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There Is Such A Thing As Too Much Sephiroth


Reseterror Resettler
He's an iconic video game villain, it can't be helped. And I do mean iconic, without hyperbole. When it gets to the point where you're featured in your base game, your expanded universe, your franchise's expanded universe, a Disney franchise, obscure fighting games and Super fucking Smash Brothers, you're essentially Pacman or Sonic.


He's an iconic video game villain, it can't be helped. And I do mean iconic, without hyperbole. When it gets to the point where you're featured in your base game, your expanded universe, your franchise's expanded universe, a Disney franchise, obscure fighting games and Super fucking Smash Brothers, you're essentially Pacman or Sonic.
And yet, he never had his own game

Before Rebirth, that is


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Bro, you good? Or just partying on a Friday night? 🥃
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But I hope Sephiroth isn't the last boss in Rebirth.
Save him for Reunion.

I did like his fight in remake though.


But I hope Sephiroth isn't the last boss in Rebirth.
Save him for Reunion.

I did like his fight in remake though.

I can't wait to fight him with the expanded aerial combat stuff. I will only be bothered by fighting him if they don't find ways to mix things up, an extra human form fight in rebith then we cna have him in monster form for part3, which won't be called reunion which is why they chose to name the crisis core remake that.


Gold Member
Since the remakes are technically sequels, I'm fine with him having more presence.

The problem is having us be able to fight him at the end of the first game. It makes absolutely no sense to have us taking him on so soon. Really kills the pacing, even if the battle was rad.
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Gold Member
ask about too much Cloud


Reseterror Resettler
And yet, he never had his own game

Before Rebirth, that is

You just nullified your own thread's reason for existing.

And I'm not seeing an overabundance in implied screen time in Rebirth over the portion it covers in the original, unless there's a new trailer I missed or something. We've seen Sephiroth in Rebirth so far:

- in flashbacks to Remake's final battle.
- in the Nibelheim flashback (he was a party member in OG, too)
- on the Cargo Ship.

....I really can't remember any other big appearances. I haven't viewed the last trailer in a month or so, though, so I could be missing a couple scenes or whatever. Either way, not nearly as prevalent as other appearances he's made.


It was mostly just a taste of what he's capable of.
Yeah I can get behind that
But too much One-Winged Angel for me. It was like they did with Duel of the Fates in Star Wars for me. Once would have been enough, made it special
Plus I didn’t feel like Remake part 1 needed that battle, really
Maybe it’s just me, but the very end with Sephiroth in the original was a great climax. It was like finally getting back at him. A long journey to him

The problem is having us be able to fight him at the end of the first game. It makes absolutely no sense to have us taking him on so soon. Really kills the pacing, even if the battle was rad.
It just makes me wonder how it’ll end, now. They blew their load too soon for me

No? Sephiroth is big part of the story.
Usually shrouded in mystery
You didn’t have to see him fight Zolom to understand his power. Just the fact you came across that giant impaled snake was enough to make you think ‘’I’m really pursuing someone who did that??’’

And I'm not seeing an overabundance in implied screen time in Rebirth over the portion it covers in the original, unless there's a new trailer I missed or something. We've seen Sephiroth in Rebirth so far:

- in flashbacks to Remake's final battle.
- in the Nibelheim flashback (he was a party member in OG, too)
- on the Cargo Ship.

....I really can't remember any other big appearances. I haven't viewed the last trailer in a month or so, though, so I could be missing a couple scenes or whatever. Either way, not nearly as prevalent as other appearances he's made.
See gameplay videos


The nicest person on this forum
Usually shrouded in mystery
You didn’t have to see him fight Zolom to understand his power. Just the fact you came across that giant impaled snake was enough to make you think ‘’I’m really pursuing someone who did that??’’
At this point its pointless, Sephiroth is too well known character even people never touch FFVII know who that guy is.
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Gold Member
It just makes me wonder how it’ll end, now. They blew their load too soon for me
Perhaps he'll become an ally?

