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Silent Hill Transmission live stream set for October 19, featuring latest updates on the Silent Hill series


Pasquale Cionti on Artstation


Small pic looks good.

Big pic looks like a fan-made unreal engine demo.


I've just realised, I never did finish 2 and 3 from the collection last year, I should probably do that
What would be the point of that? I really liked the game but the gameplay has aged really badly. The story and atmosphere was everything but having already experienced it a few times a simple rehash would be a big let down. If there not going to add anything they may as well not bother.
Then go play a trash Bloober Team game like The Medium and stay out of the Silent Hill fan base.

Yes I'm gatekeeping. SH2 is a work of art and Bloober team are trash tier devs.

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While they may not be that established, I'll judge whatever Konami has to show their fans tonight, as well as Bloober Team, Team Silent personnel, or otherwise.

Until then, Bloober Team isn't deserving of the label 'Blunder Team' just yet. At least wait until they show us the goods this evening. Then we can rip into them if it ends up looking lame. ;)
I know that people are keen to see remasters of the classic titles, but this may not be a possible feat. They have apparently lost the coding for the games, so the fog and whatnot looked pretty weird in the HD collection Konami cranked out a decade ago. I'm doubtful as to whether it was even successfully patched. But that is a pity.


Gold Member
I’ve never been more skeptical of a game announcement video than I am of this one. Konami have fucked up so many things, consistently, for so many years, that the chances of this being what we all actually want are slim to fucking none.

I will be delighted to be proved wrong, but I’m also prepared for some half assed, lazy ‘return’ for Silent Hill, that doesn’t cost them too much money, and is stuffed with microtransactions, and other ways to fleece the gamer.


I’ve never been more skeptical of a game announcement video than I am of this one. Konami have fucked up so many things, consistently, for so many years, that the chances of this being what we all actually want are slim to fucking none.

I will be delighted to be proved wrong, but I’m also prepared for some half assed, lazy ‘return’ for Silent Hill, that doesn’t cost them too much money, and is stuffed with microtransactions, and other ways to fleece the gamer.
I think both games will be single player without mtx, one by western devs, the other by the SH japanese team.


I’ve never been more skeptical of a game announcement video than I am of this one. Konami have fucked up so many things, consistently, for so many years, that the chances of this being what we all actually want are slim to fucking none.

I will be delighted to be proved wrong, but I’m also prepared for some half assed, lazy ‘return’ for Silent Hill, that doesn’t cost them too much money, and is stuffed with microtransactions, and other ways to fleece the gamer.

I'm not even sure what MTX you could add to SH tbh
If they really do plan on releasing a SH2 remake in two parts, then they have some audacity. I mean, the original ain't even a long game. It may seem like it's really long at first, as yes, you do get easily lost in that rat maze of a town because of all the corridors and streets you access. But they are possibly trying to be like Capcom: Releasing a game as DLC to start off with, so you have to get the full physical, base game afterwards. That means Konami can rake in more dollars from an overzealous fan community, who have been starved of a new game in many years, and who will want the game at the earliest (first) opportunity, even if it's not the full damn game. And you know, that's probably an edition that is going to be released several months down the line. As was the case with RE7, RE8, and so on.

Of course, this is all speculation. This may not end up being the case at all.


All will be revealed tonight either way. But I wouldn't put it past them to pull something like that.


so who money hatted Warhammer 40k or Yakuza7 western release? and list can go on :p so both doing it so stop meowing ^^
I haven't heard Microsoft to complain about concept of exclusivity in gaming space to the regulators
...Did you read all Sony's crying about ABK?


Gold Member
I’m replaying The Medium on PS5. I always thought it was a good point and click with excellent mood, art direction and music. But I played it on the S and with the higher res of the PS5 that game really shines. It looks really, really good.

I wouldn’t mind a SH2 remake from them if they stick very close to the original mood. They have it in them.
Konami could cut out areas and enemies, though. Capcom did that for their remakes. So you never know. Things you would like to see included may be entirely omitted.

I reckon they'll probably call it a reimagining though, rather than saying it's a remake. "Re" something to avoid acting as if it's meant to be a remake...
That's superb news.

