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Tom Chick: The Man Who Hated Deus Ex


Really don't think disagreeing with his review to such an extent that you send angry letters (I assume thats what he was talking about) is an insecurity in the persons own opinion, but simply an immaturity. They feel it's a personal attack and thats it.


Cartman86 said:
Really don't think disagreeing with his review to such an extent that you send angry letters (I assume thats what he was talking about) is an insecurity in the persons own opinion, but simply an immaturity. They feel it's a personal attack and thats it.
Sounds like an insecurity to me.


BishopLamont said:
You can't be serious.

Considering I have no idea what the original context of his "#6 article" was, I can't be too serious. But as a half-assed stab at justifying it, sure.


From memory, the only thing he wrote that bothered me was this:
5) Infamous is great about not letting you accidentally run off a ledge. Thanks for that, Sucker Punch! However, there is no easy way to go from standing on a ledge to dangling from it. Which wouldn't be a big deal if Infamous didn't constantly position collectibles in such a way that you have to jump off a ledge and then quickly turn around and grab it. This is worst when it's over water, which is instantly fatal to Coll.
since he apparently never figured out that circle did exactly what he wanted. I'm more amazed than anything that someone could go through the entire game and never figured that out.

Drinking Hatorade said:
Well said. Also funny how it relates to some of the criticism in this very thread.
I wish this post had been the one before the Wii Fit review post. But alas, it wasn't.
Tom Chick said:
Some games have built-in fans who like to vent. And that’s cool. I’ve run into that a fair bit when I’ve been critical of Playstation exclusives like Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2. Nintendo has its defenders, but they don’t have that siege mentality. I wrote a negative review of Metal Gear Solid 4, but began with the premise that the game was mostly fan service, which might have deflected the death threats to your buddy who gave it an 8.

However, I think it’s important to look at that sort of anger as a sort of immaturity, a fundamental insecurity about your own opinion, about being unable to express it without simply being emphatic. It’s a defensive measure more than anything else. If reviewers want to address this – and I feel we should since it permeates the way people talk about videogames – the best we can do is explain ourselves in such a way as to work around that defensiveness. It’s important that we’re articulate, that we give context, that we talk specifics as much as we can, that we avoid lazy comments and clichés and hyperbole, that we’re willing to have conversations.

Well said. Also funny how it relates to some of the criticism in this very thread.


Well I'd like to chime in with my opinion of his review except for one tiny thing. I can't find it. I mean seriously I'm trying to look it up with google but stupid google is convinced I want to read his interview from the past few days about the 10 year anniversary or people talking about him talking about his review.

Seriously, has anybody got this review somewhere? (I think I saw something that said it exists, mythically, on games domain but internet archive didn't have past version of that site.)


Jealous Bastard
usea said:
Doesn't seem like chicken or the egg to me at all. You changed the order of words, but not the order of events. The only difference between the two scenarios is whether the author actually holds those opinions or only claims to (also in the first post you talk about writing style, but it seems tangential to your actual point).

let me rephrase it, since i think i'm getting my terms sort of mixed up here.

chicken or egg:

does the inherent interest in dissenting opinions cause the creation of dissenting opinions,
or do dissenting opinions create interest by virtue of being unique?

. . . i can't believe i had to explain this.


wenis said:
That list is so true though. Tom Chick is a great writer with some great insight and that article is proof.
While there are plenty of examples of solid writing from Chick, I would hardly call dismissive one liners about mostly good games great insight or proof of his abilities.

Unless you were being sarcastic...


Steve Youngblood said:
Not a bad review at all.

He mentions Metal Gear Solid as being a better game in the same genre (sort of) as Deus Ex. Then he mentions the poor AI in DE. Did Metal Gear Solid have better AI comparatively? No. The way interaction with the AI is presented - its limitations, its cues, its style - is why it's better executed on the whole. There's a very arcadey aspect to it, with the question and exclamation marks, the brisk music that starts playing when you're discovered, the countdown timers for tiered alerts. It's not going out of its way to be realistic because it can't be in a fully developed sense. And again, MGS has a very limited scope; smaller areas, fewer NPCs, a relatively linear story etc. The design is concentrated.

I feel he's correct that Deus Ex asks the player to overlook too much, and Ion Storm didn't take enough responsibility in terms of presentation and what was actually possible at the time. I don't think he's correct in drawing comparisons to certain games he thought were significantly better in certain aspects. We didn't really have any games with great AI, and quite frankly we still don't. There also weren't many titles around with so many routes to the objective - a major point required for understanding Deus Ex, but one he magically skipped over at the end because of the sheer disgust he had experienced so far. That's plain sloppy.


thetrin said:
I haven't played Alpha Protocol, but considering ME2 is not really even an RPG (and also kinda shitty), I'm willing to endorse the article nonetheless.

This also makes me want to play AP so much more.

You should play it. Alpha Protocol was pretty awesome in my opinion. Gunplay felt good and it forces you to make a lot of important decisions all the time. Not just in the RPG conversation sense but in a gameplay sense. The money and skill points are fairly sparse in relation to what is available so you always have to make hard decisions about what you'll spend money/skill points on.

It has some pretty great bosses too. Particularly the 80'ed out Russian.
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