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So what's better: Chrono Trigger or Chrono Cross?

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I really loved how untraditional CC turned out. What it may have lacked in CT fanservice, it made up in delivering a particularly great gaming experience. I for one loved having a massive roster of swappable fighters, and the few distinct progression splits were a nice change of pace. The parrallel worlds were tightly focused and the soundtrack was vivid.

Framerate woes, and a cumbersome interface for skill swapping kinda kills the playvalue in 2005; but it's a classic in my book.

Trigger was great, but I have always felt the fanbase go overboard on its merits.


I just went all the way through Trigger a few days ago for the first time, and I absolutely enjoyed it. It has a lot of charm that most games lack these days. I haven't gone back through it yet to get all the different endings, though. I put a few hours into Cross back in the day, but I remember not enjoying what I played of it. I'll definitely give it another shot soon, just to see the vague connections it might have with Trigger.


Dragona Akehi said:
If there is a hell, it will be full of Square fanboys. And countless copies off their sub-par RPGs.

You're all ours now!

Chrono Trigger is a way better game then Chrono Cross. Cross completely fucked up the chrono story. The sea of ruin is the worst idea in video to date. Cross has horrible graphics, art, storyline, battle system, and characters. The only redeeming thing about Cross is the music. The music was simply awesome.
Trigger has it all, and perhaps the two best characters ever, magnus and frog. Again, Cross fucked up big time, kid being schala? Two seperate worlds? Fate? The fucking sea of ruin? and perhaps the dumbest thing of all, lavos being beat by a damn tune. Fury still rages in me because of this.
Chrono Trigger is much better than Cross. Gameplay, music, and graphics are good in both games (and Cross actually has the edge in music), but Trigger has a better story, a more interesting gameworld, and more memorable characters. Trigger does a great job of making it's several worlds/time periods unique and fun to explore, while Cross' two worlds are only subtly different, and the subtle differences aren't that interesting.

FFIV is a kickass game too, BTW.
chaostrophy said:
Chrono Trigger is much better than Cross. Gameplay, music, and graphics are good in both games, but Trigger has a better story, a more interesting gameworld, and more memorable characters. Trigger does a great job of making it's several worlds/time periods unique and fun to explore, while Cross' two worlds are only subtly different, and the subtle differences aren't that interesting.

FFIV is a kickass game too, BTW.

It's like comparing Dog poop to Pig shit!


Dragona Akehi said:
You have all the best games of this generation sealed and you play crap like Advent Rising.

Something seriously wrong here.

I have a backlog. Have to take some ex-lax before digesting a full course meal such as those.
Red Scarlet said:
That has nothing to do with this!

Sure it does: Dragon Quarter is one of the best games this generation. The above named Square titles, however are assuredly not.

demi said:
I have a backlog. Have to take some ex-lax before digesting a full course meal such as those.

You somehow keep mentioning how you don't plan on opening them ever. :p


Dragona Akehi said:
You somehow keep mentioning how you don't plan on opening them ever. :p

Did I? I sure don't remember that. Must have been a little tipsy from tasting all that exquisite champagne.

Red Scarlet

Dragona Akehi said:
Sure it does: Dragon Quarter is one of the best games this generation. The above named Square titles, however are assuredly not.

This generation really sucks then. ;)

And yeah..neither of the games the topic is about are from this generation. :)
Red Scarlet said:
This generation really sucks then. ;)

And yeah..neither of the games the topic is about are from this generation. :)

You'll note I didn't bring out my stock BREATH OF FIRE V: DRAGON QUARTER picture for this thread. I chose games that STOMPED THE SHIT OUT OF SAID PAP, that just happen to be from the corresponding generation.


Red Scarlet

Dragona Akehi said:
You'll note I didn't bring out my stock BREATH OF FIRE V: DRAGON QUARTER picture for this thread.

Because even you know that it can't even hold up to a good game from the 16-bit generation and a horrible game from the 32-bit.
Red Scarlet said:
Because even you know that it can't even hold up to a good game from the 16-bit generation and a horrible game from the 32-bit.

To be frank, it destroys them both without effort. But that's not what this thread is about: CRAPPY SUB-BAR PAP RESEMBLING AN RPG FROM SQUARE.

Red Scarlet

Dragona Akehi said:
To be frank, it destroys them both without effort. But that's not what this thread is about: CRAPPY SUB-BAR PAP RESEMBLING AN RPG FROM SQUARE.

You just called Dragon Quarter sub-par pap!

I knew it all along. :lol
Cross was heavy on production values, had a reasonable battle system for the 32-bit era, and had a medicore plot and hamhanded characters-but the latter two have never been Square's strong point.

Better off playing one of the 32-but Enix RPGs, or, if you must play Square, pick Vagrant Story.

Trigger's popularity is way overblown in modern times by standard 16-bit revisionism coupled with the usual SNES-era RPG groupthink. For a SNES game it had high production values, but the game itself felt tedious and cramped. I'm not sure there were too many better offerings at the time (though Lufia, as suggested above, is one of them), but the game has aged quite a bit since it was released, to the point where it's just not very playable.

If you want RPG goodness without the antiquated feel, you might want to look at the GBA offerings-they retain some of the "charm" of the original Square-style RPGs while bringing in some of the better features of later generations.

That's just my take on it though.
As someone else pointed out, if you go with Trigger you get the added bonus of Final Fantasy IV, another great game!