Please tell me that little brat Laura isn't gonna kick away the key behind the bars again. :(

That part of the game just DRAGGED like crazy.


Side question - is silent hill similar to resident evil where it’s a case of run past what you can and conserve bullets - in the opening area I’ve been running past most of the flying things to save ammo
Around 50 minutes of greatness awaits us, if all of this or even some of it ends up being true tonight.

God, we could possibly hear the announcement of three new games and a flipping new movie to boot. Gee, it will be like Christmas had came early if this plays out like I hope it will be. :p

I really want to know what Silent Hill f (seemingly spelled in lowercase) is supposed to be about. Perhaps it's the episodic style game with different stories.

I take it that 'Ascension' is the game with the creature covered in those sticky notes. The concept art makes it kind of resemble a first person horror game, with the perspective and general aura about it from the camera angles. Which is still okay, I guess. But me personally, I prefer third person games such as The Evil Within 2, which by the way, has an optional first person mode in it. So yeah. How about this becomes a tradition now for gamers, in order to have a choice and keep players amused? :D

I'll also hazard a guess that we'll probably get a P.T. style demo to try as well, to build up that much needed hype.

Sweetness! :)


Around 50 minutes of greatness awaits us, if all of this or even some of it ends up being true tonight.

God, we could possibly hear the announcement of three new games and a flipping new movie to boot. Gee, it will be like Christmas had came early if this plays out like I hope it will be. :p

I really want to know what Silent Hill f (seemingly spelled in lowercase) is supposed to be about. Perhaps it's the episodic style game with different stories.

I take it that 'Ascension' is the game with the creature covered in those sticky notes. The concept art makes it kind of resemble a first person horror game, with the perspective and general aura about it from the camera angles. Which is still okay, I guess. But me personally, I prefer third person games such as The Evil Within 2, which by the way, has an optional first person mode in it. So yeah. How about this becomes a tradition now for gamers, in order to have a choice and keep players amused? :D

I'll also hazard a guess that we'll probably get a P.T. style demo to try as well, to build up that much needed hype.

Sweetness! :)
It's Konami (suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper Japanese company) so I have a feeling we should expect a shit ton of filler bullshit. Guaranteed to have Japanese dudes speaking at length for ages with awkward translations.


Then go play a trash Bloober Team game like The Medium and stay out of the Silent Hill fan base.

Yes I'm gatekeeping. SH2 is a work of art and Bloober team are trash tier devs.

Then obviously there shouldn't be a SH2 remake if their the developers. A 1:1 rehash of an early PS2 game wouldn't go down well now. I would find it pointless for myself too having completed it a few times and gone over the story as much as I have.

I would've wanted have the original voice actors and team behind the story back to add to it. Without them I'd much rather a new game was made and leave SH2 as it was.
Side question - is silent hill similar to resident evil where it’s a case of run past what you can and conserve bullets - in the opening area I’ve been running past most of the flying things to save ammo

In a manner of speaking, yes, it is true that the franchises share some similar aspects. Although the "competition" story with Capcom and Konami is likely vastly untrue, because they never really had any rivalry going on to begin with.

I mean, I reckon RE5 alone has actually outsold all of the SH games massively, regardless. But in general, RE is more science fiction based with action, and SH is of course always intended to be supernatural and eerie, and guns feel more clunky. But to be honest, RE has become less atmospheric as the games have progressed. This has certainly alienated some fans.

In recent years, RE has been mainly a shooter series, with creepy, cannon fodder bioweapons and explosions, and corny jokes, with a minimal feeling of dread. But Capcom also understood this direction towards action oriented gameplay had began to hurt the franchise a great deal, so they're making them kind of feel horror-ish again. Although it's still a mixed bag, as it often depends on the character you control which dictates the overall tone of your journey.

Chris Redfield for example, always gets the gun heavy sections. So if you're a trigger happy sod, Chris is gonna be your type of man. The bulk of the games with Ethan Winters are kind of deliberately slower paced for the most part. It does vary, I suppose.

SH however, punishes you if you suck at the combat or puzzle solving side of things. But SH just has that special quality to it, which I know many RE games severely lack in today. :)
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