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The Official 2009 Game of the Year Media Picks Thread

If you find a new GOTY, please post here in this thread. Thanks!

The 2008 GOTY media picks are here.
The 2007 GOTY media picks are here.

Current standings...

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - 42.5*
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - 6
Assassin's Creed II - 5.5*
Dragon Age: Origins - 3
Batman: Arkham Asylum - 2
Brütal Legend - 1
Demon's Souls - 1
Killzone 2 - 1
Left 4 Dead 2 - 1
Street Fighter IV - 1

* Why the half-point?
Seth Schiesel said:
Yes, picking two winners is an unconscionable cop-out. Yes, I’m spineless. But I simply can’t choose which of these games is better.

[360][PS3][PC] Assassin's Creed II

Why Assassin's Creed 2? In short, it simply came down to taste. All of this year's runners-up were spectacular in their own way, but for us Ubisoft's sequel was worthy of the award not just because it completely reset the bar for the franchise, but because it delivered on so much. The story was strong, the characters were well realized, the level design was magnificent, and it offered an abundance of gameplay challenges that ranged from beautifully choreographed combat, to gloriously constructed spatial reasoning puzzles. While epic in its scope, the game was especially notable for its more intimate moments between characters, its charming dialogue, and its occasional (successful) stabs at humor. Sure, Uncharted 2 was a blast, and we all love it. And yes, no one can deny the populist appeal of Modern Warfare 2, or the nostalgia-soaked stylings of Street Fighter IV, but for us Assassin's Creed 2 delivered on more than any of its peers.


What else is there to say? The visuals are awe-inspiring, the controls are tight and responsive, and the story has twists and turns worthy of Lost. Couple that with a brilliant soundtrack by Jespyr Kyd, and Ubisoft has created a masterpiece, capturing the essence of Renaissance Italy in one epic game. There were not many games this year that kept us wanting to play "just one more mission," but Assassin's Creed II did just that. If you are apprehensive about playing this because of the first game's flaws, don't be: everything that went wrong there is fixed here and then some. Perhaps Assassin's Creed II can itself be considered a renaissance in platforming, storytelling, and improving on the predecessor.

M! Games
Matthias Schmid said:
Ubisoft Montreal hat mich total überrascht und mit Ezios Italienurlaub das beste Spiel des Jahres aus dem Hut gezaubert. Fast jeder Fehltritt des Vorgängers wurde behoben und zusammen mit den Stärken von Teil 1 (Kletter-Mechanik, Spielwelt, Grafik) zu einem locker 20-stündigen Action-Abenteuer vermengt, das mich verschlungen und erst nach mehreren turbulenten Tagen im glaubhaften Italien der Renaissance wieder ausgespuckt hat. Mit einer Vielzahl an spannenden Nebenaufgaben, intelligenten Rätseln, sympathischen Figuren und herausfordernden Grabräubereinlagen gelang Assassin‘s Creed 2 mit Bravour das, woran sich der Vorgänger die Zähne ausgebissen hatte: Eine über die gesamte Spielzeit erfrischende, abwechslungs- und lehrreiche sowie befriedigende Geschichtsstunde, die trotz der Größe die Spielwelt bis ins letzte Detail ausgemeißelt hat.

New York Times (tie w/ UC2)
Seth Schiesel said:
Assassin’s Creed II is a historical conspiracy mystery set in the equally stunning cities and countryside of the Italian Renaissance, with an open-world design straight from the Grand Theft Auto series.

Assassin's Creed II has impressed WhatIfGaming and the readers in more than one way by inspiring a different idea in a sequel and completely reinvigorating the foundations of a great game with incredible use of sound, a beautiful environment, and moreover Renaissance Italy in a believable environment that gives players most of everything that they wanted. Congratulations Ubisoft! You all deserve this one.

[360][PS3][PC] Batman: Arkham Asylum


Games Radar
Arkham Asylum should not have been good. At all. For over two decades, we lamented the lack of a truly fun, truly faithful Batman game, but to be honest, we always secretly understood why developer after developer disappointed us. The character and his universe are simply too unique, too complicated and too beloved to do any real justice. You’d have to be a miracle worker to create the perfect Batman game.

