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World of Warcraft

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Aye. Already a few friends and myself are dubbing 2.3 as the "Blizzard wake up" patch, especially for my Shaman centric viewpoints. Doing the last few levels to 70 in Elemental will never have felt so good. Let alone being able to finally wake my Blood Elf Priest up from his slumber in the late 30's (and have Fear Ward).. then there's my lvl 30 Orc Warlock, and lvl 30 Orc Warrior, and lvl 25 Orc Hunter.. and and and my lvl 23 Blood Elf Paladin :lol

I don't know which one to pick!

Eteric Rice

God I want to make a Bloodelf Pally so bad. :| They look so badass!


Probably will go Warrior due to the Paladin issues as of late, but they still look badass. :D


yeah, that's a priest. and that reminds me, I may pick up on my blood elf shadow priest alt, or just make a new one or something after 2.3 since I'm kind of split between servers. I mean, all priests getting fear ward... the blood elf zones being by far the most awesome 1-20 zones in the game... and the 20-60 grind being faster is all good and since I dropped my blood elf priest alt at like level 23 I can either go grind through on that guy or just start over again on the other server where the other half of my WoW friends play.

It's either that or I may make a new shaman there. The thing I can't decide on is enhance seems really awesome for grinding now, and more fun than I thought it was before (where using totems/shocks while soloing is just a waste of mana due to their horrible solo inefficiency) plus the fact that enhance shamans after TBC have always been great dpsers who are really valuable to a lot of groups, but I've always had a soft spot for elemental.

I'm still praying a not-yet-revealed 2.3 change to elemental is that one of the talents (not eye of the storm) is a normal anti-pushback talent. But I guess even if elemental still isn't a good grind build, I could go grind with the new enhance where you actually use some of your abilities now, and just switch to elemental after getting some tidefury and other stuff at 70.

And I can't complain about the pally buffs - they're still pretty big for ret, especially the crusader strike buff and the new seals talent. But it's all pvp focused so far... and pallies are still best in pvp being healers. Perhaps this will change a little bit, since believe it or not a good ret pally can beat a warrior so they'll go from crappy/least useful pvp spec to at least middle of the class, but it kind of sucks there's not any big buffs to raiding/grouping as ret. It still needs a reduced threat talent (conveniently rolled into 2h weapon spec) even though pallies have blessing of salvation, and they could still use some kind of buff/debuff that only procs when meleeing, and makes a bigger difference than vindication or judgement of the crusader (I still say add in a higher level talent that makes any debuffing judgement give 3% more crit for everyone so a retadin in raids can judge wisdom/light) even though those are now at least ok debuffs.


Another question on AV -- is there a reason that some matches seem to reward like 500+ points, while others don't even get about 350-375? This is assuming that all the bunkers are destroyed either way. Seems like there's a pretty big variance for some reason.

Is it based on the amount of time spent fighting in the BG? That's the only reason I can think of...


there's an honor bonus for killing balinda, capturing stuff, and destroying bunkers. That's basically all there is to it.


firex said:
there's an honor bonus for killing balinda, capturing stuff, and destroying bunkers. That's basically all there is to it.
I understand that, but it doesn't seem to matter much.....I've had games where we won, destroyed all bunkers, killed Balinda, and capped a mine or two......and still couldn't net over 375 Honor. I did a ton of AV back in the day, and I don't remember such weird discrepancies.

The thing is that Allies seem to get bumped up in scoring too. Normal score is either 375-320, or 560-490.....it just seems like there's a couple hundred honor points that just randomly get awarded.
border said:
I understand that, but it doesn't seem to matter much.....I've had games where we won, destroyed all bunkers, killed Balinda, and capped a mine or two......and still couldn't net over 375 Honor. I did a ton of AV back in the day, and I don't remember such weird discrepancies.

The thing is that Allies seem to get bumped up in scoring too. Normal score is either 375-320, or 560-490.....it just seems like there's a couple hundred honor points that just randomly get awarded.

Oh, its AV weekend right now. So at the end of each round you're awarded 167 bonus honor win or lose. It doesn't seem to show up into the total at the score board but you'll see it added in your combat log after van or drek dies. Too bad av weekend ends in an hour :(

Eteric Rice

Man, I can't wait until I get to the higher levels. The 30s are boring, nothing interesting at all at this level.

Want level 40 so I can get my mount dammit!


ManaByte said:
My mage is 70 now, so I started a Dranei shaman, and the Blood Elf leveling area and progression is 100x better. You can really tell how rushed they were with the second race after Pandarens got smashed by China.

i will agree that the blood elf starting area is much more impressive than the Dranei starting area in BC, but it's only fair considering Ironforge, Stormwind, and Darnassus are far more impressive in design than Org, UC, and TB.

anytime i check out the alliance zones in PTR or if i roll a low lvl alt, i'm always blown away by the scale of stormwind and ironforge, this is coming from a longtime horde exclusive player

Eric P

yacobod said:
anytime i check out the alliance zones in PTR or if i roll a low lvl alt, i'm always blown away by the scale of stormwind and ironforge, this is coming from a longtime horde exclusive player

i REALLY like the undead starting area all the way up to the silverpine. it just captures it all so perfectly.

sometimes just for fun i roll an undead and spend a week just tearing through those zones.


