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World of Warcraft

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firex said:
damn. I guess the other pally changes are for after 2.3. well, pvping it is, then!
all we really need is threat redux. other changes can come later. you can bet your ass ret pallies are gonna bitch to high heaven that it's not in the patch with the feedback tool :lol


- Lowered the fireball damage of Defias Pillagers
- Increased the cooldowns on the heals of Kurzen Medicine Men

omg thank god. along with a flight path to the north alliance post in STV. Playing as Horde for so long I forgot how hellish STV was with just BB FP for allies.. then I went back. Patch 2.3 sounds incredible, I quit a while back. It seems like they've decided to fix all kinds of things people have been complaining about forever. Daily quests for PvP to add a bit more for the people who enjoy that.

The new +15% movement speed abilities for Pally's/Rogue's could be really powerful. Pursuit of Justice used to suck for pallies outside of leveling, but man that sounds kinda ok now. I doubt the +3% chance to resist spells helps though.. most casters have such huge +hit for spells. Shammies with some great sounding changes


Lowered the fireball damage of Defias Pillagers

Wow, just got my first Ally alt to have to quest here and I thought I was alone in swearing at these guys. I couldn't even solo the escort quest at 20.
I've rolled a Warrior, a Mage, and a Priest thru that quest, and have never had trouble with them. I will say, though; that with the Warrior, discretion is the better part of valor on that; adds == run NOW.


Has problems recognising girls
Yeah, if you can't manage it you'll get nuked. Rogues get eaten alive if there's more than one hitting them.


I'm not sure how many people here play hunters, but there was a huge annoucement deep in a thread on the hunters official WoW forum by Kalgan:

We're planning to shrink the min range on ranged attacks to reduce or eliminate the "dead zone". The only point to the dead zone was to ensure the min range on ranged weapons was enough such that ranged weapon attacks wouldn't be used while also being melee'd (at least by mobs... players have a bit of slush built in).

It would be a pretty huge change if they do go through with it. It's pretty much the biggest complaint hunters had since the game was released. I doubt it will hit for 2.3, though. :(


Well, that is bullshit. Half the fun of fighting a hunter is chasing them down and forcing them to gain space again. What hope is there if they can just continuously nuke at any range? Where is the class' weakness then?

Half the reason they have all their snares, traps, and slows is so that they can establish range.....but now they won't even need to do that anymore, but at the same time they'll be allowed to retain all their CC. Meanwhile I'm stuck with a 1 trinket and a prayer.

How about increasing the "melee zone" to 10 yards or so? Cause ya know, the only point of it was so that melee classes couldn't use range weapons while attacking =P

No surprise that this is in response to whining about Arena issues....Blizzard is sure quick to totally change up the game just so their janky competitive system gets a little less janky.


Blizzard is fucking retarded if they completely get rid of the deadzone. I hate Kalgan and I wish many terrible things upon him.


Okay, after popping off I guess I misunderstood what was meant by "deadzone" :lol I guess some others did too.

Apparently the deadzone is the 5-8 yard range where a hunter couldn't shoot or melee. I always took it to mean any range at which the hunter could not shoot (8 yards or below). From the look of the post I can't tell whether they are simply removing that small 5-8 yard zone, or removing the minimum range requirements on all ranged attacks.

I wouldn't think Blizzard would do something so game-changing as to allow hunters to shoot a target at close range, but the post that Kalgan is responding to is whining about other classes' abilities to get into melee range.....so just by context it sounds like that might be the case.


Brian Burke punched my mom
border said:
Okay, after popping off I guess I misunderstood what was meant by "deadzone" :lol I guess some others did too.

Apparently the deadzone is the 5-8 yard range where a hunter couldn't shoot or melee. I always took it to mean any range at which the hunter could not shoot (8 yards or below). From the look of the post I can't tell whether they are simply removing that small 5-8 yard zone, or removing the minimum range requirements on all ranged attacks.

I wouldn't think Blizzard would do something so game-changing as to allow hunters to shoot a target at close range, but the post that Kalgan is responding to is whining about other classes' abilities to get into melee range.....so just by context it sounds like that might be the case.

And then you have warlocks. I don't think blizz minds overpowering classes as long as it's not rogues or shamans.

