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Rumour: Cyberpunk 2077 could be coming to Xbox Game Pass.


Sentiments like this is what's wrong with this "gimme gimme gimme" generation of gamers, of course it's their choice genius to release it wherever and whenever they choose but they are immune to the criticism by doing questionable things.
Criticism is always welcome. But what about Game Pass, or this potential scenario, is questionable? I'm unsure of how what I said could be "perceived as wrong." My TL;DR was Game Pass is a service offered by Microsoft, whom pays the developers and publishers that decide to put their products on it. Game Pass is a service that may not be for everyone, but for some, it's everything and more! I just didn't like the fact that people that are fans of the service are getting shade thrown at them for whatever reason, as if they're some kind of problem. It's silly to me.

I agree with Punished Miku Punished Miku 's perspective, honestly.
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Gold Member
Those drugs must be REALLY good.

Only fools preorder anything
Are you aware that some shops gave to you a huge discount if you preorder?
I haven't payed more than 49,99 euros for console games at launch in years...
It's the only reason why people preorder things...paying full price is more foolish if you ask me...

Even on pc you pay less if you do a preorder in most of the case because the price of the game increase when you are close to the launch date.
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Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised. Microsoft has shown they are full steam ahead with services. Dropping a few mil for 2077 launch day game pass availability could easily be worth it if they are looking at the long term earnings of how many new game pass subs it could bring in. Also, if they get major 3rd party games on game pass at launch in 2020 than that's going to pull a lot of people away from the ps5.

I don't know....it seems unlikely but I wouldn't be surprised.
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You're not fucked, you still get your silly preorder. Nothing has changed in regards to preorders at all.
Literally two people has brought up pre ordering and you guys act like the entire tread mentioned it. The masses could give a damn about pre orders. I'm more concerned about ownership and CD not cannibalizing potential sales because daddy MS wrote them a check. There is some merit to buying games at full price or near full price. Showing support is the main thing. At the End of the day they can do whatever they want but when the hard times come I will the first one to say welp told ya so.


Literally two people has brought up pre ordering and you guys act like the entire tread mentioned it. The masses could give a damn about pre orders. I'm more concerned about ownership and CD not cannibalizing potential sales because daddy MS wrote them a check. There is some merit to buying games at full price or near full price. Showing support is the main thing. At the End of the day they can do whatever they want but when the hard times come I will the first one to say welp told ya so.

Lol, you sound like bitter sony fanboy. You do realize you can still buy the game if it's on game pass, right?


Literally two people has brought up pre ordering and you guys act like the entire tread mentioned it.
Preorders don't make any sense, *maybe* you can save some money initially up front but the risk of preordering means that often time you don't really get the game any faster than anyone else and you're locked into buying the software from a particular place. The key to saving money is to waiting until the last minute, you are almost always going to save money if you're flexible with your shopping

There is some merit to buying games at full price or near full price. Showing support is the main thing. At the End of the day they can do whatever they want but when the hard times come I will the first one to say welp told ya so.
Sorry but I like my money, just because you choose to spend it frivolously doesn't mean I should.
I show support by playing their game. There is no proof whatsoever that by playing a game on gamepass that you are hurting developers. When that evidence comes out that developers are putting themselves out of business because Microsoft is holding a gun to their head in regards to putting games on gamepass then you can say "told you so".
Until then gamepass is the best option for people who like to play a LOT of games and the best way for developers to reach a significant audience instantly.

The Alien

Would be crazy if the got Cyberpunk at launch.

Got me thinking about next gen launches. Much like sony relies on 3rd party for multi player (multi-plats)...Microsoft can offload some of their single player pressure using Game Pass.

How nuts would it be that, if at launch of Scarlett/next gen, Microsoft has their Halo, Fable, etc. First Party games....AND games like Batman Legacy and Assassins Creed Ragnarok available at launch Day One on Game Pass.



If it does happen on launch day then I reckon that raises some pretty interesting questions about the industry overall and where things will go next gen.

Why buy a 60 buck game on Platform A when Platform B can give you 6 months access to this game and a whole library of games for 6 months?

How would something like that even be a good deal for the developers/publishers?

I wonder what is the average games to console ratio for the two home consoles.
If it were less than or even around 2 per year then you can start to see where subscriptions make more sense.
Probably easier to get 10 bucks a month out of more people than getting 60 bucks a time for a game.

That's a major game so honestly paying 10 bucks just feels like a good deal.