Eric P said:
i REALLY like the undead starting area all the way up to the silverpine. it just captures it all so perfectly.

sometimes just for fun i roll an undead and spend a week just tearing through those zones.

i disagree i hate the undead starting zone, so drab but i guess it does fit the undead theme well, but to silverpine bleh........@lvl 10 i always go go go go to the barrens for lvling, so easy to chain qs there, and the great barrens chat

i was just talking about the major cities

maybe my view is skewed since i always played horde, but the main alliance cities have always really impressed me, the art design is amazing


yacobod said:
i will agree that the blood elf starting area is much more impressive than the Dranei starting area in BC, but it's only fair considering Ironforge, Stormwind, and Darnassus are far more impressive in design than Org, UC, and TB.

anytime i check out the alliance zones in PTR or if i roll a low lvl alt, i'm always blown away by the scale of stormwind and ironforge, this is coming from a longtime horde exclusive player

Very true, though I like the UC for reasons I'm about to explain.

i REALLY like the undead starting area all the way up to the silverpine. it just captures it all so perfectly.

sometimes just for fun i roll an undead and spend a week just tearing through those zones.

The undead area is one of, if not, my favorite areas in the game. Maybe it's just because it looks like it was torn from an animated Halloween special or Tim Burton film.

And Silverpine looks like a fairy tale forest with the holly trees and wolves.

Love it.


The problem with Silverpine and the UD starting area is that Silverpine's quest chain doesn't make good use of the entire zone and many of the chains there are not all that interesting or as simple as the ones found elsewhere. I personally found the Blood Elf starting area to be the best. Many quests were located close by and fairly interesting.

Eric P

TheFallen said:
The problem with Silverpine and the UD starting area is that Silverpine's quest chain doesn't make good use of the entire zone and many of the chains there are not all that interesting or as simple as the ones found elsewhere. I personally found the Blood Elf starting area to be the best. Many quests were located close by and fairly interesting.

i haven't done blood elf yet, but the Dran one was just quest after quest after quest. it was so easy and quick with minimal running around


Eric P said:
i haven't done blood elf yet, but the Dran one was just quest after quest after quest. it was so easy and quick with minimal running around

the blood elf starting area is really well designed

can chain everything easily


bengraven said:
The undead area is one of, if not, my favorite areas in the game. Maybe it's just because it looks like it was torn from an animated Halloween special or Tim Burton film.

Love it.

good call, i really like UC, top horde city


blood elf zones are my favorite because they combine great art design with excellent quests. I don't really like the race itself outside of the cam clarke voice for the males, and the decent sense of humor they had with their jokes and dances, but I didn't really have any other choice for horde paladin (would've rather been orc or undead if I could be any horde race as paladin).


Can someone give me some general advice for gearing up a 70 warrior for PVP and solo DPS roles? For being the most "overpowered" class in the game, I still find myself getting smoked by most other classes in 1v1 battleground fights (even swinging a Thunder around).

I know the BG/PVP gear is there, but what in the way of craftables and drops should I be looking for? What should I be looking to pick up for PVE content (non-tank gear)?


When 2.3 drops this week, I'm gonna blow my wad on the Paladin changes. Insta transfer of my paladin to the PTR.

Retribution here I come!

Eric P

Maxrpg said:
When 2.3 drops this week, I'm gonna blow my wad on the Paladin changes. Insta transfer of my paladin to the PTR.

Retribution here I come!

2.3 is coming this week?

that's rather soon isn't it?


border said:
Can someone give me some general advice for gearing up a 70 warrior for PVP and solo DPS roles? For being the most "overpowered" class in the game, I still find myself getting smoked by most other classes in 1v1 battleground fights (even swinging a Thunder around).

