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Rock Band 4 announced for PS4 and Xbox One


I kind of hope this releases in the early summer or midsummer. I'd love to be able to play it with my friends while they're home frm school. I'm betting on an October release though.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Hope they implement some kind of camera support for air guitar.

I don't plan on stocking up on plastic instruments again.


I know they said DLC will transfer, but what Im worried about is Rock Band 1 content.

I never bought RB3, but I did buy RB1, and RB2

When RB2 came out you could purchase a "key" from the store that allowed you to transfer the RB1 track list into RB2 as long as you kept the RB1 system data on your harddrive (This was the case for PS3, I assume for 360 also).

Since those songs were not DLC, I wonder if they would be transfer also? Because I still have RB1, and RB2 system data on my PS3


do you expect your 360 games to work on a PS4 too?

i expect them to do what they can to make a sale. As it is, I won't be touching this franchise on PS4. I can't walk away from 1,500 additional songs.

Why isn't this crossgen? What exactly is this game going to be doing that is only capable on current gen? They have a sale if they release a 360 version of the game.


Is it their content? I don't know the legalese behind DLC, but if the content was the same between both platforms, what makes it "their" content? I know there has never been a precedent before about DLC sharing between platforms, but I just realized I don't understand why. (Other than the obvious marketing reasons)

If a user has paid for 360 DLC, then MS will receive a cut, and the labels obviously will get paid. For those licenses to transfer across you'd need to
1) know what content people have. so if there is no central Rock Band account, how will they know if RockbandSupaStar133 on 360 is the same person as JoeBloggsRox44 on PS4?
2) if they get past that, they'd have to basically give the PS4 DLC for free to the user. Technically that is probably doable, but I almost guarantee there is no way the labels won't want a cut per download - which means Harmonix would have to pay out.

Only chance is if Harmonix somehow persuade record labels not to need paying for those one-time cross platform downloads. Perhaps by telling them that this relaunch gives them a good opporutnity to make more money from new DLC and they should support people migrating from Xbox to Playstation and vice versa. Long shot IMO
Rock Band 4 ? YES
Previous DLC support ? FREAKING YES
Previous pheripherical support ? OH GOD YES
no key support ? DAMN

YOu were so close , harmonix , so close ..you could have made a glorious streak.

But i'll forgive you.

Give me a dynamic Endless setlist and i'll forgive you.


i expect them to do what they can to make a sale. As it is, I won't be touching this franchise on PS4. I can't walk away from 1,500 additional songs.

Why isn't this crossgen? What exactly is this game going to be doing that is only capable on current gen? They have a sale if they release a 360 version of the game.

and thats fair enough, but demanding that your 360 content works on your ps4 is outrageous.
I am still stunned by the reality of this announcement even though we knew it was coming.

Wasn't expecting this year either.

Easily tops the list of games I want this year and I'll buy it at full price despite the Canadian dollar paired with being cheap. This is the one exception.


Is it their content? I don't know the legalese behind DLC, but if the content was the same between both platforms, what makes it "their" content? I know there has never been a precedent before about DLC sharing between platforms, but I just realized I don't understand why. (Other than the obvious marketing reasons)
Just look at it this way; When you buy a movie from Amazon, does iTunes just go "oh, you bought it over there? Have it here too then!" They're competitors, they hold some kind of power over how DLC is handled (I don't know if that power is in lisencing or what), and they aren't going to jump through hoops for one developer/publisher.
i expect them to do what they can to make a sale. As it is, I won't be touching this franchise on PS4. I can't walk away from 1,500 additional songs.

Why isn't this crossgen? What exactly is this game going to be doing that is only capable on current gen? They have a sale if they release a 360 version of the game.

Who says they aren't? Its completely out of their hands outside of asking MS and Sony to do this and MS has less reason to do this than Sony.
Ugh as someone who works retail I was hoping this would have stayed dead even with the rumors pretty much confirming it (sounds like Guitar Hero is coming back too...) I'm just not sure it can be anywhere near as successful as it once was and limiting to the current gen and not also previous gen will hurt them somewhat as most of the people I talk to that want these games to come back generally can't afford the new systems.

We'll see, I've never been into these games and I'm pretty surmised how many people here are excited for new ones with how badly the last ones crash and burned with how saturated the market was just a few years ago but heres hoping they don't run it into the ground this game (if EA isn't publishing we might just be okay!)
Welp I'm going from PS3 to PS4. Only problem is I've changed user names since then. Hopefully I can still import my stuff.

