Xbox One for access to my old DLC, but...

No pro keys? Seriously? That's what finally brought me into the fold with Rock Band 3. It was my primary instrument until I started to spend more time on drums, but if they've dropped pro keys and pro guitar/bass I'd be willing to bet they're dropping MIDI support for pro drums as well. There's no way I'm going back to playing on the official kit after moving to something more playable.


It's amazing that past-gen DLC will migrate for free, but it would be a dealbreaker if they didn't make that happen so at least they knew that. It's really too bad that it probably won't be able to migrate to a different first party as like many people I had RB on 360 and would prefer to go with PS4 (even though I don't own one yet).

As things stand, though, they'll first have to convince me that Rock Band 4 is worth buying any type of new platform for. It looks like they are dropping keyboards and possibly harmony vocals. I understand that, as I would guess that very few players used those parts of the game, but still it makes Rock Band 4 seem like it will have fewer features than the very well-rounded Rock Band 3. So we'll see.


I was wondering if either this or Guitar Hero was going to drop first. Looks like EA Harmonix shot first.

I wouldn't be surprised if Guitar Hero or some form of it is going to appear very soon.
Omg yes this is my killer app for this gen. Now i just have to wait and see if they do a pc or a wii-u version, or else i have to get a xbone.


So are RB2 songs exported through RB3? I never got RB3, so I'm assuming I would need to in order to export the RB2 songs into RB3?


As a long time RockBand and Guitar Hero fan, one who owns every game available for Wii, it pains me to say that I won't support Harmonix with this endeavour unless the game miraculously gets a late Wii U port. I do wish them the best of luck with RB4 though, and hope the game will be able to revive the brand.


Previously purchased DLC and earlier disc tracks, along with old peripherals working is excellent. Would definitely hop back in for a $60 price point on game-alone. Never stopped being fun and a small investment up front is enough for me. Pumped.


Yeah I mean I have Ion drums and 3 guitars and microphones out the butt... Harmonix made my decision for me and I'm just going to have to come to terms with that.

Every passing moment means my hype rises a little.

Also all that incoming DLC? Be still my aching pants.

Yeah, kind of a non-choice, but I have too much stuff to abandon. One thing that sucks is I now have to pay tax on Xbox DLC where I never did before. That and I sold my stockpile of discounted points cards when RB3 DLC ended :(
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