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TERA: FoA |OT| F2P Now on Steam! Parade coming after HL3

Howe 2 solv the elin problem

Buy them all maid dresses

Have fun with that, I was looking at the cash shop and the Elin Meido bundle that includes the emote is $25. You have got to be fucking kidding me. I guess that's how Tera makes money though, because it's totally a P2G game - Pay 2 Glamour.

Mr. Desu

I haven't played too much yet but I'm disappointed so far. I'm more or less disappointed in the fact that they haven't fixed frame rates or allowed for more UI change, etc etc. Simple stuff that would really improve the games experience. Thinking about starting a new character and playing all the way through 65 before I really go off the rails and complain.
I guess. Although I could only play for like a week or so before taking a month off due to travelling...

Another question though, I heard if you move some bounded items to another character then transfer that character to other server, items will be unbounded, is that true? Could save me quite a lot since I have a couple of favourite bounded costumes that I wouldn't want to buy again
I guess. Although I could only play for like a week or so before taking a month off due to travelling...

Another question though, I heard if you move some bounded items to another character then transfer that character to other server, items will be unbounded, is that true? Could save me quite a lot since I have a couple of favourite bounded costumes that I wouldn't want to buy again

Oh. Well maybe its not worth the purchase if only for a week's play time :x

I donno about unbounded, but I heard you will only take over what's in your actual inventory and not what's in your stash. Not sure though. Best to read up more before you decide!


I guess. Although I could only play for like a week or so before taking a month off due to travelling...

Another question though, I heard if you move some bounded items to another character then transfer that character to other server, items will be unbounded, is that true? Could save me quite a lot since I have a couple of favourite bounded costumes that I wouldn't want to buy again

I'm not sure. They used to do that before they made it to pay. But i'm not sure if it still works.

Oh. Well maybe its not worth the purchase if only for a week's play time :x

I donno about unbounded, but I heard you will only take over what's in your actual inventory and not what's in your stash. Not sure though. Best to read up more before you decide!

It's worth it to lock in the rate at 10/mo
I'm not sure. They used to do that before they made it to pay. But i'm not sure if it still works.

It's worth it to lock in the rate at 10/mo

Yeah, that's what I said at first but he's going off travelling in a week's time.... So I'm not sure it'll be worth the money 💵....

I'm founder myself :) been playing since beta :D


Saint Nic
So I bought my Elin the adorable Christmas outfit. ~$10 well spent. I still have enough EMP for either a formal dress or save it and buy a new mount or something. I was looking at the Maid outfits, but holy hell at the price. Not worth it.

Also, I hit 49 last night, so that was fun. Soloing BAMs is still just as fun as I remember. I need to start deciding what approach to take for gearing back up and what to farm.

Is it worth it to start crafting? What about the "best" gold farming spots? For drops/mats/whatever? I've only got ~1300g, so I need to get back into the game.
So I bought my Elin the adorable Christmas outfit. ~$10 well spent. I still have enough EMP for either a formal dress or save it and buy a new mount or something. I was looking at the Maid outfits, but holy hell at the price. Not worth it.

Also, I hit 49 last night, so that was fun. Soloing BAMs is still just as fun as I remember. I need to start deciding what approach to take for gearing back up and what to farm.

Is it worth it to start crafting? What about the "best" gold farming spots? For drops/mats/whatever? I've only got ~1300g, so I need to get back into the game.

I've been selling my elite trial presents for like 480g, will prob regret it later but I needed $ for enchanting materials lol
So apparently I learned that Archetype used to be about the best, and that Devastator used to be the second best. But now after the update there's new level 65 things that are even better. But that's okay, I'm sure I'll get it eventually.

I saw one piece on the trade broker, it was an axe, and it had like 2000 more base attack than my Devastator. But it was being sold for like 80,000 gold... though things like Celestial Hills are a little more expensive.

At the moment I have all Devastator gear. I met a nice crafter who helped me. And I got lucky enough to get two of them masterworked so far. And my axe is at +10. So I'm almost to +12. That's pretty good.

Gosh, I feel so behind.
Yeah, that's what I said at first but he's going off travelling in a week's time.... So I'm not sure it'll be worth the money 💵....

I'm founder myself :) been playing since beta :D

Well it's basically $25 transfer with free one month elite ($9.99), guess it's better to do it that way since it's cheaper in the long term


Saint Nic
I've been selling my elite trial presents for like 480g, will prob regret it later but I needed $ for enchanting materials lol

I don't even remember what I got from the present yesterday. I just banked it. I don't mind farming mats/gear/stuff to sell, just gotta learn where to do it.

