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Sony president wants to improve margins on their multi-platform releases (Updated w/ analysis)


Oh, I'm pretty sure Jim Ryan is well aware of that, he probably did a lot of changes in their internal development operations.
Needless to say, Polyphony Digital, Team Asobi and XDEV Japan are ultimately safe from layoffs.

This tell us more about game dev culture than we think.

IDK how Japan culture works, but they sure don't give a shit about 'dev crush' case that western take serious.


If you think Sony moving to multiplatform (it already is) would effect console sales you are off your absolute head and live in fantasy.

If you can have cross save between your PC and console and you dont own one or the other, it makes the other more appealing as you dont lose what you have on your original platform.

Not only that but your bros arent going to stop dropping cash on PS consoles if thats where their friends are and they dont care about PC gaming.
That's the thing, as if the majority buys console only because of exclusive content and not for it being their preferred platform for games.


Last week and this one are just wild.



Microsoft putting games on PC day one didn't cause Xbox's slow console sales. Slow Xbox console sales is what prompted Microsoft to put Xbox games on PC.

Their release table from 2010 onwards wasnt the best so it was still self inflicted and the day one releases definitly made it worse.


Snake Oil Salesman
They need to scale back games size and release a lot faster like Nintendo do. A game is not better if is insanely huge, I'm playing TLOU2 for the first time and it's unnecessary long, what's the point of a so long game when you could have something same scale of the first one that cost a third and sell as much or even more. Also they need to make fun games that are not triple-A expensive. If you can have Remedy doing a game like Alan Wake 2 with just 50$ millions, how they wasted 300$ millions on Spider-Man 2 makes no sense at all. Putting games on PC day-one or some months later is not the solution, we already seen that PS exclusives on PC not sell that much.

Instead, imagine the margin for Nintendo releasing something like Super Mario Party that sell more than 20 millions or Super Mario RPG that sell more than 3 millions in a couple of months. Make money and have no profits is useless.

Alan Wake 2 bombed commercially.
Spider Man 2 has made a healthy profit.


Gold Member
Console can't really grow anymore, the number of PlayStations being sold each generation has not meaningfully increased in over two decades. How else are they supposed to grow?

I was just thinking the same thing. 360 and PS3 combined was in the 160 million range. Xbox One and PS4 are probably in the 170 range. 10 million gamer growth over a decade isn't really a lot.

Their release table from 2010 onwards wasnt the best so it was still self inflicted and the day one releases definitly made it worse.

Xbox One sales tanked long before Phil Spencer announced his Play Anywhere strategy in 2016 my man. It was not a factor.


Gold Member
Alan Wake 2 bombed commercially.
Spider Man 2 has made a healthy profit.
If I told my non gamer mates about a game called Alan Wake 2 they would look at me like ive hit my head.

If I told them theres a new spider man game out, theyd know exactly what it could be.


If not for PC, Game Pass would’ve been an enormous failure.

If not for PC, their “Xbox” game sales would’ve been even further in the toilet.
Honestly, you've got a point when you look at it by itself. But, let's not forget that the Series X kind of fell flat because they launched it without any big exclusive games to get excited about. That's a huge miss right there.

And it's not just them. Sony's in the same boat with the PS5. We're not seeing nearly as many must-have exclusives as we did with the PS4. It's like everyone's hanging around waiting for Sony to drop some news or a game plan, but all we're getting is radio silence. And we just heard that Sony's not planning any major exclusives from their big franchises until at least April 2025.

But instead of pointing the finger at the lack of exclusive games this time around or how pricey the hardware is, they're throwing the blame on the whole "console market." That feels a bit off to me, like they're trying to dodge the real issues. Makes you wonder how different things would be if the consoles were priced better and we had way more exclusive games to pull people in.
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Games cost way too much to make - not sustainable.
Not true. All of Playstations game made profit this generation apart from probably Destruction all AStars.
From Ratchet and Clank, Returnal to the super expensive ones like Spiderman 2 and God of War Raganrok. Especially with the £70 total price increase


Moderated wildly
I was just thinking the same thing. 360 and PS3 combined was in the 160 million range. Xbox One and PS4 are probably in the 170 range. 10 million gamer growth over a decade isn't really a lot.

Xbox One sales tanked long before Phil Spencer announced his Play Anywhere strategy in 2016 my man. It was not a factor.

I wonder what this gen ends up at? seems like Xbox has tanked and PS5 is going to fall further and further behind ps4. Does it swing back drastically and goto like 140 million total across both?

That would be a catastrophic drop.


Console can't really grow anymore, the number of PlayStations being sold each generation has not meaningfully increased in over two decades. How else are they supposed to grow?

Well it only made sense if they were competing with steam. They have insanly good relationships with alot of publishers. Making their own launcher, make a shitton of ports, asking other publishers to put theirs games on their launcher, crossbuy, trophies on pc. Make something unique--> grow your ecosystem, but they aint doing that.