I know the BG/PVP gear is there, but what in the way of craftables and drops should I be looking for? What should I be looking to pick up for PVE content (non-tank gear)?

really if your gear sucks, you're not going to do well in BGs, i mean what do you expect if you are running around with >10k hp, 0 resilience, with crap ap and crit

when you get around 11k unbuffed HP, 300 resilience, 1.5k ap, and 30% crit, with a tier 2 weapon equivalent things will change

edit: just noticed you have a thunder, but all this still holds true

honestly craft a tier 2 bs weapon, i'd go mace, some ppl will say not to go mace because it is getting nurfed in 2.3, but i disagree whole heartedly

the thunder mace line is the most popular because of its raw stats (huge str,agi, and stam), speed (it's the slowest), and the best top end damage, the stun was just icing on the cake

if you have a lot of gold, i recommend going ENG/BS, that way you can craft those bad ass goggles at 350 eng, they are still among the best helms for pvp/dps

honestly i got all my gear from bgs and arena

1st off i would grind for these items in order

2min pvp trinket
veteran's boots, belt, bracers, neck, and ring (in any order)
then save all your bg honor points for 2.3 and start buying season 1 arena gear for all your other slots

you can also do halaa token turn ins for some decent pvp gear

but your best bet is just to farm honor points, might not be the sexy answer you were looking for, but its your best bet


Damn, those engineering goggles look pretty sweet -- engineering doesn't seem like a bad idea either, since I'd get an epic tanking helm out of it as well. How rough is the 1-350 grind for Engineering, in terms of expenses? I'd have to drop mining to get ENG, so maybe I can at least mine up the mats I need before taking up the new profession. I know next-to-nothing about engineering, since everybody always talked about it like it was a shitty profession. Are the recipes for the tanking/DPS helms trainable? Is Gnomish or Goblin preferable?

Is it worth throwing down Honor points on the blue set items, or should I just hold out until the S1 Arena items become buyable with Honor? I've still got 3 green armor items, and no resilience whatsoever. Here's my current layout -- http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Daggerspine&n=Molkar

As far as crafting and Reputation rewards, there isn't anything else out there that's good for a DPS/PVP warrior? (Outside of the helm and the mace)


border said:
Damn, those engineering goggles look pretty sweet -- engineering doesn't seem like a bad idea either, since I'd get an epic tanking helm out of it as well. How rough is the 1-350 grind for Engineering, in terms of expenses? I'd have to drop mining to get ENG, so maybe I can at least mine up the mats I need before taking up the new profession. I know next-to-nothing about engineering, since everybody always talked about it like it was a shitty profession. Are the recipes for the tanking/DPS helms trainable? Is Gnomish or Goblin preferable?

Is it worth throwing down Honor points on the blue set items, or should I just hold out until the S1 Arena items become buyable with Honor? I've still got 3 green armor items, and no resilience whatsoever. Here's my current layout -- http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Daggerspine&n=Molkar

As far as crafting and Reputation rewards, there isn't anything else out there that's good for a DPS/PVP warrior? (Outside of the helm and the mace)

i wouldnt waste points on the blue pieces, just get the epics, and then save for season 1 gear, patch 2.3 should be out fairly soon (month?)

eng 1-350 is fairly cheap, its a pretty painless lvl, what i would do is find the engineering lvling guide on the wow professions forum, farm the mats with your mining, and then powerlvl the eng, should be pretty painless, and the goggles are great


So how did everyone's first day of voice chat go? AV went down for most of the night, and I was stuck doing EOTS for the measly 160 Honor it gives......whatta crock.


Has problems recognising girls
I'm guessing a lot players won't use it during PUG battlegrounds due to playing with people they don't know. Especially in an AV match where everything can be chaos - people not defending a GY flag they just capped and they don't want to be told to sit the fuck down and harden up :lol

Which is really sad because when you're in an AV with 35+ like-minded people and everyone is doing their jobs it is total bliss. Back a month before TBC we were using stickyqueue with vent on our server and one of the best strategies we used during those times were for people on Kodo mounts to "cover" the flag cappers so unless you were AOE spamming you couldn't target them and stop them. Voice chat brings a lot to PVP so hopefully more people will flick it on, listen patiently and provide sound input as well.


Eric P said:
2.3 is coming this week?

that's rather soon isn't it?
Onto the PTR :D

But I expect 2.3 to drop at the end of Oct. They said it'll come out really fast. If it comes out BEFORE then, I would be surprised.


I've left my Warlock for a while until 2.3 is released. No point levelling him now :D

Mess about on my Priest for the meantime.


What evidence exactly leads people to believe that Patch 2.3 will be out in the next month? I haven't kept up with blue posts or Blizzard interviews...


well given blizzard's history the patch will come later than ppl expect

when has a patch came sooner than expected ever in this game?

firex said:
It has the halloween stuff in it.

they can do a small patch like today w/the brewmaster stuff for halloween


Has problems recognising girls
Who knows how long 2.3 will be in the PTRs for before it's released on the live servers. Not only does it have Zul'Aman in it, but also some pretty hefty class changes to boot.

I'm taking a stab and saying it'll be released at the very latest by mid-November.


Has problems recognising girls

Also fellow Horde players - make sure to do the Brewfest quests. 600 tickets to get the Brewfest Ram mount hooray! People are saying roughly 50 tickets for the daily quest of ram riding to deliver kegs outside Orgrimmar gates from Razor Hill, then there's a few more ways to get tickets.
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