Either way I'm totally in. I'm super excited and now that I have kids I can't wait to see how they react to it!! I'll be buying the new peripherals as well.
They were supported by Rock Band 3 ... but problably yes.

Don´t see them supporting this when adding support for retro-rockband hardware

Considering they were all using the same connection tech, I don't see why any Guitar Hero controllers that previously worked with Rock Band wouldn't work with whatever solution they're coming up with.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Ugh. Guitar Hero and Rock Band are absolute nightmares at retail. Not looking forward to any pof this from that perspective.
Ugh as someone who works retail I was hoping this would have stayed dead even with the rumors pretty much confirming it (sounds like Guitar Hero is coming back too...) I'm just not sure it can be anywhere near as successful as it once was and limiting to the current gen and not also previous gen will hurt them somewhat as most of the people I talk to that want these games to come back generally can't afford the new systems.

We'll see, I've never been into these games and I'm pretty surmised how many people here are excited for new ones with how badly the last ones crash and burned with how saturated the market was just a few years ago but heres hoping they don't run it into the ground this game (if EA isn't publishing we might just be okay!)

EA distributed, they had little to no say in the game. MTV Games was the Publisher
If a user has paid for 360 DLC, then MS will receive a cut, and the labels obviously will get paid. For those licenses to transfer across you'd need to
1) know what content people have. so if there is no central Rock Band account, how will they know if RockbandSupaStar133 on 360 is the same person as JoeBloggsRox44 on PS4?
2) if they get past that, they'd have to basically give the PS4 DLC for free to the user. Technically that is probably doable, but I almost guarantee there is no way the labels won't want a cut per download - which means Harmonix would have to pay out.

Only chance is if Harmonix somehow persuade record labels not to need paying for those one-time cross platform downloads. Perhaps by telling them that this relaunch gives them a good opporutnity to make more money from new DLC and they should support people migrating from Xbox to Playstation and vice versa. Long shot IMO

Thanks! This was informative, the obvious issue of a lack of a central Rockband account flew right over my head. A central account would be a good idea, but I have a feeling it could end up being more trouble to Harmonix than it wold be worth.

If Harmonix could persuade the labels that would be something of a miracle.

Well regardless, I'm happy there is another Rock Band coming out!


Me too. I own hundreds of songs. And nearly a thousand of the free custom songs available on the CCC website. Looks like I'm sticking with the old. This is one game where I wish for crossgen version of this new game so the songs can be on my 360 version.

That's the opportunity cost of switching platforms, you have to leave everything behind, more or less.

I might get this and start the drums. I'm more of a DJ Hero guy but this will be cool.
i expect them to do what they can to make a sale. As it is, I won't be touching this franchise on PS4. I can't walk away from 1,500 additional songs.

Why isn't this crossgen? What exactly is this game going to be doing that is only capable on current gen? They have a sale if they release a 360 version of the game.

You're forgetting the whole part about a sale needing to be profitable for it to be worth making.


Neo Member
Me too. I own hundreds of songs. And nearly a thousand of the free custom songs available on the CCC website. Looks like I'm sticking with the old. This is one game where I wish for crossgen version of this new game so the songs can be on my 360 version.
The thought of losing all of those songs, and rebuying instruments just isn't doing it for me. I was totally excited for this, but unless I can get it on the 360, I don't think it'll be worth it for me in terms of cost.


Epic Games PR Manager
They were supported by Rock Band 3 ... but problably yes.

Don´t see them supporting this when adding support for retro-rockband hardware

First task: get old hardware working with new platforms. Second task: support as many of those older instruments as possible, including what you're asking. It's on the list, for sure.
If a user has paid for 360 DLC, then MS will receive a cut, and the labels obviously will get paid. For those licenses to transfer across you'd need to
1) know what content people have. so if there is no central Rock Band account, how will they know if RockbandSupaStar133 on 360 is the same person as JoeBloggsRox44 on PS4?
2) if they get past that, they'd have to basically give the PS4 DLC for free to the user. Technically that is probably doable, but I almost guarantee there is no way the labels won't want a cut per download - which means Harmonix would have to pay out.