Gold Member
I believe All of this is in preparation for cloud gaming. They know gaming is going towards cloud. When you can game in anything there is zero value in exclusives all you do limit your sales and reach.

We’re getting closer to that one “console” gaming developers been asking for which is PC.

also with cloud gaming you can leverage massive computing cpu and gpu which we can’t today.


Gold Member
This tell us more about game dev culture than we think.

IDK how Japan culture works, but they sure don't give a shit about 'dev crush' case that western take serious.
It's mostly because layoffs don't really happen in Japan, mass exodus is more of a Western thing these days.
Only a looney can be pro exclusivity in media like video games and give a shit about companies. This is good news for sane people

This. Also I see a lot of people saying things like “this is what killed Xbox” and blah blah, uh Xbox makes MS a ton of money. It’s about revenue now, not console sales. The days of the PSone and PS2 are over. These companies are all about services and digital revenue.

Sony is in an infinitely better position in the industry than MS was when they made this type of move with Xbox. PlayStation will be just fine and still sell a ton of hardware. I don’t think this talk signals anything going to other consoles, even though they should, but it probably means more PC ports and closer to the console launch, if not day one.


Gold Member
I believe All of this is in preparation for cloud gaming. They know gaming is going towards cloud. When you can game in anything there is zero value in exclusives all you do limit your sales and reach.

We’re getting closer to that one “console” gaming developers been asking for which is PC.

also with cloud gaming you can leverage massive computing cpu and gpu which we can’t today.
Yeah, right. Cloud gaming is a bullshit pipe dream that's never going to go anywhere. Having pc being the only option is also fairy tale thinking.
Console players demand cutting edge graphics. Those budgets will only balloon further. It’s not sustainable. Not only that the releases are few and very far between.

The industry is not in a good place. They need to find other ways to bring in money. Multiplatform is the way.

Don’t really see how that will work for Sony considering MS has horrible software sales. It works for MS because Sony doesn’t have that issue.


Only a looney can be pro exclusivity in media like video games and give a shit about companies. This is good news for sane people
People need to understand that what they ask for always has adverse outcomes that come along. Every gaming wish is on a monkey's paw essentially.

Exclusivity drives innovation, you will note that the most inventive times of gaming history had exclusives all over because gaming systems were so fundamentally different, even 3rd party multi-releases had to have visible differences (example of this would be how different Splinter Cell was between Xbox and PS2, shipping the exact same version across both was infeasible), how Square was a defacto 1-platform publisher all the way with very rare exception until around the PS3/Xbox 360 era.

The more publishers went day 1 multi-platform, the less difference between systems and thus less room for each system to innovate between generations. And the more cost a big publisher had to take on to ensure maximum exposure and maximum day 1 revenue.

Even Nintendo is now supposedly forced to take a more evolutionary step with Switch 2 than have a full blown revolution that might change the game.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
You buy a console for it's exclusives and in turn buy multiplatform games on that platform too.
It's Ecosystem that draws money towards the platform holder
So what happens when you don't need to buy that platform.
To quote Chloe
"Just dance with the one that brought you"

Mr Moose

As per usual, Xbox makes the big decisions, Sony follows suit so they can be free from the slack that Xbox will receive.

Not a problem though, the console warriors in here will move the goalposts so they can continue to cheerlead their favourite corporate overlords.
No and no. This isn't Xbox, we don't just suddenly change because "our overlords" say so.
If they do day one releases on SP games then it will devalue the console.
If they want to fuck around they will find out.
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If you listen to the question and full answer, he isn't saying or even alluding to anything about releasing on other platforms or on pc earlier


Console can't really grow anymore, the number of PlayStations being sold each generation has not meaningfully increased in over two decades. How else are they supposed to grow?
The idea seems to be that console gaming's growth is being held back by those clunky "plastic boxes." But what if the real issue isn't the console market itself, but rather that the market for big-budget console games is actually pretty niche? There's this push to hit a billion gamers, yet games like Candy Crush and Clash of Clans have already tapped into that massive audience. Big titles like Resident Evil, Last of Us, Uncharted, Halo, and so on, are awesome, but they're never going to hit sales in the hundreds of millions. They just don't have that kind of mass appeal.

So, even if Sony decided to make God of War available everywhere—from mobile and streaming services to PCs, microwaves, and Apple Watches—I doubt it would make a huge difference in sales compared to just sticking with PlayStation releases. How's Death Stranding or Resident Evil performing on iOS? Have they made a significant dent in sales on a platform that's already flooded with hundreds of millions of devices? And what about all those Samsung TV owners who can now stream Xbox games?






You buy a console for it's exclusives and in turn buy multiplatform games on that platform too.
It's Ecosystem that draws money towards the platform holder
So what happens when you don't need to buy that platform.
To quote Chloe
"Just dance with the one that brought you"

Sony thinks this is just additional profit which I dont think it is longterm. Midterm they will regret doing this but it will be too late to change anything.


but how do you grow console if you release day 1 1st party games on other platforms like PC?
Problem might be, that games are so expensive to produce now, that it is not worth the costs just to keep it on your platform. Especially e.g. launching a game on the Switch (2) and than the really good looking version on the own console. This might even attract some players to buy a ps5. And if not, they already bought the game ;)


Moderated wildly
but how do you grow console if you release day 1 1st party games on other platforms like PC?