Sometimes I forget that when I was a kid pretty much every video game I ever played on my consoles was rented from the local video store.
Maybe I got a couple of games at birthday and xmas but for about maybe 5 or 6 years I was playing rentals.


Would be crazy if the got Cyberpunk at launch.

Got me thinking about next gen launches. Much like sony relies on 3rd party for multi player (multi-plats)...Microsoft can offload some of their single player pressure using Game Pass.

How nuts would it be that, if at launch of Scarlett/next gen, Microsoft has their Halo, Fable, etc. First Party games....AND games like Batman Legacy and Assassins Creed Ragnarok available at launch Day One on Game Pass.


Honestly this would probably sway me to buy one on launch day and to potentially switch over to playing on XBOX as opposed to PS.


How nuts would it be that, if at launch of Scarlett/next gen, Microsoft has their Halo, Fable, etc. First Party games....AND games like Batman Legacy and Assassins Creed Ragnarok available at launch Day One on Game Pass.
That's clearly their game plan in regards to getting people to buy Scarlett etc. Buy the hardware and for a small monthly fee (less than 1/5th the cost of 1 game title) you'll be playing tons of new and preexisting game. An instantly library.
I plan on buying both consoles at launch but unless MS royally fucks up messaging or hardware I suspect XBL/Gamepass will be the only service I actually subscribe to.
I'm a cheap fucker, and as a cheap fucker it's obvious how to save money when we're talking about gaming.


Preorders don't make any sense, *maybe* you can save some money initially up front but the risk of preordering means that often time you don't really get the game any faster than anyone else and you're locked into buying the software from a particular place. The key to saving money is to waiting until the last minute, you are almost always going to save money if you're flexible with your shopping

Sorry but I like my money, just because you choose to spend it frivolously doesn't mean I should.
I show support by playing their game. There is no proof whatsoever that by playing a game on gamepass that you are hurting developers. When that evidence comes out that developers are putting themselves out of business because Microsoft is holding a gun to their head in regards to putting games on gamepass then you can say "told you so".
Until then gamepass is the best option for people who like to play a LOT of games and the best way for developers to reach a significant audience instantly.
No like for you.

Listen a lot of people preorder . For several reasons.

I do. Not always. I agree there is no benefit to it other than you get doom 64 with doom ethernal thats the only reason i preordered it.

Back in the days when i pre ordered in store i got my little fancy box some fancy books with the game etc.
Digital preorder barely gives you any extras.
In fact my backlog is so huge i can play all next gen and buy a ps6 cuz thats how long i need to finish all . You know kids ugly wife shitty life etc.
So by the time i get to xy game its already on sale. Nonpoint paying full price if you dont touch it for months right?

But here is my dillema.
I have everything and the only thing i can think of for christmas is buy games.
No game interests me now so i say pre order me game for next year at least ita done and i got my present.
Now after spending money on those pre orders they just tell us oh by the way you can get it for free on game pass.
Mind you cyberpunk is up for pre order almost 6 months.
Imagine how many idiots like me pre ordered in 6 months.

Yes pre ordering digital is dumb and risky as you have to pay full in advance not knowing if game is any good or if it will be canceled.
But sometimes when you know its a good game and you have the money , well you do dumb things.
I got dumbed, lubbed with the devils spit and fucked.

All me and sure others are wondering in a case like this ,will we be refunded if we already have game pass or not.

Awaiting only smart replys no smart assness
Cyberpunk, Elden Ring, Doom Eternal and Madden 2020? Good lord, if true that is frigging absurd.

That would be one way to really push sells of Scarlett, that's for sure. What a launch that would be.
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Awaiting only smart replys no smart assness
I'm sorry but I'm still confused what the problem is.
If you preorder at site X and 2 months later site Y offers the game preorder for less money who do you get mad at? Surely you must get mad at someone since you hate the idea of the price changing.

It seems to me like you should simply stop preordering, you yourself suggest that the incentives to preorder are almost non-existent now, so why do it?


I'm sorry but I'm still confused what the problem is.
If you preorder at site X and 2 months later site Y offers the game preorder for less money who do you get mad at? Surely you must get mad at someone since you hate the idea of the price changing.

It seems to me like you should simply stop preordering, you yourself suggest that the incentives to preorder are almost non-existent now, so why do it?
Let me help your confusssiooonnn.

If i pre order or what ever lats do this i buy game full price digital day one after release right, and than 2 days later it comes out on game pass which i already pay for i just lost 80 bucks.

