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TERA: FoA |OT| F2P Now on Steam! Parade coming after HL3


So I got my friend to give Tera a try. In the first 2 hours of playing he gets a "Care and Use of Your Pet Felicity" Manual.....Now hes deciding if he should sell or keep it (I'm not sure he has enough for the listing fee...)

I can list it for him if you want. But that pet has auto gather.

Finally got around to start the download. Now it's time to wait. Hopefully I will get to join the GAF Guild :3

Sure, just apply in game
I can list it for him if you want. But that pet has auto gather.

Sure, just apply in game

Surprisingly it let him list it for 48k, auto gather seems pretty awesome but he wants the $

What role is most in demand? I 100% don't care what I play, but I like having quick queues and being in demand.

From the short time I played, it seems healers are in high demand.

Also, it seems like you can only make 2 characters per server, if you find a box copy now will it still make you a founder? will it give you more slots?


What role is most in demand? I 100% don't care what I play, but I like having quick queues and being in demand.

Assuming its like every other mmo with a trinity system - Tank > Healer > DPS

Also, it seems like you can only make 2 characters per server, if you find a box copy now will it still make you a founder? will it give you more slots?

As far as Im aware it will, I picked up a collectors edition back in June I want to say, and got founder status, well worth it


Surprisingly it let him list it for 48k, auto gather seems pretty awesome but he wants the $

From the short time I played, it seems healers are in high demand.

Also, it seems like you can only make 2 characters per server, if you find a box copy now will it still make you a founder? will it give you more slots?

Elite doesn't have to pay fees to list.

so whats the fastest mount atm? I remember there was guild mounts before... or was that some other mmo?

The Vanarch mount was 290. That's gone. You can get the Alliance mount if you get a high ranking.

What role is most in demand? I 100% don't care what I play, but I like having quick queues and being in demand.

Tank. Holy shit. And Healer.


does running in admin help or no?

Doesnt make a difference unfortuantely, its somewhat surprising how terrible the launcher and support for the game is considering with F2P you want to try and eliminate barriers to entry. Re-downloaded a supposedly working version via Torrent, but its failing on random files during patching as well, which of course makes the launcher re-download the ~2GB patch. At this point I want to get the game to launch not to play but simply so it hasnt beaten me ;)

Edit: Victory, of a sort, finally got it working

Edit: Ha, should have known better, Spoke too soon, now it crashes on launch, fuck it


Nice partying with ya today, sorry we couldn't seem to get any cloth to drop :/

Man seeing how other classes play, makes me want to make a bunch of alts, they all seem fun

What server are u guys on? I will jump in tomorrow since im still downloading the full game :(

Im thinking about warrior dps. Are they viable in game?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I wish the Elins weren't a thing.
I can't really play this game with them being in it.



Well I logged on... and the first mission on the expansion was to pick flowers! To think I was expecting something more, I should have known better with this game. XD


So this is the first major content patch for this game?

Or have they been doing new dungeons and stuff pretty frequently over the years?


God no. Combat in TERA is superior.
Having spent maybe 30 to 40 hours with both games, trying out two classes in each title (which means I was nowhere near the level cap), I really can't agree. Though admittedly, BnS starts rather simplistic and gets deeper over time, whereas TERA starts deeper but hardly evolves as far as I've noticed.


well since i dont want to pay for a transfer for any of my level 60s from the previous GAF server, I guess I'll be rerolling on the new one

on a scale of 10-10, how beautiful am i GAF



relies on auto-aim
Having spent maybe 30 to 40 hours with both games, trying out two classes in each title (which means I was nowhere near the level cap), I really can't agree. Though admittedly, BnS starts rather simplistic and gets deeper over time, whereas TERA starts deeper but hardly evolves as far as I've noticed.
How does the combat in BnS change when sword and monk have auto win counters for free energy and it doesn't really care about your position?


I wonder will the announced english version of Blade & Soul ever materialise. Finally got TERA working, on Veritas in the EU, though I think I might re-roll on Freya as I've no idea what I was doing and cant recall anything about the storyline


I only got 1 character on a eu server around level 35 I think. Is it really worth switching to the us servers? Is it that much more active that the switch is worth for queue times alone?