It doesn't look like there is an answer on how to grow console sales. The console market looks to be shrinking, not growing..So how do Sony go against that?

Release more games? Their games take 7 years to develop and cost hundreds of millions of pounds, more than movies that have a 4 to 6 month production schedule, not 7 years. I genuinely feel a collapse COULD happen. I'm not saying its a definite, but something negative is happening and Sony are feeling the brunt of it as badly as anyone else.

I think the only one that gets out of this unscathed is Nintendo. Theyve always sold hardware at a profit, their dev costs are a fraction of a playstation AAA big budget game and they sell north of 10 million on every game because the gameplay is incredible.

Mr Moose



So what you are saying is this is all your fault?
xbox leading the way as always
They didn't always lead the way. Sony went with bluray after seeing 360 go with dvd, Microsoft initally blocked used games on x1, Sony didnt.

It just seems lately that Sony is copying strategies from Xbox. Which makes sense, Sony is a business, if they see Microsoft making money in other areas they will try to make money in those areas as well.

Their goal is to make as much money as possible.


Honestly, you've got a point when you look at it by itself. But, let's not forget that the Series X kind of fell flat because they launched it without any big exclusive games to get excited about. That's a huge miss right there.

And it's not just them. Sony's in the same boat with the PS5. We're not seeing nearly as many must-have exclusives as we did with the PS4. It's like everyone's hanging around waiting for Sony to drop some news or a game plan, but all we're getting is radio silence. And we just heard that Sony's not planning any major exclusives from their big franchises until at least April 2025.

But instead of pointing the finger at the lack of exclusive games this time around or how pricey the hardware is, they're throwing the blame on the whole "console market." That feels a bit off to me, like they're trying to dodge the real issues. Makes you wonder how different things would be if the consoles were priced better and we had way more exclusive games to pull people in.

I think this constant push for more power and bigger budget games is unhealthy for the industry.

Even sitting on the sidelines in regards to consoles I can clearly see how much worse things have gotten. Back when I bought consoles the games designed only for your new console ramped up quickly.
This generation saw cross gen last longer than ever, because they need the sales. New releases are so few and far between because of the time and money to create new ones. It’s not what it used to be.

I think Nintendo has been the smartest. They held back, and their budgets are a tiny fraction of what Sony’s are. The sad part is I don’t think PlayStation fans would be up for Switch level graphics.

As a PC gamer I’m happy with where we are. I was happy with where we were on PS3 and PS4. I’d love if we could just hit the pause button on this constant march towards bigger and badder and just enjoy what we’ve got. For the sake of the industry.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Sony thinks this is just additional profit which I dont think it is longterm. Midterm they will regret doing this but it will be too late to change anything.
Yeah its a very Gen Z thought process, I seen other companies do similar things to get short term gains and they always do more damage then good and they don't know why it didn't work.
It funny to see it.
I think sony should do day 1 on PC even for their big single player games. Either do day 1 or not at all. They might aswell go all in on PC. It's the only other platform they have because they're obviously never going to release on other consoles. Day 1 on PS5 and PC gives them a pretty large audience to sell to.


Yeah its a very Gen Z thought process, I seen other companies do similar things to get short term gains and they always do more damage then good and they don't know why it didn't work.
It funny to see it.

They probably know what they did wrong but they have to sell their mistakes to shareholders.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
SlimySnake SlimySnake how would you feel about that?
Honestly, i dont mind as long as the gameplay is different and innovative. Zelda ToTK was my game of the year and it looks worse than most PS3 games. I just dont care for the same old PS3 era feeling gameplay like we have gotten recently. FF7 Rebirth, GOW Ragnorak, Spiderman 2. I want to see actual gameplay improvements with new physics systems instead of just the same old games.

It's great to see kojima bring in earthquakes, forest fires and floods into gameplay instead of just fake cutscenes. If it comes at the cost of graphics then so be it.
They already announced a strategy change 2 years ago for day and date GAAS and they're off to a great start with Helldivers 2 I suspect that's what he's alluding to and not launching single player games day and date on PC since console is the core business they know people buy playstations for the big blockbuster single player games. We'll see a lot of multi-player games from PlayStation in the future like it or not. As far as the budgets they really need to get that under control I don't see why any AAA single player game should be over $200 million if that continues to bloom then they'll have no choice but to launch d&d with PC and they should be finding ways to get higher margins on hardware they need more proprietary tech similar to Apple they should be finding a way every generation to be less reliant on 3rd party vendors hell the pro version could be a test ground to new ideas. Sony sells way too much hardware to not be finding better ways to capitalize on margins.
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