Or you could just finish your damn homework first. The team at Rocksteady Studios clearly put a ton of thought and research into their translation. The Dark Knight does more than punch, so they successfully combined combat, stealth, exploration, gadgetry, puzzles, flight and, yes, even detective work into one cohesive – and superb – style of gameplay. Batman stories are supposed to be smart, so they sought out the best Batman writer in recent history. Movie stars never take videogame voiceover work seriously, so they hired fan favorites from the adored ‘90s animated series instead. Comic lovers will focus on every detail, so they packed their world with as many subtle nods, hidden references and rewarding Easter eggs as possible.

[360][PS3] Brütal Legend

Tom Chick said:
Brutal Legend is my favorite game this year because it manages to accomplish something completely beyond the reach of Red Faction: Guerrilla and Assassin's Creed 2: a wondrous story and the characters it takes to make that story matter. More than any other game this year, more than any other open-world game I've played, Brutal Legend tells a meaningful story with virtually no wasted beats, missed opportunities, or loose ends. It's as lean and no-frills and effective as its sometimes too simple, sometimes too complex, but ultimately just-right gameplay. The driving, the battles (those battles!), the guitar solo powers, the discoveries, the creatures, the heroic arc of Eddie Riggs and the fall of Ophelia and doomed Lars and poor Leta and their funky entourage.

[360][PS3][PC] Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Chicago Tribune
The story line rivals that of a good Tom Clancy novel, with twists and turns and "what the heck was that about?" surprises. Some of the events in the single-player campaign are spine-chilling and unsettling, yet always riveting. The well-designed multi-player enhancements continue the series' dominance of online play. The gameplay is nothing short of brilliant in any of the title's three modes: online, co-op and single player. The graphics are exceptional. . . .

Yeah, Modern Warfare 2 is just that good.

Brian M. said:
Game of the Decade! Game of the Century! Alright, that's quite enough. While Modern Warfare 2 isn't a perfect action game, it's the best representation of an action game that I've ever seen. From gorgeous set pieces and a story that would have Michael Bay in tears to a killer online experience and the new Spec Ops mode, developer Infinity Ward has you pretty much covered for the next few years of your life.


Los Angeles Times
Pete Metzger said:
The story line rivals that of a good Tom Clancy novel, with twists and turns and "what the heck was that about?" surprises. Some of the events in the single-player campaign are spine-chilling and unsettling, yet always riveting. The well-designed multi-player enhancements continue the series' dominance of online play. The gameplay is nothing short of brilliant in any of the title's three modes: online, co-op and single player. The graphics are exceptional. . . .

Yeah, Modern Warfare 2 is just that good.

Time Magazine
Lev Grossman and Peter Ha said:
This is a game that sends a message: Video games have something intelligent to say about contemporary military conflicts. In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, you hop around the globe, chasing the front lines of globalized, asymmetrical combat, where not everybody wears uniforms, war isn't always declared, and the battlefield isn't clearly marked — battles rage through suburbs, airports and people's living rooms. There's tons of raw, riveting military action in Modern Warfare 2, but it's very much about how the game has changed: limiting civilian casualties and figuring out whom to fight and why are just as important as staying alive.


[PS3] Demon's Souls

Demon's Souls is an extraordinary blend of the old and the new, and the result is so distinctive that it's hard to even find games to compare it to. Yes, it's a hard game. It is ruthlessly, unforgivingly difficult. But it is also amazingly compelling and rewarding, because the tools you need to survive are built into the very fabric of the experience. Demon's Souls is innovative, immersive, and immensely entertaining--and the best game of 2009.

[360][PS3][PC] Dragon Age: Origins

BioWare once reinvigorated the Dungeon & Dragons-inspired line of PC fantasy RPGs with Baldur's Gate. After a decade of evolutions, the studio has attempted to bridge the gap between that early milestone and its modern refinements.

Dragon Age: Origins succeeds both in that goal and as a masterful, ambitious roleplaying game in its own right. On its surface, it seems full of the same dwarves-and-mages-and-elves dynamic that's been so thoroughly mined, with stock visuals to match. But as you explore the game's considerable volume of content, its fascinating subtleties begin to reveal themselves -- class, gender, and race roles form the underpinnings of a compelling world without becoming too heavy-handed.

Natalie Romano said:
This one is, hands down, a game worthy of being called Game of the Year. Not only does it have a stellar story, different paths to follow and interesting characters but the universe will draw you in and not let you go until the very end.

