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The Finals- true next gen multiplayer arrives


Jack Nicholson Yes GIF
That is absolutely the TikTok of game trailers. I don't think that editor could have spliced in more footage if he tried!

I've had it on my wishlist for a little bit, I'll give it a shot on the 29th! Maybe make a TikTok or two... shoot me a follow, I'm "MyUncleWorks4Nintendo69"
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Trying to look for something to replace overwatch in my rotation. This looks interesting. I wonder kind of ability they working with.


Report me if I continue to console war
Next gen smoke and destruction, sweet. The smoke bridges and destruction could also be new and exciting gameplay elements too.


I want to try this out considering who the studio is made up of even though i'm more interested in the ARC Raiders game being made by them. Sadly this is PC only at least for the beta right now and I don't currently game on PC.
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Grildon Tundy

Gold Member
Ngl, this looks fun as hell. Me and my boys have played COD Warzone a few times a week for the past two years, and if there's one thing I wish WZ had, its destructible environments. Love to see them here


You can piss off with your "true next gen" bollocks but this trailer put the biggest shiteating grin on my face that's for sure.

Looks like a proper and balls-to-the-walls Battle(field) Royale alright!


Gold Member
will it be steam deck compatible... or being next gen only is quite difficult?

any word about crossplay?
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Very impressive.
I already love this studio.

I need to stalk them more.
Their blog posts on AI are legit.
These guys/gals are gonna be a heavy hitter studio in no time.

I love the whole enemies turning to coins when killed.
Thats some Sonic Scott Pilgrim shit right there!
I loved the coins thingy too

From this image you can tell that they probably got the same artists that made Mirrors Edge.

Hopefully they will make a Mirror's Edge-like game one day (one man can dream)


I realized halfway through the trailer that this is the Embark Studio(founded by ex-DICE members) game I've been waiting for. My Cpu crying with me right now. This looks great, requested an access to alpha test. We saw a similar studio split before on Championship Manager franchise. If we accept Battlefield as the Championship Manager, this looks like the Football Manager(if you know what I mean lol).
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