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Sunset Overdrive |OT| It's Always Sunny in the Apocalypse

Finally got around to trying this today. Pretty fun. Seems like Dead Rising with better art, graphics and actually fun
Really agree, Sunset Overdrive was what Dead Rising should have been all along; completely free of time limits and annoying escort missions, do what the hell you like and wacky humour!


Do you need to do the 'defend the vat' thing? I'm on the third one (I think?) and just can;t fucking do it. I've done all the story missions thus far with ease but fucking everything about defence missions. I basically haven't touched the game for a month because of it.


Do you need to do the 'defend the vat' thing? I'm on the third one (I think?) and just can;t fucking do it. I've done all the story missions thus far with ease but fucking everything about defence missions. I basically haven't touched the game for a month because of it.

Is that the boat or the one with 3 vats? Basically put a ton of traps around one vat and just defend that one. You can lose the others and still win.
Finally got all the main achievements, haven't missed a weekly yet either. In game clock says 74 hours and I'll gladly play more. Still need to get more online unlockables and the ProPain launcher. I had technical trouble with the
Eavesdropping achievement. Had a few conversations in the downtown area that wouldn't proceed like normal. The scab one, fizzco employee one, and catrinas ones all only went so far before freezing (the conversation, not the game) and had to reboot my xbox. Worked fine afterwards. At least the achievement didn't glitch, it was my last one and I would have been pretty upset.

When does the DLC hit? Midnight or sometime tomorrow? Is it like PSN where you have to wait for the store to update late in the day?


So, I went to the store page on my Xbone, no DLC to be seen, but it's alright, I expected it, since the Americas are still deep asleep and all that.

But then take a quick look at one of the "broadcasts" on the store page, and the guy/girl is already playing it.

why ;_;

Example : http://www.twitch.tv/tonkotu_boy


Edit : also, anyone else has this weird bug where this thread just never is on the front page even when someone just posted in it ?



yessss ! thanks for the heads up !

I don't think it's a bug. I think it's because this thread is in Community now, and the front page defaults to GAMING.

oooohh okay, so all OTs now at some point move to "community" ? It's after a certain time ? (because some OTs for like GTA online or smash bros are still here, I'm interested to know about the process, I suppose there's a post explaining all that).
Played through the DLC story missions, good stuff. Probably about 1 1/2 - 2 hours worth? That includes two optional quests I did. Rig is pretty damn big and crammed with things to jump on/off of. There are a number of challenges I need to do now as well (haven't touched them).

Game forced me to fast travel during one of the side missions to get back to mainland. Pretty sure you have to do that every time :( My only complaint. I'm assuming this is related more to limiting the player from getting to the rig before a specific point in the game vs. a technical issue.

More spoiler-y stuff:
There are two new amps tied to UFO collectibles (which there are 20 of).They are pretty easy to track down and you can buy a map. I had 15 of them before the final battle. The two new guns from the last Sunset TV are the only new weapons (though there is a new trap). Bryllcream with throw you around like a rocket during the DLC which is pretty fun though. Its well implemented into the final battle (which features a pretty huge boss) too.

My job tried to call me in early this morning and then I played this DLC so I'm pretty tired now. Enjoy the new area everyone!
It's a decent piece of DLC but well too short, I chuckled at the Transformers reference. The season pass has been a bit disappointing so far in my opinion, I expected a bit more considering the price they were asking.

Still, Sunset is my favourite game of the year without a doubt.
That's disappointingly short :(
A bit, the game itself is pretty short if you race through the main missions only though. I've spent a ton more time than that with it though and I have no doubt I'll spend a lot of time with the DLC area too.

It also adds online content to play which I think will be pretty neat, if chaotic, on the rig.
I ran into a weird glitch in the DLC, during the egg cluster mission some of the eggs just won't pop. They're usually the last one or three. They were the first eggs I tried and they didn't work. Decided no biggie, went after the others and got 7/10 of them done only to not be able to do anything with the eggs that wouldn't pop in the beginning. Shot the shit out of them to no avail.

Decided to stop since i have other shit to do. Hope it's just a random, rare to get glitch and not recurring.
Got the new achievements, still got the challenges and collectible to do. Plus I need to buy a new weapon.

I have 165k and the choices are:

Fizzbot rifle (40k)
Charge beam (100k)
Rivet blaster (100k)

I spent a ton of overcharge on collectible maps in the main game and unfortunately it meant I couldn't buy all the weapons :(


Got the new achievements, still got the challenges and collectible to do. Plus I need to buy a new weapon.

