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The Last Of Us: Late 2012/Early 2013, 3rd Person, [Update 2: More Info In OP]


If you can understand him (Spanish), here is an interview about his (Gustavo Santaolalla) involvement in The Last of Us.

-He's very excited about it, it's something he has not done before (videogames) and it requires a different approach: he mentions it's a year of work.
-He's under NDA (so not giving specifics). Mentions it is not a typical game, but an atypical one.
-From Sony and the makers of Uncharted obviously.
-It has what you would expect from a vg (combat scenarios) but carried by a very engrossing and emotive story and that is what makes it different from other videogames.
-He loved the project and the possibility to work on it so he took the job.


-He's very excited about it, it's something he has not done before, it requires a different approach: he mentions it's a year of work.
-He's under NDA (so not giving specifics). Mentions it is not a typical game, but an atypical one. From Sony and the makers of Uncharted. It has what you would expect from a vg (combat scenarios) but carried by a very engrossing and emotive story and that is what makes it different from other videogames. He loved the project and the possibility to work on it so he took the job.

Thanks for the summary.
Would be nice to have a translation. I just discovered the dude yesterday when we learned he was doing this soundtrack.

He explains that he's working on his first video game ever and that he can't say too much because he's signed an NDA, but says he's really excited to be working on it and that what he finds interesting is that for the music it's not like your typical game, it's very emotionally driven and he say's what they are designing is incredible.


Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Uncharted 1 and 2 (yet to play 3 .. please don't judge me... i blame my daughter) ... are some of the only games that have made me honestly chuckle at a line of dialogue or the way a scene played out via the animation and characters on the screen at the time. Hearing Nate laugh when he almost dies on a train ... or make some quick comment about the absurd situation he's finding himself in (the sub and shit like that)... i dunno. Personally i think it's better than a large majority of the characters in any other franchise, especially.

Maybe the narrative story isn't some crazy high calibur thrilling heartwrenching life affirming thing... and that's fine. Name me one game that IS that. Maybe Last of Us will try .. maybe they will actually succeed. But for me.. the game works excellenty as just that. A game. One with a few characters i roll my eyes at and wait to exit stage left and a few more that i actually get into when they are on the screen. and dat chloe ass.


If you can understand him (Spanish), here is an interview about his (Gustavo Santaolalla) involvement in The Last of Us.

FML I didn't edit this in to my last post.

Yeah... the interviewer (Matias Martin) is actually good at his job. But when the topic is about videogames he is an obtuse person.

Anyway, nothing new in the interview. Santaolalla talks about how he cant say to much because he is under NDA, says hes going to work on it for a complete year, that TLOU is the next big thing by Sony (& ND) for the next year and its a heavy story driven and emotional game.

edit: beaten by a ghost !
unfortunately that's not the final version of the theme (nor was it actually really released by any of us).

Regardless, it certainly sets the tone. He does a masterful job on any project he's associated with so I'm 100% this will come together beautifully.

Also, if you could...smack some sense into Viacom for removing the Last of Us trailer from ND's official youtube channel! lol
The UC games have never excelled in the storyline department, which is why I've always been annoyed when people talk about the UC series "saving videogame stories" or other nonsense. Especially when compared to something like the MGS series which is far, far beyond anything UC has done.

The area they do excel in is some specific aspects of storytelling, namely convincing animation and enjoyable dialogue. This makes cutscenes a pleasure to watch.

And even though the stories themselves are nothing special, they are fine for the type of experience ND is going for.

MGS series is far, far beyond anything UC has done in terms of having a story that is a giant load of convoluted diarrhea with half-digested skittles and corn bits with some tape worms thrown in.

Sooo good. Still one of my fave cut scenes in a game. The bucket line always kills it. The VA in this game is second to none.


Looking back at those cutscenes I'm amazed how far they've come in terms of in-game character models with Uncharted 3.
MGS series is far, far beyond anything UC has done in terms of having a story that is a giant load of convoluted diarrhea with half-digested skittles and corn bits with some tape worms thrown in.

I agree , UC was smart not to have there stories being link together .
We get to see the chars grow and they bring in new ones but they don't have to worry about older games story getting in the way .


unfortunately that's not the final version of the theme (nor was it actually really released by any of us).

