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Star Citizen Pre-Alpha: Hangar Module


It took me far longer than I'm happy admitting to get into my ship. I didn't even know you could get in the bed until I saw it here.

The module is a fun little distraction. It's good progress, but I can't wait for the dogfighting release. I'm too hyped on this game, gotta pull back.

I need to invest in a joystick for the dogfighting module!

Gonna get something with HOTAS
I need to invest in a joystick for the dogfighting module!

Gonna get something with HOTAS

That would be fantastic. I wish I could justify it. Maybe I'd use it in Battlefield as well? I don't even know anything about Joysticks though, I was just going to sit in my corner and weep with my Gamepad.


Unless CGI want all 'stella and/or Idris Corvette pledgers to show up with pitchforks and torches in front of their offices they will not allow that. The as-of-yet-only-hinted-at 890 Jump will probably at best be able to store the thing, not launch it - unless it's gonna cost like 300+ bucks or something.

I'm pretty sure things like Bengal and other big ships will have to ability to launch fair sized spaceships. We just don't know how big the 890 Jump will be. But my guess is that it will be rather large, around 400 meters I hope.


The continued use of a 360 controller in demos etc makes me a bit uneasy, but I am still hopeful CGI will come out with a co-branded Joystick, or at least suggest some model as a standard.

I got a bog standard Joystick (Extreme 3D Pro) as part of my SSZ pledge, hopefully I can get the game to work with that. Plenty of buttons and twiddly doodads and whatchamacallits on the thing.

It's all alien gibberish to me. I bet the Joystick could bake me muffins and serve tea if I just sat down and learned how to properly configure and control it.


I dipped into some Star CItizen forums a few months ago, and the Saitek X52 pro seemed to be the most recommended model.
The newer models were actually not recommended since they switched to digital input, rather than analog. Correct me if I am wrong there, I am, by no means, an expert in this.


Pro Model

Regular Model

would'nt the Developer technically be the Publisher then?

Anyways I need to donate soon so I can do the Alpha.

Yes, at that point it becomes self-published. They probably just want to emphasize the fact that there is no publisher control or input into the project.


The Saitek X52 Pro is a pretty solid HOTAS. Definitely go with the Pro version over the regular. Saitek's top of the line X-65F isn't really a traditional joystick. The stick itself doesn't move, it responds to pressure that you exert on the handle. It works, very well even, but it takes a lot of time getting used to and costs a whopping $400.

Nice shots, ASTROID2!


Get the digital Scout package.

All you need is in that pack, and it costs you only 35 bucks if you find a veteran or original backer to trade you one, otherwise add 5 bucks of latecomer fees and change the name to digital mercenary, if I'm not mistaken. It's one of the cheapest ones, hard to miss, really...
Is it worth? What if the game actually never comes out?

https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/68-digital-scout -> Now there is no Lifetime Insurance and no Alpha/Beta access.


Is it worth? What if the game actually never comes out?

It is definitely worth it. The end game will be essentially an MMO with real-time dogfighting combat set in a persistent universe, with a functioning economy, and truly next-gen levels of visual fidelity.
If that doesn't interest you, then you have no soul ;)

There is always a small chance of failure with crowd-funded projects. Just look at Double Fine's Broken Age as an example, they were grossly over funded and still mismanaged the project to a degree.

There are two key differences with Star Citizen.

  • RSI showed a working concept day one of the Kickstarter. There aren't many crowdfunding projects that even do this, most show a piece of concept art, but RSI spent a year getting the pitch ready.
  • At this point, they seem to be still earning more money through crowd funding then they are possibly spending on development. According to their website, they are earning about $1 million a month on the low end of the spectrum, several million in July alone.

Im interested in this game..but 110 bucks a ship? jesus..thats for real?

Just get the Aurora for $30 or the 300i for $60. There is no need to go above that.

All ships that are for sale, can also be earned in game through the economy.


would'nt the Developer technically be the Publisher then?

Anyways I need to donate soon so I can do the Alpha.

