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Welcome back, Wollan!

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Put it on BG.. The Barber of NFL GAF commands it.
This thread feels like the moment in Shawshank Redemption when all the men are drinking beer in the roof, Andy Dufresne is sitting and smiling, and the prison guards are chilling drinking with them.



It's so depressing to never see people asking to unperm HolyBaikal. I miss her.

I got made fun of the other day for saying the same, John. She was wild and crazy and often derailed threads around her, and posted when wildly out of control, but she was kind at the heart of it all. I have a soft spot for the weirdo posters.


Two funny things:

1 - I heard about this "unbanning" on Twitter, not here at GAF.
2 - I'm seeing many names I recognise from years ago but don't see much these days. People coming out of the woodwork!

Welcome back dude, you were a cool poster and I was shocked when even your tag didn't save you at the time. xD


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Bring back Manabyte


Don Bish,


May your first child be a masculine child...

Bring back my boy, eznark, and I will stop hating on the irrelevant Pats. The Seahawks were the true SB 49 Champions.


Don Bish,


May your first child be a masculine child...

Bring back my boy, eznark, and I will stop hating on the irrelevant Pats. The Seahawks were the true SB 49 Champions.

Don Bish,


May your first child be a masculine child...

Bring back Frankman, and I will stop making Steve Francis jokes. Forever!
I got made fun of the other day for saying the same, John. She was wild and crazy and often derailed threads around her, and posted when wildly out of control, but she was kind at the heart of it all. I have a soft spot for the weirdo posters.

She was man, she was... she would sometimes ask me why people didn't like her, or what was wrong with her threads :/


Well shit, that's what he was banned for?

Let's just bring back Kaep then.

Yeah he was funny to talk to because he was a diehard ultimate marvel fan but then he went scorched earth talking about the Psylocke casting and it was all byebitch.gif

Fiction was banned? that sucks she seemed really nice.
Yeah he was funny to talk to because he was a diehard ultimate marvel fan but then he went scorched earth talking about the Psylocke casting and it was all byebitch.gif

Fiction was banned? that sucks she seemed really nice.
AFAIK she left of her own accord


Dan Bish,


May your first child be a Pats fan...

Jabee leads a campaign of lies towards my favorite man named Tomas Brady. Please make him stop also can you make gata mod?

Your humble servant,
Yeah he was funny to talk to because he was a diehard ultimate marvel fan but then he went scorched earth talking about the Psylocke casting and it was all byebitch.gif

Fiction was banned? that sucks she seemed really nice.
It's starting to come back to me now because I'm quite sure I've been present for all Psylocke threads...

Ah yes. I remember. byebitch.gif indeed.



He's come into Funny Pictures thread when we used to be in OT Proper and would drop some kind of super fucked up picture.

I guess he didn't post where I posted. Just like how there are several mods I have never interacted with.
BG supports what I tell him to support

He's not your puppet.. He's only a business associate of breadstream.

Dan Bish,


May your first child be a Pats fan...

Jabee leads a campaign of lies towards my favorite man named Tomas Brady. Please make him stop also can you make gata mod?

Your humble servant,

So NFL-GAF becomes Pats-GAF.. The worst timeline.

Don Bish,


May your first child be a masculine child...

Bring back Frankman, and I will stop making Steve Francis jokes. Forever!

But you'll still light your crotch fire I hope.

Don Bish,


May your first child be a masculine child...

Bring back my boy, eznark, and I will stop hating on the irrelevant Pats. The Seahawks were the true SB 49 Champions.
You know you can't make that promise. That's like hoping the Pats won't cheat or Cleveland having a winning team.

Ahhhh id like to be a person again....
this tag, Cleveland has suffered enough
You are a person.. Just less of one for being a Pittsburgh fan :)
Few years ago. I remember I actually shed tears when I saw that, even though I've never met him or even knew what he looked like until then. He was one of the smartest people I've seen, real life or online.

Well, Hitokage was close to completing his degree in physics shortly before he passed away. His passing as well as Gaborn and Scorcho really affected me.

Especially Scorcho.
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