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Winter 2014 Anime |OT2| Waiting for Sakamoto

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Now I'm curious what's the Kokoro Connect fiasco? I'm going to assume it was due to the show ending without resolution until the 4 OVA's were announced.

It was voice actor drama.

The ensuing inevitable steroid scandal against the Seahawks is going to have a bigger fallout than the Kokoro Connect fiasco.
It would be justice for the late 90s Broncos cheating their way to championships.


Re: Kokoro Connect, cnet's post from the last thread:
There was an incident orchestrated by the show's production committee where a seiyuu (Ichiki Mitsuhiro) was invited to audition for a supposed anime-original part, told he had passed the audition, then invited to a preview screening event as a special guest. At the event, they revealed to him in front of the public that the whole thing had been a prank, there was never an anime-original character for him to play, and they just wanted him to serve as a promotional vehicle for the show.

The whole thing came as a bit of a shock to the seiyuu who got pranked, and the otaku community got seriously up in arms about how deeply mean-spirited the whole thing had been, demanding justice towards anyone and everyone who could feasibly have been involved (including the other seiyuu who were at the event and weren't really responsible), forcing public apologies and the works.

Then a little later on, there was a separate incident where the composer and lyric writer of the show's OP (Kikuchi Hajime of eufonius) made an insensitive comment on Twitter about another artist, which blew up into a similar otaku justice incident where his previous tweets were scrutinised and he fell under massive attack as a bigot. This resulted in the OP being retroactively removed from the series (it was replaced with a different song for the subsequently airing episodes and for all episodes on the disc releases/future airings), the separate OP that eufonius had recorded for the show's tie-in PSP game also being replaced, and Kikuchi Hajime leaving eufonius. Naturally, it only served to fan the flames of the general otaku bad feeling towards the show and the idea that everyone involved with its production was scum.

The net result of this was that the show got massively boycotted, sales were awful, and there's very little hope of anyone going back to it.
Though as Defuser pointed out one post later, it wasn't projected to get a huge number of sales in the first place anyway, so it's hard to say what would have happened if nothing sketchy had gone down.
And now, to go back into my backlog and fish out a summer show I've neglected for months.

Dog & Scissors 05

I REALLY want to know what her scissors are made out of, considering she just
cut a bullet in half
. The entire resolution to the slasher plot was just kind of disappointing, but eh...

It was pretty funny.
"I'm going to be nice to your from now on." was the best part of the episode


Sure, that's an entirely reasonable stance and I also enjoy things that are by all accounts "stupid" or artistically bankrupt. The insinuation that there's a mutual exclusion between "intellectual" enjoyment and "real" enjoyment is what I take issue with, especially when the idea that one of these is not "real" or "true" enjoyment feels like an attempt to invalidate it. Corvo insists that's not what he meant, it's just how I interpreted it.

See, my main issue with the majority of hyouka wasnt that it was intellectual. I love using my brain. I enjoy critical thinking and problem solving. Its satisfying to have a problem and then solving it with a creative solution. The problem concerning Hyouka was the vehicld it used to express ideas. it was not engaging. I dont mean lacking cute or boobs or silly shit I mean that the mysteries were insipid. Gosick and Milky holmes have more compelling mysteries than this. It was mundane. The writing was solid and the animation was incredivle but that doesnt make the episode subjdct matter any less mundane. There could have been more interesting and actually brain taxing mysteries for the characters to solve while exploring their inner workings. They could have been presented with situations that challenged them instead of ridiculous little questiond about who lockrd a door or why the lesson plan was changed. I enjoyed the movie arc at least because it presented a legitimate mystery and something of interest to the viewer even if the answer was silly.
I yhink this is the hangup people have. Not that Hyouka was a smart anime but that it did little to challenge the cast and actually insulted the viewers own inelligence.
See, my main issue with the majority of hyouka wasnt that it was intellectual. I love using my brain. I enjoy critical thinking and problem solving. Its satisfying to have a problem and then solving it with a creative solution. The problem concerning Hyouka was the vehicld it used to express ideas. it was not engaging. I dont mean lacking cute or boobs or silly shit I mean that the mysteries were insipid. Gosick and Milky holmes have more compelling mysteries than this. It was mundane. The writing was solid and the animation was incredivle but that doesnt make the episode subjdct matter any less mundane. There could have been more interesting and actually brain taxing mysteries for the characters to solve while exploring their inner workings. They could have been presented with situations that challenged them instead of ridiculous little questiond about who lockrd a door or why the lesson plan was changed. I enjoyed the movie arc at least because it presented a legitimate mystery and something of interest to the viewer even if the answer was silly.
I yhink this is the hangup people have. Not that Hyouka was a smart anime but that it did little to challenge the cast and actually insulted the viewers own inelligence.

