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Sekiro was just ok


I agree. I've approached Souls series with that kind of "grind/cheat until you overpower" mentality that is common with games like Gothic/Risen/Elex.

Sekiro was clearest example where that just doesn't work. It is more like traditional fighting game with emphasis on learning the telegraphed movements and their counters with good response times.

I do wonder if Elden Ring is game for me or just more open world Sekiro. Well, we'll see.


Moderated wildly
Maybe an unpopular opinion but sekiro was my least enjoyable FROM game. It wasnt bad at all, but i beat it and never had any reason to return. No weapon variation, boring rewards and a straight forward world. Parrying your way to victory wasnt my cup of tea. I admit that i prefer the more classic souls style of beating enemies. Fighting in sekiro felt like a chore.

I never understood the rave reviews for it.

this Is a take.

it’s froms best game to date and the combat is sublime. I guess it just didn’t click with you. Shame. You should be able to turtle again in Elden ring ;)



I agree. I've approached Souls series with that kind of "grind/cheat until you overpower" mentality that is common with games like Gothic/Risen/Elex.

Sekiro was clearest example where that just doesn't work. It is more like traditional fighting game with emphasis on learning the telegraphed movements and their counters with good response times.

I do wonder if Elden Ring is game for me or just more open world Sekiro. Well, we'll see.
This post explains exactly why Sekiro is better than the rest

Mr Hyde

Gold Member
A masterpiece like no other. Excellent combat and traversal. Even more excellent bosses. It doesn't have the replayability of the Souls-games, but it doesn't have to. It stands on its own two feet as a masterfully crafted action game.


The nicest person on this forum
A masterpiece like no other. Excellent combat and traversal. Even more excellent bosses. It doesn't have the replayability of the Souls-games, but it doesn't have to. It stands on its own two feet as a masterfully crafted action game.
Even that depends on individual player, same way I replay Bayonetta and DMC for combat mastery, I did same with Sekiro.

Sekiro's combat is pure bliss.
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Gold Member
Souls and Borne score big for overworld and level designs, not the combat. In terms of combat Sekiro is the supreme one out of all FROM games and it can be a high skill ceiling game. I also dig the Japanese settings more than medieval fantasy.



The nicest person on this forum
My problem with criticism against Sekiro is that its really not proper criticism, its just people hoping to be RPG.
Do we really need every game to be RPG these days?
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Gold Member
Its not my favorite From game (that is not saying much, they are all excellent), but its still excellent.


I should really attempt DS1 Remaster again, aside from Sekiro, it's the only From Software game i played, only i found DS1 just really slow in movement and combat, with some mechanics just more annoying than anything, and none of the areas i played through really spelled that amazing world design people keep talking about.

And i found melee combat so clunky awkward(mostly just rolling if you don't want to get killed) that i never bothered with builds, Sekiro however, was just so much simpler, the game hands you stuff, you don't need to actually care about stats, i like the setting, and combat just felt a lot more natural and dynamic than Dark Souls 1, even actually just side stepping feels genuinely better to use than the roll in Dark Souls 1.

I don't know, maybe i went in expecting too much from Dark Souls 1 from people constantly talking about how amazing it is, but the four times i attempted the game(forcing myself to at least beat the Taurus Demon each time) weren't that great, Sekiro instantly made me get into it and even going back to an area and repeating felt better since Sekiro can actually run and has a grappling hook and can do stuff without stamina, and the game instantly gives you fast travel.


Its not ok to say that sekiro was just ok. Now you and your family line must be punished for ten generations for the honour of miyazaki san and all fans of platinum games.


The nicest person on this forum
Its not ok to say that sekiro was just ok. Now you and your family line must be punished for ten generations for the honour of miyazaki san and all fans of platinum games.

Naked Lunch

Its a good game but ill still take Tenchu and Ninja Gaiden over it any day of the week.
Sekiro has best in class art direction, style, and atmosphere - but its lacking in funfactor.


