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TERA: FoA |OT| F2P Now on Steam! Parade coming after HL3


Saint Nic
Installing Windows on my SSD soon! Followed by the ultimate waiting period to get TERA updated! :3

Is there a faster mount than the Collector's Edition mount? Mine seems to be the same speed as the Regal Lion or whatever (according to the numbers). However, I'd buy a faster mount if available...


Saint Nic
surprised tanks are rare in this.

Lancer been more fun than all the other classes.

While I LOVE playing Lancer, I can see why it's a less popular class. Also, tanking in TERA is very different from other MMOs and I found that most people have no idea how to do it properly.

I remember when I was playing regularly, I would have the randoms I played with PM me after the dungeon complimenting me for not sucking as a tank. Not a brag post. It was tough - every class seems to be able to REALLY pull aggro, so knowing how to keep aggro up through less conventional skills is also huge. Also positioning can be a nightmare...As can dealing with groups who have NO idea what it means to dial back or to let the tank build aggro before a fight starts. And you feel responsible when the boss aggros someone else and walks RIGHT outside your chain range. -_-

People also find it more fun to see big numbers fast. So it makes sense that they play every other class but Lancer, haha. I pride myself on being able to hold aggro and deal with bullshit. It's a super fun class that relies much more heavily on understanding the mechanics than it does on how fast you can deal damage. It helps that I play Lance in MonHun, so I enjoy the slower paced fighting style.


While I LOVE playing Lancer, I can see why it's a less popular class. Also, tanking in TERA is very different from other MMOs and I found that most people have no idea how to do it properly.

I remember when I was playing regularly, I would have the randoms I played with PM me after the dungeon complimenting me for not sucking as a tank. Not a brag post. It was tough - every class seems to be able to REALLY pull aggro, so knowing how to keep aggro up through less conventional skills is also huge. Also positioning can be a nightmare...As can dealing with groups who have NO idea what it means to dial back or to let the tank build aggro before a fight starts. And you feel responsible when the boss aggros someone else and walks RIGHT outside your chain range. -_-

People also find it more fun to see big numbers fast. So it makes sense that they play every other class but Lancer, haha. I pride myself on being able to hold aggro and deal with bullshit. It's a super fun class that relies much more heavily on understanding the mechanics than it does on how fast you can deal damage. It helps that I play Lance in MonHun, so I enjoy the slower paced fighting style.

lol haven't even done grouping stuff yet. lancer is just fun to solo, unlike tanks in most mmos.


Saint Nic
lol haven't even done grouping stuff yet. lancer is just fun to solo, unlike tanks in most mmos.

Oh man, the first time you tank Bastion of Lok...It's a rush, haha. Cultists' Refuge is the first dungeon I feel like a tank is actually necessary, though. Good times to be had if you stick with Lancer. :)
The issue with tanker is that you have to get your own group for high level dungeon though. Back when I was active, it was almost impossible to for a Lancer to join other groups to do Manaya's Core hard mode.


Updated and logged on, applied to the guild with Asta :)

Have had to log off again but I'll be back later.

They fixed the draw distance bug. Hooray.
Why's that??

- maximum one lancer for a party
- extremely difficult to find random party unless you want to wait in the queue for 2 hours (back when I was playing, but I guess it should be better now)
- lancer has to be someone that the group can rely on since one tanking mistake can get the whole team wiped, so generally people would prefer to play with their group's lancer. Most of the groups I knew would rather wait for their lancers logon than taking in other random lancer (not the cases for healer or dps though)


Levelling in this game is strange. I want to do every non-repeatable quest, but now I'm overlevelled for the area the story quest is telling me to go to.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
So I was doing the second dungeon in the game and a pair of superior boots for my class dropped, and another player (a zerker at that) was able to roll on it? What the fuck is this shit!?! :O
Levelling in this game is strange. I want to do every non-repeatable quest, but now I'm overlevelled for the area the story quest is telling me to go to.

You get the gloves? Also its because of elite (double xp kinda breaks the level curve a bit). Also when you hit 20, dont forget to do the instance. It pretty easy (queue takes a bit as a dps but at least it spits you back out where you last were), chance of blue gear and relics for the 2nd tier relic weapon


Levelling in this game is strange. I want to do every non-repeatable quest, but now I'm overlevelled for the area the story quest is telling me to go to.

I thought the same thing at around level 20, but then I moved to the next area and a BAM kicked my but, so I was okay with it =P

So I was doing the second dungeon in the game and a pair of superior boots for my class dropped, and another player (a zerker at that) was able to roll on it? What the fuck is this shit!?! :O

There's a setting the party leader can change that make picking drops class specific IIRC


So I was doing the second dungeon in the game and a pair of superior boots for my class dropped, and another player (a zerker at that) was able to roll on it? What the fuck is this shit!?! :O

Plate is used by Lancers and Berserkers.

