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The Finals- true next gen multiplayer arrives


Game is fun and actually runs really well for an alpha. Feels good when you're playing as a team. Concept is fresh. Destructibility is pretty insane. Lots of environmental stuff placed around the map. Gunplay is good and I'm sure will improve over time. Time to kill feels good. Movement could use some improvement but isn't bad at all. Looking forward to seeing where the game goes.
I think they could improve a lot of elements.....mostly the locations of the pay bins are always in buildings where destruction glitches out where you can go, shooting is fine, movement is good, i think more fluid movement and ways to climb buildings should be available for all characters and the respawn times are way too long imo

Also, why cant i type to my teammates, its so team focused and we have no comms even in alpha
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Gold Member
I think they could improve a lot of elements.....mostly the locations of the pay bins are always in buildings where destruction glitches out where you can go, shooting is fine, movement is good, i think more fluid movement and ways to climb buildings should be available for all characters and the respawn times are way too long imo

Also, why cant i type to my teammates, its so team focused and we have no comms even in alpha
Yeah the respawns are way to long. At first i thought it was elimination lol. Tis an alpha though, chalk this under the promising section.

Will post some proper impressions when i've had a bit more time with the game.


Yeah the respawns are way to long. At first i thought it was elimination lol. Tis an alpha though, chalk this under the promising section.

Will post some proper impressions when i've had a bit more time with the game.
I think even 30s is a fair compromise but over a minute is ridiculous, especially if your whole team dies


For a game with a closed alpha is there really no gameplay vids? I've looked around and didn't find anything


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
For a game with a closed alpha is there really no gameplay vids? I've looked around and didn't find anything
No sharing of footage or images.

But im sure someone who is absolutely hating this and willing to get banned out will upload some footage.

Looks alot more like the trailer than some people were "scared" of.
Id say the debris after damage is actually higher than what was shown in the trailer.

Destruction is as insane as the trailer showed, no lies there, but it isnt glitch free, getting stuck in/under debris is not uncommon....worse still if you dont have any explosives to get yourself out.....sit and enjoy.

Gunplay needs some work....its an Alpha so im sure there is alot of tuning that needs to be done.

In a 3 man team game, the respawns are long as fuck.

It isnt 3 v 3 v 3 v 3 forever.
In the gamemode available after each round the lowest team is eliminated.

Performance if at all relevant for an alpha: easy peasy.
12400 + 3080'10G - 3440 x 1440.



Happy Fresh Prince GIF by Nick At Nite


Gold Member

I wouldnt go that far, it shows promise but just like the dev's have stated theres a ton of issues balance,controls, jank you name it this has it.

But on the other hand its a real Alpha and its mighty impressive as well.

Could go either way but excited to see where this goes. Very promising.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
I was speaking on a personal level, i would like to see that on single player games.

But if this thing is free to play i could do a match or 2 ust to admire the tech.
Destruction is done server-side.
So if they used this tech on a singleplayer game it would have to be an online only singleplayer game.
And you know how much people hate single player games that are online only...........even if said players are perpetually online.


Gold Member

This is pretty bang on. Although my enjoyment was a little less as i struggle with mouse and keyboard controls due to a medical issue and there's no controller support atm other than through steam, which makes it impossible to play due to no aim assist. Not a gripe obviously, and the fact that I'm even thinking of playing again tonight on M+K is a testament to the game.

Love to have a crack with 2 pals with comms i bet its a right laugh.


Gold Member
Destruction is done server-side.
So if they used this tech on a singleplayer game it would have to be an online only singleplayer game.
And you know how much people hate single player games that are online only...........even if said players are perpetually online.
So this is what crackdown 3 could have been?


Gold Member
So this is what crackdown 3 could have been?
Pretty much. The destruction is fucking awesome.

Looks like they have a bit of positive momentum with this, hopefully they stick the landing. I need something fresh.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
I told my friend to sign up after signing up myself. He signed up around 6 hours after i did.

He got in. I didn’t in. He doesn’t even game on PC…..


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
So this is what crackdown 3 could have been?
Imagine it.
I told my friend to sign up after signing up myself. He signed up around 6 hours after i did.

He got in. I didn’t in. He doesn’t even game on PC…..
Hahaha that Slimy Snake, whose dick did he suck to get in first?
Seems the invites are random, not time based or anything.
They are still sending them out, so you should get in before the Alpha is over.


Neo Member
Anyone figure out how to use Xbox controller on this? its painfully unresponsive with a controller. They also don't give you a button map at all.


Gold Member
Anyone figure out how to use Xbox controller on this? its painfully unresponsive with a controller. They also don't give you a button map at all.
Through the steam interface you can configure it there should you wish. There's no controller support as far as I'm aware and therefore zero aim assist, unless you've got mad skillz its very difficult to compete. That was my experience anyways.
I told my friend to sign up after signing up myself. He signed up around 6 hours after i did.

He got in. I didn’t in. He doesn’t even game on PC…..
This is what happened to me lol a buddy of mine text our group chat this morning saying he got in and was running it yesterday and enjoyed it. I was the one who told all of them to get in

Positive impressions though, just that its rough since its obviously pretty early and like the developers said in their statement things can "100 percent change". I wanna play :messenger_persevering:
I’m enjoying it so far, it definitely needs some work but it’s already shaping up quite nicely. Spawn times are absolute horse shit though and need reducing massively.


I feel like the odd one out here but I really didn't enjoy my evening with it. Admittedly, a lot of what frustrated me will hopefully be sorted over time (character imbalance, inability to respec in or between rounds, spawn times, no controller support, all guns other than the AK feeling shitty to use) but some of the more fundamental stuff also concerned me. Bar one character, scaling the verticality of the map is a chore. And I admit the game mode did nothing for me.

Fundamentally, however, it's technically sound, so there's definitely a strong base to build on. I just fear they might be building something that isn't for me.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
One of the OG P2W companies.

That doesnt mean Embark is going to follow whatever the Publisher has done before on mobile.
Embark is a new studio.....and their tech is amazing so far.

Dr. Suchong

Sentiments about the prerendered looking footage are valid but if the final product has the same dynamism and kinetic, mental action, I'm in 👍
Made it in to the alpha but it chugs too hard to really play :(

Edit: Okay one game in and I know Im fucking IN! Despite having it lowest possible settings and chugging, my team won. And at the end it was 3v3, and their team hid inside a house, and we just slowly shredded the building down...it was glorious, even in 1280x960
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Made it in to the alpha but it chugs too hard to really play :(

Edit: Okay one game in and I know Im fucking IN! Despite having it lowest possible settings and chugging, my team won. And at the end it was 3v3, and their team hid inside a house, and we just slowly shredded the building down...it was glorious, even in 1280x960

What are your PC specs?
That money
Free Money GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
I bet you get 1 of whatever currency this uses, making it pointless. Then you have to use real money for the micro-transactions. I do not enjoy shooters, so it looks like another one of the rest for me.

I wish them luck, but not something I can be interested about.
Looks neat, but that is the worst editing style ever for seizures. Could barely tell what anybody was doing because it cut to quick as well.


I was lucky enough to play the alpha and I want more. I hope it works on the steam deck.
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Got a chance to play it. Visibility could be better, the sniper is useless, ttk for heavy feels a little too much, I was able to run it fine on epic settings on a 980ti at 1080. Had fun
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