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Rock Band 4 announced for PS4 and Xbox One


I'm really excited, DLC transferring is a huge deal to me, my instruments are starting to fail, and I love the series

Day one with new instruments


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
sadly I have ~$500 of DLC on 360

and zero interest in getting an XBONE.


edit - fuck.

edit 2 - tbh I am more likely to just start over again on PS4. It sucks hard but if I actually get an xbone I mean we are talking years down the road... <$200, etc... but yeah.. talk about bittersweet news.


Wii U?

Daniel: The Wii U is a really hard call for us, but from our initial research the audience is not there yet, and I would be really psyched for there to be this public outcry of &#8220;Where is the Wii U? I will absolutely throw money at you and I wanna buy it and preorder it!&#8221; and all that. And then we start working on it.

Nick Chester: We&#8217;re seeing all these people flock, especially towards PS4, and people are abandoning their Wiis, and using their Xbox 360s as&#8230; We don&#8217;t have a version of it because neither of the consoles are backwards compatible.

Excited, but VERY disappointed in no keyboard. RB3 awakened my latent keyboardist, I bought tons of piano heavy tracks, and obviously bought the midi module and an actual keyboard.

This isn't Rock Band 4, this is Rock Band 2-2. I realize it was more popular at that stage, but TB:RB and RB3 brought me to the franchise.

They'll need to license some REALLY awesome songs for me to prefer this game.


Who knew Rockband was a system seller after reading some of these comments?

While it would be nice to transfer 360 DLC to PS4, it would probably just be too difficult and not cost effective.

PS3>PS4 is easy, because an account system is in place (PSN).

This content is not "own" by Harmonix, like most games that allow DLC or content transfers.

Transferring this content (across platforms) would have to involve more than the devs, and publishers. Between PS3 >PS4 is easy to do, through the backdoor of PSN


I thought each song had to have it's own 'format' and layout programmed for that particular track. It's not automatically generated by the game.

They do, but I don't think that's what they were suggesting. Not Spotify as in "take any song from Spotify and make it compatible" but to have a subscription service out of the existing Rock Band DLC catalog.

Daniel Sussman - the game's producer - told me the back catalogue of song licenses is still 90% intact!

That may be true, but those contracts would probably need to be renegotiated if they wanted to do a subscription model.


I'm only really interested if there's a free or very cheap version that lets me buy just the songs I want. The days of paying $60 just to get a long included setlist full of boring garbage and cheesy crap should be over.


As someone starting college this fall, this may be some of the best news I've heard in recent memory. Very excited for this one.


Who knew Rockband was a system seller after reading some of these comments?

While it would be nice to transfer 360 DLC to PS4, it would probably just be too difficult and not cost effective.

PS3>PS4 is easy, because an account system is in place (PSN).

This content is not "own" by Harmonix, like most games that allow DLC or content transfers.

Transferring this content (across platforms) would have to involve more than the devs, and publishers. Between PS3 >PS4 is easy to do, through the backdoor of PSN

Sony don't get any cut from you downloading your old 360 DLC, same with Xbox One, I have songs on PS3, but Microsoft won't get any money from my Xbox One if I transferred songs, It's platform holders why we wouldn't be able to transfer.

I already own every console, but I bought every RB DLC on 360, if I didn't own a Xbox One, I would have because it would be cheaper than rebuying it


I might get this and start the drums. I'm more of a DJ Hero guy but this will be cool.
I suck at drums, especially with the bass pedal, but they're what I'm most excited to try.

Harmonix, get the Whiplash OST on there for drummers.
Thanks! This was informative, the obvious issue of a lack of a central Rockband account flew right over my head. A central account would be a good idea, but I have a feeling it could end up being more trouble to Harmonix than it wold be worth.

If Harmonix could persuade the labels that would be something of a miracle.

Well regardless, I'm happy there is another Rock Band coming out!

In theory, this is something they could do going forward. They have you link your console account to a Harmonix one similar to how Rockstar did it for GTA4. Of course, they'd also have to build the infrastructure for that and there might be licensing hoops they'd have to jump through and who knows what else as well so it's not necessarily an easy no-brainer thing.


Can't wait to play me some pro drums! I am glad that I decided to buy both Xbone and PS4 so that I don't have to worry about my songs transferring over. Sucks for the people that went from 360 > PS4


41 > 38
I'm only really interested if there's a free or very cheap version that lets me buy just the songs I want. The days of paying $60 just to get a long included setlist full of boring garbage and cheesy crap should be over.

