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Ryse: Son of Rome |OT| Are You Not Entertained?!


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Just picked it up on LIVE for $40. Install has been sitting at 0% for about 10 minutes. Is this normal? I just got my One last week. Whoa, 1%. How long does it take full install?

The way the console installs is wonky, it's probably patching it first then doing the install but it doesn't show how far the patch is. Dead Rising 3 and Ryse took the longest because of this, and I find it pretty silly that the digital versions aren't already patched.
Just picked it up on LIVE for $40. Install has been sitting at 0% for about 10 minutes. Is this normal? I just got my One last week. Whoa, 1%. How long does it take full install?

The way the console installs is wonky, it's probably patching it first then doing the install but it doesn't show how far the patch is. Dead Rising 3 and Ryse took the longest because of this, and I find it pretty silly that the digital versions aren't already patched.
Yeah it downloads any patches/updates first yet doesn't tell you that, so it'll sit at 0% for a bit.

IIRC the game's around 40GB though, probably take quite a while on most people's internet.


This part is a nightmare, i did it by hitting the two guys on the right first, switching between guys for each shot as you miss when they stagger.

Then went behind a barrel on the left to pick off some of the guys on the left. Once i ran out of spears i dropped down to the infinite stash in the middle and tried to kill what i could with quick throw, but it's wildly inaccurate.

Just be really quick on saying the fire arrows command as soon as it pops up. It will take a few goes, but checkpoints after that so once it's done you'll not have to do it again.

Thanks, I found a video (link) with a similar strategy. The only thing I did differently is quick throw at the first two guys on the right.

One other tip on legendary, I think the guys scream before doing heavy attacks. It helps a lot with timing your block.
So, the Smartglass challenge editor is dead:

Ryse: Son of Rome will not be getting the once promised challenge editor for its cooperative gladiator mode, Microsoft confirmed to Polygon this week.

"After careful consideration, we have decided to cease development on Ryse: Son of Rome's challenge editor and focus on improving and expanding fans' experience with the game through both free content updates and purchased add-on packs," the spokesperson said. "We look forward to sharing more details soon."

Apparently because of the low review scores, but only a Polygon rumour.


Nothing! I said nothing!
I bought this because it was on sale and I had nothing else. Didn't think I would like it but I am really enjoying it.

Just so satisfying killing folk and upgrading my character. Playing it on easiest mode, ill try harder mode when I complete it. Not tried mp yet but no doubt i'll get battered.


Picked this up today on the store for sale... Man this game is fricking gorgeous...

more fun and pacing than I expected as well


Yeah this is a pretty good game, enjoying quite a bit!
Only the first two chapters down but it's fun and looks ace - no complains yet :)


Junior Member
I Beat the game today..I thought it was an awesome game with stunning and sometimes even jawdropping graphics! (Begining of chapter 7 with the sunset (or was it sunryse) and the lighting and everthing) wow...And sometimes the characters face animations were just sooo good looking graphicwise. DAMN!
And the game was FUN....I liked it alot and I would love for a sequel to come out of this.
(Maybe Vikings?=)..)


Beginning of chapter 5 and I am just standing there staring into the distance where a flock of birds make their rounds - the lighting is beautiful.

I am going to take a break because it feels like I am rushing through this game.
It's a really hard decision and I can see it going either way, but I still keep the crown on Killzone:SF. Maybe I'll go back and play Killzone and re-evaluate.

The forest by the aqueduct sealed it for me. They even do the shell rendering technique on the moss on the rocks. Overkill for detail.

This game, even though the core is extremely repetitive is a visual breakthrough in gaming. The visuals at this level elevate the game on their own enhancing drama and sense of place. We don't even think about it while playing but the expressions on the characters as they gleefully hack away has a very tangible effect on the satisfaction in the combat. Animation and voice in the cut scenes feels more like an HBO series than a game.

When a forest is as dense visually as they portray it, it automatically has a sense of foreboding. It doesn't have the artificial game safety of a Far Cry 3 environment. I would love to see this level of technology and craftsmanship extend to something open world in the future.

In so far as the gameplay reviews, In essence the game feels like a modern extension of Golden Axe. I'm happy to pay and play that. I can't agree with what was handed to the game so far. This is clearly a case of the medium is the message. In two years this will be a vapid tech demo. For right now it is as good as games look.


So I am having a slight problem with the heavy attacks. When the enemies are red, I press B to roll out, right? But it only does some kind of shield bash and I get hit pretty hard. Main reason I die right now...

(also started to record this game because wow!)


The Y button performs the shield bash. The B button performs a roll, which should work if you're pressing the proper button and timing it correctly.

Also, you can deflect (perfect block) those heavy attacks, which isn't terribly difficult to do once you get a particular heavy attack animation down.


The Y button performs the shield bash. The B button performs a roll, which should work if you're pressing the proper button and timing it correctly.

Also, you can deflect (perfect block) those heavy attacks, which isn't terribly difficult to do once you get a particular heavy attack animation down.

Yeah I am using deflect now as rolling is just never working for me. Works out of combat, never can do it in combat...
On Centurion this game is pure simple fun, really surprised.