Hyouka is a character piece, the mysteries are just a plot device, they aren't really meant to be intellectually stimulating on their own.
Admittedly those Kokoro Connect incidents would've been mean spirited and caused maybe an angry comment from me, but when I hear outrage I imagine the worst and that's a bit exaggerated. There'll be some disconnect from cultural differences but whenever I read stories about idols/actors losing popularity and nearly plummeting due to something like getting into a relationship I find it really strange. I don't know much about the thing with the actress in Pacific Rim but I recall hearing that people in Japan refused to watch the film because she was in it. Or maybe I'm remembering this wrong I just remember reading news about something along those lines during the film's promotion.


Hyouka is a character piece, the mysteries are just a plot device, they aren't really meant to be intellectually stimulating on their own.

Well that's the danger in supposed character pieces. You have to like the characters in the first place to appreciate their development.


Happiness Charge Precure 01

The OP and ED songs don't seem very catchy to me. That aside, everything else is just... okay. *shrugs* So far, doesn't seem bad, but not really feeling it either. The character designs/transformations/etc--nothing really stands out. That might just be because it felt incomplete, more like half an episode. I guess I can't really fault it, since it didn't have much time to explain the setting or characters, even with a good pace. Will continue and see how it turns out.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Yamato won AoTY? Party time.


Is anime saved yet?


Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's Episode 6:

Well, so we finally get the infodump on the backstory of the supposed anti-villians of this season and honestly I kind of lost interest there after awhile as it isn't all that compelling.


Space Dandy 5
What a brilliant episode! As much as I like Dandy's crazy antics, I really enjoyed this side of him a bit better. Adelie is absolutely adorable, she more than make up for QT's absence. This is episode, I feel, is on another level and definitely has that classic Bebop feel compared to the previous ones. I definitely welcome more episodes like this.


Setec Astronomer
See, my main issue with the majority of hyouka wasnt that it was intellectual. I love using my brain. I enjoy critical thinking and problem solving. Its satisfying to have a problem and then solving it with a creative solution. The problem concerning Hyouka was the vehicld it used to express ideas. it was not engaging. I dont mean lacking cute or boobs or silly shit I mean that the mysteries were insipid. Gosick and Milky holmes have more compelling mysteries than this. It was mundane. The writing was solid and the animation was incredivle but that doesnt make the episode subjdct matter any less mundane. There could have been more interesting and actually brain taxing mysteries for the characters to solve while exploring their inner workings. They could have been presented with situations that challenged them instead of ridiculous little questiond about who lockrd a door or why the lesson plan was changed. I enjoyed the movie arc at least because it presented a legitimate mystery and something of interest to the viewer even if the answer was silly.
I yhink this is the hangup people have. Not that Hyouka was a smart anime but that it did little to challenge the cast and actually insulted the viewers own inelligence.
Some of the things people take for granted are some of the hardest nuts to crack. Lives are made or broken on mundane matters.


Hyouka is a character piece, the mysteries are just a plot device, they aren't really meant to be intellectually stimulating on their own.

Lots of shows have developed characters while also having an engaging plot. Favoring one over the other does not excuse the problem. Why is it that hyouka gets a free ride comparitive to all the other shows that get holes relentlessly poked in when they show weaknesses?
So in the end, it was a moe loli that saved anime.

When you say it like that it makes the industry look a bit desperate/sad haha.

