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Ryse: Son of Rome |OT| Are You Not Entertained?!





Does it really look THIS good in-game?

The game is incredible looking. See my gifs, lol


That does not answer my question.

Yes, the in-game assets and those environments look like that :)

Those images don't appear to be native resolution though. Ryse is 1600x900

The game/lighting looks better in motion than the images you posted.

Here's a YouTube video, it's the crappy/compressed upload from Skydrive though. I hope to pick up a capture card soon...need one. Anyway, despite the crappy compression...I stop and look at things throughout. This isn't just impressive "textures" like in some games. The roots, the rocks, etc...on the ground are fully modeled. I'll try to do direct video captures some day.


The game has incrediblly realistic lighting and amazing facial expressions, very subtle so looks extremely realistic. I don't think the game uses any Screen space reflections, cause I haven't noticed any...wish it did though. Some levels would have looked jaw droppingly good with it. Imo KZSF still looks a bit better, has better and cleaner textures, has bigger areas and some more fancy stuff like SSR but it also looks less realistic than Ryse (not that it's a bad thing it just has different artistic direction). Their AA solution is phenomenally good though.
Just beat Ryse tonight. Glad I picked it up. Really fun despite the somewhat generic combat and enemies. Love me some Roman themed games. Hope Ryse 2 makes an appearance. I feel they could knock it out the park if givien a non launch time frame. The later levels really got good.


I beat the game on normal and started playing it on legendary. I learned a couple of things. Plowing through the game on normal did nothing to improve my combat skills. YOU CAN BREAK THINGS TO GET HEALTH AND FOCUS!!! I can't believe I played through the game without noticing that. But in legendary I'm like a starving rat looking any bit of health and focus I can find.

edit: How the hell do you quick throw accurately? Every time I try it the spears are way off the mark. I am at part where you have to take care of all the archers on the rooftop and in legendary it takes two hits for each one. I barley get half before it says I've failed.
Picked this game up today and started playing on the difficulty below legendary and been playing the last few hours. This game is amazing. The combat is immensely satisfying and it's an absolute treat to look at. Glad I picked it up. After I finish it up, I'll probably end up playing on legendary.


Had this since launch and just started playing this weekend. On chapter VI now and enjoying it way more than I thought I would. It's presented very well, visually amazing, and the combat is fun. I regret letting all the negative reviews get to me before.

I really hope MS continues this franchise. Would like to see future entries on vikings, knights, samurais, Egyptians, etc.
I played through this game this weekend. I enjoyed it so much I immediately started a 2nd playthrough. I understand the complaints about this game being short, but this was really fun. Once you get a grasp for the combat it is really addicting to keep coming back to and all of that Roman military stuff was really cool.
Picked this game up today and started playing on the difficulty below legendary and been playing the last few hours. This game is amazing. The combat is immensely satisfying and it's an absolute treat to look at. Glad I picked it up. After I finish it up, I'll probably end up playing on legendary.

Beat the game. Fairly short but was awesome all the way through. There's room for improvement though, which I hope will come in a sequel.

Probably will play the game on Legendary soon.


I played through this game this weekend. I enjoyed it so much I immediately started a 2nd playthrough. I understand the complaints about this game being short, but this was really fun. Once you get a grasp for the combat it is really addicting to keep coming back to and all of that Roman military stuff was really cool.

I hate that games that are very good but short get inevitably slammed by reviewers and message board posters, while games that are mediocre but long (Dead Rising) get much more consideration and leeway. If Ryse was a 20-hour open-world game that was padded out with long travel sequences, cut-and-paste world design, braindead AI, and pointless minigames I think it would have a MetaCritic score that is 10 points higher.


I hate that games that are very good but short get inevitably slammed by reviewers and message board posters, while games that are mediocre but long (Dead Rising) get much more consideration and leeway. If Ryse was a 20-hour open-world game that was padded out with long travel sequences, cut-and-paste world design, braindead AI, and pointless minigames I think it would have a MetaCritic score that is 10 points higher.

I agree. I'd rather have a shorter tight campaign, than a longer padded campaign. I don't have time and patience for needless sequences thrown in just to extend playtime.
Brought this game based on gafs impressions after mediocre print reviews, and gotta say this is my fav game on xbox thus far, and the gfx are insane.

Played at highest difficulty and the combat is awesome, I thought the slow mo would be boring but I never get tired of it :)

Also love that it's a fairly grounded story thus far and the setting is amazing .

Please please please do a sequel, with some tweaks to fights and more animations e.t.c it would be an amazing game. I can't wait I jump into multi as I've heard good things .


I agree. I'd rather have a shorter tight campaign, than a longer padded campaign. I don't have time and patience for needless sequences thrown in just to extend playtime.