Oh, well, I'm assuming it's still a good indication of the direction for the music in this game. And it really is beautiful. I can easily see it topping Uncharted 3 (which was amazing) as your guys' best soundtrack to date.


Halo,gta,mw3, half life, Readdeadredemption,gearsofwar, portal,Arkham city all notable games this past decade, all try to tell a story. Everyone one of em should be now labelled a wannabe movie maker.Geez peoples. I hope Naughty don't get their motivation for making The last of us from gaf.....same for every other developer. I love diversity.


If you want to make a claim for UC having a shitty story, using MGS as the gold standard for a plot isn't going to win you any favor.

What makes the MGS games so great isn't the storyline itself, it's the implications and themes within the story, and how sweetly the gameplay and interactivity both reflect the same thematic elements. For example, the return to Shadow Moses scene in MGS4 is one of the most pitch-perfect commentaries on video games and the people who play them, and it's explained entirely through gameplay and graphics. Not a word needs to be said to speak it so beautifully.

IGN.com "what MGS could learn from Uncharted" (and Enslaved): ND and Ninja Theory both understand that sometimes the best way for your characters to say something is to have them say nothing at all. It's on a tier above the Bioware/Kojima "explain everything in a perfectly articulate matter as though every conversation is pre-rehearsed."


Wasnt this your previous Comment regarding game trailer ?

Are you for real ?

Maybe I'm out of touch with current ToS but ins't that actually straight up trolling? You never even know these days, that's how much crazie is wafting through the GAF air.


Cool, another wannabe movie game from ND.

There's plenty of gameplay in the Uncharted series. Not sure what you're talking about.

The first trailer was cinematic, so it's hard to judge such things. But by all means make up your mind. I'm sure I won't see you in any more Last of Us threads from here on out.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The Uncharted series are nearly the only games this entire generation where I feel you could shoot the cut scenes as a film, almost unmodified, and it wouldn't look like the typical "Dur I am a game making nerd who wants to be a hollywood director, witness my parade of awkwardly reproduced filmmaking stereotypes I do not realize are already horribly overused."

Some might say, but Uncharted is a stereotypical story - there is a difference. Uncharted is obviously an homage to matinee adventure theater, aka, the House of Indy Jones. It actually executes its homage well and comes off as legitimate interactive filmmaking.
Going through this thread...


It makes me nervous whenever I see a dev say they want to create a work of art, bring video games up to the level of respect of other mediums, create a Hugo-award winning story or anything of that nature.

To me the goal should be make an awesome game or awesome experience and let other people judge how much respect that is worthy of, whether it's as good as the Godfather or qualifies as true art. Aiming specifically to change minds seems like forcing the issue a bit too much. It's kind of like the cliche of someone saying they are going to write the next great American novel


"We want to redefine what our medium is even called. 'Video game' is not an accurate name anymore.

This has basically already happened with things like Wii Fit, Brain Training, Fitness Coach, U-Draw, etc. A lot of popular "video games" are not really games. Hell you can go back to things like Mario Paint. There are a lot of "experiences" on consoles that are less gamey than Uncharted and less gamey than Last of Us will be.
I'm not upset at all. As far as I'm concerned that's a hype+1 for me ;)

I guess this is maybe why I don't play console games that much. If you ask for alternative methods of controlling a game it is apparently an INSULT. Keyboard/mouse? Rebinding controls? Alternative controller support (wrist control / move support)? People who play primarily console games are used to having absolutely zero control over how they well - control their games. Kinda sad that simple suggestions are outright mocked, console peasants joke etc. Now excuse me while I go try out a navigation controller + mouse combination to see how it works out.


Felium Defensor
and your contribution to soci....

i mean, then why did you wander into this thread?
Arne, why are you still reading this thread man? ahaha.
Either way, can't wait till I see some gameplay video(s) later down the line. Looking forward to see how this shapes up.

The Lamp

I'm personally super excited about the concept. It gives me that grim, desperate atmosphere that 28 Weeks Later had....but with less focus on zombies and more focus on a father/daughter dynamic which is often attempted in movies but hardly ever done in video games....I'm really excited to see what happens as this duo busts things up on this forsaken planet.

I'm sincerely hoping there's more open-ended gameplay than Uncharted, however. I believe that you can keep a cinematic "feel" and still make more breathable level design and exploration.

