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The Walking Dead - Season 2 - Sundays on AMC

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I'm on a tablet so I can't type out a very long detailed response, but let me just say Dale was being FAR more black and white about the situation, and employing a really bad slippery slope fallacy.

That, and the gap between human society and animals is being hugely underestimated here, with an obvious bias towards 20th century Western standards that are fairly unique without making the previous 10,000 years "animalistic."

I agree with you that the execution itself would not have literally and definitely functioned as a 180-degree turn towards unreasoned chaos. Yes, slippy slope fallacy. And yeah, moral systems essential order a "shades of grey" world into ridged binary choices. I get that.

But Randall was never a definite threat, so executing him for something he might do (even though he had a pretty damn good reason not to do it... until he was tortured) is sort of hard to defend morally. Dale may have been using a logical fallacy in his argument, but the heart of his message (before the subsequent and fallaciously indefinite, "Because we will begin to do even worse things as a result") was, "This action is not morally acceptable."

Seeing as the characters in the show live by 20th century Western standards of morality (as does, presumably, the show's audience and writers), abandoning those standards might very well be considered by almost everyone involved to be a bad thing, right? We can argue forever about the validity of sticking to any moral principle when it might be more logical to ignore them out of safety concerns, and of course that's one of the main themes of the show: the conflict between the rational and the irrational (but human).

In the real world, could Rick have made a temporary exception to his own moral code and executed Randall only to have everyone in the group go about with their lives relatively unchanged? Possibly, because in the real world things aren't always so poetic as they are (or are intended to be... bad writing joke goes here) in fiction. I've always thought one of the biggest collective societal fears is that a person could commit murder (or break other serious social taboos) and not be subsequently affected by it. I suspect that has happened often throughout human history. We probably wouldn't be here, as a species, otherwise.

But there is the question of how worthwhile existence is without certain moral principles. For some, I'm sure it would be fine. Behaving rationally, in their minds, is superior and more preferable to behaving irrationally. And since human beings are not objective creatures ruled entirely by rational though, there are people who will disagree that compromising on certain moral issues is acceptable.

There is no obviously "best" answer to this debate. But I'm personally sticking with "killing people who pose no definite, present threat to you is wrong," Dale's logical fallacies aside.

.............Also, my biggest pet peeve was Angela being written as a dumb fuck for 50 minutes of this episode. Who apparently completely forgot about the concepts of justice, mores, norms and societal laws elevating and checking our immoral behavior despite being a fucking civil lawyer? It just irks me how stupid they write these characters at times. It's like the writers deliberately watch old horror movies and are determined to role every eye rolling cliche into this series.

I was very irked this had never come up before in the show--or had seemed to inform Andrea's behavior--until now. Almost like they made it up for this episode!
I actually kind of liked the episode until the end. But... man. How was the zombie able to rip open Dale's stomach with his bare hands?

*puts on tinfoil hat*

I think muscles need oxygen to move, so im assuming zombies dont need it and their using 100% capacity of their muscles. So yeah, probably why they can easily overpower anyone. And we really dont know how the zombie infection can affect a corpse.
*puts on tinfoil hat*

I think muscles need oxygen to move, so im assuming zombies dont need it and their using 100% capacity of their muscles. So yeah, probably why they can easily overpower anyone. And we really dont know how the zombie infection can affect the corpse.

You put more thought into it than the writers did, I'll give you that.
I believe they said after on the talking dead that the zombie decomposed enough that he was scratching Dale with the tips of his finger bones.
Probably made it up on the spot when asked.


I am extremely disappointed that the leaked spoilers turned out to be so accurate. AMC needs to get a lockdown on this shit.

Otherwise, great episode. It kinda dragged in the middle with the "Sophia's in heaven" stuff, but otherwise, it was fantastic.
To be honest, with all the blood that sprays when you knife or shoot a zombie, i'm surprised not a single drop makes into anybody's eyes. That would be my number one worry with beating a zombie in close quarters.


They knew Dale would die at the end of the episode so they gave us 25 solid minutes of Daleface.

The writing on this show is so stupid that it might actually come around to being less stupid. Dale getting jumped by a zombie in an open field makes no sense, until you realize that he also couldn't spot a mob of 50-100 zombies walking down a highway.


Thank fuck he's gone, he was so annoying. Half the crew are absolute idiots and I would delight in seeing them die just like Dale
A) fucking carl - that whole with the zombie the the woods sequence was impossible annoying to watch

B) fucking Dale - that whole arguing in the house like a dumb fuck sequence was impossible to watch

= me wanting them to both die. 1 down, plenty to go. You're meant to care about these people but fucking carl. Shane even told him NOT to get himself killed. What a twat.

A+B+zombie = dead Dale


what an incredibly annoying episode.


Nork unification denier
The fact that the guy told daryl that his group of 30 chanced up a family of 3 (2 girls) and savaged them; and they were still like "derpy derp" we got to debate this was eye-rollingly aggravating. If I were daryl I would have killed him there and then.

instead.. "derpy derpy derp

derpy derp."

rick shot 2 guys didn't even hesitate in the bar; right in the head. In the barn; quiver quiver. urgh.