What's the best database of info for this game? I was going to look up what weapon those fragments I keep finding are for, but TERA wiki is garbage.
probably now, since I believe after Jan 8 the elite monthly subscription would go back to $15? gotta take advantage of that $5 off offer :p


It depends to a certain extent on your ping, this is not a game that is fun with latency, which could be an issue if youre playing on the US servers. Regarding En Masse vs Gameforge, each has their pros and cons. There are more EU servers which does dilute the population a bit, though either the High pop PvE or PvP EU server should be fine
Well, I did that test with the diagnostic tool they have it it seemed to give my good results on the connectivity tests.
enmasse port 80 connect - 0.125 seconds
enmasse port 443 connect - 0.109 seconds
enmasse port 10001 connect - 0.110 seconds

enmasse port 80 connect - 0.157 seconds
enmasse port 443 connect - 0.109 seconds
enmasse port 10001 connect - 0.109 seconds
So that means I shouldn't have problems playing on the us servers right? It's more a question of if I really wanna start from scratch again and if the population really is that much bigger. Joining the neogaf guild seems fun as well, but I don't play this game that much so I wonder if that's a good reason to switch either. I remember the first 25 levels to be a snoozefest so I'm not sure if it's worth it.


im sure dungeons are pretty fun as a lancer if the 2 times i did this lvl 20 one there wasn't a lvl 64 dude hanging around.

this match making could use some work


maybe it gets harder later, but a tank seems unnecessary. Everyone was just dynasty warrioring away care free lol.


So apparently I learned that Archetype used to be about the best, and that Devastator used to be the second best. But now after the update there's new level 65 things that are even better. But that's okay, I'm sure I'll get it eventually.

I saw one piece on the trade broker, it was an axe, and it had like 2000 more base attack than my Devastator. But it was being sold for like 80,000 gold... though things like Celestial Hills are a little more expensive.

At the moment I have all Devastator gear. I met a nice crafter who helped me. And I got lucky enough to get two of them masterworked so far. And my axe is at +10. So I'm almost to +12. That's pretty good.

Gosh, I feel so behind.

You're in a better spot than me. I'm running regent / conjuncti gear. It is +12 though so that's something.

I do have some money banked, nothing special but enough to get a piece of gear from the broker if I need to. I'll wait a while and figure out what's going on though.


Okay, can someone explain to me how does Corsairs' Stronghold works? I tried it and Kumasylum for the first time yesterday, but different from Kumasylum, it was super confusing.
trying to get 10 drops of relic for the avatar weapon quest. went up several levels just farming for it. finally it's over! (for now?) now i can leave the woods
Got a level 41 lancer played a few years back and decided to redownload it. Love love love the combat but man this UI is hideous. Does anyone have a good overlay or some suggestions on how to make this a bit less cluttered?
WTB relics so i don't power lvl so fast. may have to cancel elite because i'm not into exp boost lol

Haha I find doing dungeons is the fastest way to get relics (though the queue times kinda suck)

O so I read somewhere that you can solo dungeons. Do you have to out level the dungeons to do so?


Hey guys, I've decided to try out Tera again for the first time since it's original release.

I have no been following the updates for the game at all, so I have very little knowledge on the current state of the game. So I'm hoping I can ask noob questions in here and have someone answer :)

First off, I'm wondering what are considered good melee dps classes these days? Really want a melee class that is good at soloing tough mobs like the BAM's or whatever they were called.

Secondly, any casual EU gaf guilds for this game that I could join once the game is installed?
But female Gaffers don't exist in TERA! XD


We've partied together once, you know! It was a BG. And you left us midway cuz things weren't going so well ... And then I was the only heal D:

I think we ended up winning though, only marginally. But man that was satisfying. Dps managed to kill the bosses and we stole the points ahead XD

Hey guys, I've decided to try out Tera again for the first time since it's original release.

I have no been following the updates for the game at all, so I have very little knowledge on the current state of the game. So I'm hoping I can ask noob questions in here and have someone answer :)

First off, I'm wondering what are considered good melee dps classes these days? Really want a melee class that is good at soloing tough mobs like the BAM's or whatever they were called.

Secondly, any casual EU gaf guilds for this game that I could join once the game is installed?

Slayer is probably the go-to choice. Good damage per second, and agile. But of you would like huge damage, zerkers would be your bet 😊

WB to Tera!!!

And merry Xmas teraGAF 🎄!!!!



We've partied together once, you know! It was a BG. And you left us midway cuz things weren't going so well ... And then I was the only heal D:

I think we ended up winning though, only marginally. But man that was satisfying. Dps managed to kill the bosses and we stole the points ahead XD




We've partied together once, you know! It was a BG. And you left us midway cuz things weren't going so well ... And then I was the only heal D:

I think we ended up winning though, only marginally. But man that was satisfying. Dps managed to kill the bosses and we stole the points ahead XD

Slayer is probably the go-to choice. Good damage per second, and agile. But of you would like huge damage, zerkers would be your bet 😊

WB to Tera!!!

And merry Xmas teraGAF 🎄!!!!

wait, people play zerkers? did they change their stupid long channeled abilities that could easily be interrupted by a sneeze?
just transferred to TR, apparently whatever soulbinded items on the transferred character will automatically bound to that character, regardless of previous owner :)


Well im a founder now, yay bank space and alts!

Oh this reminds me, seeing as I bought the original game, I should be eligible to be a founder as well right? Problem is though, whenever I try to login with my original account, it tells me the user and password don't match, even right after I've changed my password for that user/account. Anyone know how that works? Can't really get customer support atm for obvious reasons.

Edit - Oh, it seems you needed you have bought a box copy of the game to get access to the founder status, no digital buyers allowed. Boo Enmasse, boo.
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