Its a good game but ill still take Tenchu and Ninja Gaiden over it any day of the week.
Sekiro has best in class art direction, style, and atmosphere - but its lacking in funfactor.
I really like the game but like all From games they start to feel more like a chore to me than fun after a while. Still bought ER though cause I like the pain.


My least favorite Souls / FromSoft game tbh, once you mastered the Timing of the Parry and the Mirikari Counter, very little was hard afterwards.

I will admit though, the beginning of the game is really hard
Try no kuro charm + demon bell + resurrection mod and then come and tell me the game can't get harder

Mister Wolf

You can't grind or co-op your way through Sekiro so I can see why a lot of people in the Souls community wouldn't like it


You mean especially Dark Souls 2 - the most underrated game ever.
I put 2 above 3 in many regards, yes. The world layout is a bit off and humanoid bosses are a bit lackluster but some of the areas(Shrine of Amana, Dragon Aerie, the DLC areas etc.) are among the best in the series.
And powerstancing, of course!
Edit: And Bonfire Ascetics, best innovation in that game.
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Neo Member
Running thru the game right now. Went thru the souls games and now this in preparation for elden ring. But I'm stuck at the final boss (shura ending).
I'd hate to quit now but I'm really struggling. I just wanna beat the game and be done lol.
All in all tho I enjoyed sekiro as a whole I vibe more with the souls games and really excited for elden ring.
That said this game totally scratched that tenchu itch I've had all these years.


I was in the same boat.

I played it on release and didn't like it much. I still beat it but I had to force myself.

Like you said no diversity and the Deflect mechanic is too powerful and boring. You can basically L1/R1 almost every boss.

Prosthetics needs emblems to use and I use them a lot at the beginning. But after the first boss I ran out of them and basically learn to fight without them (L1, L1 L1...) because I didn't want to farm emblems.

But I restarted it beginning of the month because a friend of mine beat it last year and we had lot of discussion about it (for him it's way better than any Souls and for me it was way inferior).

I beat it, then a NG+ and I am now on NG++.
I still think it has the same flaws ( deflect too powerful and emblems for Prosthetics) but when you know the game you can more easily experiment with the combat system without being restricted.

I have a lot of fun trying combat art and Prosthetics. But still in the back of my head I always have the feeling I put myself a handicap by using them. I could just L1 and be more safe and efficient.

Also I really dig the world and lore. I also appreciate the fact that some of the sidequests have different path and intertwined with some others.

I still prefer the Soulsborne but Sekiro's combat system is quite addictive once you make the effort to dig it. But unfortunately the game doesn't push you to explore it in my opinion.
I don't think any one believes you and you are deluded.
Sekiro is easily the hardest Soulsborne game and it's no contest.


I agree, lack of weapon variety is one of the biggest flaws it has, but the worst by far is the combat, the lack of poise/poise DMG and DMG types makes every fight a L1/R1 spam

Also some of the prosthetics are useless, i beat the game in Ng+ and never used the spear, feather and the fang


I don't think any one believes you and you are deluded.
Sekiro is easily the hardest Soulsborne game and it's no contest.
I am not sure on what you don't believe me. But since you refers to difficulty after I might need to clarify some things.

You say Sekiro is hardest than Soulsborne (I don't include it into the "genre" because it's a not one of them for me) and I fully agree with you. This game is much more difficult and demanding than any Soulsborne. You have to know pretty well the bosses moveset and reaction to beat them. You can not easily "improvised" something during the fights like in Soulsborne.

I might have made it sounds like the game was easy because of my
You can basically L1/R1 almost every boss.
You can beat most of the boss with mainly L1 and R1, especially the most iconic of the game (Genichiro and the final boss for example). BUT it's not easy ! You have to know the timing (which vary for each attack) to deflect and not mash mindlessly the button. Yes there is the perilous attacks, here and there, which you have to counter by jumping/dogding/mikiri. But other than that, I find the L1/R1 being really efficient and much safer than to experiment with prosthetics.

That being said, I am a lover for Prosthetics tools and Combats arts, and use them extensively during battle (I have no emblems left after each battle) mainly to bring diversity and "style" to the combat. I don't look efficiency, I look for pleasure while fighting.