At this point its pointless, Sephiroth is too well known character even people never touch FFVII know who that guys is.
Eh, I think you can still keep him mysterious. His motivations can be a good way to build intrigue. Just because a character is recognized does not mean you are now obligated to splatter them everywhere. That's some weak sauce writing chops.


The nicest person on this forum
Perhaps he'll become an ally?

Eh, I think you can still keep him mysterious. His motivations can be a good way to build intrigue. Just because a character is recognized does not mean you are now obligated to splatter them everywhere. That's some weak sauce writing chops.
Remake and Rebirth are not trying follow same story as the original game and in the remake they fought him, what is point to keep him "mysterious" now?


Gold Member
Remake and Rebirth are not trying follow same story as the original game and in the remake they fought him, what is point to keep him "mysterious" now?
You just answered your own question. It's a new story.

What is his goal? What is he doing? How much does he know? Is he the same Sephiroth we've always known or the Sephiroth of this "iteration"? Mystery doesn't stop at "Oh yeah that dude be stronk".


You just answered your own question. It's a new story.

What is his goal? What is he doing? How much does he know? Is he the same Sephiroth we've always known or the Sephiroth of this "iteration"? Mystery doesn't stop at "Oh yeah that dude be stronk".
He's Advent Children Sephiroth. So he knows all events of the movie and the original game.


Gold Member
He's Advent Children Sephiroth. So he knows all events of the movie and the original game.
More than likely yes. The follow up question would be how he could continue like that.

Aerith is a Cetra and even she only has a vague understanding of what is to come. Sephiroth maintained his consciousness in the life stream but he seems to be completely aware. That's a pretty cool set up already! Had Remake been more reserved with Sephiroth and not ended with actually battling him, who knows how much more mystery they could build. The point here is that they didn't do that, hence the title of the thread. Even now though, they can pace it out in Rebirth so as to keep the audience curious and somewhat in the dark.


More than likely yes. The follow up question would be how he could continue like that.

Aerith is a Cetra and even she only has a vague understanding of what is to come. Sephiroth maintained his consciousness in the life stream but he seems to be completely aware. That's a pretty cool set up already! Had Remake been more reserved with Sephiroth and not ended with actually battling him, who knows how much more mystery they could build. The point here is that they didn't do that, hence the title of the thread. Even now though, they can pace it out in Rebirth so as to keep the audience curious and somewhat in the dark.
I must admit that I missed all that, and kudos to Max Dood and Easy Allies for opening my eyes with their discussion. They REALLY deep dived in that shit!


Gold Member
I loved the change they did in the remilk like a prisoner love a death sentence.

He was ok in kh1 as super boss.
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Take away the event he is most famous for, the emotional shocking impact, he's just another dude with a sword and long hair. He's no Seifer.
Stop trying to redem him, he's better served as the guy that ripped all our hearts out.


Gold Member
Sephiroth had a certain allure (?) when he appeared as a dark, edgy, menacing and enigmatic villain. Now, SquareEnix has practically Disney-fied him. He's become a total meta caricature of himself its not even funny.

Same goes for the entirety of FFVII really. Game used to have a certain edge. An "oomph" if you will. The modern re-visioned version has none.
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The problem is having us be able to fight him at the end of the first game. It makes absolutely no sense to have us taking him on so soon. Really kills the pacing, even if the battle was rad.

I mentioned this before here... but I think that was because Square was unsure about how they were going to proceed with the rest of the story. Or even if they were going to... I think the ending of Part 1 had to be one where they could have sold the idea that the Remake story would only end up having one part.

Especially given that development was so troubled and Sony's contract was likely only for one game (and was mainly to sell PS4s...)


At this point its pointless, Sephiroth is too well known character even people never touch FFVII know who that guy is.
I have a friend who just recently started to play FF games. I bet there are more people like him.

It's a shame, because everytime we talk about it, and he says how amazing FF XVI and 7R are, I am like, those are good, but garbage next to originals / classics.
The man still doesnt know what a Square Soft FF is...