The roll of a publisher is to fund, advertise, and distribute a game. In this case we are funding and advertising it and the devs are advertising and distributing it and producing it. Dev/Publishing studios like Valve are all internally funded etc.

Did they ever announce if they were going to release freelancer variants for crowdfunding?

The Hornet is the next one getting that treatment, constellation and freelancer to follow.


I saw a video of some convention where the devs were showing off the game and I have never seen people being that crazy during a game presentation. It was madness, I don't know how they were all so enthusiastic, there must have been free alcoholic beverages on the show floor.


Is it worth? What if the game actually never comes out?

https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/68-digital-scout -> Now there is no Lifetime Insurance and no Alpha/Beta access.

Check the previous page.

Im interested in this game..but 110 bucks a ship? jesus..thats for real?

Sigh, I'm starting to feel like CIG should be paying me for explaining SC to people. You don't have to buy a ship, if you don't want to. You'll be able to purchase ships and everything else with in-game credits, money that you'll earn by exploring, doing missions, etc. You can get the game for as low as 30$, while 40$ gets you a package with the full game, the basic ship Aurora and access to alfa & beta, including the just released hangar module.


https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/68-digital-scout -> Now there is no Lifetime Insurance and no Alpha/Beta access.

From the OP:

There are several packages with different ships and extra digital/physical content available for purchase, their content listed here. Digital Mercenary ($40) is the cheapest package with alpha/beta access and full access to the final game.

You can still get a $35 alpha/beta pass but only from existing original backers.

What if the game actually never comes out?

No chance. Not with this kind of money. The final game may not be all we hope it will be but something will come out for sure.

That's only a linguistic difference, though.

Remember, you're dealing with crowd funding here. The value of upper tier rewards is typically nowhere near the cost. You're paying extra to support the project. See: Every Kickstarter videogame project ever
Is the MMO really gonna be as good as the trailers make it seem?

Being able to walk around and getting inside a ship, that's sitting on the hanger of another player piloted ship, seems pretty insane (impossible) to me in an MMO environment.


No chance. Not with this kind of money. The final game may not be all we hope it will be but something will come out for sure.

If I were Chris Roberts I'd use all that money to built a real spaceship and fly off into space. Eventually Star Citizen's budget will become bigger than that of NASA.

Remember, you're dealing with crowd funding here. The rewards for higher pledges are typically nowhere near cost effective. See: Practically every Kickstarter videogame project ever

Well, yeah, it's still a more supportive pledge, but that doesn't mean that ship doesn't cost that much money.


Is the MMO really gonna be as good as the trailers make it seem?

Being able to walk around and getting inside a ship, that's sitting on the hanger of another player piloted ship, seems pretty insane (impossible) to me in an MMO environment.

There will be even FPS shooting on those ships :)


Is it worth? What if the game actually never comes out?
Oh, you just want to make me go "what could POSSIBLY go wrong", don't you. =P

I say it is worth spending whatever you want for the game, if you can afford it. It's pretty much set in stone that we will get a game out of this kickstarter campaign, and although the pessimist in me is pretty convinced that it will never be able to match the insanely hyped up expectations I'm confident it will be at least passable.

You need to ask yourself the question: What are 40 bucks to you?
Can you throw them at this project and gamble on the results?
If so, I say go for it. If not, then spend them on something more important.

It really depends what these 40 (or more) bucks are to you, and what the name Chris Roberts means for you.

Me, personally, I melted down my Wii U funds and funneled them into this monstrosity. Not in one go, but gradually, over time. First was the 60$ 300i pack. Then came metal cards, ship skins, more ships, even more ships...

If this fails, then it fails. Nothing I can do about it. Sure, I will curse and whine and cry, but I went into this fully aware of what was going on. Now, if Braben botches Elite Dangerous, that will be a sad day for me and you'll probably never hear the end of it. Don't even know why.


The cheapest package that gets you the game, a ship (the Aurora) and alpha & beta access, including the hangar, is the Digital Mercenary ($40).