"Hunters are the redheaded bastard child of Blizzard"
With all the snares and roots and things of those nature available to most classes, it's quite easy to quickly get into a hunter's dead zone and make quick work of him. Especially with all our slowing effects usually lasting less time than that of any other class. Explain why wing clip still lasts half as long as hamstring or crippling poison. Please, do it.


Azwethinkweiz said:
Especially with all our slowing effects usually lasting less time than that of any other class. Explain why wing clip still lasts half as long as hamstring or crippling poison. Please, do it.
Well, probably because hunters have like a half dozen slowing or stunning/trapping effects that work at long range or melee so it doesn't seem entirely fair to make them as effective as the snares of a class that only gets 1-2 close range snares.

Read the patch notes anyway -- Hamstring duration is being reduced to 10 seconds (even before that it was like 15 seconds, right), and Crippling Poison is only 12 according to Thott.


Ok, since so many people seem to be confused as to what the dead zone is:

For Hunters:
Melee attacks: 1-5 yard range
Ranged attacks: 8-35 yard range (8-41 with a talent)

See the problem there?



Hunter will not be able to shoot people with ranged attacks at point blank (melee) range. If you wan to kill a hunter, it'll be the same as before, get in their face. They'll be forced to try to melee and snare you, then run to range. Nothing will change except for the fact that there will be no dead space where a hunter can no longer melee or ranged attack you.

If anything, hunters may lose some yard on their max range, giving it up to be able to shoot you a couple yards closer than before (6-33). Who knows, they could make hunter ranged attack work from 6-35.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Hunter will not be able to shoot people with ranged attacks at point blank (melee) range. If you wan to kill a hunter, it'll be the same as before, get in their face. They'll be forced to try to melee and snare you, then run to range. Nothing will change except for the fact...Hunters will also be getting a ranged disarm shot and a melee attack similar to MS

You forgot to add that little part...

In the mean time hit rating will be nerfed which affects rogues the most and lets not forget all the resilience which makes them complete shit PVP.


MrToughPants said:
You forgot to add that little part...

I never saw a blue post saying that (about disarming shot). Someone pulled it out of some data in the patch or whatever, but then again, there are a ton of different skills that were pulled out of patches (hunter abilites, like Black Arrow and tons of pet abilites) that never made it live. Who knows about other classes, because I honestly don't follow what other classes mine from the patch notes.

EDIT: Looking at the actual tooltip for Disarming Shot, it says 35 yard range (meaning 0-35, allowing point blank shooting). If it were a hunter ability, it should say 8-35 yards. It could just be a mob ability in Zul’Aman. The only hunter ranged ability that can be used point blank is scatter shot (talent), which is 0-15.

Who knows what will happen.


So they made the lvling progression faster now?

How much faster/easier is it now to get to 60?

I kinda lost interest after lvl 22-25! Also died alot. everyone was high lvl on the server I played on, so I just wanted to get high lvl as fast as possible!


idk what the actual xp per level requirement reduction is, but it's rumored to be like 15%. Quest xp from level 30+ is increased by 30% though.


A friggin' 10 second Disarming ability for hunters? Yeesh -- 10 seconds is forever against a class with so many snares and so much ranged ability. Not to mention that it's now impossible to be Immune to Disarm through talents or enchantments (they will probably nerf the "Immune to Disarm" epic gloves as well). I suspect rogues will get fucked pretty hard, but warriors can spec their way down to a 5 sec. disarm.

Edit -- NVM: The gloves are already shown as nerfed on WoWHead http://www.wowhead.com/?item=23533
Glad I didn't throw down 5 Primal Mights and a Nether on them :\
firex said:
idk what the actual xp per level requirement reduction is, but it's rumored to be like 15%. Quest xp from level 30+ is increased by 30% though.
Transferred my 32 mage to the ptr to see. On live 32-33 is 54500, on the ptr its only 44600


OKAY so this 2.3 patch is not live yet?

will there be other things that will make it easier to lvl for a noob? I heard that they are removing many low lvl elites, and make stuff more solo-able, but will there be more gear?

how much better is the new quest xp reward you get? and what about the improved loot?


border said:
Yeah, Engineering looks like a major advantage for melee classes with all the stuns/interrupts that the craftable items can provide. I doubt I'd bother to use it for my warlock, but for the warrior it'd be almost invaluable for arena matches where it's worth it for a clutch stun or extra burst damage. Obviously, most of the mats make it too expensive to use Engineeringg items in battlegrounds/world PVP....but I think the Arena system has made Engineering a lot more valuable.

