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Tencent about to acquire Take Two Interactive (Rockstar and 2K)

Foreign investors are already allowed to outprice locals, buying everything up in housing markets, so this will probably be allowed as well.


Hope to see this in next NBA 2k22



You forgot their poster child, you know, a HS well educated on life Lebron Jamess. I remember him driving, he was from the poor streets you know, a brand new Land Rover his Sr year in high school, but you know, privilege.
Imagine a GTA6 that cannot crack bat soup jokes and has banned on chat all sentences that include Taiwan and Winnie Pooh.
Who the fuck wants to play that?

Also, this would be a hostile takeover, it doesn’t sound like the creative team wants to go with it.
If creative isn’t onboard can’t they simply start a new studio and bring the talent with them? I know that costs lots of capital, but if the talent behind GTA leaves and starts a new studio I’m sure they would have Publishers willing to foot the bill quickly.


I didn’t know about Kraft and Cadbury but considering the timeline no wonder the chocolate in America started tasting like shit! I haven’t bought it in 9 years because it started to just taste like Hershey bars which I avoided like the plague.
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Don't regulators need to approve this (hostile) take over since it's a chinese company?

Depending on how much money the regulating bodies get paid, they'll happily look the other way. The world today is run by people who know they'll be dead by the time their decisions catch up with them. With the amount of fake money China throws at everything from infrastructure projects to making viruses, buying off politicians and regulators has an incredibly high return-on-investment.


Depending on how much money the regulating bodies get paid, they'll happily look the other way. The world today is run by people who know they'll be dead by the time their decisions catch up with them. With the amount of fake money China throws at everything from infrastructure projects to making viruses, buying off politicians and regulators has an incredibly high return-on-investment.

Dont worry, responsible Chinese regulators are claming down on tencent and alibaba dominance in China.
You know the recent Jack Ma fiasco. It was the western media that sensationalised things as if CCP was trying to bully Jack over some petty comments.
Nope, it was more towards responsible business practices to protect common citizens 🤷‍♀️


Rockstar is certainly happy about this, they are tired of doing single player campaigns anyway. If they can get easier access to Chinese market and rake in all those microtransactions profit, that’s a wet dream come true for the whole studio. Certainly a lot less stressful then completing a big single player campaign with huge risks of backlash.
Holy shit, if this were to happen the reactions on the forum would be be historic. I doubt this rumour but Justin Bieber has taught me to never to never.

If somehow this leads to some sort of next gen GTA in Asia then maybe it’s not that bad. Lol


This only matters if it results in a mass talent exodus. In that regard, it depends on how T2 is structured. Is upper management well-liked? They'll be the ones churned. If 10C steps in and only purges the managers, while allowing creative and the devs to maintain their level of independence/autonomy, then it's not a big deal. It basically gives the teams access to more resources. If talent leaves, however, then that's problematic.

In the end, the source is dubious at best. Needs more teeth.


Dont worry, responsible Chinese regulators are claming down on tencent and alibaba dominance in China.
You know the recent Jack Ma fiasco. It was the western media that sensationalised things as if CCP was trying to bully Jack over some petty comments.
Nope, it was more towards responsible business practices to protect common citizens 🤷‍♀️

You do know Chinese businessmen get taken on a long, long vacation until they are reeducated if they say anything against the CCP, right? There's nothing sensationalist about kidnapping.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
GTA6 still feels years and years away so it coming out as some heavily censored, micro transaction laden, multiplayer only game is what it is at this point.

I’m shitting my pants about the Civilization franchise more than anything.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Wouldn't shock me. RDR2 felt like Rockstar's magnum opus in terms of interactive storytelling and Dan Houser is gone now. He probably saw the writing on the wall with GTA Online: the mass market wants MTX riddled GAAS. The heart and soul of the company is gone, GTA 6 is going to be like Kill Bill 3 without Tarantino involved. I'll play it day one, but I'm setting myself up for the reality that the special Rockstar touch will be missing.
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