I don't know why I feel compelled to keep picking on Dead Rising 3, but......it's got a 78 metacritic. Nearly all of the reviews point out the the open world is full of dumb fetch quests that have you travel the length of the entire map just to kill time. They also note that navigation of the city is terrible due to having so many roads barricaded or blocked off. But hey, they stretched the game to more than a dozen hours so just on principle alone it probably gets a 7 for being competent and time-consuming.
Does anyone here have the ablity to record 30mbps bitrate videos for any sections of the game?

Specifically some of the sun set scenarios or forest section? It would be nice to see the geometry and textures up close.

Thanks at all for any response!



So good. Those vistas towards the end 0_0

I want more.

If they add more enemy and weapon/combat variety this could be a fantastic series.


Neo Member
I bought the game on a whim, and I had a great time with it while playing it on one step below the highest difficulty. The reviews were overly harsh on the game. The game is long enough to keep one entertained without overstaying its welcome.

As has been mentioned numerous times, the combat is very satisfying where one feels every hit and jolt. The graphics are then an icing on the cake.
edit: How the hell do you quick throw accurately? Every time I try it the spears are way off the mark. I am at part where you have to take care of all the archers on the rooftop and in legendary it takes two hits for each one. I barley get half before it says I've failed.

This part is a nightmare, i did it by hitting the two guys on the right first, switching between guys for each shot as you miss when they stagger.

Then went behind a barrel on the left to pick off some of the guys on the left. Once i ran out of spears i dropped down to the infinite stash in the middle and tried to kill what i could with quick throw, but it's wildly inaccurate.

Just be really quick on saying the fire arrows command as soon as it pops up. It will take a few goes, but checkpoints after that so once it's done you'll not have to do it again.


Just got Ryse and Dead Rising 3 in the mail.

What's the best way to play this if I'm going for the 1000/1000? Hardest difficulty first? Or is there a learning curve such that I would be better off playing a lower difficulty and then diving into the hardest one the second time around? Any missables to worry about?
Just got Ryse and Dead Rising 3 in the mail.

What's the best way to play this if I'm going for the 1000/1000? Hardest difficulty first? Or is there a learning curve such that I would be better off playing a lower difficulty and then diving into the hardest one the second time around? Any missables to worry about?

Centurion mode first then Legendary. Don't think theres anything missable except collectibles which carry over to different playthroughs


Junior Member
Bought this on the Xbox One sale.. Man I am really surprised about the game. Actually having fun with it and the combat that has been criticized reminds me of the Batman Arkham games in some ways.. The game looks fantastic also=)


So the Twitch stream was interesting.

I love the addition of the Egyptian motif. I wish they had shown more. They mentioned a mode where you have to build a pyramid while defending against the horde.

I like the idea of Survival mode, but deemphasizing the co-op executions seems odd. It's funny to me that the mode favors Athena when the DLC is Mars' Chosen.

I like the addition of Tier 6 items and the rebalancing of the pack costs. I think gold payouts should have gone up too, but it's a start.


Really enjoying the SP and MP on this so far.

Might bite on a season pass when it goes on offer next week. The OCD part of me is slightly gutted I missed out on the Day One DLC :/
I bought this during the Xbox live sale for $40 and it's the best $40 I've ever spent. Picked it up Tuesday night, called out Wednesday and aside from Ryse the only other thing I did was go to the gym, completed the entire game.

Visually, it looks incredible however I did notice slow down from time to time. Thought the story was decent, nice twist there which I kind of saw coming. I honestly thought I would hate the QTE's but the way the game uses them is completely different from what I thought before I played the game. I enjoyed them tbh. Beat it on the medium difficulty (whichever that is), there's no New Game+ here is there? Overall, a 7/10 sounds about right. Haven't touched MP yet.

I'm with those that say Ryse is the best looking next gen game. KZ:SF was my top but this outdoes it.

It's a really hard decision and I can see it going either way, but I still keep the crown on Killzone:SF. Maybe I'll go back and play Killzone and re-evaluate.


Aw man I thought you could start the game while it's not fully downloaded? I am at like 75%. game started, I chose new game and now it's on an install screen :/
Aw man I thought you could start the game while it's not fully downloaded? I am at like 75%. game started, I chose new game and now it's on an install screen :/

You can start it on 3% I think, but needs to do that in-game install still, I think.

Going to get the seasons pass for this next week, also £25 at Grainger Games but probably not much use to a bunch of people that already own it


Just picked it up on LIVE for $40. Install has been sitting at 0% for about 10 minutes. Is this normal? I just got my One last week. Whoa, 1%. How long does it take full install?
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