Hooked Gamers
With Dragon Age: Origins, Bioware returns to its roots with a meld of action-oriented and strategic gameplay. They have wrapped the package in a story rife with meaningful choices, astounding twists, and relevant themes. Simply put, Dragon Age: Origins is a tour-de-force of phenomenal storytelling and combat, everything an interactive entertainment experience should be. We can't think of a better recommendation than that, making Dragon Age: Origins our Game of the Year 2009.

[PS3] Killzone 2


[360][PC] Left 4 Dead 2

Tracey John said:
Even I didn’t think Valve should release a sequel to Left 4 Dead just a year after the original. But what it delivered should appease even the most fervent would-be boycotters. With its cast of chatty, likable characters, campaign and multiplayer modes, weapons, zombie types and a melee combat system, Left 4 Dead 2 is a more complete game than the original ever was.

[360][PS3][PC] Street Fighter IV

San Jose Mercury News
Gieson Cacho said:
No other release rejuvenated a genre more than Capcom's flagship fighting game. It grabbed a new generation of fans and reignited the passion of old-school gamers in the series. The huge turnout at Evo Championship Series 2009, the preeminent U.S. fighting game tournament, is proof of that. The return to the classic gameplay, along with some new tweaks and a great online mode, made "Street Fighter IV" the game I played and loved the most this year.
[PS3] Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Naughty Dog's action masterpiece is a vast improvement over its predecessor, and it's a damn great PS3 game on top of that. The graphics are fantastic, the banter remains fast and furious, and the characters are even more intriguing. It's the ultimate mashup of cover-based shooting, platforming, puzzle solving, sneaking, and quipping.

Associated Press
Lou Kesten said:
Like an interactive version of a classic Hollywood action movie, this globe-trotting treasure hunt delivers thrills, romance and more hairbreadth escapes than the entire Indiana Jones series.

Brave New Gamer
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves clinches our GOTY award for several reasons. It's an awesome cinematic gameplay experience. It's got some tremendous acting and storytelling. Multiplayer is as fun as it gets. And as we said before, it's the complete package, with no missing or loose parts. The only reason you shouldn't own it is if you don't play videogames, and even then, Uncharted 2 would spoil 99% of all games for you because of just how good it is. That, or it'll make you a gamer for life.

CBC News
Peter Nowak said:
There are many factors that go into a great game: stunning visuals and sound, a compelling storyline, exciting and fun action, and increasingly, good replay value through an engrossing online multiplayer mode. This year, no other game put all these elements together quite like Uncharted 2, designed by Naughty Dog studios.

Cheat Code Central

In Uncharted 2, the wizards at Naughty Dog produced a technical and artistic showcase for videogames and a blueprint for how to make a sequel, building upon the already accomplished original…and then some. Every aspect of it is polished to the nth degree, from the characterisation of its rag tag cast, to a plot that managed to out-Indiana Jones the whip-cracker himself; the adventures of Nathan Drake scream quality. And the visuals…let’s not forget the visuals – if ever there was a game to make you want…no, need…an HD-TV, this is it.

Computer and Video Games
What. A. Game. In early 2005 when we waited in wonder of what the 'next-gen' consoles would be capable of, THIS is what we imagined.

Uncharted 2 got rave reviews - several awarding it perfect scores, including us. It follows the template from many tried and tested games - the exploration of Tomb Raider, acrobatics of Prince of Persia, cover-based combat from Gears of War and stealth from Splinter Cell. Yet it manages to significantly raise the bar in each of these areas, amalgamating them all perfectly into one near-flawless work of art.

Seth said:
If I had to use one word to sum up Uncharted 2, it would have to be: stunning. The best animations, the best graphical and environmental details, the best voice acting. It so excellently merges the gunplay and climbing mechanics of the first game, that it becomes an effort to ever turn it off. If you needed a reason to own a PS3, it’s right here.

Chad Concelmo said:
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is not only an outstanding, and vastly improved, sequel to the original Uncharted, it is one of the most exciting, exhilarating, highly polished videogames of all time. Every beat of the third-person action/adventure game is perfectly paced, and the set pieces -- my God, the set pieces! -- are some of the most clever and breathtaking pieces of design ever seen in a videogame. From the collapsing building to the speeding train, from the nail-biting journey through the ice cave to the battle on the convoy. From start to finish, Uncharted 2 impresses.


