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Ryse: Son of Rome |OT| Are You Not Entertained?!


After at least 6 hours on the phone through multiple calls I'm not getting help me either. I have been back and forth with support since November. At this point I'm about to ask for digital refunds for both Forza and Ryse since MS is not honoring their promise. It's been a nightmare dealing with MS support for this case.

This time I spoke with Xbox support; not sure who I talked to last time, but I think I goofed somewhere along the line.

Anyway, they told me that the case was still open and someone would be getting back to me soon. I'll see.


How do the DLC maps work in multiplayer mode? If I buy them am I going to be segregated from everyone who didn't buy them? If I don't buy them can I play them with someone who did buy the DLC maps?


How do the DLC maps work in multiplayer mode? If I buy them am I going to be segregated from everyone who didn't buy them? If I don't buy them can I play them with someone who did buy the DLC maps?

As long as one person owns the map you can play it


Random questions:

So what is it like when your character is super levelled up? Are you a god of murder? I played with someone who was 55-57 and they didn't seem much more effective in battle than I was. Does leveling make you any more powerful? Or do you just level up for the sake of leveling?

What maps/playlists are the best XP grinds? I'm trying to avoid crap that has guaranteed archer events, since it seems near impossible not to lose your combo when archers pop.

Is there any kind of bonus to playing "Arena Mode" rather than Round-To-Round?

Is it me or is it harder to maintain your combo once you're above 50 or 60 hits? It seems to end your combo much faster if you are not in active combat. It seems like all of my biggest combos have ended not because I got hit, but I just couldn't get to the next enemy fast enough.


Random questions:

So what is it like when your character is super levelled up? Are you a god of murder? I played with someone who was 55-57 and they didn't seem much more effective in battle than I was. Does leveling make you any more powerful? Or do you just level up for the sake of leveling?

What maps/playlists are the best XP grinds? I'm trying to avoid crap that has guaranteed archer events, since it seems near impossible not to lose your combo when archers pop.

Is there any kind of bonus to playing "Arena Mode" rather than Round-To-Round?

Is it me or is it harder to maintain your combo once you're above 50 or 60 hits? It seems to end your combo much faster if you are not in active combat. It seems like all of my biggest combos have ended not because I got hit, but I just couldn't get to the next enemy fast enough.

just reached lvl 72 so maybe i can help answer.

as you level up nothing changes other than you being able to use higher tier equipment. but it takes a lot of grinding especially at tier 4-5. The equipment does help somewhat depending on the grade and also how you have your gear set up and if it enhances your special ability. but really, skill plays a much more important factor in your points.

i think particular maps benefit certain play styles but i've mostly been just grinding all the solo arenas. can average about 30-55k exp

the combo timer does get shorter the higher you go, most i've gotten up to is around 100.

really liking the game still even though it does feel repetitive, but the fun part comes from trying to "perfect" the game, as in reaching higher combos to see crazier executions, perfecting execution timing and trying to do cool stuff.







Adam Blue

I just bought this two days ago and completed it. Second play-through now on legendary and a bunch of multiplayer.


It should be stressed that Legendary is the mode to play (unlock after beating). In order to take advantage of the execution specials, you do have to press the right button. I gave up in my previous play through and didn't care. I did the same thing on Legendary and noticed I never got health.

Also, blocking requires you to turn in the enemies direction. They also have a longer animation, so if you block too soon, they will hit you as you're getting out of animation.

This game is quite incredible. There should be a hardcore multiplayer mode that plays like Legendary mode.


I want to try Legendary, but I feel like I need an FAQ just to get a good grasp on everything that's going on.

And I can't stress how bad it is that the multiplayer mode requires you to buy random grab bags for gear upgrades. This game would be unbelievably addictive if you just got random drops from Leaders.....but instead you have to grind for a long-ass time just to be able to afford and handful of random items. I suppose it's just another example of how the Free 2 Play model has fucked up games. They don't want you relying on drops, they want you buying currency so you can get better gear.


Finished the game today and I really enjoyed the latter levels where there was more story and cut scenes. I think they can make Ryse 2 better with more weapons, more executions. more enemy variety and better skill upgrades and I'd be happy. Ditch the stupid spear chucking as well as that was really annoying.
I want to try Legendary, but I feel like I need an FAQ just to get a good grasp on everything that's going on.