Alternatively, if you can get a veteran backer to buy and gift you a package, you should get the Digital Scout (35$). Same goodies, but you also get life-time insurance (LTI) for your ship. It's not really a big deal, basic insurance won't cost you much in the game, especially not for a basic ship like the Aurora, but if you want it ... Send a PM to Mindlog, he seems to be in the 'gifting' business. :p
Thank you very much. I will try to get the old Digital Scout package and if not possible I will spend the 40$ for the Digital Mercenary.


Is the MMO really gonna be as good as the trailers make it seem?

Being able to walk around and getting inside a ship, that's sitting on the hanger of another player piloted ship, seems pretty insane (impossible) to me in an MMO environment.

This isn't EVE. The game will be heavily instanced, you'll never see more than [number to be determined in testing, but let's say ~60 for now] ships in the same sector/instance at a given time. Chris Roberts certainly thinks it's doable, we'll see how it turns out.


Just look at Double Fine's Broken Age as an example, they were grossly over funded and still mismanaged the project to a degree.

They mismanaged nothing. they were funded over what should have been a little flash adventure game where the real reward was seeing people making a game.
Now they had way more than they anticipated and decided to make a full fledged game(to our benefit really !), they had to re scope what they had planned on the fly.

The project will go out as planned way bigger than we imagined. It is something to say we will make a adventure game , it is an entire different thing to respond to people expectation of this game.

PS: it is a creative endeavor after all, mismanagement is really hard to judge , there is very few metrics to say if they are on rail or not


Well, yeah, it's still a more supportive pledge, but that doesn't mean that ship doesn't cost that much money.

Sure it does. Buy the cheapest game pack ($30), earn in-game currency by playing the game, buy any ship you like - all without spending an extra cent of real money.


I have the same problem now,tried from low to very high graphics but that didn't work.

And that is why we read the patch notes on RSI or in the launcher -


BUG: A wall and ladder do not render in discount hangar

this may be helpful for new people that backed the project because of the hangar module


I am reading it too since I am new, but knowing and pledged because of the HM.
Also I tried to do that trick where you can see ships you don't own and ended up with no ship in my hangar...

Thank god for back ups


I dipped into some Star CItizen forums a few months ago, and the Saitek X52 pro seemed to be the most recommended model.
The newer models were actually not recommended since they switched to digital input, rather than analog. Correct me if I am wrong there, I am, by no means, an expert in this.


Pro Model

Regular Model

What's the difference between pro and regular?


Extra functionality of the multi-function display and the quality is higher.

This is what I have been able to gather from Amazon as well.

More buttons, higher quality spring tension, MFD, and higher build quality overall.

Aesthetically far and away more pleasing, but that is purely subjective on my part.


Between Oculus Rift and a joystick, it's going to cost some money to get the ultimate SC experience. Not to mention the requiring a good PC part.


I hope the MFD isn't too important to the controller's functionality, since I'll want to have my head stuffed into an Oculus Rift by the time the game comes out. :)


I hope the MFD isn't too important to the controller's functionality, since I'll want to have my head stuffed into an Oculus Rift by the time the game comes out. :)

I'm not planning on using it at all. A cool novelty, but I see little use for it in a game like Star Citizen.

All of the information you need will be presented in the HUD.


And that is why we read the patch notes on RSI or in the launcher -


BUG: A wall and ladder do not render in discount hangar

this may be helpful for new people that backed the project because of the hangar module


I am reading it too since I am new, but knowing and pledged because of the HM.

All right thanks,hopefully it will be patched soon,want to hang around my ship and make nice screenshots. Maby i will buy another ship now and upgrading with hangar maby that will work.
Check the previous page.

Sigh, I'm starting to feel like CIG should be paying me for explaining SC to people. You don't have to buy a ship, if you don't want to. You'll be able to purchase ships and everything else with in-game credits, money that you'll earn by exploring, doing missions, etc. You can get the game for as low as 30$, while 40$ gets you a package with the full game, the basic ship Aurora and access to alfa & beta, including the just released hangar module.

ahh ok..thats its nice
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