You pass by the problem. If i know given game comes to game pass i sure shit dont buy pre order or day one since i have game pass.
But they dont tell you in advance.
So i pay full price for something i will own (rent cough) on game pass anyway and now i want my money back cuz i was deceived .

If this dont make sence its ok no need to pay attention to me.


than 2 days later it comes out on game pass which i already pay for i just lost 80 bucks
You didn't lose anything, you still get the game.
You paid a LOT more money for it but you still have a legitimate copy of the game that won't expire, won't be delisted and if you preordered a physical copy you can resell.

Again, you didn't answer how you feel if you preorder it for 80 bucks and GOG a week later offers preorder for 40 bucks, are you mad about "losing" 40 bucks? If you are mad, who do you blame?
If you aren't mad then why would you be at gamepass since it's the identical situation?
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I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft is gonna pay an ungodly amount of money to CDPR, losing more money than the game pass subs will earn them, just to try and make their service more appealing going forward.


Gamepass, games with gold and ps plus games im sure are dlc sales drivers. You get the base game, but there is all this cool dlc available, im sure lotsa folk buy it.

cyberpunk base prolly come to game pass after all dlc been released or when goty edition is about to be released.


Please come to Xbox game pass for pc as well. Wouldn’t be surprise the multiplayer for cyberpunk will be day 1 for both Xbox and pc game pass, their income will be coming from microtransactions so the more people the better for them.


You didn't lose anything, you still get the game.
You paid a LOT more money for it but you still have a legitimate copy of the game that won't expire, won't be delisted and if you preordered a physical copy you can resell.

Again, you didn't answer how you feel if you preorder it for 80 bucks and GOG a week later offers preorder for 40 bucks, are you mad about "losing" 40 bucks? If you are mad, who do you blame?
If you aren't mad then why would you be at gamepass since it's the identical situation?
Maybe you misstake me for someone else.
If you read back i never mentioned anything about if i preorder and later its 40 somewhere else that it bothers me.
Thats business one on one.
If you read back i state i rarely pre order games and given my backlog i am better off waiting for a sale .
Also if its a good game i have no issues paying full.

What i have a problem with is if i pay full or ok half somewhere and then out of the blue game is for free. And you know what i mean by free.
Thats a scam.

I dont collect my games i dont care to keep them i have a lot of other things in my life as an adult.

Again please understand. If you make me buy a full priced game i want and you know you will give it away for free on a service you knowingly take my money.
The argument that i still get the game i paid for is not valid in my case.
If you are a collector or care to keep your library i get it you are right.
For me though who just want to play it and move on to other stuff its not fair.

Same can be said about if you buy something on the store and 2 days later its free on live or psn you feel fucked no?

How many of us had that problem?

Anyways i get your point but mine is valid too.


What i have a problem with is if i pay full or ok half somewhere and then out of the blue game is for free. And you know what i mean by free.
Thats a scam.
It's not a scam. There is a big difference between actually owning a game and 'renting' it.
You do know that titles go on/off gamepass regularly right?
Your purchased game won't expire (unless steam/psn/xbl goes out of business).
Gamepass has titles come in and out of service, so you don't ever actually own the titles.
So there are still lots of benefits to buying the game, it's more expensive to buy, but you actually own it and play the game whenever you like.
Same can be said about if you buy something on the store and 2 days later its free on live or psn you feel fucked no?
When free games appear on the monthly PS+ list and you bought it do you feel badly? That is the same there too.
You can only play PS+ titles for as long as you subscribe. If you bought the game you can play it forever.
I don't understand how developers can go onto gamepass so quickly after release. Does this not hurt your profit? Or are Microsoft really paying you that much?
I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft is gonna pay an ungodly amount of money to CDPR, losing more money than the game pass subs will earn them, just to try and make their service more appealing going forward.
I was unaware you have become Microsofts new accountant. I would love to know how much money they would lose on such a deal. I need accurate numbers though. thanks.


It's not a scam. There is a big difference between actually owning a game and 'renting' it.
You do know that titles go on/off gamepass regularly right?
Your purchased game won't expire (unless steam/psn/xbl goes out of business).
Gamepass has titles come in and out of service, so you don't ever actually own the titles.
So there are still lots of benefits to buying the game, it's more expensive to buy, but you actually own it and play the game whenever you like.

When free games appear on the monthly PS+ list and you bought it do you feel badly? That is the same there too.
You can only play PS+ titles for as long as you subscribe. If you bought the game you can play it forever.
Again you are right.