Space Dandy 5
What a brilliant episode! As much as I like Dandy's crazy antics, I really enjoyed this side of him a bit better. Adelie is absolutely adorable, she more than make up for QT's absence. This is episode, I feel, is on another level and definitely has that classic Bebop feel compared to the previous ones. I definitely welcome more episodes like this.

Yeah I need more episodes like this where Dandy is calm and more Spike-like. He even had his badass moment. Next episode seems to be going for the silly again but it's scheduled for 26 episodes so it wouldn't bother me if they have more of these silly episodes, as long as they do more Watanabe style. Also yes more Adelie
as a giant boobies curvy lady
Lots of shows have developed characters while also having an engaging plot. Favoring one over the other does not excuse the problem. Why is it that hyouka gets a free ride comparitive to all the other shows that get holes relentlessly poked in when they show weaknesses?

Because not everyone agrees that it is a significant weakness? If you don't care for Hyouka's characters then I can understand why you might not like the show, but there are plenty of other character focused showed that are enjoyed on AnimeGaf. There's nothing unique going on with Hyouka here.


I see we're going to have this argument again. Welp at least we're starting the thread with a bang guys. :/

Hyouka is a character piece, the mysteries are just a plot device, they aren't really meant to be intellectually stimulating on their own.

The mysteries are a big part of the show and something you can't just hand wave off. Now if you liked them fine but you can't just say that it's some minuscule element of the show. There is a lot of time on the development and explanation of the mysteries.


Part of the problem is that we're conditioned by the vast majority of media to think that mysteries have to be about murder/disappearances/etc and can't be mundane, whereas we can accept a show about some kids just forming a high school band without questioning it.


Because not everyone agrees that it is a significant weakness? If you don't care for Hyouka's characters then I can understand why you might not like the show, but there are plenty of other character focused showed that are enjoyed on AnimeGaf. There's nothing unique going on with Hyouka here.

My argument here is simply that other shows with significant character development have some kind of substance to them that doesnt bore the viewer. Just as some can hold hyouka on a pedestal it can be just as easily torn down by its weaknesses. Theres nothing special about the show whatsoever that gives it special privelege from criticism. If other shows can be criticized then hyouka is absolutely fair game.


I don't think anything short of Ulysses could stand up to the intellectual expectations that Eva's fans have saddled it with.

I give the original Eva a pass because despite the crazy fandom, there is a good deep story in there. The problem is that Anno himself apparently bought into the hype a little too much and we got saddled with Rebuild.
I see we're going to have this argument again. Welp at least we're starting the thread with a band guys. :/

The mysteries are a big part of the show and something you can't just hand wave off. Now if you liked them fine but you can't just say that it's some minuscule element of the show. There is a lot of time on the development and explanation of the mysteries.

I didn't say they were miniscule, just that they weren't "intellectual stimulating," whatever that means. Hyouka isn't a mystery show where you are racking your brain to find answers. The mysteries worked well enough to accomplish their role in the story. They could have been better, but I think the show remains excellent even with the mysteries it has.

My argument here is simply that other shows with significant character development have some kind of substance to them that doesnt bore the viewer. Just as some can hold hyouka on a pedestal it can be just as easily torn down by its weaknesses. Theres nothing special about the show whatsoever that gives it special privelege from criticism. If other shows can be criticized then hyouka is absolutely fair game.
I'm not sure where this is coming from. Hyouka isn't exempt from criticism, it receives it all the time!


Part of the problem is that we're conditioned by the vast majority of media to think that mysteries have to be about murder/disappearances/etc and can't be mundane, whereas we can accept a show about some kids just forming a high school band without questioning it.

The reason people like those types of mysteries is because there are actual stakes involved.

I didn't say they were miniscule, just that they weren't "intellectual stimulating," whatever that means. Hyouka isn't a mystery show where you are racking your brain to find answers.

So what are they then? How would you define them?

I'm personally a fan of when the princess-like character or the evil lady does that uppity deep laugh. You know. The OH HO HO HO HO HO HO while they raise the hand to the opposing cheek. But yes his laugh is pretty good too, everything in Gintama is.

Elvis wishes he could be as fabulous as Isao Sasaki.

Now that I'm listening more of his stuff, shit maybe.
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