Only chance is if Harmonix somehow persuade record labels not to need paying for those one-time cross platform downloads. Perhaps by telling them that this relaunch gives them a good opporutnity to make more money from new DLC and they should support people migrating from Xbox to Playstation and vice versa. Long shot IMO

A) Bungie has the template for this. One account can track both your XBO gamertag and your PSN ID.

B) I'd be willing to pay a transfer fee to MS/Sony. Even if the fee was the price of the game itself ($60)... it would be FAAAAAAARRRR cheaper than starting from scratch.


What would you guys think of a Spotify type dealio: ~5$ a month, all the songs available? I have a gut feeling they might be heading for that.


That's the opportunity cost of switching platforms, you have to leave everything behind, more or less.

The Custom Creations Collective releases over 3 songs each week for free. I have Led Zepplin and Pink Floyd on my Rock Band 3. So even if they did offer Crossplatform DLC transfer, it's a hard sell to get me to switch.

At least this means more official DLC on the Microsoft servers for RB3.
I'm legit excited. I had a lot of fun times with this series. I've had to get rid of everything but the guitar due to space, but I would love to pick it all up again sometime.
God damn I love this franchise so much and I'm so excited for it to come back! I'm so happy right now!

Harmonix is gonna knock it out of the park!
What would you guys think of a Spotify type dealio: ~5$ a month, all the songs available? I have a gut feeling they might be heading for that.

Not sure how they would be able to do that though - I'm not sure their previous licensing deals from like seven years ago would have had the ground work for allowing an artist's music to be used in that manner.
First task: get old hardware working with new platforms. Second task: support as many of those older instruments as possible, including what you're asking. It's on the list, for sure.

Awesome!!! I like my Rock Band drums but iv always preferred the GH guitars. Any chance we will see an instrument survey about what we like and dont like about the different controllers?
Fuck. I won't be able to transfer my purchases from 360 to PS4... But at the same time I only bought about 10 songs. I don't really want to buy an Xbone, but I wouldn't be able to import all of the Rock Band games either.

Shit. I don't know what to do.
I'm in the 360 to ps4 camp.

I'm paying the price for being an early adaptor. In Europe the 360 version came out a lot earlier than the ps4 version. So I even drove all the way to France to get my hands on a copy on release. Over the years I started to regret I did it though. First we never got acces to the RBnetwork songs, while on ps3 they at least released a kind of best-off list. My 360 kicked the bucket and it was an enourmes hassle to get all content back and now this...
Should've jumped ship years ago, but buying new periferals and rebuying all the dlc held me back.


Not sure how they would be able to do that though - I'm not sure their previous licensing deals from like seven years ago would have had the ground work for allowing an artist's music to be used in that manner.

They probably have to re-license all the songs, and the Netflix/Spotify model has grown a lot since the first Rock Band's DLC model was established.
Just look at it this way; When you buy a movie from Amazon, does iTunes just go "oh, you bought it over there? Have it here too then!" They're competitors, they hold some kind of power over how DLC is handled (I don't know if that power is in lisencing or what), and they aren't going to jump through hoops for one developer/publisher.

Very true, my question was a little
a lot
more obvious than I initially thought haha. But looking at the sales numbers, in this scenario I bet Sony would be more willing to play ball than MS. Since Rockband sold close to double on the 360 than it did on the PS3. There is a greater possibility for them to come out on top in that scenario if more people switched from 360 to the PS4 instead of vice versa.


I'm not looking forward to probably needing an Xbox One to keep all my DLC, but man I still can't wait to play this game. So much hype.


They probably have to re-license all the songs, and the Netflix/Spotify model has grown a lot since the first Rock Band's DLC model was established.

Daniel Sussman - the game's producer - told me the back catalogue of song licenses is still 90% intact!
They probably have to re-license all the songs, and the Netflix/Spotify model has grown a lot since the first Rock Band's DLC model was established.

Not sure if Harmonix is in a position to be able to do it but that route is a pretty good idea for them.


What would you guys think of a Spotify type dealio: ~5$ a month, all the songs available? I have a gut feeling they might be heading for that.

That's highly improbable, charting and licensing those songs takes up a lot of manpower and money that $5 a month wouldn't cover at all.
What would you guys think of a Spotify type dealio: ~5$ a month, all the songs available? I have a gut feeling they might be heading for that.

I thought each song had to have it's own 'format' and layout programmed for that particular track. It's not automatically generated by the game.
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