Entertainment Weekly
Treasure hunters have given videogames their most iconic heroes. Lara Croft. Mario and Luigi. The guy from Zork. Onto that Mount Rushmore we now chisel the stubbled mug of Nathan Drake, the rakish soldier of fortune at the center of this interactive Raiders of the Lost Ark. The gameplay demands that you do more than kick ass like Indy. You have to think like him, too, whether strategizing a museum heist or solving puzzles amid Tibetan ruins. The propulsive plot is unpredictably gonzo. The goal: find Marco Polo's lost treasure. The enemies: a Serbian war criminal...and yetis. The final destination: the fabled city of Shambhala. Uncharted 2 is deliciously overstuffed, powered by dynamic storytelling and amazing graphics. You'll be dazzled by the set pieces, but what you'll remember most is having experience a real story, rip-roaringly told.

Tom Bramwell said:
Anyway, Uncharted 2 is a game I would recommend to any Eurogamer reader, and I do. As others have pointed out, it is slick and easy to play, beautiful to look at and charming and funny to spend time with. It is, as the TV ads keep reminding me that I said, an 'action-adventure masterpiece'. It may be a game about running around the world trying to beat a mad Russian to buried treasure, but few if any games have ever combined the qualities with which it has been imbued with this much confidence, style and mass appeal - and I doubt many will do so again, either.

Quando me chegam jogos como Uncharted 2: Among Thieves às mãos, penso verdadeiramente no que de bom a indústria de videojogos tem. É como que um oásis dentro de tanta fraca qualidade. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves coloca novamente a fasquia da qualidade muito alta, sendo um dos melhores jogos deste ano. Para finalizar, e como promessa à Elena, que me pediu para lhe dar um valor entre 0 a 10, darei o que abaixo está inscrito. Vocês irão perceber.

Extreme Gamer
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is the ultimate gaming thrill ride that will have you gripping the controller until the credits role, and after the credits role you have all the time in the world to jump into its solid multiplayer features/ co-op included. Naughty Dog has sure come along way from Crash Bandicoot.

Feed Your Console
Kaneda Gallon said:
Honestly, if you’ve never played it – You just don’t know what you’re missing. This is what sells consoles.

Fox News
Okay, our pick for Game of the Year: Uncharted 2. This game has action, adventure, romance, high-speed chases, and forgotten temples. Indiana Jones, eat your heart out.

O game de ação “Uncharted 2: among thieves”, exclusivo para o PlayStation 3, foi escolhido o melhor jogo de 2009, de acordo com os editores das principais revistas de videogame do Brasil. Eles destacaram a excelente narrativa do título e o visual acima da média como fatores determinantes para que o game, produzido pela Naughty Dog, fosse o melhor entre tantos títulos lançados neste ano.

No surprise here. Naughty Dog took the best parts of Drake's Fortune and integrated expert story telling and voice acting to create one of the most compelling and enjoyable games in years. Among Thieves has some flaws (among them, creepy eyes), but it's the PlayStation 3's killer app, as well as a look into the future of gaming. Bravo to everyone involved.

Nathan Drake’s quest to find Marco Polo’s lost fleet sets players on a high-octane, action-packed journey that keeps our hearts pounding from one daring leap to the next. Uncharted 2 seamlessly blurs the line between cinematics and gameplay with incredible set pieces complemented by some of the most remarkable writing and voice acting seen in games. With a memorable cast, epic orchestral score, awe-inspiring exotic locales, and solid multiplayer component, Naughty Dog has not only shown what the PS3 is capable of, but also set the bar for action games to come.

Gamer Limit
Shawn Evans said:
What words can possibly be used to describe Uncharted 2: Among Thieves that haven’t been spoken? Amazing, breathtaking, spectacular, addictive, cinematic, beautiful, jaw dropping, captivating, fun, and memorable have already been taken, and that’s just in the review written here at Gamer Limit.

There really is no individual element that can be singled out to explain why Uncharted 2 is so great. Everything from the excellent single and multi-player gameplay, to the mind blowing visuals, engaging characters, and incredible soundtrack have all been polished to a level of perfection rarely seen in most modern titles. Since games are only as good as the sum of their parts, its safe to say that what Naughty Dog has created with Uncharted 2 is a masterpiece that should be celebrated and played by all.