And I can't stress how bad it is that the multiplayer mode requires you to buy random grab bags for gear upgrades. This game would be unbelievably addictive if you just got random drops from Leaders.....but instead you have to grind for a long-ass time just to be able to afford and handful of random items. I suppose it's just another example of how the Free 2 Play model has fucked up games. They don't want you relying on drops, they want you buying currency so you can get better gear.
Legendary isn't extremely hard. Just go for it.


Finished the game today and I really enjoyed the latter levels where there was more story and cut scenes. I think they can make Ryse 2 better with more weapons, more executions. more enemy variety and better skill upgrades and I'd be happy. Ditch the stupid spear chucking as well as that was really annoying.

I thought the pilum throwing was awesome. Stun a guy with the Y attack then do the quick throw and he's in execution mode instantly. I'd do it to two or three guys and then do the execution. It looks hilarious when there's a spear sticking out of them during the slow mo

Adam Blue

Legendary isn't extremely hard. Just go for it.

Any tips? It seems you have to press the direction you are blocking in and you can't just press 'A' as they are doing the animation. Also, I use 'health' as my execution bonus, but now you have to hit the correct button or you won't get it.


My thoughts on Legendary are; patience is the key. You need to choose your attack points.

If you think you might be caught by an attack while stuck in animation, pass on that attack and rotate to another.

Rolling works in a pinch, but blocking is the key to success. Effective blocking on heavy hits is important and will yield significant damage output (through follow-up attacks).

Use health as your execution bonus when you have to, focus when you're at less than two bars and damage bonus whenever else.

Don't save you're focus modes; when you get surrounded, use it and be sure to target the mini-bosses first.


Legendary becomes extremely easy once you know this.

Every time you hit a checkpoint and are low on health just reload the checkpoint and you will be right there with full health.


Legendary becomes extremely easy once you know this.

Every time you hit a checkpoint and are low on health just reload the checkpoint and you will be right there with full health.

jokes on you though, because that loading screen can be brutal

I don't find legendary that hard anyway. As long as you get the executions right and use health regen you should be fine. I don't even use focus and I only really had trouble on the final chapter.

the part where the gladiators turn on you in the coliseum was so fucking annoying because I kept getting to the last one or two guys and then dying and you have to start the entire sequence over


The pausing in the executions, how do I make it go away?

Execute me if this question has already been asked a thousand times before.
Finally got the last two achievements (collect all scrolls and chronicles). Had a big issue with the chronicles, as Smartglass companion app was listing (for example) as chronicles 5 and 6 that I didn't have when actually they just put any ones you've collected at the top of the pile so eventually I did find I was missing earlier ones and got them.

Weird way of doing it but never mind.

Love the game, rank 106 in multiplayer too, I hope the DLC adds more achievements, gives an incentive to keep playing and level up. Will almost certainly buy the seasons pass when another pack or two comes out for it.


Finally got the last two achievements (collect all scrolls and chronicles). Had a big issue with the chronicles, as Smartglass companion app was listing (for example) as chronicles 5 and 6 that I didn't have when actually they just put any ones you've collected at the top of the pile so eventually I did find I was missing earlier ones and got them.

Weird way of doing it but never mind.

Love the game, rank 106 in multiplayer too, I hope the DLC adds more achievements, gives an incentive to keep playing and level up. Will almost certainly buy the seasons pass when another pack or two comes out for it.

how did you lvl up so fast in multi? Just beat the game last night and it was excellent. Played a few games online but I'm only lvl 5. Any tips on how to rank up faster?
how did you lvl up so fast in multi? Just beat the game last night and it was excellent. Played a few games online but I'm only lvl 5. Any tips on how to rank up faster?

First few levels are slow. Keep playing, earn your gold (mostly by getting combos) and you can buy new gear in the form of booster packs.

As you get booster packs and they give you new new weapons/clothing/shields I exclusively picked items to equip that gave me an XP bonus to help me level up quicker and chose Diana as my god because again she grants XP bonus. I have +50% XP from my items.

Eventually you level up much quicker, I get about 1 level per round now.


Almost done with Legendary.
Only have a few collectibles left before I run back with a guide quickly.

Hated the Commodus fight. Having invincible bosses starts to chap my ass after a few rounds of cheap deaths. "Which one am I?" "The one that doesn't take damage and moves like Neo."

Now that a friend has Ryse we may be able to tackle online together.
Got my 1000GS a few days ago, had a really fun time with Ryse.


The Hunt for better Combos was really motivating. Got up to 211 in a solo arena, game endet with getting over 100k xp and about 950 Gold besides ranking up 2,5 level xD

You should always choose Diana as a god in the arena, the xp and goldbonus is amazing!