And as others said as well, Trigger had a certain charm to it that Cross and many other RPGs in the 32bit+ era lacked.
I'm sick of this crap. I'm tired of these idiots that think they're cool because they have inflated opinions of 10-year-old games. Chrono Trigger was badass for it's time, and is one of the few SNES RPGs that's great fun ever today, but Chrono Cross is better, except for perhaps the story. It's a generation ahead, deal with it. An updated Chrono Trigger might be better, but there is no such thing. I've yet to hear a single decent reason why Chrono Cross isn't great, other than that the person whining has no taste in RPGs. Maybe you should stick with horse racing sims.

Oh, and the Chronicles version of the CT is the best, and anyone who tells you differently is wrong. Tons of bonus features >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no load times. People's priorities are messed up.

Both games suck.

Troll alert.

Lufia II!




Valkyrie Profile, Grandia

Valkyrie Profile was great (sort of) and Grandia is my favorite RPG ever, but the only "RPG fans" who claim Square games suck (especially the Crono games) are trolls desperate for attention. BOF5 sucks, btw.

Cross has horrible graphics, art, storyline, battle system, and characters.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Nice joke character. Go play Progress Quest.
Neutron Night said:
Troll alert.

I prefer to call it "injection of taste into this terrible excuse for an RPG thread".

What a delightful rebuttal! I can see the amount of time you put into thinking that one up! Lufia II > you, it's quite obvious.


Valkyrie Profile was great (sort of) and Grandia is my favorite RPG ever, but the only "RPG fans" who claim Square games suck (especially the Crono games) are trolls desperate for attention.


BOF5 sucks, btw.

There is no hope for you, it appears. I bet you liked FFX-2 too, didn't you?

Nice joke character. Go play Progress Quest.

The sad thing is, Progress Quest is a better game than either CT or CC.
I'm sorry, but I just can't understand how someone could prefer CC to CT. I know everyone's entitled to their opinion, but Cross left no impression on me whatsoever. And it's winning this poll? What. The. Fuck?


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
What the... ?! I can't believe this is even up for "debate".

Just out of curiosity, how old are all of you that are choosing Cross over Trigger?
Himuro said:
So FFX-2 is a bad game? Oh wait, it's the best gameplay (do not even mention the story :lol) experience I've had rpg wise this generation this side of Shin Megami Tensei.


That's FFX-2 in a nutshell unfortunately. Try something like Breath of Fire V, DDS or Fire Emblem: Souen no Kiseki (so it's an SRPG I DON'T CARE). At least you like Nocturne. But FFX-2? Ewww.
Razoric said:
I'm honestly in shock there are people who like CC over CT. I know people are entitled to their opinions but my god... :O

I would bet that most of those people never played an RPG before FFVII or even CC itself. There is a pro-CT nostalgia for older RPG fans and a pro-CC nostalgia for newer RPG fans. It would be hard to find someone who could look at the two games apart from one of those biases.

For my part, CT is 100x the game that CC is. I was shocked -- SHOCKED when GameSpot gave CC a 10.0, and to this day I think it's a gross overstatement of the game's quality. But I'm sure many people would say the same thing about some of my past reviews.
I prefer to call it "injection of taste into this terrible excuse for an RPG thread".

Sorry, you're in the vast minority here.

What a delightful rebuttal! I can see the amount of time you put into thinking that one up! Lufia II > you, it's quite obvious.

Sorry I don't give a rat's ass about Lufia 2. I'm too busy playing games from this decade.


WTF is so great about it? Seriously.


The caps are getting old.

There is no hope for you, it appears. I bet you liked FFX-2 too, didn't you?

Actually it was my least favorite Square game I can remember. I loved the gameplay system, but the fact that they reused so much stuff was shitty and the story was a joke. Blatent money-grabbing attempt and whoever greenlighted it should be shot. The job system should have been used on a real game.

The sad thing is, Progress Quest is a better game than either CT or CC.

I see you're not pretending to be serious, or actually explain why you hate CT and CC.

Well, atleast FFX-2 is better than Chrono Cross. Hell, even FFX-2's story is better than Chrono Cross's story, that's just wrong.

What's so bad about CC's story?


Neutron Night said:
What's so bad about CC's story?

How about the fact that all game it tried desperately to not do anything relating to Chrono Trigger and then it all ends up being some giant 'save Kid/Schala from CT' mission? Either go all out or don't "go there" at ALL.

I like the whole CT Lavos storyline. I like how in 65mil B.C. the Reptites tried to summon him to the planet as some crazed power scheme and then it all ends up being a death-knell for not only their race, but the whole planet as well. I like you can go to the post-apocalyptic world and see life after the big disaster. I just like the whole time travel aspect overall. Yeah, thinking back CT seems to be a game filled with really short, segmented stuff, but the time-traveling, "what happens in one era affects another" story, was a lot better IMO than the cross-dimensional aspects of Chrono Cross. The other dimension of CC was practically the SAME world with different scenarios. Plus I didn't appreciate the lame-ass 'Suikoden' attempt at having millions of recruitable characters that you'd never use anyways.

Music in both games is great, as is their visuals (for their respective times). I also love the New Game+, multiple-ending style too.

*Keep in mind I'm relaying alot of this from memory, so you'll have to excuse any errors.


Dragona Akehi said:
It's quotes likes these that make a little part of me die inside every time I read them. :(

I'm sorry but CT is better than all those games you listed.

Valkyrie Profile comes pretty close though.
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