It would be interesting if they gave you enough credit to buy a normal on-disc game's worth of songs and just let you pick and choose which ones you want to start out with. This would have the added benefit of getting everybody onto their shop and used to the system of buying the songs. Few people would stop buying once their credits ran out.


Daniel Sussman - the game's producer - told me the back catalogue of song licenses is still 90% intact!

That's great news for them, but it probably straight kills the streaming idea haha. I'm sure they don't want/can re-negociate over 2000 contracts.
It's true a 5$ subscription probably wouldn't be enough to cover all the production costs, but I don't think users would be ready to pay more than 10$ a month since most streaming services are under that...

Why can't harmonix make a "Harmonix" account that you can link the last gen version to and it pull down a list of your purchased dlc? Once it is on the "Harmonix" account it could sync with the PS4/XBONE versions and transfer the DLC list.
Yes!!! can't wait!
Pity all of my Rock band music was on my old Xbox account!

Wonder If you have the previous games can you import them? Like how you were able to with Rockband 1 and 2?


Why can't harmonix make a "Harmonix" account that you can link the last gen version to and it pull down a list of your purchased dlc? Once it is on the "Harmonix" account it could sync with the PS4/XBONE versions and transfer the DLC list.

DLC needs to go through the platform holder

Deleted member 57681

Unconfirmed Member
So my buddy has all the RB games on PS3. Can I just borrow his games, export the songs and have them on my account?


I'm kind of expecting there to be a Rock Band specific wireless USB dongle for the systems in order to get hardware compatibility seeing as how they're being so strict about wired arcade stick backwards compatibility.
I still have my old instruments but they're Xbox versions, I would probably get this on PS4 now (since I don't have a XB1), hopefully they can get them to work.

So my buddy has all the RB games on PS3. Can I just borrow his games, export the songs and have them on my account?

I think 2&3 came with unique codes that couldn't be shared.


If they can make old wireless xbox 360 guitars work then MS will have no excuse for not supporting the wireless 360 wheel for Forza.
I mean, it does suck that you can't transfer your old DLC between 360 and PS4...but then again it's a blessing that you can even transfer it at all. Or use your old instruments. I'm just happy about that.

I'll pick up the X1 version the second it's released.


I'm not being that guy here, but I'd only buy a PC version of this. My TV has HDMI 2.0, and that means about 16ms of input lag, compared to the consoles, which give me double that at best.


I have no idea how this export works, but I'm gonna say yes for RB1, no for RB2.

You may want to wait for an official response though...

Nope, you're right. Although I recall a lot of issues with RB1 export on PS3 over the last year or two.


loves Arcade Sticks
Hey guys. MarkMan here from Mad Catz. I saw it mentioned on the first page, but if anyone is heading to PAX East, check out this extremely limited collab we've put together with Harmonix and Penny-Arcade.


If you're at PAX East, make sure to stop by the Harmonix booth and check it out!


I'm not being that guy here, but I'd only buy a PC version of this. My TV has HDMI 2.0, and that means about 16ms of input lag, compared to the consoles, which give me double that at best.

Uh, Rock Band has always had a full calibration suite so that the game COMPLETELY accounts for any of your video and audio lag. So it's a complete non-issue.


Well I'm out. The way they make it sound the keyboard won't get used and/or will get minimal support like last time in 3 so my interest is gone. I might try it with some friends if they get it but I won't buy it on my own.

I'm still mad over the fact that they waited until the 3rd game to add a keyboard to a game that initially focused on classic rock and when they finally added it they didn't want to go back and redo the old music that would work with it. But I can't fault them since the other instruments probably sold a lot better anyway.


The lack of Wii U support is highly disappointing.

Yeah, I would have liked to have seen WiiU or SteamOS support. Unfortunately it looks like I won't be spending any money on plastic instruments this time around. I still play RB3 on Wii pretty regularly. Still, I hope for the best for Harmonix, maybe next time?


Ps4's sharing/shareplay will do wonders for the community i think.

I doubt either will happen; the former because licensing (Dance Central and Rocksmith have similar restrictions on Xbox/PS4), and the latter because the latency will be murder. And also licensing.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Man this means I kinda have to get an Xbox One if I want to play with all my old DLC.

Not sure how I feel about that.

I'm not mad about it, I understand the reasons but... well, if that's the way it is then that's the way it is.
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