Adam Blue

The Commodus fight on Legendary would have been perfect if the doubles didn't clip into each other and swing through each other. At that point the AI is being cheap to counter your skill.


Having a weird glitch in the new Hades multiplayer map. Had a couple different friends play the map with me and toward the end where you fight Hades, one person can't cross over to the 'defend the checkpoint' area.

There's like an invisible wall/threshold they can't get past, and we have to exit out.


Having a weird glitch in the new Hades multiplayer map. Had a couple different friends play the map with me and toward the end where you fight Hades, one person can't cross over to the 'defend the checkpoint' area.

There's like an invisible wall/threshold they can't get past, and we have to exit out.

I had a similar problem before on one of the older maps where you have to stand on a switch while other player goes through a gate. We would open the gate but an invisible wall still stopped us from walking through. Couldn't find a solution other than quitting
Just started playing the MP only level 1 but how do you level up fastsr? Feels like its taking forever to levl up.
Try to get a high combo, when you start getting 100+ Combos you rank up really fast. When you have a combo going on and no enemy are around use the cheer/taunt to stop you combo to end outside of a fight (for about 30 seconds). Choose Diana as a godness, so u get bonus xp and gold per execution.

I also have the feeling, that you can level faster in solo arenas. getting an average 1 to 2 levels per game is not that diffucult once you getting into the fighting mechanics
Completed the weekend warrior challenge. I'm surprised though, or rather confused, why they don't offer any rewards with they challenges. Forza gives you badges, DR3 gives clothing items, KI gives credits, ect. Wondering why Ryse doesn't offer MP items, or Valor/Gold for completing challenges.


Just started SP campaign. Looks incredible and I'm enjoying playing it. I can see where it would get repetitive if you just mash buttons or play on easy.


Choose Diana as a godness, so u get bonus xp and gold per execution.

No she sucks. Use Jupiter. The higher combo you can get with the focus offsets the Xp you get from Diana. Use a mix of XP/crowd bonus gain equipment.

But always Jupiter for the focus.

Rat Salad

No she sucks. Use Jupiter. The higher combo you can get with the focus offsets the Xp you get from Diana. Use a mix of XP/crowd bonus gain equipment.

But always Jupiter for the focus.

Yep,totally correct. i wasn't gaining much ground with using Diana,so i changed to Jupiter and then started using gear that was more aligned towards Focus gain. I was level 20 a few days ago. Now I'm at 35. I also tend to grind solo,no multi player with anothet player. Because you and that other player tend to blow through the arenas like tanks,killing everything in sight,and getting great combos isn't so great there. Either the online code is quirky and instead of going into a combo kill you get credit for a non combo kill instead,and at other times the other player will interupt your kill,thus taking away from your combos. Its abit of a mess online if you want to level up,better to do so on your own. I only go online to play with others to check out the cool arenas that are exclusive to multi player only. I do wish those 14 were available in solo play. Grrrrr!
No she sucks. Use Jupiter. The higher combo you can get with the focus offsets the Xp you get from Diana. Use a mix of XP/crowd bonus gain equipment.

But always Jupiter for the focus.
Why would you want to use focus? Its wasting useful combopoints, expect killing the big enemies. At some point i started to just hit enemies with my shield because it counts as a combopoint but dont do as much damage as the sword attack (more combopoints per enemy).

i was getting about 30-40k xp per arena with other gods, with diana i alway got more than 60k


Alright seems you are not good at getting your combo up and keeping it. 60k is something you should get if you have a bad round.

Also it is simply not true that solo is the way to go. Even if your team mate is bad you can get way more XP by playing Classic Rome. Especially that second arena. Since there are no archers there, that is where you want to hit those 300+ combos and focus is the key to getting those high combos.

Solo should be your last resort if you can't find anyone through matchmaking or don't have a friend.
I always do co-op, it's the way to go people! Only reason I use any god other than Jupiter is to unlock their items. I'm only like level 12 so it's understandable right now :p.


So Ryse was once a multiplatform game when it was being developed for the X360

Cant seem to post a screen shot here, but here is the link to the dev's page



Senior Character Artist ”Ryse (Codename Kingdoms)” (PC, 360, PS3)


I'm loving this game! BTW, something interesting happened yesterday.

So my friend purchase the Season pass for Ryse and when we went on to play Gladiator mode I could simply join his DLC maps. Was this already known? That only one person is required to have the season pass to play the maps together.
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