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"The Last of Us Part II: how Naughty Dog made a classic amidst catastrophe"

Your right Kojima doesnt make great games anymore

Ok I got my godfather gif fix.


The two (Druckmann and Gross) have had some serious fights too – she had a successful six-month crusade to convince him to swap the fates of two characters – but they always, eventually, get back to harmony. “We agree on 80 per cent of things,” she says. “I think that comes from working for so long together.”

I hope they talk about this swap in an interview or podcast. Would love to hear which characters they switched up and the thought behind it.


Not reading the article but I love how the title makes it seem like game was created in fucking March 🤣
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It has the right politics.

What an incredibly cynical thing to say. What matters is that the story is compelling and the gameplay is awesome. The previews are already indicating that this may be the case. The reviews are due to be out at the end of the week.

Let’s see if ND managed to create something worthy of the original, instead of just summarily dismissing it out of hand because of prejudice.


Gold Member
How can you say you don't like the writing when you haven't experienced or seen a full playthrough of the game yet?
Its like reviewing a movie without seeing it
Maybe because he didn't liked the writing in tlou1 or previous nd games?

Not everyone think that they are the second coming of jesus regarding writing, i can't care less about their chara and stories for examples.
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How can GQ call it a classic before it’s even released? 🤔

In the article he states that they played it and watched the end.
Then, shutting the blinds, closing the door and turning the TV up super loud, we play the whole thing out. More than half a decade of teamwork. Of time. Of patience. Of faith. Of convincing the team this will work. Of convincing himself this will work. Of convincing Pearl Jam it’ll work. Of performance-capture sessions. Of late-night rewrites. Of nauseating bug fixes. Of endless level reviews. Of unexpected delays. Of unprecedented pandemics. Of leaks. Of abuse from so-called fans. All in a game that, in Druckmann’s words, “says something” – about violence, justice, adversity and trauma. A game that tops the original, just like its namesake.

The game’s final scene hangs, still, for the longest time, then cuts to black. Druckmann sits forward and looks at me, his hair a little greyer, his smile wider than ever.
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Silent Duck

That was the most hilariously over dramatic article I ever read. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
I’m gonna try to top it.
In a darkened corner of his office, Neil Druckman sat contemplating the leaks of his masterpiece. For surely, it must be a masterpiece, the media tells him so.
Hands trembling slightly, he nervously clicks his mouse and enters the Neogaf forums.

With abject horror, he reads that not everyone is excited for his game.

“The game is too woke for me.”, excalims one naysayer.
“Thou art too many transvestites!”, excalims another.

Neil Druckman is sitting by the warm glow of his monitor, brows furroughed and fists clenched. “The gall of these troglodytes! Do they not see what a masterpiece my game is?”, he mutters to himself.
Then suddenly, amongst the negative comments, a white knight appears.

“This game I have yet to play is epic! The naysayers are all WRONG!”, White knight #1 proclaims

“Naughty Dog is infallible!”, cheers White Knight #2 “How can anyone say it is bad from just an hour and a half of video? It is madness. Madness, I say”

Neil begins to smile, but then as soon as the white knights began to rally, the naysayers have too fortified their position.

“How can you say it’s epic, when you have never played it? This game, I refuse!”, sneers Naysayer #3

“NO U!”, responds yet another White Knight igniting the Neogaf War of 2020.

Druckman shuts off his computer and trembles. He sits in silence with his head hanging low. A single tear runs from his eye. How can this be? How can not everyone see what a genius he is. Inconceivable. Clearly God is punishing him and so he prays.

“Oh great Sarkeesian! Why have thou forsaken me!”, his tender tears erupting forth as he knocks his computer to the floor in a crying rage. Then a sudden calm comes over him. “The media will reassure me of my greatness and this game will make money because Naughty Dog.” He smiles smugly, but like a predatory bird hovering at the edge of his consciousness, is smoldering doubt.

Only on June 19th will he, and the rest of the world, know if he, truly, is as great as he believes himself to be.
June 19th...