It might not have the absolute best multiplayer of the year or be the most addicting game, but it pushes the medium forward with stellar presentation, a story that rivals some of the best films, and some of the most enjoyable gameplay to ever entertain characters. The cinematic experience is simply unparalleled, blurring the lines between mediums and doing so in a wonderful manner. Naughty Dog should be endlessly proud of what they’ve accomplished with Uncharted 2, and they’ve not only given PS3 owners something to show off, but created one of the finest gaming experiences of all time in the process.

With the team providing their own suggestions, two games in particular kept on appearing. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is clearly Sony's strongest card when it comes to selling the console and the publisher has certainly been making that point with its advertising campaign.


Good Game
A beautiful cinematic masterpiece with a compelling single player campaign, top notch co-op, and hectic multiplayer, it's a triumphant celebration of gaming that keeps you coming back for more. A unanimous vote in the Good Game office and a clear winner in the viewers poll, Uncharted 2 is hands down our game of the year.

Giant Bomb
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is the total package, a crowd-pleasing thrill ride that's incredibly difficult to put down and remarkably easy to recommend without ever feeling like it's pandering to the lowest-common denominator. It's funny, it's exciting, it's beautiful, it's nerve-wracking, and it's our 2009 game of the year.

No game in 2009 presented a better overall package than Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. With jaw-dropping visuals, Hollywood-level storytelling, amazing action sequences, intriguing puzzles, and a killer online multiplayer component, Uncharted 2 simply wowed us over and over again from start to finish. Bravo, Naughty Dog; you made our year.

Patrick Kolan with Cam Shea said:
If "few action games have ever done it better", then Uncharted 2 is one of those rare games. Let's take this one slowly because there's a lot of ground to cover and praise to be heaped.

While many games claim to let players live out their action movie fantasies, in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, this is absolutely the case. Nathan Drake is an infectiously likeable lead character, pulling traits from Harrison Ford and Nathan Fillion to create an unholy amalgam of charm and smarm. What follows the literal cliff-hanger opening is an instant-classic action adventure that does more to reinvigorate this genre than any other this year.

Brian Crecente said:
...Uncharted 2: Among Thieves epitomized the best in games in 2009 because of the way it delivered an interactive experience, transcending video games to become a genuine bit of mainstream entertainment.

Lens of Truth
The Game of the Year Award goes to the title that impressed us the most this year. For us, the game had to be fun, have a great story, killer multiplayer and push the visual envelope. There were many great games released in 2009, but one stood head and shoulders above the rest. That game was Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Congratulations to all of the talented folks at Naughty Dog.

Loading Reality
Aaron Marsh said:
Grotesquely beautiful, breathtakingly exciting, and paced so perfectly you'd swear you were knee deep in a Pixar film, Uncharted 2 is a downright revolution of cinematic gameplay, and is the perfect way to close such a remarkable decade for the medium.

Hitesh Uchil said:
A thrill ride from the start to the very well done climax, this is easily one of the best single player experiences we’ve had on any platform. Uncharted 2 steals away our Game of the Year accolade.

Minneapolis Star Tribune
Randy Salas said:
"Uncharted 2" makes a stunning first impression, with truly cinematic graphics that capitalize on the PlayStation 3's powerful engine. TV commercials showing the uninitiated grabbing popcorn in anticipation of "watching" another night of Nathan Drake's treasure-hunting adventures are only a slight exaggeration.

Winda Benedetti and Ken Smith said:
Sony scored in a huge way this year when it released “Uncharted 2: Among Thieves” – a PS3 exclusive and an all-around amazing video game. Whether you’re shooting, puzzle solving or climbing about the beautifully built environments that “Uncharted 2” puts before you, this action-adventure is simply stunning on every level.

As players take Nathan Drake on a world-hopping adventure to find a lost city and a powerful stone, the game comes together like the best of the summer blockbuster films. That is, the game offers a thrilling story, lots of witty dialog, top-notch voice acting and some sublime motion-capture work. Meanwhile “Uncharted 2” brings both co-op and competitive online play to the series for the first time.

New York Times (tie w/ AC2)
Seth Schiesel said:
Uncharted 2 is a linear pulp romp focused around a modern-day treasure seeker, with a progression of meticulously designed and utterly gorgeous levels.