I guess this statement is also a problem :
But still in the back of my head I always have the feeling I put myself a handicap by using them. I could just L1 and be more safe and efficient.

So let me explain with some examples.
I am huge fan of the Raven mist. I use it for style reason. But each time I use it, I just think "I could just deflect this attack instead of using the Raven". The plus is that, in most of the case, it guarantees one R1 (with the dash follow up) for vitality damage but vitality damage is not the priority in Sekiro. I can also reverse lighting without cheap damage but you can just do it by Jump + L1 (at the cost of really low cheap damage) so again if I was looking for efficiency, I would probably not use it.

I really like using the Sabimaru. But it takes a lot of emblems and time to poison some bosses and you have to really pay attention to dodge incoming attacks with R1 mid combo. And it does barely no posture damage. But if you succeed to poison, it guarantees a lot of vitality damage. But it's quite costly in emblems and risky to use.

Also the Axe, really slow but decent posture and vitality damage IF it connects. And to find opportunity to land it without having to tank a hit (because in NG+2, no charm and demon bell you don't want to take a hit) is not easy. Again each time I am like "I am stupid, I could just R1 here instead of using the Axe".

And this can be said for most of the tools.

But still I love using all of them.

Of course there are (designed) situation where prosthetics will greatly help you. Like the firecrackers on animals, the flame vent and spear on the Guardian Ape, the Sabimaru on O'rin...
There are these situations where the game WANTS YOU to use a specific tool to make your life easier. But it's too "scripted" and situational for me.

Hope it clarifies my view. I had similar discussion with a friend who thinks prothestics are huge tide changer and don't get me when I say that L1 is too powerful and can replace almost all the Prosthetics.
So I know this is mostly a really subjective topic (I have another friend playing the game now, and he's more on my side : he doesn't see the point of using Prosthetics instead of L1 in most situation)


Its brilliant but it does have less replay value than souls and no PvP either. Its rather story driven and straightforward though there are typical obscurities regarding the endings.

Gameplay runs circles around Souls though.


They realized that sekiro wasnt for everyone and ditched it.
That's your own interpretation. They didn't ditch anything. They don't have to always make the exact same game again and again, and I am sure that they were happy doing something different with Sekiro. And the game sold well.
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Maybe an unpopular opinion but sekiro was my least enjoyable FROM game. It wasnt bad at all, but i beat it and never had any reason to return. No weapon variation, boring rewards and a straight forward world. Parrying your way to victory wasnt my cup of tea. I admit that i prefer the more classic souls style of beating enemies. Fighting in sekiro felt like a chore.

I never understood the rave reviews for it.
Spot on, the lock-on system wasn't great either. The game was unfair and far too hard for its own good. I didn't think it looked that good either.


I finished it recently and even if I loved some moments and my overall appreciation is very positive, I really HATED some others, specially the bosses. Anything with more than two fucking life bars GTFO.


I really enjoyed it for the most part, but I got stuck on the fight with
Great Shinobi Owl
- I have platinumed Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne, but this boss just has me beat. Anyone else get stuck here? Any tips for going back in to give it another go?
Problem is that if you beat him, final boss is A LOT harder. I don't know if you want to face more rage inducing bosses, worse than that boss.
For everyone saying that Sekiro has no replayability, you need to actually give it a chance. The replayability of it is stupid good. Far better than the Souls games imo. Way too often people equate "replayability" to rpg stuff when it doesn't need to be. Sekiro has a much higher skill ceiling in combat. So on repeated playthroughs you can learn a lot more about the combat system and specific boss counters via the proths and combat skills. There is so many cool things you can do in this game that won't happen on a first, second or even fifth playthrough. And the games NG+ system is actually useful because you eventually unlock everything and get to freely experiment with all the cool tools the game offers you. As well as going infinite on spirit emblems. Not to mention, No Kuro's Charm allows a greater challenge to really let you flex your skills and new knowledge.