Eh, consumables (most eng stuff) don't work in arena =( Equipped stuff is alright (though still with exceptions like the Poultryizer). I have gnomish for the Nigh Invulnerability Belt, then my Rocket Boots Xtreme (which friggin ROCK) and of course the incredible goggles. Though as a shaman I have to get mats for 3 of the damn things for different talent spec gear sets -_-

Oh and hunter complainers don't forget about their ranged arcane/dispel shot. One more thing to take away my 41 pt earth shield, mage buffs and all that good shit while doing damage too! Fantastic job Bliz. At least my warrior is safe!


Has problems recognising girls
Heh yeah I hate it when Earth Shield gets nullified/stolen after that mana-intensive cast. It was quite funny with the PTR premades awhile back playing as a Mage, you'd spellsteal from a Resto Shaman and you KNEW they would race back to you to try and purge it off.
:lol @ nobody here knowing what the hell the deadzone even is.

The change to arcane dispel is stupid, it just rapes the classes hunters are already strong against and does jack shit otherwise. Oh and I seriously doubt disarming shot is intended to be for hunters. It's most likely something they were playing with but decided not to go with and accidentally left it in.

As for *why* hunters need such buffs despite the inevitable, hilarious whining it causes: http://vhairi.blogspot.com/


Has problems recognising girls
The deadzone is pretty silly anyway. Who here can say that they easily maintain a 5-8 yard distance from Hunters whilst still maintaining abilities/spells?
speedpop said:
The deadzone is pretty silly anyway. Who here can say that they easily maintain a 5-8 yard distance from Hunters whilst still maintaining abilities/spells?
Mages, and druids to a much lesser extent. No one else. It's moderately annoying when kiting melee classes though.


If only they'd make earth shield undispellable or something. It seems kind of bullshit that a 41 point talent can be taken away so easily... oh well.

Actually, I don't know, maybe resto shamans are strong enough without it in pvp, but I kind of doubt it.


firex said:
Actually, I don't know, maybe resto shamans are strong enough without it in pvp, but I kind of doubt it.

Yeah not really. We get our one Nature's Swiftness heal, then lesser heal spam and zero heal over times to buffer damage.

One suggestion hopping around shammie boards is that dispel/purge/arcane shot only take away a portion of the earth shield charges, which would be a lot nicer than all 10 hehe.
border said:
The cost of those Heroic rewards seems pretty ridiculous. 75 Badges for some of that stuff, yeesh.
Not really. It's all easily better than tier 4, and some pieces are better budgeted than tier 5 depending on what you want. There's new daily quests for 5 badges every day and ZA drops what, 12 and 10 from quest at the end? Kara's dropping badges now. It'll be incredibly easy to get badges, and that's on top of the current Mech/UB/SP whoring going on now. Sure you won't have a piece in one afternoon, but it's better than just waiting for the RNG gods to shine upon you.

Still relegated to single piece for DPS classes though, which sucks. And even moreso now that haste and penetration seem to be mutually exclusive for god knows what reason. I guess they don't want rogues to rape clothies too much or hunters to screw up their rotations, but still.
Anyone on here do much BG's? I am currently spending most of my time playing my 29 druid in battlegrounds. I am on a PvE server(Amun Thul) and it sounds like most of you guys play on PvP servers.


Son of Godzilla said:
Not really. It's all easily better than tier 4, and some pieces are better budgeted than tier 5 depending on what you want. There's new daily quests for 5 badges every day and ZA drops what, 12 and 10 from quest at the end? Kara's dropping badges now.
That's cool -- I guess I didn't know there would be so many ways to acquire Badges in 2.3. "Only 10 more Heroic Mech runs to go!" isn't really encouraging progression for most of the people that aren't into big raid content. If there is a routine way to get badges through solo content (what are the daily quests like?), then I approve....
Heh, the daily quest is for doing Heroics. Not quite that easy I'm afraid.

