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U.S. military starts installing controversial anti-missile battery in South Korea

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The United States military started installing a controversial anti-missile defense system in South Korea overnight Tuesday, triggering protests and sparking criticism that it was rushing to get the battery in place before the likely election of a president who opposes it.

The sudden and unannounced move came only six days after U.S. Forces Korea secured the land to deploy the system, known as the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD.

Moon Jae-in, a liberal candidate who has a strong lead in the polls ahead of the May 9 presidential election, has promised to review South Korea’s decision to host the anti-missile battery.

“There’s a sense in Seoul that THAAD deployment has been rushed based on the timetable of South Korea’s presidential election, rather than North Korea’s threats,” said John Delury, a professor of international relations at Yonsei University in Seoul.
“To some extent, the acceleration of THAAD deployment has ‘worked,’ limiting the next South Korean leader’s room for maneuver,” Delury said. “But there’s the danger of a backlash among the South Korean public feeling like a pawn in the game of ‘America First.’ ”

U.S. Forces Korea did not make any statement about the deployment and did not immediately respond to a request for comment about why the installation was started in the dead of night.

But South Korea’s Ministry of National Defense said that South Korea and the United States had been working “to secure the swift operational capability of the THAAD system against North Korea’s nuclear and missile threat.”

“South Korea’s military plans to secure full capability of the THAAD system operation within the year,” the ministry said in a statement.


Wednesday’s moves to install the battery come at a particularly tense time on the peninsula, with the United States moving warships to the region and warning that “all options are on the table,” while North Korea is vowing to counter any American strike and conducting large-scale military drills Tuesday.


“The deployment of THAAD in South Korea will destroy the strategic balance in the region and bring about a further increase in tensions,” Geng Shuang, a spokesman for China’s Foreign Ministry, told reporters in Beijing Wednesday. “The Chinese side strongly urges the U.S. and South Korea to cancel the deployment and withdraw the equipment.”

and some more at https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...a-11e7-86b7-5d31b5fdc114_story.html?tid=ss_tw


It sounds like SK ok'd this so not sure what's with the anti-US sentiment from people in the article or how this is "putting America first".


It's a purely defensive system, right? Complicated issue for sure but don't we have a bunch of the ships in the area right now as well?




Today is NK briefing in White House. They start putting up very debated (within SK) THAAD into SK over night and expect it to be online in few days. Nuclear sub openly in SK harbor.

Dick measurement competition or are they really preparing for something to go down soon?
Dick measurement competition or are they really preparing for something to go down soon?

THAAD is not for the sake of something "going down". THAAD is only really useful against an asymmetrical type of attack (ie, North Korea just up and lobbing missiles into South Korea), it's got limited practical value in all-out war due to the fact North Korea is well within range to just pummel South Korea with short-range missiles and even artillery.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Did SK successfully remove that crazy cult puppet president, or is that process still ongoing?
the only people complaining are individuals that want to have the edge over South Korea in the region

as in they can influence and push their weight more since their offensive ability would be far greater then SK's defensive

this anti-missile system brings harms to that edge


It sounds like SK ok'd this so not sure what's with the anti-US sentiment from people in the article or how this is "putting America first".

I think the general sentiment is that North Korea will see it as the US preparing for further action and increasing tensions in the area and I believe China probably looks at it loke this too.

It may not be an offensive arrangement, but it does suggest they expect something from North Korea, and this is like insurance.

I can sort of see what they are getting at as NK has been doing more than their usual chest beating lately and this doesbt really do anything to deescalate the situation, but at the same time I dont know how long NK can get away with threatening everyone and expecting someone wont make a move.

China seems very much like they really dont want to be a part of anything when it comes to confrontations the past decade which is probably a goos thing. If something broke out Id be curious....or more anxious to see what exaxtly they did, take a side or watch from the side.


I like how one of the main THAAD sites is going to be on the Lotte Golf Course and Country Club. And amused that Chinese people want to boycott Lotte foods for this now.

Boo hoo.


Is there a reason or reasons why they don't want it?

What I saw in some tweets last night and also mentioned in source article some feel that bringing THAAD into region just makes those THAAD sites and by extension SK bigger target to aim at and for some it present US establishing even larger and more permanent presence in SK and they don't want it.


Why wouldn't SK people want this? If you can have better defensive systems in place, why not? Especially next to NK and such.


Thaads operational radar range is wider than the effectiveness of the missiles.. something about that concerns China.

Right? Isn't that one of their concerns. As a sovereign nation.