Newsarama WARNING: Crashes Firefox.
Lucas Siegel said:
Uncharted 2 is not just the game of the year on the PlayStation 3.
Uncharted 2 is not just the game of the year 2009.
Uncharted 2 is the best game so far on this generation of consoles.

Stevie Smith said:
While Uncharted 2 may not offer anything especially new or groundbreaking to the overall franchise, the foundations supporting the series are so strong that no other title across the last 12 months has been able to compete. And, before detractors leap, this is anything but a win by default, it's a win because Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is quite simply teeming with qualities unmatched by any other game of 2009, and, what's more, seldom gathered into a cohesive whole by a single release.

Spike VGAs

David H said:
What else is there to say? Naughty Dog’s incredible sequel had us all under its spell and no other game came close to the number one position. Ever since the beta convinced the sceptical among us, we were eagerly anticipating any trailer or gameplay that was thrown our way. Having received a 9/10 and undying love from TheSixthAxis; Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is TheSixthAxis’ favourite game of 2009.

Terminal Gamer
Geoffrey Calver said:
Uncharted 2 provided a unique combination of action and suspense, shooting and adventure, engaging and realistic characters and stunning scenery. Uncharted 2 offers something for everyone. We gave it a perfect score, and it deserved it. Uncharted 2 isn’t just a great game, it’s one of the greatest games of the decade, and is a standard-bearer for the PS3. It is reason alone to buy a Playstation 3, and everyone should play it. Buy it, play it, and love it. Uncharted 2 is, without a doubt, our Game of the Year.

Dean Takahashi said:
This game is sharp, polished and consistent from beginning to end, pulling together great elements from good weaponry to awesome sound. That’s why I think this game is one of the finest video games of all time. It’s not enough to single-handedly turn around Sony’s fortunes as the third-place player in the console market, but if Sony can keep on making games like this one, it won’t have to worry.

VG Arabia


It was a tough, close battle, but like its incredibly resilient star, Sony's remarkable Uncharted 2: Among Thieves simply refused to lose. There's just so much to love here, from the cinematic action sequences to the sublime visuals to the stellar voice-acting, which actually managed to make even the game's nefarious villains seem oddly likable. Add to that a suite of multiplayer modes worth staying up late to play, and you get a bona fide blockbuster that no PS3 owner should be without. Treasure it.
Yeah, I'm fully expecting MW2 and U2 to reep all the GOTY awards this time.

Is there anything that came out that could possibly compete with these games? I don't think so.


Gamereactor Sweden gave it to KILLZONE 2

beast786 said:

Killzone 2 was gamereactor GOTY :D

Other Awards


Best Design
01. Brütal Legend
02. The Beatles: Rock Band
03. Killzone 2
04. Assassin's Creed II

Best Downloadable Game
01. Shadow Complex
02. Trials HD
03. Real Racing (Iphone)

Most Bad@$$ Dude of the Year
- Chris Redfield (Resident Evil 5)

Most Mischievous Character
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic and the Black Knight)

Enemy of the Year
- Helghast Elite (Killzone 2)

Best Technical Performance
01. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
02. Killzone 2
03. Red Faction: Guerrilla

Best Weapon
- Sonic Eruptor (Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time)

Best Sound
01. Killzone 2
02. Ghostbusters
03. Resident Evil 5
04. Need for Speed: Shift

Best Story
01. Grand Theft Auto: Ballad of Gay Tony
02. Dragon Age: Origins
03. Tales of Vesperia

Biggest Disappointment
01. Bionic Commando
02. UFC 2009: Undisputed
03. Wolfenstein

Worst Game of the Year
01. Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust
02. G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
03. Damnation
04. Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes

Best Music
- Halo 3: ODST

Biggest of the Year
- Forza Motorsport 3

Smallest of the Year
- Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

Best Haircut
- General Lionwhyte (Brütal Legend)

Best Online Game
01. Forza Motorsport 3
02. Halo Wars
03. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Most Laughable (in a good way)
- Ghostbusters

Biggest Surprise
01. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
02. Red Faction: Guerrilla
03. Infamous
04. DJ Hero

Best Portable Game
- Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Best Sidekick
- Captain Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2)

Best Expansion
- Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost & Damned

Best Comeback
- Street Fighter IV

Best Co-op
01. Borderlands
02. Resident Evil 5
03. Left 4 Dead 2
04. The Beatles: Rock Band