But i am not wanting to keep my games.
To put it blunt i have no issues buying any game ever and i only do it to play it and chuck it.
I am a bad whore of a gamer therefor.
But there are a lot of people out there who dont have all the money to buy freely what they want and every purchase is a big thing.
So they pay for gamepass to have access to titles . But there are games they really want so they pay full price with money they could have put to better use.. then you tell them thanks for you purchase and next month it will be for free on gamepass.
To those people its a big fuck you.

You know companies could tell in advance everyone xyz game will be available on this and this so you can make the decission to buy it rent it wait for sale etc.

Then i dont feel scammed and i think its fair to everyone.


Holy hell, I didn't mention Sony one time or anything to the extent of a console babble you are insinuating but I digress
Jtibh Jtibh warned me about how bad it is in Microsoft threads.

Moving on as well.

Using phrases like "daddy Microsoft", lol? You already outed yourself. There's literally no downside to cdpr releasing 2077 on game pass. If they do, that means Microsoft has agreed to pay them more than what they estimate they can get from normal full priced purchases. There's your developer support.


Gold Member

Earlier today, Xbox South Africa's Twitter profile posted a Game Pass ad/video which showed a bunch of released and upcoming AAA titles. One of these was Cyberpunk 2077 which could suggest that CD Projekt Red's mammoth is coming to Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass subscription service.

The since-deleted video ended with a big Xbox Game Pass logo after more than twenty game logos were showcased. It is currently unknown if the video was deleted because it prematurely revealed such big news or for some other reason. Here is the list of all games that appeared in the video:

  • Halo Infinite
  • Gears 5
  • Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
  • Minecraft Dungeons
  • Cyberpunk 2077
  • Sea Of Thieves
  • Wasteland 3
  • The Outer Worlds
  • Lego Star Wars - The Skywalker Saga
  • Madden 20
  • State of Decay 2 - Heartland
  • Doom Eternal
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator
  • Forza Horizon 4 - Lego Speed Champions
  • Battletoads
  • Crossfire
  • Borderlands 3
  • Tales Of Arise
  • Bleeding Edge
  • Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint
  • Elden Ring
  • Dying Light 2
  • Dragon Ball Z - Kakarot
  • Ori And The Will Of The Wisps
  • Tom Clancy's The Division 2
Of course, just like any other rumour, leak or unconfirmed info, take this with a big grain of salt. Like we already said, the video was swiftly deleted, which could possibly mean that it was a mistake or that it simply included some false information.
Dude if this is day and date I will lose my shit. I'll probably still buy it once it comes out of GamePass. This is one game I have to own. Hands down.
Would be crazy if the got Cyberpunk at launch.

Got me thinking about next gen launches. Much like sony relies on 3rd party for multi player (multi-plats)...Microsoft can offload some of their single player pressure using Game Pass.

How nuts would it be that, if at launch of Scarlett/next gen, Microsoft has their Halo, Fable, etc. First Party games....AND games like Batman Legacy and Assassins Creed Ragnarok available at launch Day One on Game Pass.


It makes sense in a way. Microsoft Moneyhat a developer to launch the base game for 'free' on gamepass. X amount of millions of people download it (including the fence sitters because, it's free, right?).

Then, when the developer comes to release DLC, GaaS updates or season pass content, they are now reaching to a larger audience than before, on one platform (exclusive DLC comes around again).

It would be easier to attract more whales to your platform, more people play the game because it's free and a larger audience means more people will try more games, which translates in to more sales for DLC....and round and round we go.

Like some have mentioned as well, who the hell would buy a competing platform if you get 3rd party games for next to nothing?

Edit: Just to add weight to your idea:

Dude if this is day and date I will lose my shit. I'll probably still buy it once it comes out of GamePass. This is one game I have to own. Hands down.
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Man if it's true I'll be getting a refund on Doom: Eternal.

I'm not paying full price PS4 for any game day one if it's also on gamepass day one to X Box users for like $1-$10.

Cyberpunk unfortunately is the exception as the Witcher 3 is my favorite game of all time.

I LOVE Gamepass generally but HATE companys charging one set of users so much more depending on the console they choose to play on for new releases.


Gold Member
It makes sense in a way. Microsoft Moneyhat a developer to launch the base game for 'free' on gamepass. X amount of millions of people download it (including the fence sitters because, it's free, right?).

Then, when the developer comes to release DLC, GaaS updates or season pass content, they are now reaching to a larger audience than before, on one platform (exclusive DLC comes around again).