Is Frank Darabont still a producer for this show? Maybe he'll do another cleaning house at the end of the season, and this time try to hire some good writers.

I mean, the writing is just so bad. That blonde chick, she did a complete 180 when she sided with Dale. Where the hell did that come from? Did she just feel bad that no one else was taking his side? And the old guy giving the Asian guy the watch...cringeworthy.

AMC really is losing its relevance.


Episode pissed me off.

A) A Character is highly annoying/a drama queen (Lori, Andrea, Maggie)
B) A Character is unreasonably compulsive (Shane... Andrea)
C) A Character is stunted by their own limited perspective (Dale, Rick, Hershel)
D) A Character is nothing more than a background prop (T-Dog, Carol, Beth, Carl)

At time's I think this is really the Rick and Shane show, with people anxiously waiting their turn to jump in and do something before the cameras point back to the two male leads.

Aside from Glen and Daryl, it's hard to really put emotional investment behind a character in this show. Everyone is such an extreme caricature in their personalities and convictions, they seem to only serve as plot devices for poorly set up scenarios (or props to be later used as a device), not people to actually care about.

I cared a little of Dale, but the way he was handled from the argument in the house up until he meets the cow was painful to watch. My suspension of believe is going haywire, I don't understand how a single zombie on top of Dale, rips is guts out with bare hands, when a episode prior... three zombies piled on top of Rick couldn't as much as scratch him.

I know it's a show about zombies, but I find myself scratching my head at the logic at times.


My suspension of believe is going haywire, I don't understand how a single zombie on top of Dale, rips is guts out with bare hands, when a episode prior... three zombies piled on top of Rick couldn't as much as scratch him.

Zombies are always hard to keep consistent for narrative purposes. Look at OG DOTD, they tear bikers apart with ease but Peter tackles about 10 of them to escape without a scratch, they then climb a fucking step ladder showing cognitive ability and co-ordination never seen before.

Then in Day they essentially pull people apart like super humans, in Night they were weak as shit.

How the fuck did it sneak up on him? they moan the second they see / smell / sense food.


i don't actually have any problem with the zombie sneaking up on dale but the ripping his stomach open is a bit much in terms of narrative. would have probably worked better if his penis was ripped off instead.
This thread is going the way of so many TV threads on GAF. Shit loads of people saying the show is terrible and has been since basically the start, but they'll come back season after season. Melts my chops.


Dale breaking down to he group was sad, he was the only one worried that they haven't lost their humanity then Daryl has to kill him like a dog. Ugh :(
They didn't even have to do a gore death. Even the slightest cut would have been infected. They should have just done the whole; sit with him; and know that he's going to turn; then kill him. They should just have had the zombie bite his ear off or something.

That said, the stomache thing did not bother me.

Um, Daryl killing him like a dog; bullet to the head; probably put him out of his misery.
I can't even tell who is who. Unless they greatly annoy me or interest me I'll know their name.

Black guy = who?
mopey housemother to sophia = who?
glenn's GF = who?
sister + other family = who?

I can't say I'm quite like this with other tv shows but everyone feels like a B cast.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Just caught this, thank god Dale ate shit, christ he was annoying, next Carl needs to be slowly devoured by a walker, this show has one of the most unlikeable casts and characters I can remember. Only people worth watching for are Rick, Shane, Daryl and Glenn.
You put more thought into it than the writers did, I'll give you that.

Your putting way too much thought into zombie fiction. It's the same stuff we have been seeing since the 70's, it's just what people deal with. TWD is nothing more than generic zombie genre material that follows all the tropes, but in a TV format. You can only put too much thought into zombies before it all falls apart.
I didn't like the Dale character at all but he served an important purpose within the group. People celebrating his death sp they can go all commando and start rampaging and pillaging are looking for much different show than me.


dale didnt have what it takes to survive in that world so his death makes sense although i will miss him and his old lady like meddling.

personally i wish both lori and carl would die. both of them are beyond stupid and due for a darwin award.
ah still at that fucking farm!

I think it will go down like this, I have not read the comics, but I guess that the prisoner will escape and lead the 30 men to the site and shit is going to go down, they will burn the house to the ground and then the show will move on.

thats what I hope will happen atleast, Tired of seeing them hanging out at that damn farm all the time, GO explore and find out what happened instead of playing house!


Really really bad episode.

Never really complained about the show before but damn every character is a complete jackass.
Really really bad episode.

Never really complained about the show before but damn every character is a complete jackass.

Agreed. They're all fucking stupid.

"Aw, I'm mad for some reason. I'm going to go storming away in the woods." This happened TWICE in this episode. It's a FUCKING ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. Stay the fuck in camp with the others, you idiots.

At this point, are the writers just fucking with their audience? The amount of idiocy that is written into this season is insulting.

This is fantastic. I was wondering if he had been killed and I just didn't remember or what.
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