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Tencent about to acquire Take Two Interactive (Rockstar and 2K)


A CCP ran communist regime at that. Crazy right? Especially the little story of them growing up in communist Poland.
I was born in a country with a leftist/communist past, and I could tell the same sob story.

Nowadays, Chinese companies can even buy out electricity and water companies at will. Sold to them by the government itself.

I guess the greedy and short-sighted anywhere love money more than they hate communism.
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I don't really care what company buys what other company. GTA online is already a microtransactions hellscape. I'd rather they stay independent, but it looks like the days of independent AAA games companies are limited...

So, they're hypocrites. They'd glady take money from Tencent.
That's capitalism for ya. Politics always boils down to money.
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Hope to see this in next NBA 2k22


Now I get why EviLore EviLore wants to keep the politics section open...wouldn’t want to see trash like this in the gaming threads all the time...
You forgot their poster child, you know, a HS well educated on life Lebron Jamess. I remember him driving, he was from the poor streets you know, a brand new Land Rover his Sr year in high school, but you know, privilege.
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On the upside, this might mean there is a less likelihood of exclusives now. That said, MS and Sony should be very worried what might play out in the future if Tencent tries to enter the console game in the West. Most folks will not give one shit about a "China console" if it is the only place they can play GTA and or NBA 2K.


So I'm curios. Tencent owns a lot of devs and has bought a lot of western studios (or owns a majority stake in them). Which of these studios have had a more terrible fate than any of the studios bought by EA/Warner or Activision.

I get it, its a Chinese company with all the baggage that's associated with that, but I don't feel any different compared to one of those American publishers buying them, just in terms of what's going to happen to those franchises.


So I'm curios. Tencent owns a lot of devs and has bought a lot of western studios (or owns a majority stake in them). Which of these studios have had a more terrible fate than any of the studios bought by EA/Warner or Activision.

I get it, its a Chinese company with all the baggage that's associated with that, but I don't feel any different compared to one of those American publishers buying them, just in terms of what's going to happen to those franchises.
Facts GIF by Judge Jerry
You guys complain about censorship now. Just imagine Grand Theft Auto 6 and Red Dead Redemption 3 under the censorship of communist China.


makes sense they are in partnership for years now with the 2k league esports and broadcasting rights in china. i know they basically have all the sports networks and a deal with espn in china, huge push for nba in china and the last 3 my career modes in nba2k sent the player to china league at some point. they already got league of legends/pubg of course they want gtav. they also get borderlands which is the perfect ip to challenge destiny.
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Czech Republic and it was meant to be communist, back then it was USSR.
None of the Soviet occupied countries, including Soviet Union were communist countries. Such thing doesn't exist. There is no concept of states/countries in Communism. :)
Anyway. It wasn't great for Warsaw pact countries. Soviets sent their army to Hungary in 1956 and to Czechoslovakia in 1968 to stop the democratic reforms/uprisings. As as result many people were killed, tortured and imprisoned. Its estimated that 300 000 people left Czechoslovakia as a result of Soviet invasion in 1968.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Socialist. None of Soviet occupied countries, including Soviet Union was a communist country. Such thing doesn't exist. There is no concept of states/countries in utopian Communism. :)
Anyway. It wasn't great for Warsaw pact countries. Soviets sent their army to Hungary in 1956 and to Czechoslovakia in 1968 to stop the democratic reforms/uprisings. As as result many people were killed, tortured and imprisoned. Its estimated that 300 000 people left Czechoslovakia as a result of Soviet invasion in 1968.
Well since our ruling party was KSČ - Komunistická Strana Českolovenské, I would use the term "communism". I think it's pretty huge difference between the the teachings of Marx and totalitarian regime, losely based onto those teachings. So not sure it's pretty late for me to have some nuanced take on this honestly...


I worked at a retirement home where there was a resident from czechoslovakia. He was captured by the red army. They pulled out his teeth and broke the bones in one hand. He somehow walked across the iron curtain then made his way to the U.S.


Wouldn't probably force Rockstar to release lower quality content at a more frequent basis. Hope this isn't true.
May as well get used to it - China's going to own things far more important than video game devs when all is said and done.

Latest rumour I heard is that you will play as a Chinese rapper called 10-cent in GTA7. The game revolves around the dichotomy between the lust for money and decaying socialist and family values. 50-cent will provide the soundtrack for the game.

Nope, Brother Hao will provide the soundtrack:



On the upside, this might mean there is a less likelihood of exclusives now. That said, MS and Sony should be very worried what might play out in the future if Tencent tries to enter the console game in the West. Most folks will not give one shit about a "China console" if it is the only place they can play GTA and or NBA 2K.
I think the more damaging bit would be a "Tencent console" would have Unreal Engine exclusive.

But Tencent already has EGS, they don't need a console. They're more interested in breaking down the walls around the walled garden so they can set up their own store.
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Gold Member
Read their wiki page. Very interesting.

