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Wondering why Tillerson called Trump a fucking moron? Well...


Trump wanted a tenfold increase in nuclear arsenal

President Donald Trump said he wanted what amounted to a nearly tenfold increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal during a gathering this past summer of the nation’s highest ranking national security leaders, according to three officials who were in the room.

Trump’s comments, the officials said, came in response to a briefing slide he was shown that charted the steady reduction of U.S. nuclear weapons since the late 1960s. Trump indicated he wanted a bigger stockpile, not the bottom position on that downward-sloping curve.

According to the officials present, Trump’s advisers, among them the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, were surprised. Officials briefly explained the legal and practical impediments to a nuclear buildup and how the current military posture is stronger than it was at the height of the build-up.

The July 20 meeting was described as a lengthy and sometimes tense review of worldwide U.S. forces and operations. It was soon after the meeting broke up that officials who remained behind heard Tillerson say that Trump is a “moron.”

Give the whole Carnival of stupid a read (it isn't "just" the demanded increase)


Bonus quote

Two people familiar with the discussion said the Situation Room meeting, in which the president’s advisers anticipated he would sign off on a new Afghanistan strategy, was so unproductive that the advisers decided to continue the discussion at the Pentagon the next day in a smaller setting where the president could perhaps be more focused. “It wasn’t just the number of people. It was the idea of focus,” according to one person familiar with the discussion. The thinking was: “Maybe we need to slow down a little and explain the whole world” from a big-picture perspective, this person said.

IQ test me if old


It takes a special kind of asshole to see a chart of the reduction of nuclear weapons stockpile and think we're moving in the wrong direction.


Black Canada Mafia
They need to have their graph people frame all the stats about the country in a way that has a line steadily moving up.

'as you can see on this graph, our nuclear Arsenal's effeciency is going up, ESPECIALLY after Obama left office'.

And he'll just shut up and smile and say something like 'I have the best arsenals!' on Twitter the next day
our nuclear Arsenal's effeciency is going up



“Maybe we need to slow down a little and explain the whole world” from a big-picture perspective, this person said.

I guess they needed to bust out the crayons to simplify it all for him.


They need to have their graph people frame all the stats about the country in a way that has a line steadily moving up.

'as you can see on this graph, our nuclear Arsenal's effeciency is going up, ESPECIALLY after Obama left office'.

And he'll just shut up and smile and say something like 'I have the best arsenals!' on Twitter the next day

...That's actually a very good idea.

Goddamn, what a fucking moron (as if I needed further evidence).


The President speaks for himself (because he's a fucking moron)

I have no love for Rex TIllerson, but it's flabbergastingly obvious how terrible Donald Trump is. Even the people that work for him can't believe this shit.
They need to have their graph people frame all the stats about the country in a way that has a line steadily moving up.

'as you can see on this graph, our nuclear Arsenal's effeciency is going up, ESPECIALLY after Obama left office'.

And he'll just shut up and smile and say something like 'I have the best arsenals!' on Twitter the next day



It's almost as if when he completely whiffed on the question about the nuclear triad, and was quoted as saying "why do we have nuclear weapons if we can't use them?" it was a sign that he was a fucking moron and shouldn't have the authority to launch a nuclear strike.

If only we knew before the election.
Remember when Clinton was being tarred and feathered for being a warhawk who would start World War III when Trump was going around asking why we can’t just nuke people?

Who’s surprised by this? What has Trump ever done to earn the benefit of the doubt? What has Trump ever done to convince anyone that he’s any better than his worst impulses?


Just tell him that Obama wanted more nuclear weapons. Then he'd be sure to demand there be less. Cause he's a fucking controllable, gullible , moron.
It's almost as if when he completely whiffed on the question about the nuclear triad, and was quoted as saying "why do we have nuclear weapons if we can't use them?" it was a sign that he was a fucking moron and shouldn't have the authority to launch a nuclear strike.

If only we knew before the election.
People knew. They didn’t care. They decided Clinton having a private email server was more relevant to national security than a playboy millionaire wanting more boom boom toys.

And if the emails never happened, they would have substituted literally any other reason just so they wouldn’t have to vote in a woman president. They were looking for any excuse to jump ship. It’s like being on a luxury cruise ship that has a small and easily fixable leak, so everyone frenzily hops onto the old, patched up lifeboat.


It would be bad enough that a guy who has no clue about politics would be president but Trump is aggressively stupid on top of it.


It's crazy that this guy is in office, that there aren't huge protests on the streets every day, and that he's actually still got people defending him. If there ever was a time for overthrowing the US government, it is now.


Please make the button less bright and so big his tiny hands can't push it. And plaster Obama's face all over the nuclear football. Please.


I hope Republicans pay a big price in 2018 for enabling this monstrosity. Democrats need to take over congress. I know the senate will be hard, but the house is doable. We have to further cripple his presidency.


It would be bad enough that a guy who has no clue about politics would be president but Trump is aggressively stupid on top of it.

I mean that describes Bush Jr. pretty well. The difference being that his advisors were intelligent - deeply evil but intelligent.


Okay US, it's about time you change your voting system.
How about you pick just a person at random. That would lower the chances that someone as stupid as Trump comes into power.


user-friendly man-cashews
The context is terrifying but in the end I don't think many people need an explanation as to why Trump is a moron >_>


Unconfirmed Member
The man has zero curiosity, he's totally stubborn, he lacks impulse control, and he treats everything like it's fucking reality TV. Of course he wants more big boom booms.

God damn I hate this mother fucker.


People knew. They didn’t care. They decided Clinton having a private email server was more relevant to national security than a playboy millionaire wanting more boom boom toys.

And if the emails never happened, they would have substituted literally any other reason just so they wouldn’t have to vote in a woman president. They were looking for any excuse to jump ship. It’s like being on a luxury cruise ship that has a small and easily fixable leak, so everyone frenzily hops onto the old, patched up lifeboat.

I think it was more people were in denial of what would actually happen. "Oh he says it but he doesn't mean it literally..."

Except there was never a sign he was actually playing this 4D chess. He's stupid and says stupid things, which he literally means. Period. I can forgive the idiots in his cult for buying that, because they're idiots looking for anything to give themselves hope. But the smart guys? The Rex Tillersons, Paul Ryans, Mitch McConnells? The establishment signing off on this? Fuck all of them. Getting on board with Donald Trump is the only way they could've sunk lower than where they were at during the Obama years.
Okay US, it's about time you change your voting system.
How about you pick just a person at random. That would lower the chances that someone as stupid as Trump comes into power.

The country will have to break apart for that to happen, we're too politically divided to ammend our constitution. Ultimately, I think a US breakup is going to happen in our lifetimes.

And at this point I'd argue it's for the best. The leadership in Canada would be wise to start preparing for the possibility of several US states becoming provinces.


I mean that describes Bush Jr. pretty well. The difference being that his advisors were intelligent - deeply evil but intelligent.
Despite all his failures, I believe that Bush Jr. wanted to do good for the country and didn't become president just for his own gain and ego. He also wasn't crazy, had at least some understanding of politics and, let's be honest here, there's no way he was even remotely as dumb and uneducated as Trump.
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