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U.S. military starts installing controversial anti-missile battery in South Korea

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That is really stupid, they're protesting over something that could protect them from a missile strike.
It's a "not in my backyard" mentality from what I've seen. There are both Pro and Anti civil gatherings going on. The Pro gatherings aren't edgy enough for news I guess...

That, and there are people who naively believe that reunification is just around the corner and that any sort of defense against NK aggression hinders this.




US military starts to deploy still debated system and now Trump wants SK to foot the bill?
it is a strategy guys

to make them more grateful that they are getting a deal here compared to other countries that pay billions for this system

actually it is just Trump being Trump

but honestly is SK even paying anything for this missile system?


<___<;;; I genuinely don't understand. Is this like me going into my neighbor's yard, building a shed and then charging them for it all the while talking about how much they need it?


Do they even want it? People is divided on it and next administration may go all nope on THAAD. What then? Will US take it down and out of SK? What if even current administration says no to bill?

Pretty much. What's he say if SK just decides to not have it if they have to pay for it?

On a serious note
(no seriously)
, things are escalating quickly. If you live in South Korea, I would recommend looking into a contingency plan. Kim is unpredictable and so is Trump, which is a recipe for disaster.


U.S. President Donald Trump told Reuters on Thursday he will either renegotiate or terminate what he called a "horrible" free trade deal with South Korea and said Seoul should pay for a U.S. anti-missile system that he priced at $1 billion.

In an interview with Reuters, Trump called the five-year-old trade pact with South Korea "unacceptable" and said it would be targeted for renegotiation after his administration completes a revamp of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico.


"It is unacceptable, it is a horrible deal made by Hillary," the Republican Trump said. "It's a horrible deal, and we are going to renegotiate that deal or terminate it."

KORUS was initially negotiated by the Republican administration of President George W. Bush in 2007, but that version was scrapped and renegotiated by President Barack Obama's Democratic administration three years later.


Trump said the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile system now being deployed in South Korea to defend against a potential missile attack from North Korea would cost about $1 billion and questioned why the United States was paying for it.

"I informed South Korea it would be appropriate if they paid. It's a billion dollar system," Trump said. "It's phenomenal, shoots missiles right out of the sky."


Asked about the remarks, a former U.S. State Department official estimated the cost of the system at about $1.2 billion but said the United States would not want to sell THAAD to Seoul.

"We want to retain THAAD in our arsenal, consistent with all other U.S. weapons systems deployed on the Korean peninsula. We own them. We retain them. We have the right to redeploy them," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Source: www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-southkorea-exclusive-idUSKBN17U09M

"We just deploy it, we will keep ownership of it, but you need to pay for it!"
Do they even want it? People is divided on it and next administration may go all nope on THAAD. What then? Will US take it down and out of SK? What if even current administration says no to bill?

Honestly though if I was in charge of that decision and it was basically free or overly cheap then why wouldn't I?

a) I get a better defense system while other countries wished they had it or payed billions for it.

b) US forces are already stationed in SK and this deal seems not to be pushing for more of a US presence. (rather it is the US interest to keep SK safe)

c) Let us not kid ourselves and believe that if the US didn't install this then NK would be more chummy and less likely to develop their missile/nuclear capabilities.

d) Regardless of having this system or not NK can nuke SK but does not do so due to not having the ability to nuke the US, who would completely nuke NK or invade them if NK tried anything.

NK saw what has happened to other countries with dictators and basically already knows that their self existence is on the reliance of having the ability to strike the US and cause MAD. (for at least some US cities). They will continue the path to more nuclear capabilities since that is the only logical approach for them to continue their regime.

Gaddafi dropped his program due to fear of an invasion and by pressure as well, only to be invaded via a Nato airforce later on. Saddam was invaded for the gist of "chemical weapons". NK is isolated even more so then before, the USSR doesn't exist anymore to maintain MAD for them and China sure as hell isn't going to sacrifice itself for NK.

So individuals basically saying no, either want US forces out of SK and are hopeful of NK basically backpedaling and somehow becoming chummy and rejoining with the South or they have no logical reason to refuse what is basically an advantage for not only NK but also other potential missile attacks to SK in the near future.
I am so confused

Why would South Korea not want a missle defense system?

Vocal minority who don't want to offend China, etc with a missile defense system.

1 . Its not like they are some ICBM type shit or nukes.
2. they aren't going to be set up in the middle of Seoul or a peaceful neighborhood(making them a preemptive target).
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