Soooo excited for this....I wonder if it'll have campaign co-op (one person as the young girl, one as the dude).


I'd be in the dick
Wow. I've been working all day and just got around to being able to read the Eurogamer article. This sounds absolutely fantastic. It sounds like the kind of game I'd like to make if I could. I have complete faith in ND to pull it off too.
hey why has the trailer been taken down from the offical last of us youtube channel by Viacom?

Naughty dog didnt secretly put a bunch of unlicensed south park and jersey shore stuff in the trailer we missed?

video had over a million hits and everything.

its still up on IGN's youtube channel if thats anything


Have a fun! Enjoy!
I wonder if it'll have campaign co-op (one person as the young girl, one as the dude).

Doubt it considering what they are going after with the narrative. I think conversation/interaction between main protagonists will be a major factor in expressing their relationship so I dont see them letting a second player (as Ellie) break the mood.


Has ND ever done a open game before? I never played J&D. I'm gonna assume it's more open than Uncharted, but not RPG levels of open.

Either way, day fucking 1 as lone as theirs no online pass or on disk DLC bullshit.

Both Jak 2 and Jak 3 are open world games in the vein of GTA with platforming, so yeah they've done them before.

TloU is most likely not going to be open world though.
hey why has the trailer been taken down from the offical last of us youtube channel by Viacom?

Naughty dog didnt secretly put a bunch of unlicensed south park and jersey shore stuff in the trailer we missed?

video had over a million hits and everything.

its still up on IGN's youtube channel if thats anything

Looks like ND won't be hitting the VGAs for their next big announcement if Viacom's gonna pull that, haha


It makes me nervous whenever I see a dev say they want to create a work of art, bring video games up to the level of respect of other mediums, create a Hugo-award winning story or anything of that nature.

To me the goal should be make an awesome game or awesome experience and let other people judge how much respect that is worthy of, whether it's as good as the Godfather or qualifies as true art. Aiming specifically to change minds seems like forcing the issue a bit too much. It's kind of like the cliche of someone saying they are going to write the next great American novel


This has basically already happened with things like Wii Fit, Brain Training, Fitness Coach, U-Draw, etc. A lot of popular "video games" are not really games. Hell you can go back to things like Mario Paint. There are a lot of "experiences" on consoles that are less gamey than Uncharted and less gamey than Last of Us will be.

So, is that the direction you want The last of us to go? Become more gamey to be the sake of being more gamey??? What does that even mean.


So, is that the direction you want The last of us to go? Become more gamey to be the sake of being more gamey??? What does that even mean.

No. My point is that there is a difference between "I'm going to make something really good and hopefully critics will see the quality in it" vs "I'm going to make a true piece of art that critics will be forced to recognize as game-changing."

My experience is that the former usually works out better. I don't think it's good for developers to become pre-occupied with how the outside world will judge their work or with making a "statement game." IMO it's better to just do your best work and let the chips fall where they may.

There are "experience"-based games that I enjoy quite a bit, I don't really care whether a game is going for more of a game or an experience as long as it works. I'm just a bit nervous when I hear people talk about changing the perceptions of games etc.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Eh, I think this thread has been fairly entertaining. There's been bursts of some good discussion.


Although the designers don't want to give away the entire story line, the development team recently gave an exclusive inside look into the project. At the start of the game, the lead character, Joel, finds Ellie, and they team up. Joel is "a vicious survivor.When he meets this girl, she is his one chance at redemption," says Neil Druckmann, the game's creative director.
"That kind of arc has always been intriguing."
No it isn't.


So there is no family bond between them? It would be great to see a father + daughter thing so we could feel closer to the story and the "I will not let nothing happen to you" thing.

But they just randomly found each other, right? I can't for this game, I just hope to be bigger than any Uncharted game :)
and your contribution to soci....

i mean, then why did you wander into this thread?

Instead of wasting time getting bothered, could you ask Neil, since he said the monsters are not the focus, if he could explain the creative process behind it and the mechanics of the pandemic and human "transformation"? And how that ties with the videos on the teaser site?

I'm genuinely interested because since he is quite compelled to write/direct a fiction, this is always a important/cool part, especially when it seems he choose a biological background for it.

And since this type of question is only answered in the studio videos after you buy the game :p, I'm biting my fingers off here.
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