Best Character
01. Eddie Riggs (Brütal Legend)
02. Nathan Drake (Uncharted 2: Among Thieves)
03. Kazuya Mishima (Tekken 6)

Most Challenging
- Guitar Hero: Metallica

Most Toughest Character
- Richard B. Riddick (The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena)

Most Original Concept
- Scribblenauts

Best Bossfight
01. Scarecrow (Batman: Arkham Asylum)
02. Mael Radec (Killzone 2)
03. Stay Puft Marshmallow Man (Ghostbusters)

Best Vehicle
- Xanavi Nismo GT-R (Forza Motorsport 3)

01. Killzone 2 (10/10)
02. Street Fighter IV (10/10)
03. Batman: Arkham Asylum (9/10)
04. Dragon Age: Origins (9/10)
05. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (9/10)
06. Colin McRae DiRT 2 (9/10)
07. Brütal Legend (9/10)
08. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (10/10, 8/10 - two different reviews)



As I don't own or did not enjoy any of the three that have reaped awards so far, I'll simply stand back, and wait to see if any game wins a single GotY award that is not a console shooter.


Opiate said:
As I don't own or did not enjoy any of the three that have reaped awards so far, I'll simply stand back, and wait to see if any game wins a single GotY award that is not a console shooter.

In the past, these awards seem to have been very lopsided in their preferences.

I hate most shooters and if Uncharted 2 weren't such a spectacular production with great gameplay variety, I'd hate it too.


Gamereactor's list stinks in every possible way.

For example best portable game, GTA: Chinatown Wars, really? Also, RE5 shouldn't be on these lists in any form.
Taurus said:
Gamereactor's list stinks in every possible way.

For example best portable game, GTA: Chinatown Wars, really? Also, RE5 shouldn't be on these lists in any form.

GTA: Chinatown Wars keeps on showing up on every "best portable game of the year" and its just clear to me that whatever outlet is doing so doesnt have a fucking clue about portable games and what has come out this year.


It's a general tendency not to want to exclude the portables, but in doing so, you look up the review scores and choose the first games you see near the top (along with the most recognizable names).
Coming into this thread I didn't know why it wasn't exploding...

Looking at the two previous years and the outcome...wow. Fuck that.


Well GTA: Chinatown Wars would probably be my portable game of the year... save Mario and Luigi and maybe Zelda...


I thought that the general consensus on GTA:CW is that everyone at least liked it a lot. This year for portable gaming was weak overall, so I don't know why anyone would be surprised at one of the big standouts would be getting recognized.
Ridley327 said:
I thought that the general consensus on GTA:CW is that everyone at least liked it a lot.
It has some decent ideas which evolve the game and the overhead view is refreshing but overall it's got glaring control issues and a lot of worthless "gameplay" elements. I can see people liking it, but GOTY is a little much.

Also MW2 getting any degree of nod for Best Online is a complete joke. It is so fucking phoned in there are no words.


Ridley327 said:
I thought that the general consensus on GTA:CW is that everyone at least liked it a lot. This year for portable gaming was weak overall, so I don't know why anyone would be surprised at one of the big standouts would be getting recognized.
GTA might make it into my top 10 DS games of the year. But I only played 11 or 12.
Good to see someone out there respects Killzone 2. I don't think the game will get too many awards though. GOTY will be dominated by MW2 and U2.


Second-rate Anihawk
Opiate said:
As I don't own or did not enjoy any of the three that have reaped awards so far, I'll simply stand back, and wait to see if any game wins a single GotY award that is not a console shooter.
I hope Batman at least wins one award. I know it is a dark horse candidate, but it has been my favorite game this year by far with Street Fighter 4 as a close second.


Archie said:
I hope Batman at least wins one award. I know it is a dark horse candidate, but it has been my favorite game this year by far with Street Fighter 4 as a close second.
Agreed, i really enjoyed Batman. It was just behind U2 and Demon's Souls for me. :D


Ridley327 said:
I thought that the general consensus on GTA:CW is that everyone at least liked it a lot. This year for portable gaming was weak overall, so I don't know why anyone would be surprised at one of the big standouts would be getting recognized.

Maybe if your only handheld is a DS
? I own a DS and a PSP, and found this year pretty good, although I bought a heck of a lot less DS games then PSP ones.
permutated said:
Coming into this thread I didn't know why it wasn't exploding...