I have 165k and the choices are:

Fizzbot rifle (40k)
Charge beam (100k)
Rivet blaster (100k)

I spent a ton of overcharge on collectible maps in the main game and unfortunately it meant I couldn't buy all the weapons :(

You could've just used a wiki for the collectible maps, haha.

Charge beam
You could've just used a wiki for the collectible maps, haha.

Charge beam

Thing is, I had a ton of overcharge.. well over 100k iirc and just thought I wouldn't use it all and it'll be easy to get it. Turns out that once you've done all the quests, challenges etc the only way to get it was Chaos Squad :p

I bought them quite early in as well and had so many collectibles to find that if I had just searched around I would have probably not needed many to finish it off either :(

Oh well. Perhaps i'll do a bit more Chaos Squad and finish off the challenges to see what I can afford


Is there any way to shut off the deal that records a game clip every single time you finish a challenge? Why would you guys patch that in Insomniac, :( wasn't in the main game. Annoying as hell.

DLC is fun so far. Love the lighting change and you forget how wonderful it is to get around. The new water moves are fantastic.


Any weapon/amp suggestions for Chaos Squad? Played it for the 1st time a few days ago and it's surprisingly fun, adds replay value to the game I didn't think it'll have after completing the main story.

Going to pick up the Season Pass pretty soon, 2 hours of gameplay is kind of small but if there's more sidequests and collectibles, I can stretch it out.


The DLC is a bit underwhelming because of its short length but its fun enough and adds to the game nicely.

There is a bug with one of the new weapons:

Level 6 and 100,000 ammo, that takes over two and a half hours to fully empty it's tank!
I love the new DLC area it's a lot of fun to traverse... I just wish there was more of a reason to stick around... Done all the missions, collected all the UFOs and did all the challenges in about 2-3 hours. Haven't done any chaos squad yet there so I still have that to look forward again.

As a massive fan of this game, I've been clamouring for more So that was money well spent but yeah I just wish it was longer.

I wish they would give us more incentive to return to the works outside of challenges like a new set of collectibles with achievements every month or something.


my T arrived in time for Christmas !!!

The DLC is a bit underwhelming because of its short length but its fun enough and adds to the game nicely.

There is a bug with one of the new weapons:

Level 6 and 100,000 ammo, that takes over two and a half hours to fully empty it's tank!
Yeah I just noticed that despite getting this weapon to level 5 it still shows an empty XP bar. Level 6 here I come.

I got to pay some Chaos Squad in Mooil Rig before the XBL shutdown this AM. Seems like there are less tasks before the night defense mission, which I actually like. The new tasks are pretty good. I like the racing one. I'd like to try the battery delivery one with a combo of one player carrying the battery and one with the health trail amp. Even the glider one is simple but pretty fun.

The night defense mission itself is the best part though. Really like the vat placement and environment design.

Already won the wizard hat the community voted for :)
Is it worth it for the DLC just as a great place to traverse? Are there traversal challenges?
There are challenges like in the main game, haven't looked to see if they are "traversal" challenges in particular but I'm sure theres probably a few. I know I did a bomb-drop one earlier. The environment itself is impressive. Its plenty large and more densely packed with geometry you can climb/vault/bounce/grind on than the main game if you can believe it (the main game is already so tightly packed with traversal goodness).

If you like chaos squad, the new challenges/night defense on the rig is probably my favorite in the game.

If you are like me and have managed to continue sinking time into the game after finishing the main missions and side content, I think its worth it.


Does collecting all of the UFOs unlock anything? I have them all and it doesn't seem to have done anything..


Finished it last night...Game was great. Totally struck the same chord with me that Crackdown did. I was never big into Insomniac's previous series', but if this is their first step into open-world games, consider me a huge fan.


Finished it last night...Game was great. Totally struck the same chord with me that Crackdown did. I was never big into Insomniac's previous series', but if this is their first step into open-world games, consider me a huge fan.

Same, that
fakeout ending
had me pissed off for a second.


Best place to grind out/max weapons and overdrives (badges)? Also, I'd like to get those Chaos Squad achievements but I never seem to have luck with randoms. Anyone here still need them and are willing to group up some night to get a few? GT is UnexpectedEnemy.
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