Why wouldn't SK people want this? If you can have better defensive systems in place, why not? Especially next to NK and such.

There is a segment of the population that believes that continued US presence in the ROK is what imperils the country even more. That if the US left, then tensions would de-escalate and they would have more productive relations with the DPRK and China.


Why wouldn't SK people want this? If you can have better defensive systems in place, why not? Especially next to NK and such.

NK cant hit the US. They can hit SK and the US in a confrontation would use SK as a springboard. If for whatever reason the US kicked off a conflict but didnt go all in (and NK and others see this as escalating tensions), that just leaves SK to defend itself.

Kind of that dickhead friend that starts shit than runs away or expects you to deal with it.

Of the US is prepared to escalate tensions, for SK sake, they best be prepared to go all out and finish it.


Honestly I'm surprised this wasn't installed years ago

It has been debated for years, afaik. Powers in the region (SK, US, China, Russia) don't see eye to eye about parking powerful radar and missile defense system into SK, but now over night it was decided that THAAD will be put into SK.
Yes, China's main objection is the radar system from what I've read on the matter.

That's honestly just a transparent excuse to not have to say, "We want to maintain MAD." There's nothing substantial the radar system would be able to identify that wouldn't be related (ie, major Chinese movements of vehicles along the Korean border) or wouldn't be imaged easier and more accurately by other sources already.

The reason such a poor justification is allowed to stand is because everyone involved is polite enough to pretend like we don't still hold MAD over each other, as potential disruption of it is their actual concern.


Elden Member
This wont do a damn thing against artillery, and isnt that the primary threat from NK? Arent they in range to level Seoul?

Also, we always hear about these systems deployed for Allies, but is this system in place around the US? I'd assume our coast would be fully protected, but you never hear about it.
What I saw in some tweets last night and also mentioned in source article some feel that bringing THAAD into region just makes those THAAD sites and by extension SK bigger target to aim at and for some it present US establishing even larger and more permanent presence in SK and they don't want it.

The system creates tension with their neighbors, basically. Should it? Probably not. But it does, and they would rather not antagonize China regardless.

I was suspecting those were some of the reasons. Thanks.
So the SK administration want this, but the people don't because they think it will escalate matters? Is this a correct assumption?


This wont do a damn thing against artillery, and isnt that the primary threat from NK? Arent they in range to level Seoul?

Also, we always hear about these systems deployed for Allies, but is this system in place around the US? I'd assume our coast would be fully protected, but you never hear about it.

NK has a lot of artillery poised near the DMZ, but it takes a significant amount, over sustained salvos, to produce damage/lethality that would be considered more than harassing or collateral. And after the first salvos are launched, a quick counter strike by counter artillery or air strikes would diminish the ability to continue to inflict sustained damage significantly.

The DPRK forces only have two types of artillery pieces that can cover the 30 kilometers to strike Seoul. So maybe 500 pieces out of the 20,000 pieces they reportedly have in the area.


They are expecting a war. If US strikes first, they have to do everything to protect Seoul

Seoul is screwed, because no matter what there is hundreds of artillery cannons which can hit Seoul near immediately. There's no way to destroy all of those.

Any war with NK is fruitless. Millions of innocent people on both sides of the border will die for nothing.


So the SK administration want this, but the people don't because they think it will escalate matters? Is this a correct assumption?

Current administration ok'd it, but the article is sayong the whole idea was rushed through in case new administration in SK did not.


Why would China plan to attack SK?

You are not a great power if you don't have military plans that perceive enemies and allies alike as threats. China may never attack the SK, but they have the ability to do so. THAAD deployment is meant to neutralize NK and possible low to medium rangle ballistic missiles but it also neutralizes a lot of China's potential missiles.

It is the same reason Israel was worried when Russia installed the S400 in Syria as it could track and neutralize a lot of Israeli airspace and Israeli jets and missiles. Imagine the uproar in the US if China or Russia installed anti air and missile defenses in Cuba that neutralized a lot ot south/southwestern US missiles etc.
China wont protect SK if things go bad, we have to take care of our allies.

OEC said:
The top export destinations of South Korea are China ($131B), the United States ($72.7B), Vietnam ($26.6B), Hong Kong ($26.3B) and Japan ($25.5B). The top import origins are China ($90.1B), Japan ($44.6B), the United States ($42.7B), Germany ($20.2B) and Saudi Arabia ($17.7B).

South Korea borders North Korea by land and China and Japan by sea.


Kinda doubt that china would just gon sit still and watch those 130bil in trade go up in flames, but what do i know.
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