REE Machine

Yep, the guy need a fucking editor that put a leash on him.
Thats why mgs1-3 were so good because he had the story written for him, after 3 hos writer left snd the quality dipped down. Kojima is the george lucas of video games, ruining his own creations

REE Machine

Imagine thinking a cliche revenge story with a disproportionate number of alphabet people is good writing
Sure. Go back to COD.
Not sure what COD has to do with this so ill just round it out by saying well you're a moron

and I havent experinced thelast of us yet but I have played all the metal gears and all the praise that kojima gets it should really go toTomokazu Fukushima. He is the guy who wrote
Mgs1-3 and you can tell the quality was there, he left after 3 and kojima was the sole writer and the stories took a nose dive.

4 sucked because he tried to wrsp stupid plot points that all link to one thing "nanomachines", hey remember vamp being a vampire "nanomachines" remember how liquid mind controlled ocelot "nanomachine" oh btw naomi has cancer and she going to die in 30 seconds you wana know why, nanomachines

and donteven get me started with the false advertising with V and the plot twist people guessed 2 years before the game came out.

kojima is a guy that likes the smell of his own farts.


A classic? It's a fucking video game, not a movie. Maybe they should be comparing it to classic video games instead of movies? Oh that's right, they can't because as a game it's complete dogshit. I will never not be mad about TLOU's "story/cinematic experience first, gameplay mechanics and interesting uses of the medium last" mantra spreading to other Sony studios and becoming their #1 philosophy. At least MGS 1-3 had unique gameplay that pushed the medium forward to complement the cutscene and story heavy nature of those games. Druckmann is free to make what he wants, but to label his "games" as pushing the industry forward is a joke. The only thing it pushes forward is his ego and perceived self-righteousness.


Gold Member
Thats why mgs1-3 were so good because he had the story written for him, after 3 hos writer left snd the quality dipped down. Kojima is the george lucas of video games, ruining his own creations
I mean, i still enjoyed at least the gameplay of mgs5 and the absolute craziness of mgs4 but DS was too much.
I enjoyed the loop gameplay at least.
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Deft Beck

A classic? It's a fucking video game, not a movie. Maybe they should be comparing it to classic video games instead of movies? Oh that's right, they can't because as a game it's complete dogshit. I will never not be mad about TLOU's "story/cinematic experience first, gameplay mechanics and interesting uses of the medium last" mantra spreading to other Sony studios and becoming their #1 philosophy. At least MGS 1-3 had unique gameplay that pushed the medium forward to complement the cutscene and story heavy nature of those games. Druckmann is free to make what he wants, but to label his "games" as pushing the industry forward is a joke. The only thing it pushes forward is his ego and perceived self-righteousness.

Regardless of what you think of Druckmann, this is the truth: Big budget video games use the language and thematic devices of passive mediums like film to impress a mass audience and investors who believe film is the apex to which games should strive. As long as this is true, the medium cannot be anything more than a shadow of film.

Video games don't really need a profound story or deep characters to be compelling. Arcade games with five seconds of story captivated millions of people decades ago.


Gold Member
Probably tooting their own horn, saying they overcame adversity.

The pandemic has been what 3-6 months long. Not like they were working on the game only within that time frame.

I think these devs just like to make up these stories to make themselves feel better, when nobody really cares what "trials and tribulations" they went through and to just release the freaking game.


All I could think about after reading that article was how much money Sony must have paid GQ to suck Neil Druckmann's dick.


That box just shouts fake to me when you read it. "Experience the devastating physical and emotional consequences of Ellie's vengeance as you embark on a relentless pursuit of those who've wronged her." At least I hope it's fake as it reads terribly and sounds like it was written by a fan of the game who had the chance to write their own blurb!


That box just shouts fake to me when you read it. "Experience the devastating physical and emotional consequences of Ellie's vengeance as you embark on a relentless pursuit of those who've wronged her." At least I hope it's fake as it reads terribly and sounds like it was written by a fan of the game who had the chance to write their own blurb!
What's fake about it? Its literally the plot of this classic


Have to get the marketing going full speed after the game leaked and upset people with the direction of the game.