It would be easier to attract more whales to your platform, more people play the game because it's free and a larger audience means more people will try more games, which translates in to more sales for DLC....and round and round we go.

Like some have mentioned as well, who the hell would buy a competing platform if you get 3rd party games for next to nothing?

Edit: Just to add weight to your idea:

One thing that does worry me just a bit is this though. In my experience with Gamepass, me essentially not paying for a game does leave me with less urgency to play through the whole thing. Like I probably would not have finished Jedi: Fallen Order if I didn't pay full price for it. I'm glad I did in a way because Jedi: Fallen Order has a pretty sweet ending. I don't expect I'll have this kind of issue with Cyberpunk 2077 because I want it so bad...but I can't help but feel that I download games on Game Pass and just don't have the urgency to finish them.


Man if it's true I'll be getting a refund on Doom: Eternal.

I'm not paying full price PS4 for any game day one if it's also on gamepass day one to X Box users for like $1-$10.

Cyberpunk unfortunately is the exception as the Witcher 3 is my favorite game of all time.

I LOVE Gamepass generally but HATE companys charging one set of users so much more depending on the console they choose to play on for new releases.
I'm still preordering DOOM Eternal cause I need that Collector's, haha. :messenger_sunglasses:

Yeah, Game Pass has clearly been very successful for Microsoft. Other companies won't compete with it unless they decide to. Guess we'll see where it goes!

I honestly have never really been a fanboy or had a hardcore console preference I just want to enjoy the games I want to enjoy however I can. It's gonna be interesting to see where this all goes. At least in terms of competition, etc.
One thing that does worry me just a bit is this though. In my experience with Gamepass, me essentially not paying for a game does leave me with less urgency to play through the whole thing. Like I probably would not have finished Jedi: Fallen Order if I didn't pay full price for it. I'm glad I did in a way because Jedi: Fallen Order has a pretty sweet ending. I don't expect I'll have this kind of issue with Cyberpunk 2077 because I want it so bad...but I can't help but feel that I download games on Game Pass and just don't have the urgency to finish them.

It's interesting that you say this because I was thinking the same thing a few weeks ago. Then i realised it's because I don't need to suffer through a game after it has got boring. I have complete some games and bookmarked others for "gaming marathon days". The rest? If they can't keep my attention I move on.

Like you say, if you had paid full price for a game, you feel like you should or want to finish it, even if it has gotten past the point of being interesting.

Gamepass for me, reminds me of the final year/months of the Dreamcast, where I could buy 3 games for £10. I blasted through the back catalogue in no-time and separate the wheat from the chaff. Some games were crap, some were great and a few were Godly.


The rest? If they can't keep my attention I move on.
Money isn't the most expensive part of gaming, the older you get the more obvious this becomes.
Your time is the most dear commodity, gaming is supposed to be fun not work. If the game is a slog or hasn't hooked you in an hour or two is it really worth it to "power though" and try to finish it because you feel compelled to get your money worth?
To me that's the power of gamepass, if I don't enjoy it I move on. Developers are encouraged to make good games for gamepass to keep people playing so they continue to get paid.
Makes great sense to me. ,
Money isn't the most expensive part of gaming, the older you get the more obvious this becomes.
Your time is the most dear commodity, gaming is supposed to be fun not work. If the game is a slog or hasn't hooked you in an hour or two is it really worth it to "power though" and try to finish it because you feel compelled to get your money worth?
To me that's the power of gamepass, if I don't enjoy it I move on. Developers are encouraged to make good games for gamepass to keep people playing so they continue to get paid.
Makes great sense to me. ,


If they can't keep me in the first few hours or lose me after the first few, the game is deleted and I move on.


"could be coming to gamepass" isn't a rumor, it is a simple statement of fact.
"is coming to gamepass" or "isn't coming to gamepass" would be rumors.


I don't understand how developers can go onto gamepass so quickly after release. Does this not hurt your profit? Or are Microsoft really paying you that much?