Looking at the two previous years and the outcome...wow. Fuck that.

What about the previous years' outcomes didn't you like?


Just posting them here in full so I don't keep clicking the links.

Bioshock - 22
Super Mario Galaxy - 15
The Orange Box - 11
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - 5
Rock Band - 4
Desktop Tower Defense - 2
Halo 3 - 2
Mass Effect - 2

Grand Theft Auto IV - 11
Fallout 3 - 9
LittleBigPlanet - 6
Fable II - 4
Gears of War 2 - 2
Left 4 Dead - 2
Metal Gear Solid 4 - 2
Far Cry 2 - 1


GameReactor Sweden:
Best Music
- Halo 3: ODST


Best Portable Game
- Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

That would explain it.


Sohter.Nura said:
Yeah, I'm fully expecting MW2 and U2 to reep all the GOTY awards this time.

Is there anything that came out that could possibly compete with these games? I don't think so.

Demon's Souls!

(and I think Borderlands could too.)


Predictable results so far.

GhaleonQ said:
GameReactor Sweden:
Best Music
- Halo 3: ODST


Best Portable Game
- Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

That would explain it.


Bioshock is great and all, but it seriously beat out Mario Galaxy on that many lists? Wow.

NSMBW doesn't stand a chance, huh?

I'm just hoping for a random nod somewhere to Dragon Age. That would be nice.


Archie said:
I hope Batman at least wins one award. I know it is a dark horse candidate, but it has been my favorite game this year by far with Street Fighter 4 as a close second.

Ditto. Though Uncharted 2's my single player GOTY, I hope it wins at least one as well.


Killzone 2, what the hell? The last 4 levels of this game better be significantly better than what I've played so far...

I need to play Batman Arkham Asylum before GAF GOTY Voting. So far Uncharted 2 is on top of my list.
I honestly don't think more than one or two (if that) media outlets will agree with my pick. Demon's Souls for me (since I can't count Bayonetta). Honestly, though... despite so many AAA games this year... it's been fairly boring for me, so there wasn't a lot of worthy competition. So much so that after I finish Deus Ex and SotN I will have completely cleaned out my backlog... I never thought that would happen. I'm so excited to only look forward!!
Uncharted this year alone already made up for the depressing, overhyped, unsatisfying year that was 2008 game wise.

Also, looking back at 2007, wtf at Bioshock. It was great but it was like everyone had stockholm syndrome. I really enjoyed MW, SMG and ME over it.


GillianSeed79 said:
Uncharted this year alone already made up for the depressing, overhyped, unsatisfying year that was 2008 game wise.

What games in 08 were overhyped? All I can think of is Brawl. Maybe MGS4, too, from what I've heard, but I haven't played that one yet.

EDIT: Oh right, GTA IV.
GillianSeed79 said:
Uncharted this year alone already made up for the depressing, overhyped, unsatisfying year that was 2008 game wise.

Also, looking back at 2007, wtf at Bioshock. It was great but it was like everyone had stockholm syndrome. I really enjoyed MW, SMG and ME over it.

Bioshock is one of my top five games of all time (OOT, SotC, Deus Ex, Bioshock, Half-life 2). MW, SMG, and ME are no where near that special to me. It's just personal opinion


Sohter.Nura said:
Yeah, I'm fully expecting MW2 and U2 to reep all the GOTY awards this time.

Is there anything that came out that could possibly compete with these games? I don't think so.

I'll stick my neck out:

I reckon Arkham Asylum will take one, maybe from one of the sites that tends to court controversy a bit; it's certainly earned an awful lot of (justified!) goodwill.

Edit: And I thought I'd be going for an unconventional suggestion, but it seems that a lot of other responders think similarly!


mclem said:
I'll stick my neck out:

I reckon Arkham Asylum will take one, maybe from one of the sites that tends to court controversy a bit; it's certainly earned an awful lot of (justified!) goodwill.

Edit: And I thought I'd be going for an unconventional suggestion, but it seems that a lot of other responders think similarly!

Yeah... if its nominated by the VGAs for GOTY, its probably pretty far from "unconventional". Still, I hope Rocksteady and AA get some love from the people looking at the GOTY contenders this year. It'd be nice to reward them for all that hard work (besides the green light on the sequel).
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