Only thing I want is mp back. That alone would have had me buy it.


All I could think about after reading that article was how much money Sony must have paid GQ to suck Neil Druckmann's dick.

It's a sequel to one of the biggest properties of its era on the market, following up 17 million units for the first game, a major title in what is the highest-grossing entertainment medium on the planet, at a time when the traditional markets of film and television have dried up due to pandemic shutdown ... why do you think this was a story Sony had to shove down GQ's throat?

Sure, the magazine isn't known for game coverage, but it is a men's magazine. A lot of men (even the "classy" men who read GQ) play video games.

Just looking on the different sites for GQ and GQ UK, there are pieces about Resident Evil, MLB The Show, Animal Crossing, Xbox Series X, Fortnite, and a gamer diet (because, of course, it's GQ.) It's new to me too that GQ does pieces about games, (though I knew a few writers who freelanced for Maxim and FHM back in the day,) but it makes sense, and it makes sense that GQ would do a real introspective, personality-focused, thinky piece about the culture and artistry of the game rather than just a "how's it play, how's the graphics, how brutal are the kills?" preview (though they did one of those too.)

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Not sure what COD has to do with this so ill just round it out by saying well you're a moron

and I havent experinced thelast of us yet but I have played all the metal gears and all the praise that kojima gets it should really go toTomokazu Fukushima. He is the guy who wrote
Mgs1-3 and you can tell the quality was there, he left after 3 and kojima was the sole writer and the stories took a nose dive.

4 sucked because he tried to wrsp stupid plot points that all link to one thing "nanomachines", hey remember vamp being a vampire "nanomachines" remember how liquid mind controlled ocelot "nanomachine" oh btw naomi has cancer and she going to die in 30 seconds you wana know why, nanomachines

and donteven get me started with the false advertising with V and the plot twist people guessed 2 years before the game came out.

kojima is a guy that likes the smell of his own farts.

MGS 4 - 9.4 on metacritic
Death stranding - 8.2

Yeah, terrible games. Sure, they may not be for you, but your whole approach to this just screams sad kid in mom's basement.

Objectively, Kojima is one of the greatest producers ever in gaming history, no matter what bullshit you spew on a forum.

Also objectively, I enjoyed a grand total of 2 of his games.

Go back to COD.

REE Machine

MGS 4 - 9.4 on metacritic
Death stranding - 8.2

Yeah, terrible games. Sure, they may not be for you, but your whole approach to this just screams sad kid in mom's basement.

Objectively, Kojima is one of the greatest producers ever in gaming history, no matter what bullshit you spew on a forum.

Also objectively, I enjoyed a grand total of 2 of his games.

Go back to COD.
They are for me i love the metal gear series but after 3 the story went down fucking hill, and kojima is a hack writer, he literally is george lucas of gaming who tore his whole series apart whilst people thought he was a genious, people think Druckman is over hyped, boy oh boy wait until kojima enters the room.
Go back to Law breakers


The two (Druckmann and Gross) have had some serious fights too – she had a successful six-month crusade to convince him to swap the fates of two characters – but they always, eventually, get back to harmony. “We agree on 80 per cent of things,” she says. “I think that comes from working for so long together.”

I hope they talk about this swap in an interview or podcast. Would love to hear which characters they switched up and the thought behind it.

I bet I know exactly which two character’s fates they are referring to. It’s bad when I can predict what they’ll do solely off of their beliefs/politics.

I may be wrong, but I don’t think I am.
Yeah and is was trash so was mgsv and mgs4, dude hasnt had a decent written game since 3 and tech he had a writer for that one

I really hate to agree with this, but it's true. I liked the gameplay of mgs 4, but I did not like the story or ending . I hated almost every decision about MGS5, and I refuse to go anywhere near that recent game of his with Norman Reedus.
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