Either they are paying that much, or it's some longer term IOU type deal with some sort of structured benefits I imagine.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Can't be good for the developers bottom line or Microsoft's for that matter. Just to push the games as a service narrative.
Fake concern ridiculousness. It's good for both of their bottom lines or they wouldn't be doing it. Maybe you can argue it's a bit of a gamble, but have no fear, CDPR and Microsoft will make out just fine.
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Gold Member
Money isn't the most expensive part of gaming, the older you get the more obvious this becomes.
Your time is the most dear commodity, gaming is supposed to be fun not work. If the game is a slog or hasn't hooked you in an hour or two is it really worth it to "power though" and try to finish it because you feel compelled to get your money worth?
To me that's the power of gamepass, if I don't enjoy it I move on. Developers are encouraged to make good games for gamepass to keep people playing so they continue to get paid.
Makes great sense to me. ,
Got a good point there. Time is definitely at a minimum at my age. I'm also not rich though and hate wasting money. Again, the beauty of gamepass...I've saved soooo much money since this service started. Even at full price, I would still be in the positive with Game Pass. Even with that, I can't shake what 30+ years of gaming has left me inclined to do. You get a game, you milk it for all it's worth. Now I'm not doing that as much and it's kinda funny but my childhood and younger adult years is conflicting with my current self.

The Alien

It makes sense in a way. Microsoft Moneyhat a developer to launch the base game for 'free' on gamepass. X amount of millions of people download it (including the fence sitters because, it's free, right?).

Then, when the developer comes to release DLC, GaaS updates or season pass content, they are now reaching to a larger audience than before, on one platform (exclusive DLC comes around again).

It would be easier to attract more whales to your platform, more people play the game because it's free and a larger audience means more people will try more games, which translates in to more sales for DLC....and round and round we go.

Like some have mentioned as well, who the hell would buy a competing platform if you get 3rd party games for next to nothing?

Edit: Just to add weight to your idea:
Yeah...realistical they aren't gonna be able to make a game like Cybrrpunk or Batman exclusive. So the base game will still available to all (PC,Sony) but if u get an XBox you wont have to "pay" as long as you paying for Game Pass.

Microsoft will be able to crank out their own XGS games while supplementing with killer 1st party games available quickly tru Game Pass. And if they can get some key 3rd party bangers available thru Game Pass at launch of the next gen console.....🤯

Win for all as well (at least on a MS platform). Devs get ton of guaranteed money, more exposure, more marketing, and like u said...more potential DLC purchasers.

These crazy ideas or just plain old throwing money around is what its gonna take to win gamers back. This current gen was crucial because peeps started building up their digital library. MS nees to go that extra mile...cuz if it's all going to be even the next gen gonna look a lot like this gen.


I don't think it's so ridiculous. I agree with him.

People here don't realize the direction we're headed in and why power moves like this are essential for it. You have a product they want distributed in a way they disagree but presented in a way that irresistible.

Every single time people point out trends in video games you're always a "gamer" or complaining. No, we're moving in a realm where the phones and computers we use are thing to a world of rentals, it's already started with phone's with the idea of leasing them and Microsoft already putting code in Windows to show it's going to a subscription model. Fuck, cars are even getting impossible to repair.

So many first order thinkers around this subject and the idea is the same "it SaVes mE mOnEY" Yeah, Netflix saved you money say first now you basically need Disney+ and Hulu to get all the content you needed from one service you use to get for 5 dollars.

Ea has their own subscription service
Microsoft does. What's stopping Bethesda? From Software? Capcom?


People here don't realize the direction we're headed in and why power moves like this are essential for it. You have a product they want distributed in a way they disagree but presented in a way that irresistible.

Every single time people point out trends in video games you're always a "gamer" or complaining. No, we're moving in a realm where the phones and computers we use are thing to a world of rentals, it's already started with phone's with the idea of leasing them and Microsoft already putting code in Windows to show it's going to a subscription model. Fuck, cars are even getting impossible to repair.

So many first order thinkers around this subject and the idea is the same "it SaVes mE mOnEY" Yeah, Netflix saved you money say first now you basically need Disney+ and Hulu to get all the content you needed from one service you use to get for 5 dollars.

Ea has their own subscription service
Microsoft does. What's stopping Bethesda? From Software? Capcom?

It’s a moot point though since you can outright by a physical or digital copy of the game. No one is forcing you to use these services.


Yeah, Netflix saved you money say first now you basically need Disney+ and Hulu to get all the content you needed from one service you use to get for 5 dollars.
The market will dictate what it can bear. If people aren't willing to pay for it the service won't survive. To be honest I don't see all of the show services surviving the next 5 years.
Besides, subscription type gaming is a great way for developers to get noticed, what do you think the chances of a new dev getting any traction on steam these days? Slim, very slim.
Put it on gamepass you have an instant audience, then it comes down if it's a good game instead of simply good marketing.
Media will evolve, always has always will.
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