In this case, Sephirot was awfully presented in 7R. Like almost everything in the game honestly. How it was introduced in 7 OG was muuuuch better. The 'Sephirot is well known' it's a lame excuse.
I dont think it matters. 7R would have been a lot better if they just sticked to a retelling of the same story, and not this clusterfuck of timelines.
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That’s like up to end of first time in Midgar? Like 5-6 hours into the game. What happened? Didn’t connect with it?
I finished remake first on ps5 when it's version came out and fell in love with it.
I then finished 15 too and 16 this year. So I like modern FF games.
This year I installed 7 original on steam + mods (but not changing artstyle) and it's all fine but I decided to stop after midgar not to spoil myself on Rebirth.
Maybe that's stupid but could it be spoiling?! I know the remakes are "chaning things" but also, it's different when someone plays remake and rebirth after completing 7 twenty years ago vs completing 7 fresh.
Also yeah, it aged a ton and without original nostalgia since I never played it as a kid, it's not hitting as much.

I still have it set up.. I could disable random battles and just plow through the story but at that point, rebirth it out in few months.


I finished remake first on ps5 when it's version came out and fell in love with it.
I then finished 15 too and 16 this year. So I like modern FF games.
This year I installed 7 original on steam + mods (but not changing artstyle) and it's all fine but I decided to stop after midgar not to spoil myself on Rebirth.
Maybe that's stupid but could it be spoiling?! I know the remakes are "chaning things" but also, it's different when someone plays remake and rebirth after completing 7 twenty years ago vs completing 7 fresh.
Also yeah, it aged a ton and without original nostalgia since I never played it as a kid, it's not hitting as much.

I still have it set up.. I could disable random battles and just plow through the story but at that point, rebirth it out in few months.
Understandable. I thought it may be something like this. My best friend is actually facing same situation, as he never got into that series until after its moving away from traditional turn-based

While Remake&co are quite different, you’d still get things ‘‘spoiled’’ by playing the original, yeah. Some key things do remain

I still think it’s still worth at least playing once in a lifetime (it’s extremely easy and quick nowadays with in-game mods), but that’s just me and to each their own


Gold Member
Not enough Riku, but to your point. His presence does have a mysterious build up point to it. He is a legendary solider. I don’t get how you’ve had too much of him? Maybe because they are squeezing the fan juice out of FF7 and if you replayed Part I, Crisis Core, and all the mobile games. I would have gotten sick of the entire cast. I love the game, but I know what I want from it. I bet it will get better in Part II. It would be cool to see other Final Fantasy bosses get a next gen touch besides Dissidia.

I agree about it being a universally well known character. To the point where it diminishes my own personal enjoyment of playing the PS1 game. I like Kujo, Edea, X-Death, and so forth. Ject or Vaine would be cool to see again.


Gold Member
I feel like if you tallied up the number of minutes he's on screen over the entire 60-100 hour playthough, it would be what, like less than 1% of the total. That too much?
Yeah I can get behind that
But too much One-Winged Angel for me. It was like they did with Duel of the Fates in Star Wars for me. Once would have been enough, made it special
Plus I didn’t feel like Remake part 1 needed that battle, really
Maybe it’s just me, but the very end with Sephiroth in the original was a great climax. It was like finally getting back at him. A long journey to him

It just makes me wonder how it’ll end, now. They blew their load too soon for me

Usually shrouded in mystery
You didn’t have to see him fight Zolom to understand his power. Just the fact you came across that giant impaled snake was enough to make you think ‘’I’m really pursuing someone who did that??’’

See gameplay videos
Yeah, it destroys a lot of the early mystique of Sephiroth. Bad portrayal in Remake and the end fight was ridiculous.


Gold Member
I want FF7 to just fuck off completely. Square has milked the chocotit off it way too much in the last few years.


°Temp. member
I've seen a lot of things in my life but the one thing I never thought I would see is someone create a thread just to hate on the most popular final fantasy villain of all time.

Mods, you may be considering a 1 day ban but I urge you to permaban him! /s
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