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Tencent about to acquire Take Two Interactive (Rockstar and 2K)

drake lets go GIF


GTA China. Everything is fine and happy and the government is wonderful. You start as a highly trained engineer earning below minimum wage because you love your country and government. You dont steal any cars. Just carry on working and dont disturb the peace. You can walk around the city aslong as you do it with a look of quiet optimism and only between assigned hours. The game ends if you break the rules because they delete you from all records.


So I'm curios. Tencent owns a lot of devs and has bought a lot of western studios (or owns a majority stake in them). Which of these studios have had a more terrible fate than any of the studios bought by EA/Warner or Activision.

I get it, its a Chinese company with all the baggage that's associated with that, but I don't feel any different compared to one of those American publishers buying them, just in terms of what's going to happen to those franchises.

agencylife advertisement GIF by MX Player

A lot of the negativity is based on fear-mongering. The China fear-mongering should fall under the conspiracy umbrella, as most of the people promoting those conspiracies own and buy shit made in China. Like, if you're that worried about China, stop buying their shit. Seeing as that means you'd either buy a lot less shit, or pay a hell of a lot more for it, no one wants to make the effort. It's easier to parrot some political talking points on a gaming forum of all places.

If you don't like companies like Tencent having the power to potentially make a move like this, you need to start at the ground floor, which is that you and everyone else in your country relies on products made in China to survive. You can't even look at the "made in" label anymore, as Chinese companies own a shitton of factories all over Asia, if not in Western countries. Where something is made holds no meaning. It's really about where the money goes back to, after it's been essentially laundered through shell companies. Now, if that level of research is too much work for the frightened posters in here, then I think the bleating is pretty pointless, and just the conspiracy gamer equivalent of "virtue signaling".

I think the most important factor for the end user to consider with any merger or acquisition is how the transaction will affect the consumed product. Will T2 be able to retain the same level of creative freedom that it currently has? That's all that matters to me. If you like the games they make now, you won't want that to change. At least, not for the worst. I don't know why anyone is moaning about the "CCP" and whatever other nonsense. Wechat is still a great messaging app. 10C still has some solid games in their portfolio. The country where they were founded and are headquartered really doesn't mean anything in the long run, because all I consume are the products they make. Nationality never factors into the equation of enjoyment.
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Linux User
I like my liberal democracy. But China is investing everywhere and their economy keeps growing.
China isn't strong its the West that has become weak. No amount of hostility, racism or counter propaganda changes the facts on the ground: the Chinese are building railway lines in Africa faster than Cecil Rhodes ever did.


chinese government isn't to be trusted, tencent's practices w / valorant are shady

they are the video game corpo king of cheating and copying, not to mention seed money from the ministry of state security

also a bunch of whiny brats who seize and censor voices they don't like
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I highly doubt that.

I get it, its a Chinese company with all the baggage that's associated with that, but I don't feel any different compared to one of those American publishers buying them, just in terms of what's going to happen to those franchises.
Well, I recall somebody provided the example what happened to LoL after Tencent's acquisition (or whatever happened). And it wasn't pretty regarding the game. Hell, they even removed Christmas events.
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For real. I'm sure they can teach Uighurs how to code at forced labor camps. No big deal.
No big deal as in they are just making an investment in the gaming industry like any other companies from the west.

Whether that happens or not, it will have very little impact on the Uighur oppression by the Chinese Gov.
No big deal as in they are just making an investment in the gaming industry like any other companies from the west.

Whether that happens or not, it will have very little impact on the Uighur oppression by the Chinese Gov.

But we already have mountains of evidence that state connected Chinese corps do not conduct themselves like western companies in terms of the influence they exert on markets or the contents of products of which they approve. They are most def not just like any other Western company in the big picture.

As someone who worked amongst Wall Street sharks in a former life, I'm not here to white hat anyone. There are very few good guys in the upper echelons of any market, but there are most definitely shades of gray and all evils are not created equal.
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Gold Member
Worried laughter if true. Its unsettling with how many areas of the industry Tencent has managed to sneak its tentacles into already.
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Mobile games?

Ehhh....is that why we hate them?

I dont understand the hate....granted im not super deep into what Tencent does, but dont they own a bunch of Epic....not controlling share, but is that why people also hate Epic?


If they can buy Take 2, just buy Sony at this point
How would they? Sony has more cash than Tencent...

Sony is also protected as a core Japanese company from Chinese acquisitions especially.



Ehhh....is that why we hate them?

I dont understand the hate....granted im not super deep into what Tencent does, but dont they own a bunch of Epic....not controlling share, but is that why people also hate Epic?
Tencent actually give a lot of freedom to the western Dev compared to other Company .

In china though they like the mini-China :messenger_tears_of_joy: . Everyone hate them ,but still playing game that was made from them . How you compete with something have 100% market share .

They start out the business by copying games , and still copying game . If your company have the new hot shit (like pubg ) they will try to buy you out first . If you refuse then Tencent will try to poaching your key staff , then probably made the same game in 3-6 months , with better everything because they have the money , and 100% market share marketing tools .
This is 4-5 years ago . Dont know if it change .


And why does any of that make a take two buyout bad?
China is, for lack of a better word, a fascist state because it has many key characteristics, specifically an authoritarian gov't mixed with a state-controlled economy where the means of production are both privately and publicly owned. Hence the term, national socialism, which differs from the revolutionary fundamentals of the Chinese Communist Party, international socialism. I also consider this a form of parasitic capitalism. The CCP can and will control many elements of their pseudo-private sector to bring about the influence they seek. Specifically, they will coerce Western companies by forcing them into joint ventures with Chinese stakeholders (CCP), where the latter infiltrates and begins a transfer of technology, either to the state or one of their propped-up start-ups seeking to compete with Western counterparts. For example, General Motors in China isn't 100% owned by GM; it's a joint-venture called SAIC-GM. This is how they've been able to industrialize at such a rapid pace. They extract and exploit what they can from Western companies, and then use it in their newfound products and services to project soft power by means of influence and data collection. A perfect example of this might be Tik-Tok, where data collection has become ground zero for the new information war. It can also be in the form of funding a Hollywood flick, only to force the studio to censor certain elements for Chinese audiences. This is what I mean by 'parasitic'. It's a transfer of wealth, technology and influence.

So where does Tencent come in? As linked earlier, like clock-work: Censorship, data collection, state-controlled influence, intellectual property. The more we allow the CCP to infiltrate our markets, the more power and influence they gain. A buyout of Take-Two is just another avenue for them to exploit you, your data, your culture, your values, and quite frankly, the dollars in your pocket.
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