Leather is used by Warriors, Archers, Slayers and Reapers

Cloth is used by Sorcerers, Priests and Mystics.
Plate is used by Lancers and Berserkers.

Leather is used by Warriors, Archers, Slayers and Reapers

Cloth is used by Sorcerers, Priests and Mystics.

But I noticed in BoL that regardless of class, you can roll on an item. So it seems like theres only a "Need" and "Pass" option, and that it doesn't take into account who can wear something (like giving them priority)






Seriously... lots of people get this error every time they return to the game after a long period of time... it's exhausting... and their website is useless. It's one of the most looked-up issues, with zero comments...

I hate going through this every. damn. time.

Edit: Ok, there may be hope... I'll try this when I get home: http://support.enmasse.com/tera/unable-to-download-retrieve-manifest-or-metafile#cache


You get the gloves? Also its because of elite (double xp kinda breaks the level curve a bit). Also when you hit 20, dont forget to do the instance. It pretty easy (queue takes a bit as a dps but at least it spits you back out where you last were), chance of blue gear and relics for the 2nd tier relic weapon

Yeah, I got your mail, thanks. And funny enough, I got a green robe drop almost immediately today, after hours of nothing last time. Loot systems, eh?
I just finished the quest chain leading up to the dungeon, so I suppose I should get on it. I might accidentally level beyond the target if I put it off too long!

I thought the same thing at around level 20, but then I moved to the next area and a BAM kicked my but, so I was okay with it =P
I look forward to it! It's not a real game until I fear for my life.


This is really really confusing and a weird sensation. I played this for so long that muscle memory has taken over but I'm not entirely sure how I'm doing what I'm doing, but my hands know the motions to do.

Very strange.

I don't remember constantly running out of MP so much before.


Neo Member
Trying to play with a controller here. I noticed that movement only has 8 directions. This works with a keyboard since you have 4 buttons + diagonal movement combos, but with an analog it feels wrong to pop from straight to diagonal. They have the tech to blend direction because that's how you move when you start moving the camera ... Is there any way to get analog directional movement for the left stick of controller movement?
- maximum one lancer for a party
- extremely difficult to find random party unless you want to wait in the queue for 2 hours (back when I was playing, but I guess it should be better now)
- lancer has to be someone that the group can rely on since one tanking mistake can get the whole team wiped, so generally people would prefer to play with their group's lancer. Most of the groups I knew would rather wait for their lancers logon than taking in other random lancer (not the cases for healer or dps though)

MCHM can be cleared with 4dps and 1 heal :> The queen was all over the place and the pace becomes hectic but if the dps know their rotation and the queen's timing, it's a fun thing to do.

However, I prefer having a tank in my mchm runs, and oddly I've pugged with random lancers, specially on double/triple drop weekend. My static lancer couldn't stay on because of some family thing so I just pugged random lancers into my group. The only thing I looked for was their "Skilled" status. Once they had it, I trust they'd know what to do.

I sort of disagree on the tanking mistake being crucial, cuz mchm can and has been done a fair bit without a tank in the groups. DPS mistake is more crucial. If they forget their rotation, or if shield doesnt break (dps too little), or if heal forgets to cleanse = these are more crucial mistakes.

Lancers are awesome though. I think Lancers are the class I've befriended with in TERA and my friend-list is full with lancers I've pugged with.

I think, at higher levels, all classes needs to really have a good handle of their play-style and gets the "Skilled" status, and you'll be set. "Skilled" is not that hard to get. Only 10 clears :D

Some lancers maximise their dps instead of agro at MCHM cuz queen's hate pattern is not thoroughly reliant on lancer's agro. Specially when the Sorc or the Zerker is doing insane damage from her butt-end XD Also if you can time your "absorb damage" for a targeted dps to avoid deaths, that's an awesome lancer skill too. It certainly have saved my static Slayer a few times from instant death.

ugh i can talk forever about mchm and the classes. so i will stop nao :x

lancers are awesome
I haven't been playing this game for quite a long time so I might got thing mixed up. Was it the dungeon with the one eye boss that can use laser one shot everyone while keep summoning tentacle monsters? I do remember tanking is important on that one.
I haven't been playing this game for quite a long time so I might got thing mixed up. Was it the dungeon with the one eye boss that can use laser one shot everyone while keep summoning tentacle monsters? I do remember tanking is important on that one.

Thats Argon Corpus :D He's fun too! AC is the dungeon before Manaya's Core :>

And aaaaaaaah yesyesyes, tanking is important in that one, but more so positioning!...

To be fair, positioning is also important in MC. Some lancers like to tank the queen in the middle, others at the edge of the arena. Both can work, but the parties needs to know what's going on.

