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Trump pardons former AZ Sheriff Arpaio [convicted of violating civil rights laws]


It's disappointing and yet, at the same time, impressive that racism is the one political policy that Trump is actually willing to take a stand on and show some genuine human passion for. He's clearly not in this for the money, it's something he actually believes in.

It's terrifying that a significant chunk of the American population shares that vision, and of all the things, THIS is what they are willing to fight for.

But I hate political correctness! Stop making me feel bad for having abhorrent views!
Seriously, a president surely shouldn't have the power to pardon anybody they want. Friends, family, people that have helped them politically. It's fucking bullshit that he can get away with this. And this is even disregarding the heinous civil rights violations from Arpaio, even setting that aside this is a huge miscarriage of justice and an abuse of presidential power.


A reminder:

This ruling was a result of a lawsuit brought by the ACLU, which alleged that "Arpaio routinely abused pre-trial detainees at Maricopa County Jail by feeding them moldy bread, rotten fruit and other contaminated food, housing them in cells so hot as to endanger their health, denying them care for serious medical and mental health needs and keeping them packed as tightly as sardines in holding cells for days at a time during intake."[70]

In a ruling issued in October 2010, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered Arpaio to follow Judge Wake's 2008 ruling, which required Arpaio to end the overcrowding and to ensure all detainees receive necessary medical and mental health care; be given uninterrupted access to all medications prescribed by correctional medical staff; be given access to exercise and to sinks, toilets, toilet paper and soap; and be served food that meets or exceeds the U.S. Department of Agriculture's dietary guidelines.[71][72][73][74]

During a three-year period ending in 2007, more than 400 sex-crimes reported to Arpaio's office were inadequately investigated, or not investigated at all.

Between 2008 and 2010, Arpaio and former Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas together undertook a number of government-corruption investigations targeting political opponents, including judges, county supervisors and administrators, resulting in filing of criminal charges against several individuals, lawsuits against the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, and a federal civil-racketeering suit against the supervisors, four judges, and attorneys who worked with the county.[96]

In early 2010, Arpaio and Thomas sought to have a grand jury indict a number of Maricopa County Judges, Maricopa County Supervisors, and employees of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. The grand jury, in an unusual rebuke, ordered the investigation ended. This action has been described as meaning that "the case is so bad, there's no further evidence that could be brought" to substantiate it. Legal experts agreed this was a rare move.[97]

Arpaio and Thomas lost every case, either by ruling of the courts, or by dropping the case.[98]

In February 2010, Pima County Superior Court Judge John S. Leonardo found that Arpaio "misused the power of his office to target members of the Board of Supervisors for criminal investigation".[104]

An analysis by the Maricopa County Office of Management and Budget, completed in April 2011, found Arpaio had misspent almost $100 million over the previous 5 years.[116][117][118]

Staged assassination plot

In 2004, Saville sued Arpaio and Maricopa County for wrongful arrest and entrapment, seeking $10 million in damages. In 2008, the suit was settled, with Maricopa County paying Saville $1.6 million.[127][128][129]


The guy is the literal embodiment of the corrupt small-town sheriff stereotype.


He's a coward and a racist.

Should alarm the Congress as they investigate the President and his aides. But also requires Republican lawmakers to care.


Where's the white house statement on this?

OP, you got a source?

Surprised I'm not seeing any tweets about it or official statements on whitehouse.gov or any news reports.

EDIT: Holy shit. What a fucker.

EDIT EDIT: Guess he's keeping this under the radar for now. Surprising.


Can the courts or Senate challenge this?

No. Presidential pardons are absolute. They can be given for any crime after its commission even before legal proceedings have proceeded. So, for example if someone were arrested for punching .a counter protester trump could pardon them before they even go to trial if he wanted to.
Between this, the travel ban, the transgender ban, the LGBT protection revocations, the reverse on Cuba, the attempted de-regulation of agencies, the bankrupting of the secret service for his fucking vacations, the Nazi protest backing, and all the other shit that's gone on in between. Fuck you, Trump.


Isn't a pardon an admission of guilt which means all of his civil lawsuits will come crashing down on him? He is being sued by everyone apparently.
You know who is celebrating this? Racists that want minorities to be treated like subhuman creatures. You know who is decrying this? Any vaguely decent person. Hell, even people that have questionable morality but believe he the law wouldn't co-sign this.

Trump is unfit to be president in virtually every possible way and he is running rampant. This MUST be stopped.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Where's the white house statement on this?

OP, you got a source?

Surprised I'm not seeing any tweets about it or official statements on whitehouse.gov or any news reports.
There's a pic of the WH press release in the op. All news sites are reposting it on twitter as well.


Between this, the travel ban, the transgender ban, the LGBT protection revocations, the reverse on Cuba, the attempted de-regulation of agencies, the bankrupting of the secret service for his fucking vacations, the Nazi protest backing, and all the other shit that's gone on in between. Fuck you, Trump.

Well I don't understand all them big words, but I do know that America is Great Again!
~Average Trump supporter
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