I agree with you though. Outside of guild runs with one or two pick ups it's incredibly hard to get heroics done on smaller servers, and worse still doing it with any reliability. And that's to say nothing of getting non-heroics done eight months after everyone was already sick of them.

I hope the daily quests (seems to be one for normals, one for heroics) really improves this.

Anyone on here do much BG's? I am currently spending most of my time playing my 29 druid in battlegrounds. I am on a PvE server(Amun Thul) and it sounds like most of you guys play on PvP servers.

BGs are much, much more boring at level 70 than they ever were at 60. I think it's a combination of the arenas being an incredibly fun alternative form of PVP, the sta changes making everything seem to take alot longer, and how much of a goddamn grind it is to gather all the honor for the insanely good honor items, which are pretty much required for arenas unlike the pre-TBC honor system that served no real purpose.

I went into AV on a 51 paladin the other day though and genuinely enjoyed it. Felt alot more like the older AVs, much slower paced than the 70 bracket.


Son of Godzilla said:
BGs are much, much more boring at level 70 than they ever were at 60. I think it's a combination of the arenas being an incredibly fun alternative form of PVP, the sta changes making everything seem to take alot longer, and how much of a goddamn grind it is to gather all the honor for the insanely good honor items, which are pretty much required for arenas unlike the pre-TBC honor system that served no real purpose.

I went into AV on a 51 paladin the other day though and genuinely enjoyed it. Felt alot more like the older AVs, much slower paced than the 70 bracket.

ya i agree pre xpac raiding, for most classes anyways, was the best way to gear up for pvp

its not hard to grind honor now, that fast paced alterac valley that you dislike at 70, is the easiest way to honor grind, during av weekends you can easily make 10k+ honor a day, if you are sick and sit at the computer all day i'm sure 30k can be made in a day

with casual play you can easily get your boots, bracers, belt, ring, neck, trinket, and cape in 2-3 weeks

at any rate ppl shouldnt bitch its way easier to get pvp rewards with this system, its not like you have to maintain rating in pvp anymore like before, pvp when you want to if you want gear, seems pretty fair
BGs are for two things: the PvP bracers, boots, pvp gems etc, and finding out who on your battlegroup noshed on the wall candy as a child.

Seriously, some are so resistant to learning and self-awareness they fall for the same tricks and strats over and over. I hope they never go to prison; they'll pick up the soap every night.


man, I don't know anymore if I should go pvp on my pally or just try to raid ZA/do heroics and get the plate dps set. That stuff is nice and it's not like I'll ever sniff t5 gear.

I kind of want to pvp just because it was a lot more fun for me pvping with a ret pally than it was with my warlock (despite the warlock being way better), but the ZA/heroic rewards seem a lot better... especially since I doubt I could get on an arena team as a ret pally.


firex said:
man, I don't know anymore if I should go pvp on my pally or just try to raid ZA/do heroics and get the plate dps set. That stuff is nice and it's not like I'll ever sniff t5 gear.

I kind of want to pvp just because it was a lot more fun for me pvping with a ret pally than it was with my warlock (despite the warlock being way better), but the ZA/heroic rewards seem a lot better... especially since I doubt I could get on an arena team as a ret pally.

what dont you like about pvp on a lock?

just curious, as im currently lvling one to primarily pvp with, i'm currently at lvl 30


firex said:
man, I don't know anymore if I should go pvp on my pally or just try to raid ZA/do heroics and get the plate dps set. That stuff is nice and it's not like I'll ever sniff t5 gear.

I kind of want to pvp just because it was a lot more fun for me pvping with a ret pally than it was with my warlock (despite the warlock being way better), but the ZA/heroic rewards seem a lot better... especially since I doubt I could get on an arena team as a ret pally.
Actually when 2.3 rolls out it's looking like ret pally/ms warrior/resto shaman is a viable 3v3 team.

The ret pally dps never shuts off (sanctified seals) and they're harder to kite with the new pursuit upgrade.

Not to mention I've tested the new vindication and it's broken.


Maxrpg said:
Actually when 2.3 rolls out it's looking like ret pally/ms warrior/resto shaman is a viable 3v3 team.

still not as good as MS war/holy pal/elemental shaman

or any 2 healer + ms warrior combo

i dont think ret will ever be viable in arena
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