:> Hope you're enjoying your return to TERA so far ^____^


Probably a stupid question but is there a mod or option to make it where 90% of my screen doesn't look like i am playing in a game full of underage half naked girls and women? I feel uncomfortable when playing and it's super off putting which is unfortunate because i really enjoy the gameplay.

welp I went and bought a retail copy to become a founder and am 1 step away from signing up for elite...this game has its claws in me haha

edit: If anyone else wants founder for the extra bank and character slots, there's 3rd parties selling it on amazon for $15
You can only become a founder through boxed copies? No option to buy that digitally like SWTOR?
Probably a stupid question but is there a mod or option to make it where 90% of my screen doesn't look like i am playing in a game full of underage half naked girls and women? I feel uncomfortable when playing and it's super off putting which is unfortunate because i really enjoy the gameplay.

You can only become a founder through boxed copies? No option to buy that digitally like SWTOR?

I hear you, styl3s!!!

I donno if there's a way or mod to overcome that :< I just learn to tune them out and I use a vantage point that's a little far from the characters, so the details are sort of toned down. But I main mystics so distance-pov works most of the time for me. For melee, it may not work so well..... not sure.

It is annoying though when I'm in town and yeah... idk. I'm also a girl gamer so TERA's oversexualisation style really makes me roll my eyes :x

And yes, you can only become a founder through boxed copies.
Probably a stupid question but is there a mod or option to make it where 90% of my screen doesn't look like i am playing in a game full of underage half naked girls and women? I feel uncomfortable when playing and it's super off putting which is unfortunate because i really enjoy the gameplay.

You can only become a founder through boxed copies? No option to buy that digitally like SWTOR?

According to this, they stopped selling digital keys


What is Founder status?

Founder status lets you keep all the perks you've come to appreciate from TERA, only without the monthly subscription. The only way to get Founder status is to redeem a valid serial code from purchasing a box copy of TERA. Once redeemed, your account will permanently be granted Founder status. There is no other way to acquire Founder status.

NOTE: Applying a Founder's code will overwrite existing account upgrades to bank storage and character slots. The account will be upgraded to 4 total bank tabs and 8 total character slots per server, regardless of previous individual upgrades on the account.


Probably a stupid question but is there a mod or option to make it where 90% of my screen doesn't look like i am playing in a game full of underage half naked girls and women? I feel uncomfortable when playing and it's super off putting which is unfortunate because i really enjoy the gameplay.

All mods of this game would make it even worse for your eyes as far as I know ^^;


I hear you, styl3s!!!

I donno if there's a way or mod to overcome that :< I just learn to tune them out and I use a vantage point that's a little far from the characters, so the details are sort of toned down. But I main mystics so distance-pov works most of the time for me. For melee, it may not work so well..... not sure.

It is annoying though when I'm in town and yeah... idk. I'm also a girl gamer so TERA's oversexualisation style really makes me roll my eyes :x

And yes, you can only become a founder through boxed copies.

Unfortunately, all the mods are to make the characters even more naked or even fully naked.


i know ;___; this game and its mods completely ignore this particular girl gamer's preferences ;___;


ah well ^______^

I know plenty of girls that don't mind. But I get what you mean, since my Elin has been called "mature looking". I like Elins dressed. The nude mod is... ugh.
I know plenty of girls that don't mind. But I get what you mean, since my Elin has been called "mature looking". I like Elins dressed. The nude mod is... ugh.

Ya, I think not all girls mind. But personally I find the oversexualisation a bit tacky.

But eh. Gameplay and action combat is what draws me to TERA, and I'm not one to rain on other people's parade ^____^

It would have been fab though if TERA was not so seedy-seeming. Whenever I plug TERA to new girl friends, I get a bit embarrassed with TERA's seedyness. I have to totes reassure them that the gameplay is worthwhile, haha :x

Oh well. Keep on keepin' on, I say!



I initially thought it was going to be a problem for me as well, but since I use a FOV "mod" and usually play all zoomed out I generally don't see the bad stuff.

And although I would like to see my character in detail, I don't mind because Ellin's early equips are ugly as hell.


Ya, I think not all girls mind. But personally I find the oversexualisation a bit tacky.

But eh. Gameplay and action combat is what draws me to TERA, and I'm not one to rain on other people's parade ^____^

It would have been fab though if TERA was not so seedy-seeming. Whenever I plug TERA to new girl friends, I get a bit embarrassed with TERA's seedyness. I have to totes reassure them that the gameplay is worthwhile, haha :x

Oh well. Keep on keepin' on, I say!


Sadly the genre survives from kinky fetish cash shop items.


I dont mind the "sexy time all the time" look too much as its pretty equal opportunity, I just wish it didnt make some of the armour look ridiculous. I had to abandon my female castanic slayer because the armour was terrible looking (I've no problems with unrealistic armour, just didnt like the style).
^ you guys are part of the problemmmmmmm oooooooiiii *shakes fist*


jk jk

ah well i dont mind. as long as i dont have to play one :> most of the elins and sexy female avatars are probably duders anyway ^_____^ hope you guys continue to enjoy the game :>

TERA is soooooooooo blatant with cashing in with its female fetishization though. I guess it really knows its cash cows. Haha.

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