They started only in 1998 as a Chinese messaging service, then expanded to games and e-commerce stuff. Their strategy seems to invest in companies by lets say buying 20% into the company as opposed to buying them outright.

So if they do a R* initiative, they might make a move publicly buying 20% stake or something.

Whatever they invest in seems to generate a fuck ton of money because every time they do these investments it's $100s of million or even billions at a time.

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How long before these giants release a super cheap Kim Station Box?

would you buy one if it were free online, half the price and double the performance of PS5?
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so if its true, and MS swoops in and buys them I hope no one complains.

Why would they not complain?

At least under tencent it wouldnt make Take Two games exclusive.

I would rather Tencent didnt buy them but I would much rather MS didnt either, one is not better than the other.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
This is capitalisms folks. I hate it more than anyone but this is what happens when you have a system that is based around profits and encourages mergers and acquisitions. Every company out there is going out and buying smaller companies. we were literally just celebrating Sony buying insomniac, MS buying bethesda and obsidian, and now we will have to suck it up and watch our favorite studio go to a shitty chinese company.

We better get used to it too because china has a lot of billionares, and a lot of big companies and they are going to enter the world market like MS, Apple, Facebook and Google did. They have the money, and they are going to buy out everything because they can and the current market system allows it.

I fully expect similar takeovers of Sony and Nintendo sometime in the future as more and more companies come out of china. And we are the ones to blame because we wanted $399 consoles, cheap phones and toys made in china instead of paying what they are really worth.


I fully expect similar takeovers of Sony and Nintendo sometime in the future as more and more companies come out of china. And we are the ones to blame because we wanted $399 consoles, cheap phones and toys made in china instead of paying what they are really worth.

Its was the price to pay for an enormous technical revolution through the economies of scale. That's the reason you have a mobile phone/console with a computing power of what was considered super computer a decade ago. US and EU should have acted 10 years ago by moving their production back. But capitalism doesn't care. Profits before everything. No one (in the west) gave a crap about workers conditions, rights and environmental impact this had on countries like China and India. So. Karma's a bitch. Now you have the situation where Chinese not only benefited from the industrialization but also "cleverly" used the IP of foreign companies to make their own. You'd think why does US have to be the 1st in the world? Well. It don't. The issue here is that one is democracy and other is totalitarian regime. If you think US was bad. Watch now what China does when they start flexing their muscles. They are not going to play by any international norms and rules.
True or not, if you look at the Rockstar's entire lifespan up to the present, anybody important throughout their history has left that company within the past decade. GTA and RDR are boring ass online games now that rely on people spending actual money at in-game casinos or damn horse stables. Fuck em. Let a shitty company buy another shitty company.


Gold Member
Its was the price to pay for an enormous technical revolution through the economies of scale. That's the reason you have a mobile phone/console with a computing power of what was considered super computer a decade ago. US and EU should have acted 10 years ago by moving their production back. But capitalism doesn't care. Profits before everything. No one (in the west) gave a crap about workers conditions, rights and environmental impact this had on countries like China and India. So. Karma's a bitch. Now you have the situation where Chinese not only benefited from the industrialization but also "cleverly" used the IP of foreign companies to make their own. You'd think why does US have to be the 1st in the world? Well. It don't. The issue here is that one is democracy and other is totalitarian regime. If you think US was bad. Watch now what China does when they start flexing their muscles. They are not going to play by any international norms and rules.
Totally true.

But I wouldn't say it's solely corporate profits. Most people are self centred and care about buying the most shit they can for the lowest price. So they go toe and toe. If people cared about supporting locals, they look at the label and be willing to buy things at higher prices. But most people don't. Companies just follow the trend what people want..... which is lots of shit cheap.

Only loyal locals will scope out buying things made domestically.

I know I don't look at the label to see or care if it's made in Canada. If someone wants to call me disloyal and unpatriotic, go ahead. I just want to buy good stuff at a good price. And whatever that is on the shelf (made locally or foreign) I don't care. You got my dollar for giving me something decent at a reasonable price.

But in the long term, it hurts production workers the most. But even for all the tech jobs, everyone knows about IT being shifted to India or wherever. Hey, a lot of our tech stuff is done by Indian companies. I know because I've dealt with them and met some of them in person. And from my experience, they seem to do a decent job at probably a low price, so I'm sure the company is happy.
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Why would they not complain?

At least under tencent it wouldnt make Take Two games exclusive.

I would rather Tencent didnt buy them but I would much rather MS didnt either, one is not better than the other.

Correct man, Tencent will act like any profit seeking corporation. Them buying TT is no different if Ubi or Sony or CDPR buying.
No need for politico fear mongering.
Lmao it would be hilarious if this whole thing is happening because China expects them to be trolled over in GTA6, and so they bought the whole company to make sure that never happens.

Billion dollar companies can definitely be that petty.
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