Well, I've got the installation going, at an estimated nearly 6 hours remaining. Popori remind me of Riki from Xenoblade Chronicles, and this is the only game I've seen other than Monster Hunter that gives me the option to fight with a lance and shield, so looks like it'll be Lancer for me (also I wouldn't mind not dying in 3 hits).


I think more people would be interested if the thread name had F2P MMO.

I PMed a mod to change it but no luck ;-;


I only got 1 character on a eu server around level 35 I think. Is it really worth switching to the us servers? Is it that much more active that the switch is worth for queue times alone?

It depends to a certain extent on your ping, this is not a game that is fun with latency, which could be an issue if youre playing on the US servers. Regarding En Masse vs Gameforge, each has their pros and cons. There are more EU servers which does dilute the population a bit, though either the High pop PvE or PvP EU server should be fine
This new expansion thing is confusing... :/

So.. at the moment... Archetype should be the best... but after a patch there are other ones that will be better? What is Oculus 2?

Well, I appreciate you trying to help me learn the new things.
I spent all last night trying to earn money and I finally got a tier 5 weapon. It's called Intense Devastator or something. I got it on the trade broker for 26,000 gold.

It's at +8. There were some other ones that had slightly better base stats, and someone was selling one that was masterworked. But they were a lot more expensive. I... I assume that you can get these new weapons and equipment and things like that to +12, right? I mean... you can masterwork them, so I'm sure you can.

Well, I'm happy to have a tier 5 axe.

Oh, it's called the Warmaul. "Intense Devastator Axe".


Is that a good weapon?


So I thought I would be agonizing over character creation, but I really had no choice at all, because there ended up being options to make a stout bulldog thing with scars who is constantly smoking an ornate metal pipe.

Your move, every other character creator.
How is the Reaper?

Haven't touch this game for a year and now I'm considering coming back because of this class (before I was playing Lancer).
How is the Reaper?

Haven't touch this game for a year and now I'm considering coming back because of this class (before I was playing Lancer).

They seem to be full with players who have no idea how to play the class at all. Just free-riders who are gleeing over getting free characters at level 40.

Is there a quick way to regen health?

Accidentally died, but idle hp regen takes fucking forever.


Stamina is more of a pain to regen, for me, tbh. I love soloing everything when Im on my warrior too <3 So i keep a stash of those combat panacea with me~ Bandages + combat panacea = hours of solo fun tiem
trying to decide between getting elite and a box copy, I already maxed out my bank stash...

I'm a Founder so my bank stash isn't even a thing to me.

I want Elite mainly for the permanent 100% XP boost, after enjoying that before the expansion came out it hurts really bad now while leveling.

For an older MMO this game still looks very pretty and it actually pretty surprisingly well in 4K resolution on my aging gaming box with a GTX 970.
Logged in for the first time since a month after launch.

I am SO fucking lost.

None of the abilities and items mean anything to me anymore, nor do any of the quests, don't know where any npcs are, what my combos for my class were.
I have 6500 gold left is that a lot or peanuts?

I have zero clue what to do or where to even start again :p
Logged in for the first time since a month after launch.

I am SO fucking lost.

None of the abilities and items mean anything to me anymore, nor do any of the quests, don't know where any npcs are, what my combos for my class were.
I have 6500 gold left is that a lot or peanuts?

I have zero clue what to do or where to even start again :p

peanuts :D

what level are youuuuu? what classss?


Logged in for the first time since a month after launch.

I am SO fucking lost.

None of the abilities and items mean anything to me anymore, nor do any of the quests, don't know where any npcs are, what my combos for my class were.
I have 6500 gold left is that a lot or peanuts?

I have zero clue what to do or where to even start again :p

6500 gold isnt that much sice ppl are selling stuff for like ~50k a piece, from weapon, scrolls and such. Maybe I'm still new to this game, so dont quote me on it :3
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