That end fight in
chapter 6
is pretty hype, love the music! And yeah the graphics just keep on giving. Besides that the story is well told but pretty transparent, not really a problem for me as long as it's made somehow interesting.

Man I really missed many collectibles so far, maybe I will go through a second time - not often happening with games for me.


That end fight in
chapter 6
is pretty hype, love the music! And yeah the graphics just keep on giving. Besides that the story is well told but pretty transparent, not really a problem for me as long as it's made somehow interesting.

Man I really missed many collectibles so far, maybe I will go through a second time - not often happening with games for me.

I missed a ton of them too. I didn't know this at the time, but apparently you can use the smartglass app (tablet only) to find them


Smartglass app is still tablet only, I just checked on my WP8. Will try tomorrow for the collectibles and I wanted to check out that comic anyway :)


Well I just beat it tonight. Pretty awesome game. Started playing "multiplayer" (solo). That will probably keep me entertained another couple hours. Probably won't level up too much since it looks like the booster packs require a retarded amount of gold to buy once you get into the higher tiers.


Well I just beat it tonight. Pretty awesome game. Started playing "multiplayer" (solo). That will probably keep me entertained another couple hours. Probably won't level up too much since it looks like the booster packs require a retarded amount of gold to buy once you get into the higher tiers.

you can start making crazy money with the right equipment and a little skill. i make somewhere around 1000 gold per fight (this is with a 200 hit combo average though).

going solo can be boring for long stretches. just party up with a random and play through those scenarios. theyre more varied and the new dlc is coming out next week (?) as well
After all the crap this game received at launch I bought it hesitantly this weekend but have been pleasantly surprised that it is actually a pretty good game. I want to play through again on Legendary my only issue so far has been load times. Is there any way to fix that?


This game alone makes me want to buy a Xbox One. Oh man...

I would say for this game alone it's not worth it, but it's a good game, really surprised by it. I was going in with a "graphics only" mindset, but I am having a great amount of fun with it actually! Start it on Centurion and you will have lot's of fun with the combat.

edit: the smarglass app does not really help finding the collectibles, it just tells you "somewhere here and in this timeframe there are 5 collectibles"
Ah well... second playthrough it is I guess.
After all the crap this game received at launch I bought it hesitantly this weekend but have been pleasantly surprised that it is actually a pretty good game. I want to play through again on Legendary my only issue so far has been load times. Is there any way to fix that?

Don't die. :)

I agree that the load times are awful.
Got ryse on day one but sold it now but I did however just get a free code for Blade of Favour (sword) and Gorgon’s Fury (shield) hit me up if you want the codes they will serve you better than me


Got ryse on day one but sold it now but I did however just get a free code for Blade of Favour (sword) and Gorgon’s Fury (shield) hit me up if you want the codes they will serve you better than me

I'd be quite interested in those, I think I was even lamenting earlier in this thread I regret not having the Day One DLC.

Infact I did, here:

(I appreciate they aren't the Day One stuff, but I don't have them, and I'd like to :p )


Ryse: Son of Rome Season Pass - is currently 33% off on the console store! - £10.79 (was £15.99)

nice. between this and dead rising 3s dlc releasing with zero warning microsoft has done a pretty poor job handling announcement stuff so far.
Crytek's press site has heavily downsampled and native res images from Ryse on xb1 settings. Dreaming of PC version screens...

They really show off the games artwork quite well:



A sequel to Ryse would be very welcome. Imagine what Crytek can do if they have more time, experience with the XB1 and access to a more mature SDK.
Ryse: Son of Rome Season Pass - is currently 33% off on the console store! - £10.79 (was £15.99)
Thanks for the tip. Only one DLC pack has been released as of yet, correct?
A sequel to Ryse would be very welcome. Imagine what Crytek can do if they have more time, experience with the XB1 and access to a more mature SDK.
Thanks for the tip. Only one DLC pack has been released as of yet, correct?

Yes. Second with new achievements, tier 6 items, new mode Survival and 4 new maps (3 for Survival) and Courtyard adjusted for Survival is out on Friday I believe.

Today only btw
I heard they nerfed the MP leveling, is this true? I am grinding for that level 100 achievement but its taking awhile.

Apollo is the best God to use, yes? My highest combo with him is 270. I am averaging I think one level up every 3 or so matches played, and I always play solo. Is there a quicker way?

By the way, game is fucking awesome. I honestly cannot understand how it got 65% (or maybe it's 60) from reviewers, but oh well.


i dont know that they nerfed leveling. though i did see a guy who was level 800 something. i dont think that was legit though. AFAIK they only rebalanced how certain god's skills worked. apollo's for instance could let you rack up some INSANE combos before because enemies had no damage threshold before dying - you could keep slashing at them until your meter was done. couple that with equipment that extends your focus meter and slows down its drainage, and you can see why they 'nerfed' that. now enemies die if you hit them too much - better to go into an execution state to keep the combo going.


Yes. Second with new achievements, tier 6 items, new mode Survival and 4 new maps (3 for Survival) and Courtyard adjusted for Survival is out on Friday I believe.

Today only btw
Thanks, any chance that those maps will be available for solo play?
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