The nicest person on this forum
For everyone saying that Sekiro has no replayability, you need to actually give it a chance. The replayability of it is stupid good. Far better than the Souls games imo. Way too often people equate "replayability" to rpg stuff when it doesn't need to be. Sekiro has a much higher skill ceiling in combat. So on repeated playthroughs you can learn a lot more about the combat system and specific boss counters via the proths and combat skills. There is so many cool things you can do in this game that won't happen on a first, second or even fifth playthrough. And the games NG+ system is actually useful because you eventually unlock everything and get to freely experiment with all the cool tools the game offers you. As well as going infinite on spirit emblems. Not to mention, No Kuro's Charm allows a greater challenge to really let you flex your skills and new knowledge.
Also Gauntlets challenges which most bosses get new moves sets like Genichiro's Sakura Dance and he can reverse your reverse lightning.

Anything with more than two fucking life bars GTFO.
Life bar dont matter much in Sekiro because you mostly need to break their posture, the only one thats different is Demon of hatred because you really can't beak his posture so easily like other bosses.
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The nicest person on this forum
Sekiro has the best combat/difficulty but everything else is weaker than souls.
Thats mostly because Sekiro is an action game not RPG like other FROM games, the combat is main part of the game same way Bayonetta and DMC games are.


I agree. They stripped away too much. The fighting was great but there wasn't enough of it and the level design feels empty. Great game but the mechanics get too much praise.
Thats mostly because Sekiro is an action game not RPG like other FROM games, the combat is main part of the game same way Bayonetta and DMC games are.

There are several factors not defined by genre that make the game weaker than souls, level design and atmosphere being some of them. I mean certainly I enjoy Sekiro's level design a million times more than Nioh 2's garbage level based system but compared to souls-like games, I feel like it was weaker and I generally dont like that setting, at least compared to gothic.


For everyone saying that Sekiro has no replayability, you need to actually give it a chance. The replayability of it is stupid good. Far better than the Souls games imo. Way too often people equate "replayability" to rpg stuff when it doesn't need to be. Sekiro has a much higher skill ceiling in combat. So on repeated playthroughs you can learn a lot more about the combat system and specific boss counters via the proths and combat skills. There is so many cool things you can do in this game that won't happen on a first, second or even fifth playthrough. And the games NG+ system is actually useful because you eventually unlock everything and get to freely experiment with all the cool tools the game offers you. As well as going infinite on spirit emblems. Not to mention, No Kuro's Charm allows a greater challenge to really let you flex your skills and new knowledge.

I was in the same boat of "this game has no replayability". As mentioned in another post, my first run (at release) didn't let me a good impression on the game.

I started all over again this month and it's a different beast. Once you know the game already, the combat system becomes really addictive and it's great to experiment again and again with it.
Currently on NG+2, no charm/bell, and the boss fights are even better. I love spending hours on reflection boss (training for gauntlets).

That being said, I really wish they remove the need to farm emblems. It's mostly a problem for first timer but many quit the game because of that. It was the main reason why I didn't like the combat system on my first run. I used very rarely the prosthetics because I didn't want to farm.
If they made the emblems refilled on death it would solve the problem. But again this is mainly a problem for first timer.


The nicest person on this forum
There are several factors not defined by genre that make the game weaker than souls, level design and atmosphere being some of them. I mean certainly I enjoy Sekiro's level design a million times more than Nioh 2's garbage level based system but compared to souls-like games, I feel like it was weaker and I generally dont like that setting, at least compared to gothic.
Thats entirely subjective, because to me Sekiro has excellent atmosphere, its big reason why I enjoyed Sekiro's visuals and art direction more compare to Ghost of Tushima and Sekiro's level design works for a game with speedy traversal.
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Moderated wildly
Its a good game but ill still take Tenchu and Ninja Gaiden over it any day of the week.
Sekiro has best in class art direction, style, and atmosphere - but its lacking in funfactor.
Lacking in fun factor, is a Hard disagree for me. Once you master the game it is literally the most fun, I could speed run the game and destroy every enemy like they were nothing. I remember thinking the Ape was so tough then I would just destroy him in later runs and pull that damn centipede out of his head.

game is phenomenal. Like genuinely incredible.
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